OS X :: How To Move Bulk Of (999) Files Quickly
Nov 18, 2008
I've got a folder with several thousand jpegs in it. I need to move 999 of them to another folder. I have the name of each file (the full directory listing actually) I need to move in a text file. I couldn't figure out how to enter in the file names to automator and I can't figure out how to use the terminal mv command with many files.
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Mar 25, 2012
I'm trying to move pictures in bulk in preview. When I select about 10 pics in preview and move them to a folder they won't go in. when i select one pic and move it into a folder, that will work but not more than one.
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Jun 30, 2010
For some reason, a number of files on my hard drive are "read" instead of "read/write." I am not sure how this happened, but I wanted to know if there's a quick way to change the permissions on about 1000 files without changing each one one-by-one. You would think clicking the folder and changing it there would solve this issue...
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Jun 21, 2012
Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
I'm running bash.
I have a long command line:
/Users/mac/Sites/bithoist/BitHoist-PPC-MacOS-X  -offset 0x0000 /Users/mac/Sites/bithoist/commandLine/bins/aSunbird.bin  -stdout -hex  -r 0x0000,0x002fÂ
I'd like to move quickly to the last 0 in -offset 0x0000.Â
I know about control + a and I found out about esc + f. I do not find pressing esc then f then esc then f that easy. I'd like to at least be able to hold down the esc key and press f's.Â
Could I redefine a word to only be " " (space) in the terminal? Not sure I like this idea.Â
iMac G3 600, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jan 10, 2009
So whenever I move my macbook, it turns off. I don't know when this started happening because I always have it plugged in. When I tilt it backwards or forwards or just move it too quickly, it just turns off.
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Aug 8, 2010
i really need to be able to share files quickly and easily around my house, the simplest was would to use and external HD, but i dont have one.
So i was wondering if i could partition some of my iMac's HDD and make it into a local drive, so my iBook and windows computers would literally see it as another HD, is this possible?
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Nov 29, 2008
I was trying to install the latest xpac for WoW on my mini today, but the first two accounts were installed from a different user account (I am an administrator) Is there a way besides changing the permissions on each file one by one to give my self read & write access to all the files with in the WoW directory?
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Apr 29, 2012
I have a number of "Complete Works ..." that need to be flagged as compilations. Doing this one track at a time will take forever, and I couldn't find anything in help or the menus that would solve the problem.
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 22, 2008
I need a program so I can send emails to all my newsletter subscribers. I've looked at the bulk emailing services, but I don't make any money from my newsletter. What is out there?
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Feb 8, 2009
I'm a complete novice to Garageband, but have been having fun with it so far. One thing I would really like to be able to do, but can't figure out (and not for lack of hours spent trying) is assign tracks in GB to the sliders and twist knobs on my Edirol PCR-M30. I've read the manual for the PCR-M30, but for a casual user like me, I just don't understand what it means by "bulk reception" and "midi i/f off" and the like. Can anyone help me to understand in simple terms how I can assign volume control to the sliders and panning to the twist knobs on a per track basis in GB for my PCR-M30?
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Oct 19, 2010
I'm a big handbrake user, but its very tedious to have to manually queue everything. Its just not practical when you've got 50+ files to do at once.
Does anyone know of a converter that just lets you bulk convert say an entire directory to h.264 from a bunch of different filetypes?
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Nov 24, 2009
I've got a bunch of 1080p video files that I want to convert to 720 before I start working on them in iMovie. Does anyone have any suggestions for software that can do this?
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Feb 9, 2010
I'm an idiot. For all my contacts, I put the company that the person works for in the Suffix field of the Address Book entry. I would like to change all my contacts such that the information in the Suffix field is moved to the Company field. Is there an application or an AppleScript that I can use?
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Mar 4, 2009
My wife and I are anticipating the birth of our first child in about two weeks, and we'd planned on sending out birth announcements via email instead of snail mail. As of now, we've got about 150 friends and family members that we'd like to send our birth announcement email to...
