OS X :: Safari Quickly Gets Bloated-starts Low And Goes To Over A GB?
Feb 16, 2010
Safari quickly gets bloated-starts low and goes to over a GB. Very slooow.I've cleaned it out several times-once with an Apple genius.I have a Macbook Pro Aluminum with 4GBCan anyone suggest a fix-I really like Safari
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Jun 15, 2012
After I go to a few sites my computer starts to take a long time loading pages - also in Mail after I view a few emails mail doesn't let me preview. I have to restart my computer to illuminate the lag. Is the computer saving too much cache or other info?- What can I change in my browser and mail preferences to stop this.
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 27, 2012
I can turn on my mac, the beach ball starts spinning and stays spinning for awhile, finally starts up but then quickly shuts back down? I have never encountered this type of problem with my desktop before! I have checked all the power supplies and reset the powercord, I unplugged the computer and tried to reboot it to no avail. Does anyone know how to do the type of reboot where you hold down the power button and two keys (?) wait for the 2nd chime then let go of the keys? I believe that is how it's done.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1), operating system- not 100% sure?
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Jul 19, 2010
My Macbook is brand new! (Barely 4 months old) Just recently my laptop will flash a black screen. It starts from the bottom and quickly flashes up the screen higher and higher each flash! i have read on some other pages it is a bad inverter on the inner core of the Macbook. Other than that I do not know what to do!
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Mar 6, 2012
While I am using safari and have many tabs in use for different websites, Safari will close very quickly by itself. Then it a window apears that a problem occured, but it will not report it to apple-because that won't work either.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 10, 2010
how I can quickly print the first page I am looking at in SafariI cant seem to find an option to print page one of however many there are.
I dont want to have to go:-
Print>Preview>File>Print selected page>Print
as five steps is far too long winded with the amount of printing I am dealing with every day.What I really need to do is to print Paypal invoices WITHOUT them going over to a second page and wasting ink/paper.
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Apr 14, 2012
In Safari how do I quickly switch between windows?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 26, 2010
I've been using my new Macbook Air for a while, and lately Safari starts to crash frequently, twice a day or more. I've read some earlier posts and have checked my Internet Plugins, as listed below, being not so sure about which to delete. I have however already deleted one belonging to PowerMac as someone said.
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Mar 2, 2010
Recently I started have this issue on Youtube where I'm on a vid page and when I try to back out for some reason safari starts downloading the vid in mp4 format! Sometimes so fast I cannot stop it! Also when I just click on a vid thumbnail this will sometimes happen.
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May 1, 2009
My unibody macbook that is about 3 months old is acting really weird. When i open 3 or more windows of safari and itunes it starts to lock up and act slugishly. When i open activity monitor it says is still has about 800mb of memory open. It is the base model with all stock components.
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Jun 24, 2010
I leave my music folder out of it, because I'm constantly getting new music and I'd like to be able to have a backup that I can actually access and listen to my music. So here's what I have setup. Here is my crontab:
Code: @daily rsync -a /Users/ianyoung/Music/iTunes/ /Volumes/Network Storage/Audio/ &> /dev/null This rsync tab just backs up my itunes folder to my drobo every night. Okay, so here's a ls -l of the itunes folder on my imac:
Code: drwxr-xr-x 11 ianyoung staff 374 Jun 21 18:05 iTunes Now that's the folder whos contents are getting rsynced every night. well here's the folder that it's going to...
Code: drwxr-xr-x+ 11367 ianyoung staff 60548526 Jun 21 18:05 Audio I don't know wtf happens, but the filesystem thinks that that folder is so huge. I can't even get into it in the terminal to run an ls.
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Dec 19, 2010
So after startup it uses 2 gb of Ram. Some people say that Snow Leopard releases this RAM when needed, this however is not true. If I run VMware and an App, the RAM is full and it starts using the disk. Why on earth does Snow Leopard drain 2 GB of RAM. It's ridiculous. ( VMware is limited to 1 gb and the App also uses 1 gb, so 2 gb in total ). I got 4 gb of memory btw. I wouldn't dare running Snow Leopard with only 1 GB of Ram, something Windows 7 does with no problems at all.
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Mar 26, 2009
Am I the only one who feels that iTunes has become far too bloated and heavy on system resources for such a simple task as......playing mp3s? Theres no reason for iTunes to be taking up 70+ mb of ram. And why is still called 'iTunes' when its more of a media central application, seeing how it combines iphones, ipods, apple TV, ringtones, tv episodes, etc. Its become way too broad to be called iTunes.
