Applications :: How To Install Offline MediaWiki On Mac (not Server)

Apr 29, 2008

I have a MacBook, and tested using MediaWiki as a notetaking software, and personally thought it would be the best way to take notes in class. But I'm wondering, how can I install mediawiki on my MacBook Leopard (not server), so I can use it as if it were an offline application?

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OS X :: Cannot Send Messages - Selected Server Offline

Feb 18, 2008

Just got my first Mac on friday, I'm loving finding out how to do everything, but one thing has become extremely frustrating. I can't send my email! I have no trouble receiving it, and I've read everything I can get my hands on and all my settings seem to be correct. I've tried port 25, port 587, tried using smtp.mac, mail.mac, (my ISP) tried with SSL and without, everything I could change I've changed. My username and password and all account information must be correct since I'm able to receive mail, it's just the sending that's the problem. I'm using a dot mac email account if that makes any difference.

One thing that concerns me is that under mail preferences, accounts, and account information, next to "outgoing mail server (SMTP)" it says "(offline)" next to the selected server. Here is the exact message I'm getting, and no matter how I change it the message stays the same. "Cannot send message using the server (null). This message could not be delivered because your SMTP settings are not set. please use the account preferences panel to set the SMTP options for your account. Select a different outgoing mail server from the list below or click try later to leave the message in your outbox until it can be delivered."

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Lion :: Use Offline Files On A Mac With OSX 10.7 And Windows Server?

May 25, 2012

Is is possible to use offline files on a Mac with OSX 10.7 and a Windows server?

Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: AD User Accounts Offline?

Jun 28, 2012

I've just added the macbook pros that were recently purchased, (NOT retina Displays)  boo i know.. THey are in AD able to place them and moved them around into different groups. I'm able to sign in when i'm on the network. WHEN I'M OFF THE NETWORK IT DOES NOT ALLOW ME TO SIGN IN.  In windows it builds a profile for you so i checked that it does create a profile folder under users but still not able to sign in (locally)? not really locally?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Able to Bind, NO offline signin.

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OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.1 - Outgoing Mail Server (Offline)

Sep 5, 2014

After many years of using Mail, my outgoing mail server is suddenly offline.  My wife's mail, with identical settings is not offline.  We do not use iCloud for our mail.  I have several mail accounts and they all show outgoing (Offline).  The outgoing mail server is SMTP.WEST.COX.NET.  For me, of course you can add (Offline).

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), iMac7,1 (24-inch Mid 2007)

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ICloud :: Outgoing Mail Server Says ICloud Is Offline

Apr 24, 2012

In Account Information Outgoing Mail Server says: iCloud is offline.  But apple says it is on line?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Install A SSL Certificate On A Mailserver Under 10.6 Server?

Apr 18, 2012

I'm trying to install a SSL Certificate on a mailserver under 10.6 server. I dont know what to do by intermediate certificate and choosing type on certificate assistant.

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Applications :: Mac Messenger Appear Offline?

Dec 10, 2008

I've attached a picture to show what I mean (sorry for all the painting lol) but at times when I'm on MSN Messenger for Mac I always appear offline but people still start convos with me which is very annoying.

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Applications :: Offline Maps App For OSX?

Jun 14, 2009

Newbie so sorry if this is the wrong place.

Is there an offline maps app (like the old autoroute for PC but cheap) that I can use on my MacBook

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: 10.6 Server Install Won't Get Beyond Welcome Screen?

Jun 20, 2012

I have a clean install of 10.6.3 Server (retail) and every time, after the post-installation reboot, I get to the Welcome screen and I can't use the local mouse/display to go any further (the "Continue" button is dimmed out). And there's the spinning progress wheel in the bottom, left corner. From past headless server installations, I think what's happening is the server is waiting for a remote connection to continue with the installation (via Server Admin or Apple Remote Desktop). Because I've had the logic board (just) replaced, I can't do a remote install as it's not accepting the "new" serial number associated with the logic board (ie. first 8 charachters), nor is it accepting the 12345678 password. So, I'm forced to do a local install — but, I can't even do that now because I'm stuck on the Welcome screen. 

I've tried reinstalling the OS several times now, let the machine sit on the welcome screen for an hour, tried doing it with out and without network cables attached (including different ports on the Mac Pro, different cables, etc.), but I just can't get passed the Welcome screen. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7), Xserves (Early 2009, Early 2008, G5), Mac Pro

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Applications :: AIM 2.0 Shows Friends On MSN Offline?

Nov 8, 2010

does this work? lifestream shows my facebook contacts online and also my friends on AIM but not my friends who I added who have msn

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Applications :: Archived Offline Emails Are Gone?

Mar 6, 2009

I have about 3-4 years worth of emails stored locally on my mac, every year or so, in the Mail App, I drag my emails from my inbox, and into a local folder I made in the Mail app. Today I run mail, and the local folders are gone, why would it just disappear like that?

