Macbook Pro Seems To Be Over Heating Really Quickly
May 22, 2012
My macbook pro seems to be over heating really quickly.After about 5 minutes of being turned on the fan goes into over drive and the bottom gets extremely hot. normally i have the laptop either on a flat surface or on my legs and letting the laptop breath from underneath.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
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Jun 29, 2012
My mac book pro has been overheating quickly. I will be on for a half an hour on youtube and my mac will become hot.
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Apr 29, 2008
What are possible causes for a macbook to heat up? I'm getting a macbook soon and also wanted to know if this heating up problem is a big issue.
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Jul 2, 2012
my macbook is extremely warm and the fan is very loud. this is happening more frequently in the last month. my computer is only a year old as of june 29, 2012
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.1.1
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Nov 7, 2010
I have the 1st Gen 13" Macbook Unibody Aluminum. I upgraded my ram to 4GB.
Whenever I watch youtube/flash videos on full screen or play even games like Counter Strike on lowest settings. My Macbook heats up like crazy.
Any reason know why this may be the case?
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May 8, 2012
My Air has been running slower than it used to and the fan comes on more often. I've been using Activity Monitor to see what's going on and it looks as though Safari is the most likely culprit as resource hog. Now I'm running Firefox and I'm not having the same problem (so far). Does anyone have any experience with this? I've only been noticing the problem for the past few months and I've always used Safari.
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May 23, 2012
Fan gets to 6,500 RPMs within 10 to 15 minutes of use. It mosty happen when I am connected to internet. I used to think, the Youtube / Flash does it. But even after disabling Flash, it spins to 6,500 with usual ferver. I have tried You tube HTML 5 version , no effect.Â
Apart from disabling Flash, I do not wjat else to do. All normal humans have to go to net!Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 24, 2008
I hope we can get a good overview of the problems with some nice percentages!
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Jun 25, 2009
i just got the new macbook pro and have been using it quite often for the last couple of weeks. I can't help but notice how hot it gets and wonder if its normal.
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Jun 8, 2010
As I play some games, the CPU's temperature gets around 70 Celsius (160 or 170 in Fahrenheit). Fans are around 6k RPM (playing The Sims 3 on Windows 7 Professional, using Everest Ultimate Edition for monitoring). I just wonder if it's ok or not to be like that. BTW, should I put on the hard case while playing? And can someone give some advice for playing games on the MBP?
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Nov 4, 2010
I'm using Safari 5.0.2. Lately every time I use Safari at some point during usage when I try to open a new tab or window I cannot do so. What happens is the new tab appears but the website I want opens in one of my other tabs already open. or it will fail to load in the new tab/window. At the same time as this happening Safari is crashing more and more and my Macbook fan is whirring like mad.
Any ideas what's going on? It's so frustrating having to get chucked out or log out to make my tabs work for a short while before they stop functioning properly again.
I am not overly tecchy minded so may need hand holding to help me through this!
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Jun 7, 2010
I have a rev B MBA, which is gorgeous but I have found myself using it less than any other Laptop I've ever had and it is simply due to two reasons:
- Heat, pretty much anything except simple browsing raise the heat
- Battery time, simply lousy (including charge time)
Have had it for a while, 14 months, but at this point I have started looking at the 13 and 15 inch versions as replacements down the road. I thought it would make a great compliment to the imac but due to the limitations above I use it less and less. If only they had added a fraction of an inch of thickness to allow better heat handling and more battery.
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Apr 15, 2012
My pro'13 heats up when using Skype.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 24, 2012
Why is my magasafe power adapter over heating? I can bearly hold it and think it will cause a fire.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 5, 2014
Grid is a race game that you can buy off of the app store and i bought it thinking my macbook would not act the way it did. The game downloads and i start to play it. After about 2 minuets, the fans kick on and get incredibly loud as the macbook starts to heat up. Whenever i play it, i make sure that all the other applications are closed and that the quality is at the very lowest that it can be at. Still does the same thing. Why is this happening and is there a way i can get it to stop the computer from overheating to the point that the fans get so loud?Â
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Aug 21, 2009
I bought a 13" uMBP pretty much as soon as they came out.
