Software :: Images And Other Data Getting Corrupted

Aug 9, 2009

I have an imac, running 10.4.11. Suddenly I'm having a problem viewing images I've loaded onto the computer. I get the following error - "Couldn't open the file. It may be corrupt or a file format that Preview doesn't recognize." It's very random though. Initially I may be able to view the file (typically a .jpeg), then later I can't, or some of it appears but it's corrupted.

I've tried this using pictures from several different digital cameras/memory cards, so I don't think it's a fault on that end. Also, I've had some problems merely opening up screenshots, and TextEdit files - though again, this seems random. Thinking there might be cache issues, I cleared the history folder, but that didn't help.

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OS X :: How To Recover Data From A Possible Corrupted Folder?

Jan 31, 2009

would need some help on this matter.

- It's on an external hdd, 1tb Western Digital MyBook hooked via firewire.
- It's a folder containing music (MP3 + FLAC).
- All the data in that folder is gone, 0 file, tried on my Macbook and Windows desktop and both came out with the same result.
- External HDD is NTFS, using Paragon NTFS on my Macbook.
- The data are still in the hdd, just that it doesn't show any data in the folder, because the space used is still there + the songs still play on my media player library list.

So main problem here is, how what do I need to do to view the data in that folder now.

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Hardware :: Data On RAID 1 Get Corrupted - Need To Reformat

Jun 24, 2009

Ever since I got this 2TB external (Maxtor Onetouch III RAID 1) I've had it running in it's default RAID 0 set up and it's been fine, however, recently Leopard's been finicky about loading it. (every so often it seems that the data has been corrupted and I have to reformat). I have the equivalent amount of space on other external discs so I haven't lost anything truly important. So that's the situation, here's what I have been thinking about.

I've been thinking of trying to set it up to be RAID 1 so that I can pinpoint whether one of the drives inside if failing or whether I should just try to call Seagate and see if the drive is still under warranty. Does anyone here know the best way to set up this drive to RAID 1? I know I can set up RAID arrays via Disk Utility, but I can't get DU to recognize each drive separately. (setting it to have 2 partitions of equal size doesn't work either, it comes back as RAID failed)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Retrieve Data Out Of A Corrupted Folder?

Apr 28, 2012

Some how through interacting through my iMac file system via PlayStation3 Media Server and my Macbook Pro, the permissions on my Movies folder were what I can only describe as totally nuked and I can no longer access my data.  There are no longer any permissions associated with my movies folder in my user's home directory.  Accordingly, I cannot access the large volume of movies (all law fully copied from hard copies which I own, of course) via local disk acess or over the network through my Playstation 3 or by mounting my user volume onto my Macbook Pro. I did change the owner via the terminal and the chown command but while the directory comes up when I look at the permissions using root access, when navigating through the finder I still cannot access the data in the folder. 

I would like to try to get my movies back. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Calendar App Is Corrupted - How To Reinstall Without Losing Data

Sep 12, 2014

I am using OS X 10.9.4 on a MacBook Pro. When I launch the Calendar app (Version 7.0 (1841.1)), I don't see any of my event. I have to go to the Window menu and click Calendar. The app crashes pretty often. Can I reinstall it without losing my calendar data?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: Hard Drive Crashed / Recover Data From Corrupted Drives?

Jun 2, 2008

My friends iBook hard drive has crashed and I'm in the process of replacing it. However, he had a lot of important data on that hard drive that he needs recovered. Is there any software that you can recommend (for Windows or OS X) that will recover data from corrupt/bad hard drives? I have software for NTFS/FAT32 but don't know of any good ones for HFS.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Automator Message - Data Couldn't Be Read Because It Has Been Corrupted

Mar 20, 2012

Every time I sign into my Macbook, I get an error message from Automator; "The data couldn't be read because it has been corrupted.". I have never created an Automator workflow. How do I find out what Automator is trying to run and stop it?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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Applications :: ITunes Corrupted, All Of OS Corrupted - Can Installing Clean Copy Of Os X Fix It

Sep 15, 2009

For the past few months, I've tried to restore my iPod Classic because it randomly restarts itself, not to mention moving on the following song during the middle of a song that is already playing. However, it seems iTunes won't restore it. The following message appears every time I try to do this:

The link takes me here:


But that website simply doesn't help me out. I've taken my iMac to a Genius and he basically said that something is corrupted in OS X. I should mention the fact that programs such as Onyx and Maintenance claim that I am not the admin when in fact, my account is the only account on the computer. The funny thing was that I created a new account and restored the iPod through there, it would work just fine.