This is one thing that bugs me. Some of us prefer not to use such a proprietary based digital audio player like the ipod/iphones and have more common sense by using UMS based players which dont require software, and therefor have no need for all the extra features of it. And seeing how theres really only itunes for mac thats worthy of being used, im pretty much stuck on iTunes. Basically, I *ONLY* use iTunes for mp3 playback on my mac. If this was the case on windows side, I'd have a plethora of choices (im expecting blind apple sheep to start screaming at me for that one). Each time I setup iTunes with a new installation or new login account, i turn off ALLLL the features. The only one that stays is internet radio.
Basically: iTunes has become far too bloated and broad. There should be something lighter for such a common, simple, everyday used task as playing mp3s.
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Oct 22, 2010
I have a Logitech Anywhere MX mouse and it is great with my Mac. Out of the box, it "just works" to about 95% of what I need. The button on top initiates Expose which is what I want. The "back" button initiates dashboard. I would rather have the back button be, well, back, and the forward button initiate dashboard. To do this I think I need to install the Logitech software - Logitech Control Center.
So, my question, is it worth it? I'm kind of a minimalist and prefer to not put software on my computer unless it is absolutely necessary. If the LCC is considered bloat (or even halfway bloat) it won't be worth it to me.
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Nov 16, 2010
I have a fairly large music collection consisting of ripped CDs (wma and mp3), downloaded albums and singles (from itunes and other sites), my own recorded music, podcasts...you name it. I've used itunes on a number of PCs and now have it on my new imac. I want to gather everything together in one place.
I've also gone through the process of backing up my collection in a rather haphazard manner, which has meant that when I gathered all my mp3s from various places, there were many cloned folders and files all over the place. I seem to have about 4 or 5 different folders called "itunes". Also, due to the fact that itunes consolidates your collection by copying some files, there are even more duplicates kicking around.
The result is, that I now have an mp3 library of around 260gb of files, and probably about 200gb of that is made up of duplicate files...................
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Apr 14, 2012
I've had my Macbook for a couple years. I'm not someone who downloads a ton of stuff, but I suspect that my sluggish performance is due to the many startup items I have.Using iBoost, I've identified many, and know where they are, but I don't know which ones are necessary. [code]
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 9, 2010
I freaking hate iTunes. Programs for simple tasks like uploading music onto devices should be efficently coded, not resource hogs that are incredibly unintuitive and needlessly complicated. Why can't we just drag and drop music and videos directly onto our phone like we can with just about every other media player? I already have all of my music organized just as I want it on my computer. Just let me drag the folders I want directly into the iPhone without having to bother with a 100mb download that runs like crap.
There's absolutely no excuse why such a simple function needs such a complicated program. Quote:..................
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Jun 29, 2012
I bought a MacBook Pro in November, and it seems to get hot very quickly. It is usually just sitting on a desk. It sounds like the fan is working, but I don't know a solution. I have a Speck case on it, but I don't think that would be an issue? Is this worth taking to the genious bar? ...I have AppleCare
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 16, 2010
there is now one faulty pixel (red colour, ) i 've tried the Jscreen fix applet a few times as directed but it has made no difference. What do you think? Could the pixel right itself quickly, any other fixes?
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Jan 22, 2010
I feel my iMac is getting heated up very quickly...Please see the temperate and tell me whether is it ok or not ??btw, the mac is ON for the past 6hrs
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May 22, 2012
My macbook pro seems to be over heating really quickly.After about 5 minutes of being turned on the fan goes into over drive and the bottom gets extremely hot. normally i have the laptop either on a flat surface or on my legs and letting the laptop breath from underneath.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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Jun 29, 2012
My mac book pro has been overheating quickly. I will be on for a half an hour on youtube and my mac will become hot.
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Jun 8, 2008
I am considering purchasing a Mac Pro, mainly for encoding movies via handbrake. Could someone tell me the time it takes for a base configuration Mac Pro single quad 2.8ghz to rip a DVD using handbrake to H.264 for appleTV?
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Nov 18, 2008
I've got a folder with several thousand jpegs in it. I need to move 999 of them to another folder. I have the name of each file (the full directory listing actually) I need to move in a text file. I couldn't figure out how to enter in the file names to automator and I can't figure out how to use the terminal mv command with many files.
