OS X :: Connecting Two Range Extenders To A Wireless Router?
Mar 31, 2010
I currently have the netgear router set with an IP address of with DHCP enabled and no security set up (i originally had WEP enabled but this made the problem worse.
I then have two sitecom range extenders set up connected to the router wirelessly to extend the signal in opposite directions. One is set up with an IP address of and the other with default gateway set at and DHCP disabled. This sets the network up working for a short time however as soon as more than one machine tries to connect to the network it all shuts down. It seems that the setup cannot assign IP addresses to more than machine at a time.
I have an eMac 1Ghz with 10.3.9 on it and I just bought a new Lexmark Wi-Fi Printer. I have no Extreme card, just a Netgear Wired/Wireless router that's obviously connected to my eMac via CAT5 cable. I set up the printer for wireless, hoping my eMac would use the router as a card-substitute type deal. Well it doesn't. Cannot connect as if it were not there.
I recently purchased an iMac desktop and installed it in my home office. It worked fine, except that the airport was connecting erratically to the wireless router, which is located about 5-7 meters away in a different room. I tried re-positioning the iMac to have better 'reception' but the problem persists. I can see the number of airport connectivity 'bars' changing every second and then going off fully. Very frustrating.
Could there be a problem with the iMac antenna? A colleague told me that if there's a wireless phone in the house near the router that can cause problems. Another told me that the router (a basic D-link 802.11g, 5 yrs old) needs to be replaced.
I have a Power Mac G4 dual 876Mhz MDD ,recently bought. I am trying to connect to the internet and am having no problem when I connect an ethernet cable to a netgear Wireless router that shares the connection. However as I have an airport express base station, would it be possible to connect the airport express base station to the powermac via ethernet and then connect to the internet wirelessly via the netgear router and airport express base station?
I recently acquired an iBook G3 600MHZ with an Wireless B Airport Card. My router is a Netgear WNR2000 that is standard N but is backwards compatible with b/g. I have no idea how to set this up. I've tried and it doesn't connect. Oh, and I am running 10.2.8.
I went to Starbucks and it connected there instantly. So I don't know what's going on.
I have an OLD Ti Book. (667 MHz, G4; 1 GB RAM, running 10.4.11). Just bought a SISCO Linksys wireless-n router (dual band), high performance. It is set up properly, as my iphone is connecting and my work PC laptop connects too. I am assuming that my old, but kick ass powerbook does not have an airport card built in? So, I assume I need an adapter? We bought the adapter that went with the router, but after I got it home, realized it is only for windows. Did I miss the MAC one, or can I use this one.
I have a Linksys Wireless Router and a Linksys Modem, the router is 6 years old or so 802.11b, how much faster would the Internet be if I had a combined Linksys wireless router/modem versus the 802.11b that I have now?
Would I see a huge difference? I am running my Macbook off it and an olde Toshiba laptop.
I have Mac computers, and have a wireless connection using a standard O2 router. I'm just about to build the office/studio in the garden and I need an internet connection here, but the O2 box hasn't got the range. It's about 100ft between the router and the hot seat with a wall and some planting in the way. My question is this: Will an Airport Extreme base station give me more range than the O2 box? Will an Airport Extreme work with O2? Would I be better off laying an Ethernet cable along with the rest of the electrics all the way up to the studio and do away with the Wireless idea? Can a (approx) 100ft Ethernet cable give me a decent signal or is that just too long?
I have a home network where all devices (various Macbook pros, xbox, ps3, pc's, etc.) connect wirelessly via airport extreme: works great. I am trying to connect an ipod touch from a distance of about 75 feet, and although it will connect, it drops the signal now and again (signal strength goes from 1 bar to no bars). I have this older dell "Wireless 2350 Broadband Router" and I am wondering if I could add this either in a wired or wireless configuration to repeat the base station signal (i.e., to extend the range of the network). I know that I could just run out and buy an airport express to accomplish this, but I'd like to see if I could "recycle" the dell router first. Whatever I do, I don't want to muck up the primary network in the process.
What is the best router to have for my iMac 27", 3.06 gig? I currently have a Belkin N1 Wireless Router, but it has been acting up lately, dropping my connection, requiring disconnect/re-connect.