How can I retrieve it?

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Applications :: Mail App On Leopard Offline?

May 17, 2009

I was setting up the mail app on Leopard to work with Gmail, but the app won't go online.

I think the problem was that I left a box unticked during the ADD ACCOUNT.

Is there any way I can go back and fix it?

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: App Store Server Won't Install

Apr 12, 2012

I bought the Lion Server and downloaded it.I ran the installer. A window appeared saying "Your Mac needs additional server software. Click Continue to download and install the software and finish configuration."It then shows a progress bar and proceeds to download, but stops with the error message: "Can't install Server Essentials because it is not currently available from the Software Update server." There is only an "OK" button that cancels the installer.I wasted hours with phone calls and support chat but they didn't know anything. it really seems like Apple has expanded to the point of incompetency.

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 1983 biodiesel Vanagon

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Applications :: Downloading And Viewing Websites Offline?

Apr 28, 2009

On PCs, theres Backstreet Browser.. is there anything like this for osx?

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Applications :: Apple's Mail App Or Offline Browser?

Jan 11, 2010

For the longest time i've been using Gmail and also the offline lab feature that allows me to access my gmail via the web browser. Rather than me going into a big explaining here i'll just mention i'm befuddled on whether to stick with Gmail's offline use or switch things up to Apple's Mail; reason in doing so is i've recently been noticing how some apps like OmniFocus play nice with Apple's Mail. Also having a Gcal account and using it I can't but help and prefer Gcal tenfold over iCal. But Gcal's offline use sucks for me when using Firefox. It's always a gamble when I'm offline and want to check my Gcal, sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. I'm not a big fan of iCal but have it always sync'd with Gcal so am currently using iCal...and am thinking about using Mail now. I just feel I enjoy Gmail's search, starring and folder system.
Plus I think I remember that when I include my account in Mail I see it downloading the 3GB's of Mail I have..and even though i'd assume Gmail would do the same, I never see where it goes which rests uneasy with me..

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Applications :: Gmail Offline Not Supported In Firefox 3.6?

Jan 29, 2010

For the longest time I was using an older version of FF, I think the 1st version of 3.5 so I could use this Google Notebook add-on that was support at the time....with this version I was using Google Gears which allowed Gmail offline use (alongside Google Docs offline & Google Reader offline) ..but since updating to the latest FF 3.6 it tells me Google Gears isn't supported, therefore not including Gmail offline use and the others.

I've been using Apple's Mail with my Gmail account, and its not that I don't like Apple's Mail, it's just i've been so accustomed to Gmail's experience.

How can I get this back? I need to be able to access Gmail offline...I love the starring system, labels, and their threaded conversations function.

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Applications :: Any Program To Download Website For Offline Viewing

Jan 18, 2009

I am looking for a program to download websites for later offline viewing. I am spending tomorrow with my grandmother and she doesn't have the internets but I'd like to download some free programming manuals for later viewing. Unfortunately they don't have a PDF. Internet Explorer for Mac had a really nice feature where you could download a site for later offline viewing. I haven't seen a comparable feature in any other browser.

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Applications :: How To Keep My Photos Offline On External Hard Drive

Jan 23, 2009

I have already set itunes up so that all my music is on an external hard drive instead of my laptop.

Can I do the same with iphoto?

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Applications :: Send An Offline Message To Mobile Contacts?

Jun 3, 2009

I am new to Adium after learning that Mac Messenger is crap. I just have a quick question. I have some mobile contacts, however if they are offline and I want to send them an offline message when I click on their name it starts sending them a mobile message. I want to send them an offline message, I was wondering how to just send them an offline message, when I right click it just shows, "send mobile message" or "initiate group convo". I want to do this because I was trying to message someone the other day and I Was talking away thinking it was an offline message and they messaged and said I was im'ing to their phone.

Anyone know how to just send an offline message?

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Applications :: Sync To Itouch And View / Edit When Offline?

Apr 23, 2009

i have an itouch. i need a note and to-do program that i can edit on my imac, sync to my itouch and view/edit on my itouch when i an offline. i have evernote, but i can only see my Favorites on my itouch when i am offline. it does not separate the favorites by notebooks when offline. is there a program that wld do this? i wld like a todo list that also works offline, and syncs w/imac. i come from palm and the note program there did all this. is the new iphone/ in june supposed to have a note program that syncs with the imac?

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Applications :: Mac Mail Doesn't Receive Exchange Emails When Offline?

Jun 22, 2009

I have been on Microsoft Exchange for 6 years. Migrated from PC to Mac about a year ago. I started using Microsoft Entourage 8 because it supported Microsoft Exchange Server.

I was working, although periodically Entourage would lock up and I would have to re-sync the inbox. After finally getting fed up, I've decided to move to Mac Mail.

After some initial pains to setup the Exchange account settings, I finally have it "working". The only problem is that not all my email messages are sent to the Mac Mail client.

