MacBook Pro :: Mail Won't Allow SMTP (outgoing) Server Change
Jun 24, 2014
I can't add a new outgoing smtp server in Mail preferences. I keep getting this message: "The servers marked with alert icons are in conflict and cannot be saved. Two servers cannot share the same address and authentication settings. Resolve the conflicts and try again." The incoming and outgoing server addresses for this ISP are the same, which may be the problem. Both are
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Mar 23, 2012
I just set up Mail 4.5 and am receiving incoming mails but can't send out my emails. I get a message saying the SMTP server rejected the password. I know it's the correct password, have entered it a few times now.
Apple Mail, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Apple Mail
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Mar 2, 2012
Can I set up my Mail account to use an out going SMTP server other than .me? I want to use my .me (iCloud) account for incoming mail but want another server for my out going mail. (The reason is a need to keep an existing From: address rather than be required to use "".)
iMac i7, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 13, 2012
Can i change outgoing mail attachment file size? How to do that....
My server is Mac mini server 2011 Lion server....
and, how to use addressbook on, can i change logo and mail service name on webmail? how to do that
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Server
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Mar 25, 2008
The SMTP server I use for sending email had been working fine up until about a week ago. Although no changes were made to my setup, now virtually every time I send an email, I get the pop-up "Cannot send message using server xxxx".
When click on "Try with selected server" (the same server), it will then usually send okay; sometimes it takes an additional attempt.
Is this some keychain issue or something?
I've deleted the SMTP server and re-entered all the info, but it's still happening.
The SMTP server is the one from my ISP, so they should be okay with it.
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Sep 9, 2014
iPhone and iPad still connect over wifi just fine. Connection doctor says to check network connection.. I did. SMTP server didn't change.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 20, 2012
For some unknown reason my mail program is just now asking for a password when I attempt to send an email. I verified the password with my ISP. When I go to the Mail program/Preferences/Accounts I see a screen that has three sections. The third section offers "Outgoing mail server (SMTP)" but offers no box allowing a server number such as 587... Why is that option missing? What is likely causing this sudden request for a password?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 6, 2014
How do I set up a mail server and SMTP server to send messages to other mail servers at mavericks
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Aug 25, 2008
I've been troubleshooting this for over an hour now. My AOL account wont send msgs only receive them. Everytime i try to send i get the error below, i run a diagnostic and mail says it connects with the server fine but sending messages is a no go area.
I've quadruple checked the settings and they seem fine.
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May 4, 2012
iCloud is now functioning on my MacBook (OS 10.7 Lion), iPhone, but not the iMac (OS 10.6.8 Snow Leopard). I converted from MobileMe. Incoming mail functions with iCloud on the iMac, but I am not able to connect to Outgoing and therefore unable to send outgoing Mail from this computer. The Mail Connection Doctor in Mail Preferences indicates that I am connected to an outgoing SMTP account in Mail. I manually added but to no avail. So therefore two questions that may resolve this issue:
(1) what is the correct smtp address for iCloud?
(2) does the iCloud server support SSL? Please note that I have no idea of what SSL is, but the Mail Connection Doctor advised that I check this out.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6)
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Apr 2, 2012
Woke up this morning, flipped open my MBP, and I see an Error Message that says that the Certificate is Invalid for SMTP Mail server. I looked, but it says it doesn't expire until 2014. So why does this message happen and what does it mean? I quit Mail, and then Restarted anyways to see what happens and all seems to be OK. But what does it mean and where does this message generate itself?
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Mar 17, 2012
I have experienced problems with a POP outgoing server for some time on both my MacBook and IMac - incoming is OK. I have contacted the service provider and they say that all codes and log-in details are correct and that they can send from Webmail server ( and so can I). I can also use the outgoing server on my iPhone so it suggests that something is wrong in the settings on the iMac and MacBook - but they are correct and the same as the iPhone.I notice that this server shows 'offline' in th setting box - is this a clue?. I have not found anyway of making this server go on-line.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 31, 2009
I'm having such a hard time syncing Gmail with Apple Mail now that I've done a fresh install of SL. First of all, in Gmail Settings, the instructions for setting up Apple Mail are for Apple Mail 3.0. But the Apple Mail with SL is 4.0. The instructions say to "Check the box next to Automatically set up your account." Pic of what I'm talking about: But my Apple Mail does not have that check box: Once it's setup it says it's supposed to look like this: Notice that it's POP and not IMAP? And in mine, once it's "automatically setup" it's IMAP and not POP: When I leave the settings as is, and try to send and receive mail I keep getting an error that says something like "Can't send mail on outgoing mail server". And when I change the outgoing server to POP I get the same error. I've tried everything, I've setup and deleted this e-mail account from Apple Mail at least 4 times now and I keep getting the same error.