I have a linksys wireless system set up in my home right now, but am trying to extend my wireless range to a few more rooms. I have tried to set up my Airport Extreme Base Station as a remote and have the linksys as the main station, but it doesn't seem to be working. Does anyone know if this is possible (i.e. have the linksys as a main station and Airport Extreme Base Station as a remote)? One a similar note, even after resetting the Airport Extreme Base Station and connecting it directly to the DSL modem, I cannot connect to the internet. The computers connect fine to the wireless network, but the internet will not load.
I have a Netgear Wireless G Router and was wondering if this is sufficiant or is there something out now that is faster/better. Mainly used for my macbook and wife pc laptop and 2 IPhones.
I am having trouble with my Time Capsule's wireless range. I am not a networking expert by any means. I own an old building that is 4 stories connected by stairs with thick walls.
All the rooms ethernet cables converge in a cubby on the 3rd floor. I placed my Time Capsule in the cubby, but I couldn't receive a wireless signal from the 1st floor. This is ironic because I have an old Netgear G router that sends signals throughout all 4 floors.
So I bought an Airport Express to extend my network wirelessly, but the signal has been unstable perhaps because the Time Capsule's wireless signal is too weak.
So I want to connect the Airport Express on the 1st floor using the Ethernet link from the 3rd floor Time Capsule which is my main router.
From my research, I discovered about WDS networks, which I believe you have to use in order to create a network with multiple Apple base stations linked through ethernet.
I called Applecare who told me:
-To connect from Time Capsule to Airport Express using Ethernet, must use WDS network. Setup Airport Express as Relay, NOT Remote.
-Relay- Direct ethernet connection from Time Capsule to Airport Express, then wireless connection from Airport Express to Macbook.
-Remote- Wireless signal from Time Capsule to Airport Express, then direct Ethernet connection from Airport Express to Macbook
I have several questions for you wise people out there:
1. To extend the Time Capsule wireless network using the Airport Express, but connected directly via ethernet, do I need to setup a WDS network?
2. I prefer to just use the simple Apple settings "extend network wirelessly". Will this setting only boost a wireless signal received from the Time Capsule? Can it not extend a wireless signal sent directly from Ethernet?
3. I'm considering getting a Quickertek Triband antenna to place outside the cubby. Anyone have any experience with Airport external antennas?: [URL]
Any information would be much appreciated! These networking issues have been giving me months of headache.
I'm lucky if I can get more than five feet away from my Linksys wireless-G router before the Airport Extreme says it's getting no bars. My son also has an Airport Extreme card in his iMac; connection is always iffy, even though his computer is barely four feet from the router.
Do I need a wireless-N router? Is there no backwards compatibility here (e.g. shouldn't a wireless-G router be able to work with wireless-N Airport Extreme cards?)
I have a 2006 Intel iMac (Running 10.6.1)that is not seeing my wireless routers (D-Link 628 and Time Capsule Dual-channel). The D-Link is downstairs. It is not in the best place, but at my only option. My Macbook Pro sees the D-link fine on the same desk as the iMac. I replaced the D-Link with the Time Capsule and the iMac doesn't even see that. If I bring it close (completely underneath the desk) to the iMac it will see both routers. The weird part is before a hard drive crash and replacement it worked fine (I know, I know something is amiss from the replacement).
I have just got my 1Tb time capsule and there are a lot of confusing descriptions of how to connect it.
At the moment I have just selected "join existing wireless network" which is a ADSL 2.4ghz G Router that came with my internet package (Thompson TG585 v7).
Does this mean that all traffic goes via the ADSL Router and that I will not be using the 5ghz band when I back up so that all the data will follow a path like this and have slow data rates? :
MAC --2.4ghz--> ADSL Router --2.4ghz--> TC
or will I be communicating directly with the TC at 5ghz for backups and data transfer and 2.4ghz with the ADSL router for internet like this? :
MAC --5ghz--> TC ADSL Router --2.4ghz--> MAC
If this is not a good setup, what setup would allow me to get the full speed to the time capsule and be connected to the internet.
I have an airport extreme base station (wireless n draft). problem is, my room is all the way in the back and i get poor reception. Can i just buy another standard $40 wireless G router and "extend" my wireless network? if so, how easy would this be to accomplish? would it be as simple as hooking up the $40 router with my airport extreme using via ethernet cable so that it extends it? update: I am looking at this router...would this accomplish my purpose? [URL:....]
