IMac :: Can The Pixel Right Itself Quickly

Jan 16, 2010

there is now one faulty pixel (red colour, ) i 've tried the Jscreen fix applet a few times as directed but it has made no difference. What do you think? Could the pixel right itself quickly, any other fixes?

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IMac :: Dead Pixel Or Stuck Pixel?

Dec 21, 2010

just bought my imac 27' i7 2 weeks ago and so far i returned it twice because of the tiny crack in the screen and this is gonna be the third time today because of the stuck pixel. This is the first time me owning mac and so far all have is im debating if i should get my money back or give it another shot since they reset your 14 days return policy from the day you did the return or maybe i can ask them to let me upgrade to mac pro with out extra cost since all i have was problem. but anyway, here is the picture to my stuck pixel. let me know what chu think.

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Mac :: IMac Is Getting Heated Up Very Quickly?

Jan 22, 2010

I feel my iMac is getting heated up very quickly...Please see the temperate and tell me whether is it ok or not ??btw, the mac is ON for the past 6hrs

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IMac :: One Missing Pixel - Can't Do Anything

Dec 11, 2010

I've heard in their disclaimer that you can't do anything about it but just knowing it's there is annoying.

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IMac :: Is One Dead Pixel Okay?

Aug 10, 2010

I received my very first apple computer yesterday. It was the 27inch i7 with 8gig of ram. I turned it on for the first time and it looked perfect. When the loading wheel came up on the white screen I noticed a dead pixel right next to it. I looked over the rest of the screen and I could not find another one. I ended up calling and asking for a new imac. The first person on the phone said they usually only do replacements for 4 or more dead pixels. After I explained that it is right in the middle and I noticed it the first time I turned it on he forwarded me to someone else and they got me a shipping code. I not am waiting another week for a new computer. Is it normal for people to return their machines for one dead pixel? The guy on the phone made it sound like it was no big deal.

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IMac :: There Is One Stuck Pixel On The Screen?

Mar 26, 2009

I bought an iMac g4 1.25 17 inch a few days ago, and there is one stuck pixel on the screen, i know not a big deal, but when the display is dark (movies wallpaper) it shows up bluei tried an online pixel fixer, and tried turning off my monitor and applying force with q tip in a cloth, but no diceSo, How do you fix a stuck pixel?

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IMac :: Up The Top Left There Is A Pixel That Is Black

Mar 31, 2009

Up the top left there is a pixel that is black. Is it a dead pixel? Or a stuck pixel?

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IMac (Intel) :: Moving Mouse To Side Quickly

Jun 25, 2014

I have a new iMac with mouse. Every time I move my mouse quickly left or right (i.e. if I am just moving it out of the way of my keyboard), the action causes the screen to close down so that I have to re-enter my password to get back to the pages I had open. It doesn't close down the computer, but puts it in sleep mode.

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IMac :: Stuck Pixel Already On New Released Model

Mar 6, 2009

I got my new 24 iMac today. It's the new released model. After working with it some time now today i found a stuck pixel on the screen. I think it is stuck because it is bright red and not black. Is there anyway to fix this? I have tried jScreenFix without any luck. Is there anything apple will do with this? Spending this amount of money on a new computer it should not come with a stuck pixel...

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PowerPC :: Would An IMac G4 Be Capable Of Running Everyday Tasks Quickly

Mar 18, 2010

I have always liked the iMac G4 since i was a little kid and thought that the computer in the commercial looked cool. I wanted to get one for my birthday but my dad thinks that since it is like 5 years old it would not be capable of performing the tasks i do every day, like watching videos and listening to music on iTunes, watching YouTube videos, going on facebook; twitter; and other Adobe Flash and Java based websites. Does anybody who owns a mac know if it plays videos well, if it supports modern Adobe and Java players, and if it is generally a fast computer?

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IMac :: Difference Between Dead Pixel And Particle Under Screen

Aug 26, 2010

Is there any easy way to tell whether I have a dead pixel or something under my screen? I have a small dot that shows up no matter what color I test the screen with (but is obviously harder to see with darker colors).

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IMac :: One Stuck Pixel In Light Blue Colour?

Aug 19, 2009

Yesterday I received my first brand new iMac 24". After a few hours I notice that it has one stuck pixel (in light blue colour, so I think it's not dead).I read Apple policy about 7+ stuck/dead pixels

My question is what can I do? If I want to return it, I will have to wait 1-2 weeks and then again play lottery with panel and HW (also that option would cost me additional EUR - I received 10% discount as a student and this is the only store where I have discount (and only for one computer per year I have 10% discount) - If they won't want to switch it, I would get back 1300EUR, while new one is 1500EUR in other stores).