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Jun 15, 2012
I couldn't find a "Mail-specific" forum, so will post here for help. I’m running an older version of Mail (2.1.3) on a PPC G4 MacMini with OS 10.4.11. I have two IMAP accounts feeding into Mail, one my Apple iCloud account, and the other my work Exchange account. All seems to be working fine, but I have a question about the outgoing mail server settings. For iCloud, the outgoing mail server seems to have been automatically set as “” and it uses Server Port 587 with SSL and Password authentication. For my work Exchange account, after lots of trial and error, it uses Server Port 25. Why does one use 587 and the other 25 as a Server Port? Is this OK from a security standpoint? I really have no understanding whatsoever of this stuff.
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Sep 5, 2014
After many years of using Mail, my outgoing mail server is suddenly offline. My wife's mail, with identical settings is not offline. We do not use iCloud for our mail. I have several mail accounts and they all show outgoing (Offline). The outgoing mail server is SMTP.WEST.COX.NET. For me, of course you can add (Offline).
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), iMac7,1 (24-inch Mid 2007)
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Sep 17, 2007
The Mozilla product, SeaMonkey (which is a combined internet browser and email client kind of software, and is the next generation of the original Mozilla Suite, which in turn was THE Netscape software for many years) became problematic recently. This happened once before in the (4 years ago) distant past but at that time i was using dial-up to an aol ISP and changing to Comcast solved that issue for me. The mods on the Mozilla and Bugzilla forums suggest that it is mac firewall-related. i have to doubt this because the problem exists with firewall turned on or off. The older no longer supported Mozilla Suite email client can still connect and send email out using port 25 to connect to SMTP outgoing server. The Seamonkey still behaves correctly as a browzer but is unable to connect to the SMTP outgoing mail server (port 25) anymore using the exact same user account name and password as the Mozilla Suite does. Comcast tells me they have tested my connection and all is as it should be to receive and send. Their tech support has no help available for Mozilla or Netscape or anything else except Outlook Express, But a Comcast techie tried jumping me through their hurdles for "outlook express" and all the settings appeared to be correct. The SeaMonkey worked flawlessly until one day recently it didn't anymore. i recognize, Peter, that you have the firmly held opinion that all mac folk should use only Safari, but free is free. And Safari is not as handy-dandy as Mozilla for the kinds of things i like to use to connect to the .www. and down-load and to forward or send and receive email. SeaMonkey, since it uses port 110 pop3 for incoming mail also still works fine. So i CAN receive email at SeaMonkey read it and mouse-click on interesting links if any, but to send or forward email, i must log off and and then fire-up and use the old Mozilla Suite. My equipment: iMac SL OS X 10.3.9 with 768 Mb ram and 56 gig hard drive. i have read a bit at the Mozilla forums and see that there has been this connectivity problem on and off with both PC and Mac but always just a very few users leaving any posts about it. The SeaMonkey developers (all volunteer hobby-ist coders} have shown little interest , perhaps because it only affects the very few that it affects, but it also has been seen as a glitch or bug with their Thunderbird email client going back about 4 years. i have tried down-loading older versions of SeaMonkey and they now fail to connect too. The set-up wizard has one new account setting difference in the SeaMonkey that i can see, a new little window to enter in : "description" and at the first user account setting window in Mozilla Suite there used to be an advanced user button which is no longer there in SeaMonkey.
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Jun 1, 2010
In I have it setup to use 2 email accounts, one is my personal email account and the other is my business account. How do I set it so that when I create a new email it'll always default to being sent my personal email account rather than my business account?
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Nov 24, 2008
I'm new mac fan who has bought a macbook pro and thrown BG & MS out of my life, almost. The transition has been a little tough. I am finding some Mac things so easy. And other so hard. Apple Mail is giving me fits. In outlook express, I have 3 email accounts for various levels of privacy. All using verizon's outgoing mail server to send email. So, same username, pw & settings & outgoing Pop are the same on all 3 accounts. No problem in Outlook Express.
