OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.1 - Outgoing Mail Server (Offline)
Sep 5, 2014
After many years of using Mail, my outgoing mail server is suddenly offline. My wife's mail, with identical settings is not offline. We do not use iCloud for our mail. I have several mail accounts and they all show outgoing (Offline). The outgoing mail server is SMTP.WEST.COX.NET. For me, of course you can add (Offline).
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), iMac7,1 (24-inch Mid 2007)
I have recently migrated to a macbook pro and have had no issues with mail for two weeks, until today. I have a new problem today with mail outgoing servers being "offline" without a way to turn them online. I did a software update yesterday and I may have gotten an OSX upgrade but did not notice. Does anyone know if there is an issue with 10.6.8?
I have experienced problems with a POP outgoing server for some time on both my MacBook and IMac - incoming is OK. I have contacted the service provider and they say that all codes and log-in details are correct and that they can send from Webmail server ( and so can I). I can also use the outgoing server on my iPhone so it suggests that something is wrong in the settings on the iMac and MacBook - but they are correct and the same as the iPhone.I notice that this server shows 'offline' in th setting box - is this a clue?. I have not found anyway of making this server go on-line.
I'm having such a hard time syncing Gmail with Apple Mail now that I've done a fresh install of SL. First of all, in Gmail Settings, the instructions for setting up Apple Mail are for Apple Mail 3.0. But the Apple Mail with SL is 4.0. The instructions say to "Check the box next to Automatically set up your account." Pic of what I'm talking about: But my Apple Mail does not have that check box: Once it's setup it says it's supposed to look like this: Notice that it's POP and not IMAP? And in mine, once it's "automatically setup" it's IMAP and not POP: When I leave the settings as is, and try to send and receive mail I keep getting an error that says something like "Can't send mail on outgoing mail server". And when I change the outgoing server to POP I get the same error. I've tried everything, I've setup and deleted this e-mail account from Apple Mail at least 4 times now and I keep getting the same error.
I couldn't find a "Mail-specific" forum, so will post here for help. I’m running an older version of Mail (2.1.3) on a PPC G4 MacMini with OS 10.4.11. I have two IMAP accounts feeding into Mail, one my Apple iCloud account, and the other my work Exchange account. All seems to be working fine, but I have a question about the outgoing mail server settings. For iCloud, the outgoing mail server seems to have been automatically set as “smtp.me.com” and it uses Server Port 587 with SSL and Password authentication. For my work Exchange account, after lots of trial and error, it uses Server Port 25. Why does one use 587 and the other 25 as a Server Port? Is this OK from a security standpoint? I really have no understanding whatsoever of this stuff.
I'm new mac fan who has bought a macbook pro and thrown BG & MS out of my life, almost. The transition has been a little tough. I am finding some Mac things so easy. And other so hard. Apple Mail is giving me fits. In outlook express, I have 3 email accounts for various levels of privacy. All using verizon's outgoing mail server to send email. So, same username, pw & settings & outgoing Pop are the same on all 3 accounts. No problem in Outlook Express.
Mail says you cannot have the same username & pw& pop in 2 separate accounts whether it is outgoing or incoming pops/servers. On 2 accounts I have started using their own pop to send mail out. I still cannot get 1 account to email out. For 2 accounts I use onlymyemail to filter spam and then I download it from their incoming pop. So, these 2 accounts must have the same username and password and pop to download the filtered email. It seems like this whole thing is reversed. This should be a MS problem, and Mail should allow the same usname & pw on all accounts.
All Mail outgoing server settings disappeared? Trying to avoid keying in 3 different settings. Time Machine backup. Is there specific file containing old settings that I can restore of copy?
I can't add a new outgoing smtp server in Mail preferences. I keep getting this message: "The servers marked with alert icons are in conflict and cannot be saved. Two servers cannot share the same address and authentication settings. Resolve the conflicts and try again." The incoming and outgoing server addresses for this ISP are the same, which may be the problem. Both are mail.myglnc.com.
About an hour ago (have been trying to sort it since) I was in the middle of sending a couple of e-mails (been emailing a friend for about an hour, so was a sudden occurrence). And the messages don't send, wait in the outbox and an error message pops up JUST on my sky e-mail account, who are my ISP providers. They're claiming the port number and the outgoing mail server are incorrect/causing the error yet I have no touched the setting since the day I set the account up about 5months ago. The first line of the error says 'there may be a problem with the mail server or network' and then it goes on to mention the outgoing mail server and the port number (which is 995).
over my Entourage outgoing mail can no longer update Exchange server 2003.
Entourage 12.2.0 was working fine on my OSX 10.6.2. I believe after upgraded Entourage to version 12.2.3, all my outgoing mail were not updated to exchanges server.