Second option is to try fix that myself. I read tutorial on the net and the author claims 90% success with stuck pixels (with "massaging" pixel). The only problem here is the glass, I know how to remove it, but probably there would be a lot of new dust after doing that between panel and glass - and the imac is only one day old . I try with softwer and "epileptic" videos unstuck that pixel but it didn't worke (I try this for one hour).And the third option to simply forget that exists (is there a bigger chance to get another stuck pixel if I already have one???).

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IMac :: Dead Pixel Not Showing White Correctly

May 2, 2010

So as you can see, my new iMac has 1 dead pixel. How many does Apple require before you get it serviced? I don't have an Apple Store here, so I would have to pack it up, and it is somewhere where I would hardly notice it under most circumstances. I know it is only 1, literally 1 pixel that doesn't complete show white correctly, but all other colors.

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IMac :: Dead Pixel On Left Side Of Screen

May 30, 2010

I went and bought a new IMac today from my local apple shop. I get it home and it has a really annoying dead pixel on the left hand side of the screen.

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IMac :: Dead Pixel That Only Show White In Center

Jun 6, 2010

I have a iMac 21" bought it back in November. When I have my desktop wallpaper showing there is one pixel that will only show white, no matter what background pic I put up. It's dead center in the screen so I was immediately irritated, then I noticed when I open Safari (or anything else like finder, apps, docs...whatever) the white dot goes away. I tried messing around with it and putting up black background and a white back ground and I don't understand how this is happening. No matter the color of the wallpaper I can still see it, even a white background. Links to screen shots [URL]

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IMac :: 27" IMac Pixel Density Versus 30" Cinema Display?

Nov 23, 2009

For anyone who's spent time with the 27" iMac - how do you find the screen's pixel density?

I'm tempted to hand over my 2006 2.66GHz Mac Pro to my daughter and get myself a 27" Core i7 iMac for myself.

I'm 40 years old, and while my eyes are decent, I certainly find an ultra-high dot pitch uncomfortable to use for any length of time. For example, the 1920x1200 resolution on the 17" MacBook Pros is simply too small.

I am currently using a 30" 2560x1600 display and I find that acceptable, but not sure I'd want to go much tighter. I also have an HP laptop from work that has a 17" screen at 1680x1050 which I also find acceptable.

Anyone have any comments they'd like to share? I'll spend some time at the Apple store with a 27" display model for sure but often it takes more than a few minutes of play to determine if the screen will be alright.

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OS X :: IMac 24" Pixel Ghosting -- Chances Of Apple Repairing/replacing?

Mar 16, 2009

i wrote a thread last week about some pixel issues. i've now figured out the cause of the faint pixel lines that have mysteriously begun to appear on the far left part of my screen. the pixel lines appear where i have had application windows up for an extended amount of time. saturday i had safari open for only an hour or two and a line developed on the left edge of the window, which remained there for several hours afterwards. i've also noticed lines develop on the bottom of the window as well. the pixel lines stay burned in for a couple hours and then slowly fade to normal. this makes my claim a little more tricky i think.

i've tried switching from a dark desktop background to a lighter grey, but the ghost lines still manage to show up if the computer gets used for more than just a brief period of time.

it's annoying and will probably only get worse, so i think it's time to head up to the apple store. what are my chances of them repairing/replacing my iMac? (it's less than a year old and therefore under warranty.)

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Hot Very Quickly?

Jun 29, 2012

I bought a MacBook Pro in November, and it seems to get hot very quickly. It is usually just sitting on a desk. It sounds like the fan is working, but I don't know a solution. I have a Speck case on it, but I don't think that would be an issue? Is this worth taking to the genious bar? ...I have AppleCare

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Safari :: Closes Quickly While In Use?

Mar 6, 2012

While I am using safari and have many tabs in use for different websites, Safari will close very quickly by itself. Then it a window apears that a problem occured, but it will not report it to apple-because that won't work either.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Macbook Pro Seems To Be Over Heating Really Quickly

May 22, 2012

My macbook pro seems to be over heating really quickly.After about 5 minutes of being turned on the fan goes into over drive and the bottom gets extremely hot. normally i have the laptop either on a flat surface or on my legs and letting the laptop breath from underneath.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)

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MacBook Pro :: Its Over Heating Quickly

Jun 29, 2012

My mac book pro has been overheating quickly. I will be on for a half an hour on youtube and my mac will become hot.


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Mac Pro :: How Quickly Does Quad Rip Movie Using Handbrake

Jun 8, 2008

I am considering purchasing a Mac Pro, mainly for encoding movies via handbrake. Could someone tell me the time it takes for a base configuration Mac Pro single quad 2.8ghz to rip a DVD using handbrake to H.264 for appleTV?