Mail says you cannot have the same username & pw& pop in 2 separate accounts whether it is outgoing or incoming pops/servers. On 2 accounts I have started using their own pop to send mail out. I still cannot get 1 account to email out. For 2 accounts I use onlymyemail to filter spam and then I download it from their incoming pop. So, these 2 accounts must have the same username and password and pop to download the filtered email. It seems like this whole thing is reversed. This should be a MS problem, and Mail should allow the same usname & pw on all accounts.
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Apr 13, 2012
All Mail outgoing server settings disappeared? Trying to avoid keying in 3 different settings. Time Machine backup. Is there specific file containing old settings that I can restore of copy?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 12, 2009
About an hour ago (have been trying to sort it since) I was in the middle of sending a couple of e-mails (been emailing a friend for about an hour, so was a sudden occurrence). And the messages don't send, wait in the outbox and an error message pops up JUST on my sky e-mail account, who are my ISP providers. They're claiming the port number and the outgoing mail server are incorrect/causing the error yet I have no touched the setting since the day I set the account up about 5months ago. The first line of the error says 'there may be a problem with the mail server or network' and then it goes on to mention the outgoing mail server and the port number (which is 995).
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Jan 19, 2010
over my Entourage outgoing mail can no longer update Exchange server 2003.
Entourage 12.2.0 was working fine on my OSX 10.6.2. I believe after upgraded Entourage to version 12.2.3, all my outgoing mail were not updated to exchanges server.
All mail reaches it intended recipients and a copy keep in local folder. other function like calender and contact are able to sync with exchange without problem.
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Nov 19, 2007
Can anyone tell me how I can change my outgoing message font color like from black to Blue and make it default without having to do it manually every time. I can't seem to figure it out.
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Apr 2, 2012
I am using Macbook Pro (OS Lion), unable to send/receive emails. I have reset all settings (no help). Problem is temporarily resolved by logging into webmail but then issue returns once Apple Mail app is shut down and then re-opened. Server tech support (Rogers/Yahoo) says that the mail client keeps sending the wrong password so the account gets locked out. I have changed the password and re-entered all the mail settings?
Mac Pro, Other OS
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Apr 24, 2012
In Account Information Outgoing Mail Server says: iCloud is offline. But apple says it is on line?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 14, 2010
Alright, this has been going on for about 2 weeks now? I finally got fed up with it today, did a lot of searching, found people with the same issue, but no ways to fix it. Basically, I have two gmail accounts. I can receive email just fine, but I cannot send it. When I do, it comes up saying can't use the server It offers to let me use another smtp server, but being gmail, it doesn't work either. Mail Diagnostics show connection to the internet, but has issues with the smtp server at times. It is sometimes listed as Offline, sometimes not. I have "Use default ports" selected, those being 25, 465, 587 under under the "edit smtp server list" on account information. Nothing under "IMAP Path Prefix" Port: 993 with use SSL checked. authentication is password, and works. That's all the info I can think of to provide you with, if you need anything else, just ask.
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Jun 29, 2012
Using iCloud through Mail on OSX 10.7.4, I cannot send any emails.I receive them just fine, but it will always timeout when trying to send emails.The smtp server I seem to be on is I tried to ping it and it has 100% packet loss, although this might just mean they reject ICMP requests.Sending from my iPhone or iCloud on the web works just fine.
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 9, 2012
I have been getting the below error when i try to send an email out through the mail client. It was working just fine till this evening and now its all gone downhill...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Mar 24, 2009
So the mail on my macbook just suddenly stopped being able to receive or send anything, everytime I open mail I get a pop up box saying:
The SMTP server [URL]rejected the password for user �schreiber16�
re-enter your password, or cancel.
So I enter my password but the box keeps popping up.
when it comes to this sort of stuff, and Google tells me that it may be something to do with my ISP.. but I'm at a loss how to fix it. I did a search and there have been others with the same problem as me, but most of them said the problem fixed itself, whereas mine hasn't after a couple of weeks.
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Apr 24, 2012
Trying to send mail and it just keeps going into outbox and says "Cannot send message using the server (offline)" . I got on to virgin who excessed my Mac remotely and could not find anything.The same on my other Mac running 10.6 and a mate up the road also running 10.6
Okay I have looked around and the only thing I can find to fixes this is get another mail client. Looks like it's another Apple thing
Mac Pro (Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3), LED Cinema Display 24in
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Jun 22, 2012
Why does my mailbox SMTP server keep rejecting my password. Both MSN account and my ME account. I can't get mail in or out....
MacBook Pro
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