MacBook :: Airport Stopped Connecting To Router?
Jan 3, 2009
I have macbook intel 2.0 GHz and Mac OS X 10.4.11.I had no problems with connecting with belkin g plus mimo router (f5d9230-4) before, but suddenly it dropped down the connection.It was about two months ago, in meantime I was trying to reset modem and router many times, I did "restore factory default" on the router and set it up again, I was trying to change location in network system preferences, but it doesn't work.I see my router as available in airport networks list, but I am not able to connect to it, it shows "password is not valid" when I'm trying to do it by network setup assistant, and "there was an error joining the airport network" when by airport scroll down menu.
I was also trying to set router as a open network, or to change the password.My other wireless devices like iphone 3g have no problems with setting up such connection, but my macbook must be wired if I want to access internet at the moment
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Jan 25, 2010
I've got an iBook G3 with the B AirPort card installed that has worked fine until trying to connect it to the Linksys WRT610N. No matter what settings I use, AirPort cannot connect to the router. I've updated the router's firmware to the latest version, and am only using WPA, as WPA2 is not supported by the card. I've switch between TKIP and AES, which hasn't helped either. Also, I've changed the router between everymode (Mixed, Mixed B+G only, B only), and that hasn't worked either.
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Nov 18, 2010
I have a D-Link Extreme router, and the WiFi has issues with my MacBook and such every so often and it drives me absolutely crazy. But I have 2 wired computers and a Xbox 360 that never have a problem plugged into the router via ethernet. I was wondering if I bought a Airport Express and plugged it into the 4th port of my router rather then into modem would it have enough juice to transfer the WiFi? I don't want to spend the extra money on a more expensive router for some plugs and WiFi if I can still use my router for wired and send a wire to the Airport for wireless. Yet I don't want to spend the money on the Airport Express if it can't be used like that like some other routers can.
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Apr 9, 2009
OK I know this can be done and have searched many forums and I cannot find the whole walk through on the process!!!
I have the Airport Extreme one version back without the dual antennas and I'm trying to make up for that with my old linksys router. I want my airport extreme to transmit wireless N only! and my linksys to transmit wireless G only!! configuration setting to make this happen??
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Nov 11, 2010
Not sure if this is possible, I'm sure there's someone out there who would be able to tell me either way. I've got a D Link router thats plugged into my 50mb in my lounge. I'd like to put my airport express in my kitchen and pair them so its the same network. The reason for this is that I have my HIFI in the kitchen which will be plugged into my airport so I can use it as remote speakers for my itunes while I'm still connected to the 50mb and D Link. Is this possible?
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Jul 8, 2009
i've just got my sister a emac G4 1ghz i installed the airport extreme card from my G5 cos she wants it in her bedroom but it's not connecting to the router, my router is a Thomson TG585 V7 i never had this problem with old airport, it only seems to be with extreme although the card was connecting to the network from my g5 was basically inches away from it, the Emac is on the floor about 2ft away i goto connect and it just keeps timing out, i've made sure the wpa key is correct and even tried manually entering the network config details but to no avail, is there any hope?
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Jan 26, 2007
Connecting a router to Airport Extreme: Will it slow down the internet access to all the computers more? I wanna hook up my Mac Pro, iMac via Ethernet and my PowerBook will be wireless. Is it gonna effect my speed?
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May 7, 2012
my facetime has stopped connecting! Also, it will not turn on anymore...
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Jul 29, 2009
I want to fully convert to the apple eco-system but can't afford the new airport extreme right now. Model number of the used airport is EbM8799LL/A
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May 3, 2012
'what is an airport base station? I'm using a generic router and have forgotten my airport password. I see a remark about a soft reset but I don't know what an airport "base station" is.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 6, 2012
i am traveling to my parents and want to use my aiport to get wifi. my fathers computer is not running on wifi. what do i need to do to get my airport to work with his router
MacBook, iOS 5.0.1
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Jun 17, 2012
How do I use my AirPort Extreme base station with my FIOS Router to extend my network? I have hard disks connected to my AirPort Extreme and would like to access them.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 15, 2008
Does anyone out there is able to guide me thru the step on setting up a 2Wire all-in-one router with the AirPort Extreme base station? I was reading from somewhere, they were saying like i need to bridge the 2 router together or something.