So, besides that long explanation of my problem, is there anyway I can fix this without having to resort to placing all my files on an external and installing a clean copy of OS X? Would archiving and installing back to Leopard do the trick?

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OS X Server :: Blank Disk Images To Store Sensitive Data?

Dec 19, 2006

I created some blank disk images to store sensitive data in; with some I created my own password and with others I had the system do it. I also made the mistake of instructing the system to remember the passwords. Remembering the passwords kind of defeats the purpose as it automatically opens the folders. I want to be prompted for a password and never have been. I want to delete the blank disk image folders, but have not found a way of doing this and then I will create them again and instruct it not to remember the passwords. How to delete or change the password settings?

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OS X :: Finder Automatically Saves Spam Images And Mixes Them In Important Images?

Jul 19, 2009

I've noticed that finder, automatically saves unnecessary spam images and mixes them in with my important images, is there someway of either adding a spam label, to them, so they end up in another folder, or completely stopping the saving process entirely?

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Software :: Unable To Open Jpg Images / Images Sent Via Email?

May 6, 2008

When I receive a jpg (not a jpeg) from a mac via email it wont open in either outlook or picture viewer etc (win xp). But if the same image is sent to any other PC (from the ma user) it opens OK.The added twist. If another pc user opens (which it does with no issues) then closes and sends back to the failing pc it opens with no issues!

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Software :: Mac OS X 10.4 Crashed And Get Corrupted

Sep 4, 2009

I was working my mac using the terminals. I logged in as root using sudo root, and I changed the permission for /urs folder to 754. I should not have done this but I was intending to change /usr/local/svn. Now all the terminals wont open and after the os crashed I tried to log in but that is not happening either. I have tried to boot in safe mode, it is not helping. I was wondering if any one knows if it is possible to log in as root or system. Because at the moment the only thing that seems to be possible way out is to try and repair the OS with the install disk, which I think is risky.

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Software :: Update Corrupted OS

Aug 17, 2010

My friend last night came home with a smile on his face and an iPhone4 in his pocket, he was told to download itunes to sync up and activate his new phone, i told him to wait till I came round but as normal users are he went ahead and downloaded a 400mb upgrade which contained itunes, quicktime and apparently an OS upgrade. Once downloaded he rebooted as told and the upgrade started, once expanded it then complained saying the source was corrupted, reboot to boot the mac... this is where things went downhill.

On reboot he gets a boot failure when the linux part of the OS loads up with a failed boot, all sorted of flags and memory tokens in top left of screen, greyed out and a reboot dialog in the middle of the screen. Macbok is black and the OS i think is ver 9.6(personaly i not worked on macs in nearly 10 years) so am not upto speed on how to fix, repair or reinstal.

As expected, my m8 has no original media, and no backups and is well stuck being completly useless at doing anything right with a computer.

Is there any public shareware tools i can search for and burn to cd so i can boot it up and connect a usb drive to copy the contents off, then somehow repair the OS.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Desktop #1 Is Corrupted, Can't Get Rid Of It

Jun 23, 2012

My #1 desktop picture cannot be modified or changed by any known method and I swear I have tried them all.  I'll add the screen shot below.  AND the #1 desktop cannot be delted.  My #2 desktop CAN be modified. As can #3, 4, etc. however many I can make.  I would like to get rid of this weirdo desktop, but cannot. Is there a terminal command? 

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QuickTime :: X Won't Open And Got Corrupted?

Jul 1, 2012

Quicktime got corrupted, so i downloaded passifist and extracted it again from the install disk. the result was a complete quicktime that had all the files, but wouldnt open. How do i fix this? should i redownload mac OS X Lion to fix it or will it fix itself when mountain lion comes out?


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OS X :: IMac Very Slow - Has Corrupted Fonts?