I am running ATT DSL Extreme 3.0 and have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router. I currently only get wireless in approx. half of my house, and the half in which I don't get it, will be needing it. So I am going to need to buy a range extender or wireless access point? I am a college student so I don't have a large budget, but I am looking for advice. Should I stick with Linksys and just buy one of their range extenders, or should I buy an Airport Extreme and hope the N signal is stronger? I am going to be sharing files soon when I get my Mac Mini HTPC setup going on in the living room to this from my other iMac's and MBP.
In summary, I am just not sure if it would be worth the extra $ for the Airport extreme or if I should just stick with the linksys.
So as the title states, I'm having trouble getting the wireless to work through Vista on my MBA.The router is a dlink DIR-615, supports wireless-N. It works fine when I'm in OS X. But when I'm in Vista, it shows up, but when I try to connect it won't work. Basically it just says it cannot connect to the router, and it tells me to select a different network.
Router settings on the DIR-615: - mixed mode a/b/g/n - channel 6 - WPA/WPA2 encryption - AES cipher
I tried manually setting up the connection with the corresponding settings on the router through the settings, but no luck. I tried connecting to a different router, WRT-54G the popular linksys one, no problems with that.
Boot Camp drivers have been installed. Its weird, I had this problem setting up my PS3 (playstation 3) before; It would connect, but it was unable to access internet. I had to disable/enable the PS3 wireless system to get it working again.My sister has a macbook pro 12", and she hasn't had any problems connecting through OS X.I'm a first time Mac user, am I missing anything?
Can I connect a wireless router to the second ethernet port of my MacPro? I have the main ethernet cord from the modem connected to my ethernet port 1, then I connected my router to my computer through ethernet 2, thinking that it would broadcast the internet connection. However, it is not working. The router is broadcasting, but the internet isn't working (and the light indicating internet connection on the router is yellow, not green). Is this something that isn't possible? Or do I need to change settings (not just plug and go)?
I've got an iBook G3 with the B AirPort card installed that has worked fine until trying to connect it to the Linksys WRT610N. No matter what settings I use, AirPort cannot connect to the router. I've updated the router's firmware to the latest version, and am only using WPA, as WPA2 is not supported by the card. I've switch between TKIP and AES, which hasn't helped either. Also, I've changed the router between everymode (Mixed, Mixed B+G only, B only), and that hasn't worked either.
I have a D-Link Extreme router, and the WiFi has issues with my MacBook and such every so often and it drives me absolutely crazy. But I have 2 wired computers and a Xbox 360 that never have a problem plugged into the router via ethernet. I was wondering if I bought a Airport Express and plugged it into the 4th port of my router rather then into modem would it have enough juice to transfer the WiFi? I don't want to spend the extra money on a more expensive router for some plugs and WiFi if I can still use my router for wired and send a wire to the Airport for wireless. Yet I don't want to spend the money on the Airport Express if it can't be used like that like some other routers can.
I have macbook intel 2.0 GHz and Mac OS X 10.4.11.I had no problems with connecting with belkin g plus mimo router (f5d9230-4) before, but suddenly it dropped down the connection.It was about two months ago, in meantime I was trying to reset modem and router many times, I did "restore factory default" on the router and set it up again, I was trying to change location in network system preferences, but it doesn't work.I see my router as available in airport networks list, but I am not able to connect to it, it shows "password is not valid" when I'm trying to do it by network setup assistant, and "there was an error joining the airport network" when by airport scroll down menu.
I was also trying to set router as a open network, or to change the password.My other wireless devices like iphone 3g have no problems with setting up such connection, but my macbook must be wired if I want to access internet at the moment
OK I know this can be done and have searched many forums and I cannot find the whole walk through on the process!!!
I have the Airport Extreme one version back without the dual antennas and I'm trying to make up for that with my old linksys router. I want my airport extreme to transmit wireless N only! and my linksys to transmit wireless G only!! configuration setting to make this happen??
Not sure if this is possible, I'm sure there's someone out there who would be able to tell me either way. I've got a D Link router thats plugged into my 50mb in my lounge. I'd like to put my airport express in my kitchen and pair them so its the same network. The reason for this is that I have my HIFI in the kitchen which will be plugged into my airport so I can use it as remote speakers for my itunes while I'm still connected to the 50mb and D Link. Is this possible?