I am using a mac book pro 10.8.3. i7, 8gb ram, 2.3Ghz. I use this laptop mainly for producing music on a software called Ableton Live. I also have an audio interface connected to my laptop to avoid latency. The audio inter face is called 'Traktor Audio 2'.
Recently when im on the laptop a warning message pops and goes aways to quickly to even read what it is. Also if there is any sort of connection, my logitech mouse has also started to act weird. Whenever i click a single time it double clicks sometimes and sometimes it is normal. i don't understand why either. i did some research on this topic and people said to open up your console and check. I dont understand what it means so i've attached a pic down here.
I've done my forum searching, I'd just like to double check and make sure I'm purchasing the right items here. I'm upgrading my late '08 uMBP's 7200rpm 320gb hdd. Running out of room, and a 500gb would be perfect for me. I am going with this one
Given the vagaries of Apple's support documentation I would like to know exactly what GPUs are supported by Snow Leopard for use in Grand Central and Open CL.The list does not contain my NVIDIA Ge Force 8800 GS!After much searching it is absolutely unclear weather Apple will support the GPU or not. It is a re-branded NVIDIA chip and so is it included or excluded?
I for one will be greatly disappointed in Apple does not support it. It is one thing that my ageing powerbook will not be supported, but a computer that was top of the line iMac just in April of this year!
I keep getting a message "wants access to your keychain" but the process asking is not identified. I think it is a process called usbmuxd which I understand is fine but even when i say allays allow it keeps popping up.
I have a number of signed mail messages in my inbox. However, there is absolutely no indication about this signature visible. According to this KB there should be an icon, plus the possibility to view the certificate: [URL] ....
Other mail applications show the icon, so I am 100% sure that the messages are signed.
Every time I start my Mac Mini I get a dialogue window with the message: You shut down your computer because of a problem. etc I have repaired permissions, repaired the disk, reset PRAM and still get the message.
I switched to Mavericks OS. Now, when I'm sending one (1) e-mail to one (1) e-mail address, for instance, I'm receiving a strange message under the outgoing mail progress bar (left bottom part of Mail finder window): "Outgoing Mails: 3 out of 3" or similar strange numbers but usually different form the number of recipients.
Where (I'd assume /System/Library/Sounds somewhere) the "Message Sent" sound is? In OS X Mavericks, in the Messages app, they removed the ability to set a custom "Message Sent" sound, so it appears I'll have to do it the hard way, by replacing the existing sound file. I just need to know where that file is.
Here's a brief list of ways in which you can assure that help threads created in this forum will be replied to and your questions answered in an expedient manner.Thread titlesMake sure you enter a descriptive thread title and that it indicates what you need help with.Give enough info-Give details of the system the issue is happening with (hardware, OS version, etc.)-Post a screenshot of the problem (if possible)-Fully describe the circumstances in which you've tested it (multiple users, multiple machines, etc.)
I was installing a few things on my new MacBook Pro (XCode, XQuartz, X11, and Homebrew) when I noticed some funky error message that I get whenever I open Terminal.
It says: -bash: export: `/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin': not a valid identifier.
I am still getting used to my Mac after a decade of Windows, and I have no clue what this error means or how to fix it.
When you compose a Mail message, if you double-click the send button it sends TWO copies of the mail? I just sent someone a message, and my hand accidentally clicked the mouse twice when I hit send. I heard two whooshes and saw two message windows briefly appear. And sure enough, two copies listed in the Sent folder. I thought I'd sent an earlier draft which was sitting behind the first message. But no -- I tried it again with a new message to myself. And I received two mails.
Late 2009 iMac running 10.9.4 - Apple Mail - Crashes when any message is selected.
I've tried removing mail preferences from Library, rebooting in safe mode and restarting, resetting PRAM, verifying and repairing preferences - no luck.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 GHz, 4 GB
Just recently, my email recipients are getting my sent image embedded in the email so they can not download them. This is particular to jpegs and some zipped files. Mac OSX 10.9.3 I am using iMail. It also doesn't seem to matter of I send it from a POP or IMAP account. It is happening to both Mac and PC users.
When I open iMail i get the spinning beach ball and then it quits. It seems to be that it is trying to load a specific message and I don't know how to clear that one message and let the others still load.
some of my friends imessage doesn't work unless they are using wifi. everyone always says hold the message like you are going to copy it then click send as text message but when I hold the message it only says copy and more. how do I get it to send as a text message without shutting my imessage off and without holding the message and clicking send as text message?
when using OnyX or Disk First Aid, a message states to restart the computer, holding Command-R and to repair my disk.Every single time, the disk turns out to be OK.
Question 1: Is this a false reading, or is the disk actually being fixed by the Control-R combination?
Question 2: If it is NOT a false reading, since my programs don't crash and I always shut down properly, what could cause the errors?
One of the email lists that I subscribe to frequently contains messages with images. It's a moderately high volume list with 20-30 messages per day. Inevitably, a few of those messages with attached images (according to the paperclip icon in the messages list) will arrive with no headers and no raw data. The display of the message in Apple Mail shows only the sender's name/address and the subject, nothing else such as the usual warning, "This message contains no content."
The people who run the mailing list don't think that the problem is on their end so is there a way to correct it.
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 12 TB Disk Space
On my dock the message icon is showing 1 unread message. I click and it comes up saying I have an unread message from a number I have no knowledge of. I click on this and it just opens up the messages app on the last received message. I do not have a text from the number and question so can't view or delete it.
I'm debating getting a 13 inch 4GB for a second/travel computer and have read many threads where folks are speculating that you should be able to or could edit but I'd like to see some links to your YouTube videos that have been edited with your late 2010 MBA and iMovie. Post the links to em if you got em.I understand that buying a MBP would get the job done but if I could edit the occasional video and upload to the cloud I'd be a happy camper.
use this thread to post your MacBook Air colour calibration profiles. I am sure a lot of people would like to try some profiles on their MacBook Airs'.
Performance of the new MBP's as they take on the slew of new games being presented (VALVe has said they will release new games each Wednesday, so keep looking for your Css' and L4D's)
Counter Strike Source will not be here all that soon so don't get your hopes up, they are redeveloping it, to run on a new engine. No point in porting the old engine when they will just have to do it again. Link:.....
In light of the reported screen problems affecting the previous 2009 revision, I thought it would be useful to establish a separate thread where current-gen owners can report on the quality of their screen. (Mods, if you think this thread is redundant and would prefer all discussion remain in the existing thread, feel free to delete).
I know there are many threads regarding this, and even so, I've not read anything conclusive. I owned a core i5 mbp, it would get fairly hot when using compressor or demanding tasks (80-85 degrees), I gave that computrer to my bro and am planning on getting an i7, does it get any hotter? Any proof or real world comparisons?