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Dec 8, 2007
I have an eMac 1Ghz with 10.3.9 on it and I just bought a new Lexmark Wi-Fi Printer. I have no Extreme card, just a Netgear Wired/Wireless router that's obviously connected to my eMac via CAT5 cable. I set up the printer for wireless, hoping my eMac would use the router as a card-substitute type deal. Well it doesn't. Cannot connect as if it were not there.
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Jan 30, 2009
So as the title states, I'm having trouble getting the wireless to work through Vista on my MBA.The router is a dlink DIR-615, supports wireless-N. It works fine when I'm in OS X. But when I'm in Vista, it shows up, but when I try to connect it won't work. Basically it just says it cannot connect to the router, and it tells me to select a different network.
Router settings on the DIR-615:
- mixed mode a/b/g/n
- channel 6
- WPA/WPA2 encryption
- AES cipher
I tried manually setting up the connection with the corresponding settings on the router through the settings, but no luck. I tried connecting to a different router, WRT-54G the popular linksys one, no problems with that.
Boot Camp drivers have been installed. Its weird, I had this problem setting up my PS3 (playstation 3) before; It would connect, but it was unable to access internet. I had to disable/enable the PS3 wireless system to get it working again.My sister has a macbook pro 12", and she hasn't had any problems connecting through OS X.I'm a first time Mac user, am I missing anything?
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Dec 2, 2009
Can I connect a wireless router to the second ethernet port of my MacPro? I have the main ethernet cord from the modem connected to my ethernet port 1, then I connected my router to my computer through ethernet 2, thinking that it would broadcast the internet connection. However, it is not working. The router is broadcasting, but the internet isn't working (and the light indicating internet connection on the router is yellow, not green). Is this something that isn't possible? Or do I need to change settings (not just plug and go)?
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Dec 17, 2010
I recently purchased an iMac desktop and installed it in my home office. It worked fine, except that the airport was connecting erratically to the wireless router, which is located about 5-7 meters away in a different room. I tried re-positioning the iMac to have better 'reception' but the problem persists. I can see the number of airport connectivity 'bars' changing every second and then going off fully. Very frustrating.
Could there be a problem with the iMac antenna? A colleague told me that if there's a wireless phone in the house near the router that can cause problems. Another told me that the router (a basic D-link 802.11g, 5 yrs old) needs to be replaced.
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Mar 31, 2010
I currently have the netgear router set with an IP address of with DHCP enabled and no security set up (i originally had WEP enabled but this made the problem worse.
I then have two sitecom range extenders set up connected to the router wirelessly to extend the signal in opposite directions. One is set up with an IP address of and the other with default gateway set at and DHCP disabled. This sets the network up working for a short time however as soon as more than one machine tries to connect to the network it all shuts down. It seems that the setup cannot assign IP addresses to more than machine at a time.
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Jan 1, 2011
My friend bought a new netgear router today. He plugged it in and was ready to get on the internet. The problem is, he can't get on the internet. He is able to connect to the router though. We also tried unplugging the router from the modem and plugging the ethernet straight into his Macbook Pro. From there the internet works perfectly. It is like the modem and the router are not connecting.
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Jan 5, 2011
I have just purchased a new Time Capsule but struggling to set it up in the most effective manner. I currently have a Belkin Wireless Router / Modem that I was using to provide me with internet connection and my home wireless network.
Now I have the TC, I want to use that for my home wireless network but I will need to still use my Belkin router / modem to provide me with the internet connection.
Is there a way I can disable the 'router' element of the belkin unit and just use it as a simple ADSL ethernet modem to connect to my TC and then let the TC set up the network?
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Jul 1, 2008
I have a Power Mac G4 dual 876Mhz MDD ,recently bought. I am trying to connect to the internet and am having no problem when I connect an ethernet cable to a netgear Wireless router that shares the connection. However as I have an airport express base station, would it be possible to connect the airport express base station to the powermac via ethernet and then connect to the internet wirelessly via the netgear router and airport express base station?
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Dec 19, 2009
I recently acquired an iBook G3 600MHZ with an Wireless B Airport Card. My router is a Netgear WNR2000 that is standard N but is backwards compatible with b/g. I have no idea how to set this up. I've tried and it doesn't connect. Oh, and I am running 10.2.8.
I went to Starbucks and it connected there instantly. So I don't know what's going on.