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Jun 16, 2009
I just ran a quicktime movie trailer and it immediately went to 81C. I have also noticed that the temp fluctuates very quickly, from 49C to 63C within 10 seconds when just surfing macrumors when I look at istat pro. So how hot does you MBA rev B get? Mine is a 1.86 SSD version and even though the enclosure doesn't get very hot stays in the low 30s I wonder if this is normal. temperature If I watch an episode of CSI Miami on cbs.com temp goes to 76C (176F) and fans go to 6200rpms. Enclosure still stays at 35C (95F). Is this what you get with the MBA rev B as well or is this something I should be concerned about and consider opening it to see the thermal paste and possibly re-apply?
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Apr 18, 2012
I have many printed sheets of contacts that I need to import to address book. Other than manually typing or through the magic of ocr (url...) then copying and pasting to address book, is there an easy way to input these contacts?I've found world card mobile (url...) on the iphone where I can take photo's of the contacts and the apps ocr will correctly put about 80% of the proper information in but the phone runs out of batteries and it's about the same time as copying and pasting.
I'm wondering is there a computer version of world card that would at least put the information in the right spot and I can make just minor adjustments. Or is there a way that I can make the pdf in to an excel or numbers format and the use one of those excel to vcard apps to do it all in one shot? it's a lot of contacts, over 10k.
Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 27, 2014
I'm often trying to get to the top of a message thread and I'm tired of scrolling or arrowing up page by page.
Is there a quick way to get to the very top? Some keyboard combination? I've tried everything I can think of and haven't found anything yet.
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Jun 24, 2014
-Model Name: MacBook Pro
-Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
-Memory: 4 GB
-OS X Version 10.9.3
When starting up it must be connected to the charger and when i turn it on it makes the bing noise, goes to the apple screen with the wheel turning for a second and shuts off. I have to do this multiple times until it works. Another issue that I am having is that the battery is draining very quickly. I just had it replaced a couple months ago.
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Aug 26, 2010
I just got a brand new MBP (6,2 and 10.6.4) but it's not my first. My previous MBP had the ambient light sensor that I could turn on and off via the system preferences (as mentioned in this thread) so suffice it to say, I know what it looks like when the screen dims and brightens. (I loved hovering my hands over the speakers. It was like magic to my PC friends.)
Now, I'm having an issue with my new MBP. I have my preferences set to adjust the brightness based on ambient light. And since the light sensor has moved to the microphone, it still does that just fine.
My problem is that I'm experiencing random flashes of the screen where it dims quite a bit rapidly but only for a short moment before returning to the original brightness. This occurs randomly in different light settings but most importantly when the light around me hasn't changed at all. And it has occured about once or twice a day for the last few days. I've even tried pressing my thumb over the light sensor really fast to see if it was the light sensor but try that and you'll see that it's actually really slow.
My other problem is that my screen is randomly resizing/zooming in on things. (I suspect this may be me doing some trackpad trick I'm unaware of but I've tried everything I can think of to replicate it and nothing works) Anyways, say I'm on my desktop and mousing over (with one finger) to open a folder or file. All of a sudden, all of the folders resize drastically. Or I'm in Firefox and a site loads. Then all of a sudden (*insert poltergeist*) the website zooms in or out. (like when you press cmd + or -) And it's always zooming in, never out.
Does anyone know what is going on with this? I don't know if the two things are related or if all of this is just really really stupid user error.
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Oct 23, 2010
I bought my Macbook Pro 13 inch last year in August. The health is on 88% with 84 cycles. Original battery capacity 5450 maH, current battery capacity 4809 mAH (Coconut and Istat Nano). I just read in another thread that there are users who have higher health capacity with many more cycles! I took it to the Mac store in Bangkok two weeks ago since I believe that my battery drains quickly. They run a test and told me that my battery is healthy. Then they also downloaded some updates for my Mac and run disk repair under disk utility. The technician told me that these are heavy programs and if they battery drains very quickly there is something wrong.
But according to him this was not the case. I have a 500 gb hdd and the technician said that since this is a big hdd (he recommended 320 gb maximum for 13 inch macbookpro), it will use more battery usage. I don't use heavy programs, only internet (Facebook, gmail, very seldom watch movies, watch news papers), Itunes and sometimes Word. I do a lot of photo processing, but this I always do with my adaptor plugged in. I think I can only use around 3 hours. Sometimes 4 hours. Screen around 80% brightness. Keyboard lights, bluetooth turned off. Do you think that there is a problem with my battery? Oh and I do calibrate my laptop monthly.
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