All mail reaches it intended recipients and a copy keep in local folder. other function like calender and contact are able to sync with exchange without problem.
I just set up Mail 4.5 and am receiving incoming mails but can't send out my emails. I get a message saying the SMTP server rejected the password. I know it's the correct password, have entered it a few times now.
I switched to Mavericks OS. Now, when I'm sending one (1) e-mail to one (1) e-mail address, for instance, I'm receiving a strange message under the outgoing mail progress bar (left bottom part of Mail finder window): "Outgoing Mails: 3 out of 3" or similar strange numbers but usually different form the number of recipients.
I have found that in the ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/Library/Mail Downloads folder I have 26GB of mail attachments. I would like to get rid of these items but do not know if I can simply delete them or if there is an official process to go through.
I am having a problem with the mail app on a late 2010 MacBook Air. Specifically, all accounts are offline after resuming from sleep. I am running apple mail (7.3), and OS X 10.9.3. Once the network reconnects, only the mail app remains a problem.
my having messed around with the DNS configuration in order to try an app called Blockless and/or having upgraded to OS X 10.9.3. I have four mail accounts, all but one of which are Gmail IMAP accounts (the 4th runs from Bluehost mail, and is also an IMAP account). I currently have the DNS set at the default number, but might try going back to Mail works fine on my several iOS devices.
Can I set up my Mail account to use an out going SMTP server other than .me? I want to use my .me (iCloud) account for incoming mail but want another server for my out going mail. (The reason is a need to keep an existing From: address rather than be required to use "User@me.com".)
How can I get Mail to act as if on a server? I'd like folders, messages read or deleted etc. to sync across iPhone, air book and iMac. Now, nothing matches so I'm recreating folders, not able to see saved messages on certain devices etc.
they are all having problems one of the aol wont update all my new mail and is like 5 days behind. it used to but doesnt now.
i try and send emails from each of them and none of them send it comes up with outgoing server problem and its driving me nuts.
just want all my mail accounts set up so i can send and recieve from them all i feel like deleting the mail app and just doing them all manually but why should i this is one of the reasons i wanted a mac!
Just got my first Mac on friday, I'm loving finding out how to do everything, but one thing has become extremely frustrating. I can't send my email! I have no trouble receiving it, and I've read everything I can get my hands on and all my settings seem to be correct. I've tried port 25, port 587, tried using smtp.mac, mail.mac, (my ISP) tried with SSL and without, everything I could change I've changed. My username and password and all account information must be correct since I'm able to receive mail, it's just the sending that's the problem. I'm using a dot mac email account if that makes any difference.
One thing that concerns me is that under mail preferences, accounts, and account information, next to "outgoing mail server (SMTP)" it says "(offline)" next to the selected server. Here is the exact message I'm getting, and no matter how I change it the message stays the same. "Cannot send message using the server (null). This message could not be delivered because your SMTP settings are not set. please use the account preferences panel to set the SMTP options for your account. Select a different outgoing mail server from the list below or click try later to leave the message in your outbox until it can be delivered."
I have a MacBook, and tested using MediaWiki as a notetaking software, and personally thought it would be the best way to take notes in class. But I'm wondering, how can I install mediawiki on my MacBook Leopard (not server), so I can use it as if it were an offline application?
I've just added the macbook pros that were recently purchased, (NOT retina Displays) boo i know.. THey are in AD able to place them and moved them around into different groups. I'm able to sign in when i'm on the network. WHEN I'M OFF THE NETWORK IT DOES NOT ALLOW ME TO SIGN IN. In windows it builds a profile for you so i checked that it does create a profile folder under users but still not able to sign in (locally)? not really locally?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Able to Bind, NO offline signin.
I briefly tried to set up Mail to contact the university mail server there, but gave up. So I deleted the account in Mail.
Now, I randomly get messages telling me that Mail is unable to validate the authenticity of NEU's smtp certificate. Every time, I say, 'why are you TRYING to contact NEU's smtp system? I'm not trying to send a message through that mail system! I don't even have an account there anymore!' but of course my computer doesn't know English, and even if it did, it wouldn't know why it does the things it does, so that's a double dose of not getting a response.
I was able to set up monitoring incoming mail with sender_bcc and that seems to work when mail is incoming and BCC's to a 3rd party to check the mail.
Now for the person sending an email to a person outside the organisation. Need to do that because the company has been made aware that emails have been sent out to the opposition.
I bought a domain through Google a few years ago, the host was Enom until last month when I decided to switch to UK2 and had to export my email before switching servers.
I ended up having a large .mbox file. After the switch I uploaded the file on mail and I found that all the emails saved in subfolders were missing (see image). It goes without saying those were the most important emails.
Is there a way to recover the emails in the subfolder?
I use Mail 7.2 (1874) on Mavericks OS X 10.9.2
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)