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Feb 22, 2010
I have an OLD Ti Book. (667 MHz, G4; 1 GB RAM, running 10.4.11). Just bought a SISCO Linksys wireless-n router (dual band), high performance. It is set up properly, as my iphone is connecting and my work PC laptop connects too. I am assuming that my old, but kick ass powerbook does not have an airport card built in? So, I assume I need an adapter? We bought the adapter that went with the router, but after I got it home, realized it is only for windows. Did I miss the MAC one, or can I use this one.
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Oct 25, 2010
I have gone over many different methods of fixing my moms macbook not connecting to the internet. I know it's blasphemy, but I'm not a mac person to begin with and this is not making me think any higher of them.I know there are other posts about the issue, but people just keep getting off track with the first posters question.She has Mac OS X version 10.6.3At first it was giving me "invalid password", but that was not the issue, because my dads "HP" laptop was connecting just fineeeeeeee without any errors to drive the consumer insane! Now, it's just giving me "connection timed out".The first thing I did was to do a hard restart of my belkin 802.11g router to reset settings do default. Updated firmware to latest version.
For some reason, the airport utility was unable to find any airport wireless devices. I also connected the ethernet straight into the mac and it was still giving me the error.I tried making another location. I tried moving airport to the top of the network preferences and made ethernet "inactive". I have tried running network Diagnostics in safari and that was a waste of time..(sorry I'm so negative, but this has really gotten to me) This just kept giving me an error saying it can't fix the issue because it has no idea as well.I'm at the end of my rope and would love to have my opinion of macs back on the "maybe" side of things.
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Apr 10, 2008
I have a macbook air, but this seems to apply to any mac's with airport. I connect once to our corporate wireless network, I type in the password and it connects. On occasions, when I start up the computer, it doesn't connect and a window pops up with my network listed but it says "none of your preferred networks are available". When I first connect I do check off remember this network. So why isn't it remembering it?
When I go into system preference and click on network, select airport and click on advanced, that network does appear under the preferred networks. Does anyone know why its not letting me automatically connect the next time? Sometimes its ok, sometimes it doesn't even know I connected to this network before.
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Nov 12, 2010
So, I just opened up Acquisition and it seems to just get stuck on "Connecting..."
Is anyone else having this problem? Anyone know of a fix? It worked up until maybe a week ago.
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Feb 24, 2009
I just bought my first Mac from ebay i'm a new user and don't know much about macs, I was using my ethernet to surf the web until my belking router comes in. So this is what I have done so far my desktop is wired to the router running XP the connection is fine and my setup is a WPA, my macbook is running 10.5.6 Lepord my router says the MB is connected to the router but I'm unable to connect to the internet. TCP/IP is set to DHCP my airport says status on, and that it has a self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect to the internet I've already have my MB set to share web, internet, files & printers on my network. Is there something i missed or i'm doing wrong I called belking and got no problems with the router we used many setup changes and I ran a hardware test on my MB and no problems were found.
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Mar 11, 2010
I installed a WRT400N router via my PC several months back and used an adapter to utilize the Dual Band, Wireless N network. The product worked very well on my PC.
I recently bought a 27" iMac. It easily connected to the 2.4 Ghz Wireless N network. Performance and reliability are both good. However, I cannot see the 5Ghz network listed as an available network. Video streaming is not as good without the 5Ghz network.
Supposedly the 27" iMac (with built in wireless N) can achieve the Dual Band connectivity with Airport Extreme...but I do not want to spend money to replace a perfectly good router.
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Nov 23, 2009
I need to know how I can set up a system so that I can use the printer and browse the internet wirelessly on the MacBook Pro and have the non-wireless PC connect to the internet and use the printer as well.
It sounds confusing, so hopefully one of you guys will be able to understand it and maybe quickly draw a labeled diagram to show me.
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Mar 15, 2012
so the other day i opened my computer and it wouldn't connect to the internet. it had been working fine before that and nothing had changed, it just stopped connecting. I have full signal and can connect to the network, but my internet signal on the top bar has an exclamation point and says "Alert: no internet connection." My roommates can both connect with their computers so i dont know the problem! i've looked for solutions on other forums and havet tried deleting "airport" as a source and then re-adding it, deleting the system configuration folder, renewing the DHCP lease, nothing works.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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