Feb 6, 2009

I have an iMac that runs quite slowly after a few hours use, especially when using Photoshop and other Adobe software. What happens is, the processor gets completely swamped with "System" tasks (shown in Activity Monitor as red bars), the result being that "User" tasks are slow and the mouse jumps around the screen, rendering the computer almost useless. I've done a bunch of disk utilities including Leopard's onboard Disk Utility as well as OnyX, and although some errors were found, it was nothing serious. And after repairing, problems persisted.

Now, here's the thing. When I open Console, most of the errors are Adobe-related (mostly Photoshop and Dreamweaver). And I just ran a "Validate Fonts" check in Font Book, and found 15 fonts that have "serious errors, do not use".

So, I've often heard that Leopard, Adobe CS3, and corrupted fonts are a lethal combination. Not that I'm asking anyone to diagnose my problems from across the world, but does this sound like it could be the root of my problem? And if so, what's the proper process for removing the dangerous fonts so they can't ruin anything? Do I just delete them, or do corrupted fonts cause deeper problems which might necessitate reinstallation?

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OS X :: Mac Corrupted Micro SD Card - How To Read It Via Mac

Oct 7, 2010

A friend has a phone with a Micro SD card in. It olds photos and music for use in a Mobile phone.
Apparently after connecting to new MacBook to download the photos (via USB cable between phone and MacBook) it cannot be accessed in the phone. Can still read it via the Mac.

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OS X :: Corrupted User Account - How To Restorte

Dec 19, 2010

I run day-to-day in a non-Admin account. About 18 months ago, the in the menu bar has gone from 100% black to 50% black to 25% black, alternating horizontally. This happens only in my non-Admin account.
A few days ago, I have not been able to properly log off of MobileMe or access the Account info. I get this screen:

Again, it only happens in my day-to-day non Admin account. I can access these fine in my other accounts.
My AppleCare warranty runs out next month. So I am going to take my 2007 24", 2.4GHz, 4GB iMac to the Apple Store to see what's what.

Can they restore my account and still keep all my additions/modifications to my account and still be able to fix it?

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OS X :: Spotlight Search Icons Corrupted?

Feb 11, 2009

Recently the application icons in Spotlight's search window look odd. There's no problem with the search itself, Spotlight hasn't slowed down, the indexing seems ok, in fact the whole system appears to be ok, let aside these odd looking icons.

Logging out or restarting the system works for a while, 3 Spotlight searches to be precisely, the icons are fine for a while, but the fourth search returns every application icon the way it is seen on the screenshots I made.

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OS X :: Recovering Files From Corrupted USB Drive?

Jul 20, 2009

The USB flash drive is Sandisk, 4GB, formatted for Mac. It became corrupted and I don't have access to stored files. The messages on screen is that disk can not be read and invitation to reformat it. I found special software for recovering files from corrupted drives but it is not affordable for a student like me. I've tried to find in forums and word of mouth some shareware/freeware working on Mac OS 10.3.9 but all I got is programs that take space on HD and do nothing, that is, software that is about selling and marketing stuff, not the real thing. Tried with 3 different such a programs, sheer time wasting. I found that this area is pretty much absolutely dark. Do experienced fellow mac users know about some truly working shareware/freeware that can help me retrieve the files from this corrupted Sandisk USB flash drive?

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OS X :: Software Update - Corrupted File

Oct 24, 2009

I am new to macs. I clicked "software update" and it downloaded 9 things. everything from iworks 09 to itunes and mac os X update. After it downloads it says "some of the selected uopdates could not be expanded and verified. it may have been corrupted during download etc. The update will be download and checked next time " I have done this like 5 times in a row and the i get the same message. Since I am new to mac I have no idea how to debug this. Can someone tell me what I am supposed toi do now? . Also if i uncheck all except one (like imove) I get the same message about the file being corrupted. When I check only tghe mac OS X update and it then asks to restart the computer, it again gives the message saying an unknown error has occurred and it couldnt be installed.

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OS X :: HD Corrupted But Accessible - How To Transfer Application To New HD

Nov 28, 2009

My original boot drive went south and won't boot. However, I can access all the docs and folders when using it as a second, 'data' drive. I have a new boot drive with a fresh copy of OSX installed.