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OS X :: How To Move Bulk Of (999) Files Quickly

Nov 18, 2008

I've got a folder with several thousand jpegs in it. I need to move 999 of them to another folder. I have the name of each file (the full directory listing actually) I need to move in a text file. I couldn't figure out how to enter in the file names to automator and I can't figure out how to use the terminal mv command with many files.

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MacBook Air :: Temperature Fluctuates Quickly - Rev B?

Jun 16, 2009

I just ran a quicktime movie trailer and it immediately went to 81C. I have also noticed that the temp fluctuates very quickly, from 49C to 63C within 10 seconds when just surfing macrumors when I look at istat pro. So how hot does you MBA rev B get? Mine is a 1.86 SSD version and even though the enclosure doesn't get very hot stays in the low 30s I wonder if this is normal. temperature If I watch an episode of CSI Miami on temp goes to 76C (176F) and fans go to 6200rpms. Enclosure still stays at 35C (95F). Is this what you get with the MBA rev B as well or is this something I should be concerned about and consider opening it to see the thermal paste and possibly re-apply?

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OS X :: Safari Quickly Gets Bloated-starts Low And Goes To Over A GB?

Feb 16, 2010

Safari quickly gets bloated-starts low and goes to over a GB. Very slooow.I've cleaned it out several times-once with an Apple genius.I have a Macbook Pro Aluminum with 4GBCan anyone suggest a fix-I really like Safari

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OS X :: Wants To Print First Page Quickly From Safari

May 10, 2010

how I can quickly print the first page I am looking at in SafariI cant seem to find an option to print page one of however many there are.

I dont want to have to go:-

Print>Preview>File>Print selected page>Print

as five steps is far too long winded with the amount of printing I am dealing with every day.What I really need to do is to print Paypal invoices WITHOUT them going over to a second page and wasting ink/paper.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Add Ocr Pdf To Address Book Quickly?

Apr 18, 2012

I have many printed sheets of contacts that I need to import to address book. Other than manually typing or through the magic of ocr (url...) then copying and pasting to address book, is there an easy way to input these contacts?I've found world card mobile (url...) on the iphone where I can take photo's of the contacts and the apps ocr will correctly put about 80% of the proper information in but the phone runs out of batteries and it's about the same time as copying and pasting.

I'm wondering is there a computer version of world card that would at least put the information in the right spot and I can make just minor adjustments. Or is there a way that I can make the pdf in to an excel or numbers format and the use one of those excel to vcard apps to do it all in one shot? it's a lot of contacts, over 10k.

Info:Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Quickly Get To The Top Of Message Thread

Jun 27, 2014

I'm often trying to get to the top of a message thread and I'm tired of scrolling or arrowing up page by page. 

Is there a quick way to get to the very top? Some keyboard combination? I've tried everything I can think of and haven't found anything yet. 

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Is Draining Very Quickly

Jun 24, 2014

-Model Name: MacBook Pro
-Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
-Memory: 4 GB
-OS X Version 10.9.3 

When starting up it must be connected to the charger and when i turn it on it makes the bing noise, goes to the apple screen with the wheel turning for a second and shuts off. I have to do this multiple times until it works. Another issue that I am having is that the battery is draining very quickly. I just had it replaced a couple months ago.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Is Dimming And Brightening Quickly?

Aug 26, 2010

I just got a brand new MBP (6,2 and 10.6.4) but it's not my first. My previous MBP had the ambient light sensor that I could turn on and off via the system preferences (as mentioned in this thread) so suffice it to say, I know what it looks like when the screen dims and brightens. (I loved hovering my hands over the speakers. It was like magic to my PC friends.)

Now, I'm having an issue with my new MBP. I have my preferences set to adjust the brightness based on ambient light. And since the light sensor has moved to the microphone, it still does that just fine.

My problem is that I'm experiencing random flashes of the screen where it dims quite a bit rapidly but only for a short moment before returning to the original brightness. This occurs randomly in different light settings but most importantly when the light around me hasn't changed at all. And it has occured about once or twice a day for the last few days. I've even tried pressing my thumb over the light sensor really fast to see if it was the light sensor but try that and you'll see that it's actually really slow.

My other problem is that my screen is randomly resizing/zooming in on things. (I suspect this may be me doing some trackpad trick I'm unaware of but I've tried everything I can think of to replicate it and nothing works) Anyways, say I'm on my desktop and mousing over (with one finger) to open a folder or file. All of a sudden, all of the folders resize drastically. Or I'm in Firefox and a site loads. Then all of a sudden (*insert poltergeist*) the website zooms in or out. (like when you press cmd + or -) And it's always zooming in, never out.

Does anyone know what is going on with this? I don't know if the two things are related or if all of this is just really really stupid user error.

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