If I'm online with my Mac when the email hits the Exchange Server, I get the message. But if Mac Mail is not open, I won't get the message. I can confirm that the email hits the exchange server because I can see it in Outlook Web Access, and on my BlackBerry.

The only way I know how to get the emails into Mac Mail is by going into my blackberry, marking the emails as read, or un-read, while the Mac Mail client is open. If I do that, then Mac Mail will discover that these messages are in my Inbox and pull them into the Mac Mail client.

This is very frustrating as I have to keep track of which emails I received when Mac Mail was closed. If I walk between meetings for 2 minutes and I receive an email, I'll miss it in my client.

I'm using Mac Mail version 3.6 (935/935.3), on Mac OS X - 10.5.7.

I'm not sure what version of Microsoft Exchange I'm on as that is managed by my company IT department.

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Applications :: Adium / Facebook - Offline User Name Appear In Buddy List

Oct 4, 2009

When someone logs off of Facebook, their name still appears in my buddy list. It's grayed out, but still there. I usually have to go to File > (My Facebook Account) > "Refresh Buddy List" for their name to disappear.

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Applications :: Mapping Application Like Microsoft Streets & Trips In Offline Format?

May 24, 2008

I'm looking for an application that will be basically a mapping application like Microsoft Streets & Trips, but will have all the maps in offline format, either on a CD or something.

Basically a maps application that you can use without needing a connection to the internet.

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Applications :: How To Connect To Exchange Server For Mac Mail / The Server Cannot Be Contacted On Port 443

Feb 5, 2010

I have been given the attached one-pager with screenshots of how to configure a Windows Outlook client to work with our corporate email system (Exchange).

I want to configure the Mail client on my Mac, however.

Can anyone give me a clue where these things are entered? When I add a new account in Mac Mail, and choose Exchange 2007, I don't see similar fields. My guesses so far have resulted in "the server cannot be contacted on port 443

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OS X Server :: G4 Won't Boot After 10.4 Install

Jul 31, 2006

So I installed osx 10.4 server on a Power Mac G4 (white/blue)

Went throught the setup screens and did a complete reformat / install. The boot disk is set to the HDD. after the install is complete it just boots to the loader screen. (Where the mac face shows, followed by a question mark) and just cycles over and over.

I can put the DVD in at this point and restart the install.. I did go in and check the disk permissions and disk status and both passed..

I've also checked the open firmware. printenv and it shows the HD and path.

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OS X Server :: Unable To Install Mac OSX 10.5 On A G4

May 4, 2009

The system has a NewerTech 1.6Ghz CPU upgrade in it, 1.25Gb of RAM, and 30Gb free on a 80Gb HD. The system doesn't have an Internal DVD, so I attached an external Memorex DVD via Firewire. The system is already running 10.4.11 client and works just fine.

I am willing to either upgrade in place or do a clean load. What ever it takes to get this installed so I can play some...

Currently, when you put the DVD in the drive it shows up on the desktop and you can open it to the Installer.

Upon launching the Installer, you get the message "Mac OSX 10.5 cannot be installed on this machine.

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Applications :: Looking For A Mac RSS Reader Like An Offline Google Reader'!

Jun 2, 2010

I just tried NetNewsWire, and Vienna, NNW is nice but Google Reader has a great feature that these both are without.

In GReader, when I mouse over or scroll down it marks that one article as read. No pushing buttons, clicking next, nothing. Just read.

I want to be able to pre-download all of my current unread items, AND the pictures. Gears for GReader does NOT download the pictures. I have a lot of picture only feeds, like lolcats, that I would like to let build up for a week and then on my long plane ride home, check out.

In NNW I can smash the space bar and get this accomplished, but I'd rather just scroll through, or at least have the option to.

I don't really like the look of Vienna, it's too unpolished, NNW is a tad better and has better options for like the prefs.

It would also be interesting to be able to give specific instructions, or adjust certain settings on a per-feed basis. Such as filter out cartain keywords (Without using a service such as feedrinse).

I hat vienna because once I click on a feed, it marks everything as read. That's bad for me as I sometimes just open a mega feed and read one or two items. I have maby 20 or 30 feeds, but usually get 2-300 new items a day. Most are junk like Joystick, but I like to sit down and go through the important ones while im taking a break or eating lol.

I know you can't but it'd be interesting to allow some feeds to auto queue an embedded movie, let me view it offline (or off my VPN.

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OS X Server :: Serial Key For Mac OS X V10.5 Leopard Install?

Jul 14, 2008

any one can give me serial no Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard Install

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OS X Server :: Upgrade From 10.2.8 To 10.4.9 To Install ITunes 8?

Nov 25, 2008

I have a 1GHz Power PC G4 running system OSX 10.2.8. I have 256mb memory. I need to upgrade to 10.4.9 to install itunes 8. Will I be able to do this and how do I go about it? Also will I need to buy more RAM.

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