I wanted to know how I can do this without running into any issues, because I know that most email applications (on both the sending and receiving ends) will not allow you to send and won't accept emails where 150 people are CC'd (protection against spamming).
I know of several bulk email programs (such as the one's that can be found on versiontracker here), but I wasn't sure if I would be able to use the built-in templates provided by Apple Mail??
Anyone have any ideas as to how I can set things up ahead of time so that once our baby is born, sending out the announcement (USING THE APPLE MAIL TEMPLATE) will be a simple matter of clicking a button or two?
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Aug 18, 2008
I do a lot of work that involves advertising, photography, video editing, DVD authoring, photoshop and illustrator files. The illustrator vector files are fairly compressed but the photoshop raster files can be extremely large. Sometimes, I have someone wishing to send me a large portfolio folder, or I find I may want to send a big file to someone else. As an example, I recently had an artist send me a hi-res portfolio of his book covers to be made into a promotional DVD for comic-con. One of the CD's he sent me had the wrong pics on it, so I had to wait for the correct pics to be sent, which delayed the project several days. I can compress a single file for emailing, but can not drop the resolution as a way to minimize folder size if the file is going to be printed. I work predominantly on a mac, but many of my customers use windows based operating systems.
What is the best method for sending and receiving large digital files from a variety of customers? If I get an FTP site, can I keep one client from accessing someone else's folders? I noticed that Skype allows for file transfer... is VOIP practical for sending large files? This month's macworld made mention of a bit torrent program for such a chore. What about using a bit torrent program such as Transmission for creating a bit torrent folder for moving large files to a single customer? Are paid services available? Is a paid service the best choice? I am looking for a method that I can both send and receive these large files. It should be easy enough for a less than tech savvy customer to send me files after I give them a minimal explanation of how to do it. Preferably, it would involve no cost to a customer, and no need for them to install software.
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Aug 31, 2007
I was wondering if there's a way to move files instead of copy them via dragging with the mouse, or even a keyboard shortcut? I mostly run into this problem when I'm trying to move stuff to and from the Firewire External Drive I have connected to my Mac. It's kind of frustrating since I have to delete all the original ones, since I simply don't need them anymore.
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Jan 10, 2008
I want to move(drag) folders from one finder window to another.From my laptop to by backup drive.how to do it?
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Jun 28, 2009
However, I am apparently too dumb to figure out how I can move (cut and paste at the same time) a folder from on location on my hard drive to another without going back to the original area and delete the folder after the "fake" moving process. It seems that MAC does not support the physical movement of a folderfrom location A to B.
I have a folder called A
I select the folder (click with mouse)
I drag the folder to the desired destination B
I release the mouse and what happens: MAC starts to copy the folder and its files.
I read on several forums and pages that it is possible if you hold down the command key (after you click the folder you want to move) but it does not work for me. Does anyone has a simple, short answer whether it is possible to move a folder which contains files from location A to B on my mac (same hard drive)? This cannot be true that this does not work in the FINDER. Even if I select the folder go in the Finder menu to "Edit" (cut is grayed out and not clickable) it does not give me the option to perform a cut and paste. So, does cut and paste work for folders on a MAC or not.
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Sep 26, 2009
I need to know if it is possible to open two different folders that are in "MY Documents" folder at the same time so I can drag files from one to the other. I'm use to doing this in windows and can't seem to do it on a mac. It won't let me open two at a time.
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Nov 10, 2009
I am new to Mac. I just need to move some files to my external HDD. When I open the folder these files are in they all highlight and I am able to drag them to my external hard drive. However, once I get them into the hard drive folder a red circle with an "x" comes up indicating that I cannot drop here. I also noticed that the external hard disk folder has an icon that is a pen with a circle and a line thought it. I am thinking that this means that I cannot write to that drive. I am able to move files from the external to the Mac.
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Mar 25, 2010
Recently started using SD cards and Mem Stick ProDUo cards.