I am now noticing heat in the power pack - so hot I'm barely able to hold it once it has been plugged in for, say, 15 mins.
I also think that the battery is now getting uncomfortably warm in a way it wasn't initially, although nowhere near the temperature of the power pack.
Has anyone else experienced this or heard any reports of similar incidences?
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Jun 29, 2012
I bought a MacBook Pro in November, and it seems to get hot very quickly. It is usually just sitting on a desk. It sounds like the fan is working, but I don't know a solution. I have a Speck case on it, but I don't think that would be an issue? Is this worth taking to the genious bar? ...I have AppleCare
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Feb 22, 2009
I am aware of the heating up of the new iMacs and how they get quite hot. Mine however heats up to about 60?C (140?F) in about 10 mins with only safari running. Now i don't think this is normal even for them, is anyone having this problem, is it actually normal or do i have an especially hot iMac.
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Jun 16, 2009
I just ran a quicktime movie trailer and it immediately went to 81C. I have also noticed that the temp fluctuates very quickly, from 49C to 63C within 10 seconds when just surfing macrumors when I look at istat pro. So how hot does you MBA rev B get? Mine is a 1.86 SSD version and even though the enclosure doesn't get very hot stays in the low 30s I wonder if this is normal. temperature If I watch an episode of CSI Miami on temp goes to 76C (176F) and fans go to 6200rpms. Enclosure still stays at 35C (95F). Is this what you get with the MBA rev B as well or is this something I should be concerned about and consider opening it to see the thermal paste and possibly re-apply?
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Jun 24, 2014
-Model Name: MacBook Pro
-Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
-Memory: 4 GB
-OS X Version 10.9.3Â
When starting up it must be connected to the charger and when i turn it on it makes the bing noise, goes to the apple screen with the wheel turning for a second and shuts off. I have to do this multiple times until it works. Another issue that I am having is that the battery is draining very quickly. I just had it replaced a couple months ago.
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Oct 5, 2010
Ok , Before when I had my custom built rig I never really noticed it, since I had proper cooling.
However my wife started complaining to her that her Acer laptop gets very hot in Windows 7 and sometimes shuts off. Now that I got bootcamp windows 7, I experience a great amount of heat from the part of the mac close to the screen. Why is this happening? IS there any way to solve the issue, I'm even afraid to start playing any games.
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Aug 26, 2010
I just got a brand new MBP (6,2 and 10.6.4) but it's not my first. My previous MBP had the ambient light sensor that I could turn on and off via the system preferences (as mentioned in this thread) so suffice it to say, I know what it looks like when the screen dims and brightens. (I loved hovering my hands over the speakers. It was like magic to my PC friends.)
Now, I'm having an issue with my new MBP. I have my preferences set to adjust the brightness based on ambient light. And since the light sensor has moved to the microphone, it still does that just fine.
My problem is that I'm experiencing random flashes of the screen where it dims quite a bit rapidly but only for a short moment before returning to the original brightness. This occurs randomly in different light settings but most importantly when the light around me hasn't changed at all. And it has occured about once or twice a day for the last few days. I've even tried pressing my thumb over the light sensor really fast to see if it was the light sensor but try that and you'll see that it's actually really slow.
My other problem is that my screen is randomly resizing/zooming in on things. (I suspect this may be me doing some trackpad trick I'm unaware of but I've tried everything I can think of to replicate it and nothing works) Anyways, say I'm on my desktop and mousing over (with one finger) to open a folder or file. All of a sudden, all of the folders resize drastically. Or I'm in Firefox and a site loads. Then all of a sudden (*insert poltergeist*) the website zooms in or out. (like when you press cmd + or -) And it's always zooming in, never out.
Does anyone know what is going on with this? I don't know if the two things are related or if all of this is just really really stupid user error.