How can I copy my applications over to the new drive? Is there any way to retain my old preferences/setups in the applications.

I'm so not wanting to start from scratch with every program.

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OS X :: Updates Not Expanded - Corrupted During Downloading

Dec 16, 2009

Trying to install downloaded updates, I get this, over and over: "The update could not be expanded, and may have been corrupted during downloading. The update will be downloaded and checked again the next time that Software Update runs." There are four updates waiting that I have tried to install as a group and individually. Part way through the installation it says "An error has occurred". When I click OK the above message shows up. Is it me, the computer, the connection, the server, what?

Mac 10.6.2

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OS X :: Don't Have Permissions To View Files - Corrupted?

Jul 22, 2010

I performed an erase and install of Snow Leopard and then used Migration assistant to transfer all my data back to my computer. After that I noticed that on my 2 other internal hard drives, most of my folders had a red minus sign over them and when I clicked the folder it said "The Folder can't be opened because you don't have permissions to see its content". I clicked get info and under sharing and permissions there was a name that said "unknown". was this the newly created account which I had deleted? Afterwards I added my account and applied it to all my files and folders. I can now access all my files and folders. But now my question is weather or not my files became corrupt or was it just a permissions issue? Also What caused the permissions issue in the first place?

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OS X Server :: Display Corrupted After Login?

Feb 26, 2007

I have recently had a problem with one of our servers (running OsX 10.4.8 Server). Normally I connect remotely via Chicken of the VNC, as it doesn't have a graphics card and is in another room. Connecting works fine and the display is perfect (see [URL] until that is, I try to log in. Once logged in (doesn't matter as what user, even tried a completely new one) the display instantly becomes illegible, with each row seemingly shifted 10 or so pixels to the right as you go down the display (see [URL] All directory, file and web services function correctly and the remote VNC connection is responsive (for example if you can guess where the logout button is, it will return to the perfectly displayed login screen...), but I am at a loss as to what is causing this and/or how to fix it, short of a clean install, but since it is a heavily used production server, I am loath to take it offline for that long. Any advice, tips or even solutions would be fantastic, I have been googling around for a week or so and comparing System and Library directories file by file with one of our other servers to see if there's something obvious, but to no avail.

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Intel Mac :: Mail Is Being Corrupted By A Trojan?

Mar 12, 2012

Just recently, my Norton Internet Solutions (particularly Anti-Virus) has been disabled, and emails sent to people on my contact lists in Eudora, by some sort of Trojan.  Mail also seems to be involved, because it opens unexpectedly, and tries to contact the internet without reason, as I've learned through 'Little Snitch'. My two anti-virus programs, Avast! and Norton don't seem to be able to detect this problem. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mail

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Downloads And Dmgs Are Now Corrupted?

Mar 12, 2012

all down loads especcially .dmg files can not open when they are verified they are all corrupted or have bad ckksum.

MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Corrupted Fonts Can't Remove

Mar 13, 2012

Apparently I have some corrupted fonts which I have not been able to remove.  I disable them, restart computer and some enabled again.  Attempt to remove via comand, occasionally they appear in trash but some have the grayed out "remove font..."

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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ITunes :: Delete A Corrupted Library?

Mar 15, 2012

My iTunes was freezing at the beginning after I have tried to load some mp3 files.I got an advice to click "option" with the iTunes icon and I could build a new library.Now, How can I delete the old corrupted one which is almost 100Gb??

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Repair Corrupted Mov. Files?

Apr 2, 2012

I edited a wedding on Final Cut studio. Both the software as well as all my uploaded footage collected on an external harddrive. BOOM  My hard drive completely becomes corrupt and I can't mount it (meaning my computer doesn't recognize the drive). I then purchased a data-recovery software and, after about two hours, recovered the corrupted files. I then downloaded "VLC" as well as "DIGITAL REBELLION" to repair the files and they cannot seem to do so. Case and point I need these MOV. files as soon as possible and I turn to this forum for guidance of any kind. My Mac is a desktop iMac. It's completely updated and I'm running on iOS X 7.3.

Final Cut Pro 7, iOS 5.1

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