Problem is I cannot seem to get the files that I wish to move or copy onto the cards
I get this error message :
The Finder can�t complete the operation because some data in �Inimaker.gpe� can�t be read or written.
(Error code -36)
The files can be moved or copied withing my Mac absolutley fine, just happens when trying to move to the mem cards.
There is nothing wrong with the files by the way....
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Aug 13, 2010
My Mac Pro died. It's either the logic board or the graphics card, don't know which and the guys at the Apple store can't tell me. The HD is still good though. It has a Windows and a Mac OS partition. My new computer uses Windows 7. How would I go about getting the files off of the old hard drive -- the Mac OS partition -- and onto a Windows PC?
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May 27, 2012
How do I move files?
MacBook Air
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Jun 22, 2012
How do I move all files from an old PPC to a new Mac Mini?
Mac Pro 2 X 3 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, Mac OS X (10.5.2), 8 GB memory
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Jun 30, 2012
I have an older MPB (mid-2009) and an new MBA (late-2010). Planning on getting a new MBA after Mountain Lion comes out sometime in July. That means moving files from the MPB and the MBA over to the new MBA at some point. In preparation of that I want to get all my iTunes files onto the current MBA. Trouble is that I have used both the MBP & MBA to import music or videos as well as purchases into iTunes on both.
Without totally screwing things up what is the best way to get iTunes files (purchased or imported) from one Mac to the other without losing or corrupting things? I already have a problem that there are movies on my iPhone4 that will not remove even though they are not checked when I sync. How do you join iTunes from 2 Mac's? Do you have to deauthorise one?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 256GB | 4GB RAM | late 2010
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Jan 9, 2011
I have been collating files and documents over the past few months. I have decided to keep them in a more organised fashion so I created a folder for films, music, etc and then I want to put further folders in the folders so I can keep certain files together.
I have created the folder but cant seem to move the files in to it - I can copy it then paste it but that seems a bit long winded just to move a file in to another folder (folder within folder.)
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Jan 5, 2009
NOTE: I am doing this with Tiger. I have read complaints about how Windows Explorer is better than OS X Finder. One popular complaint is that it is impossible to copy/move a file from one folder to another folder outside the current one without two windows as Finder doesn't have a split window setup like Explorer. This simply isn't true. Mac OS X simply handles this differently than Windows. Heres how...
1. Open a window and go to the folder that you want to copy/move files to.
2. Drag that folder to your sidebar (+T)
3. Navigate to the folder that contains what you want to copy/move.
4. Drag your file(s) to the folder you just put in your sidebar to move them or hold 'option' and drag to copy them.
5. If you don't want the folder you copied to permanently in your sidebar just drag it out.
If your needs are more robust and you want to copy/move between many folders you can drag as many folders to your sidebar as you can fit. Plus your folders will be just as you left them when you go back to them (with the exception of the view). The sidebar doesn't have to be permanent and is your friend .
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Feb 2, 2009
I use Lightroom 2 to catalog my photos. I am in the habit of shooting in RAW+JPG mode which means when I download my photos there is both a .NEF and a .JPG file for each photo. Having done this for several years on a PC, I now want to use iPhoto to view the jpgs and keep with Lightroom for the nefs. I therefore want to move the .JPG files from /Photography/RAW/<Year>/<Month>/<Day> to /Photography/JPG/<Year>/<Month>/<Day>. So far the only way I've worked out is to copy the entire folder structure then use Spotlight to find the nefs within the new folder structure and delete them.
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Mar 10, 2009
So the mac came last night. everything is fine. Moved my files from my old windows backup drive to the desktop of my mac. About 250 gigs. But now moving files from my backup folder, on the desktop to say, music or pictures, is just as slow within the machine as if I were moving them through a USB connection. Is that normal for OSX? is there a faster way? Windows moves files within its OS, lightning fast.
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Aug 26, 2009
I'm trying to rearrange files within a folder. Like move episodes to have them in order. But I can't figure it out. First time i've ever tried to.
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