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Oct 23, 2010
I bought my Macbook Pro 13 inch last year in August. The health is on 88% with 84 cycles. Original battery capacity 5450 maH, current battery capacity 4809 mAH (Coconut and Istat Nano). I just read in another thread that there are users who have higher health capacity with many more cycles! I took it to the Mac store in Bangkok two weeks ago since I believe that my battery drains quickly. They run a test and told me that my battery is healthy. Then they also downloaded some updates for my Mac and run disk repair under disk utility. The technician told me that these are heavy programs and if they battery drains very quickly there is something wrong.
But according to him this was not the case. I have a 500 gb hdd and the technician said that since this is a big hdd (he recommended 320 gb maximum for 13 inch macbookpro), it will use more battery usage. I don't use heavy programs, only internet (Facebook, gmail, very seldom watch movies, watch news papers), Itunes and sometimes Word. I do a lot of photo processing, but this I always do with my adaptor plugged in. I think I can only use around 3 hours. Sometimes 4 hours. Screen around 80% brightness. Keyboard lights, bluetooth turned off. Do you think that there is a problem with my battery? Oh and I do calibrate my laptop monthly.
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Apr 22, 2010
I'm trying to calibrate the battery of my new MBP. I need to get the battery to fully discharge and sleep for five hours or more. What are some things I can do to get my battery to discharge more quickly? Do I need to tell the MBP to not go to sleep after 10 mins of non-use, or the battery might last through the night? Or is it just the display that sleeps? I'd like to be able to use my MBP in the morning, but I'd like to make sure I get at least the recommended 5 hours of dead battery.
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Apr 26, 2010
i was just typing in my new MBP and i realized that only sometimes my CAPS LOCK would activate. I did some research and found this: [URL:..] It basically says that apple has made the caps lock key so that you have to push it for more time. can you make the caps lock key to actovate quickly?
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Apr 14, 2012
In Safari how do I quickly switch between windows?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 23, 2012
My MacBook Pro is 1 year old, almost to the day and my battery seems to be loosing all it's juice quite quickly these days. The battery cycle count is only 94. This morning I turned my computer on and I've only done emails. It's now about 4 hours since it's been on and I have 20% battery left. Bluetooth is turned off. Not doing anything any different than I used to. Seems to me the battery used to last 4 days for what I do with the computer. Now I charge it 2 or 3 times a day. I notice the underside of the laptop seems to get quite hot.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 2, 2012
I went to a website yesterday, one that I go to every day, more than once. I was using Safari and saw a warning posted from the site owner about malware. It read this was happening with Chrome and Firefox. Everything was fine until I went back there maybe 15 minutes later and I got that warning page that he was talking about and now it was on Safari. You could click "ignore" or "continue" I think. I'm not sure cuz I don't remember. I thought it best to click out of the window. I opened a new window and a couple of weird things happened. I was scrolling down the the "page down" key and it would not stop. Then the screen started slowly moving up to the top left and disappearing in the process. It was weird. I hit Safari and and it came back. Then it seemed ok. I was as the library cuz I have no internet at home now. Then I went home and a little while later I was watching a download and all of a sudden it shut down quickly and the screen went white. The mouse was not "lit up", and I freaked - nothing worked - just a white screen. I did not know what was going on.
All I could think of to do was hold down the power button to turn it off. And I was afraid to do that - that it may never start up again. This morning I started it back up and the same thing happened. The start up sound lasted only a few seconds and then it was the white screen again. I looked at the battery underneath and all the battery lights were lit AND the power cord was plugged in. The light on the far left was blinking. I unplugged the power cord and the lights went off and then pushed in the button on the battery and all the lights went on for a few seconds like they are supposed to and then went off. My macbookpro was working fine and now it's not. It does not work at all. I'm using an older iBook and am at a local cafe wifi spot.
Info:MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2 GHz Processor, 1 GB Memory
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Jul 3, 2009
Just bought a brand new unibody 15' MBP and after a 2 days it started heating and lagging as soon as i did basic tasks such as listening to music or watching videos on youtube.
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Mar 9, 2009
ive noticed that everytime i charge my macbook the block that connects to the wall gets very hot is this something common?
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