OS X :: Apple Replacement Options - Possibly Itunes 9
Sep 18, 2009
im playing a song in itunes 9, not al the time but enough to be annoying either itunes song jumps and the whole mac will freeze for a split second and do this untill i stop playing the song or the song will play fine and for example safari will freeze for a split second and i can't do anything and it repeats until i stop playing the song again, anyone else had this
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Nov 15, 2010
When I start tunes it always asks me if I want to allow incoming access.When I try and synch to Apple TV it tells me I ned to open port 3689.There are many posts on support forums about these issue with previous OS releases
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Apr 9, 2009
I got my refurbed 2.4 unibody MB less than 2 weeks ago and just took it to the Apple Store because the very far right side of my spacebar stopped working, and I had a few slanted keys in various places on the keyboard too. The genius at the store told me they needed to replace the top case (metal chassis w/keyboard & trackpad built-in?) and it would take 3-5 days.Anybody else had problems with slanted keys OTHER than the function row? Anybody else had a top case replacement for this or other reasons?I'm nervous that I'm going to get my MB back and the new top case will be installed crooked or worse than the old one. Or the hard drive will be wiped and I'll have to re-install all my programs and iTunes/iPhoto libraries. I was loving the MB, with the spacebar failure being the only real problem... worried it's going to come back more messed up than it was. Am I just being paranoid?
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Jul 31, 2010
I am having the problem of my iMac freeszing and becoming unresponsive. I can move my mouse curser around the screen, but nothing is responsive. Tried a force quit using the keyboard but that doesn't work either.
I have to power my iMac on then off to restart.
I think it may have something to do when I launch iTunes, and I am using CPU intensive applications? This problem has occured recently when i have been watching YouTube videos, then launched iTunes. Also on another occasion when using Ableton Live, then launched iTunes.
When my iMac reboots after the freeze, and launch iTunes for the first time the "Checking iTunes Library" dialogue box appears and takes a while to load before iTunes launches. My iTunes Library is quite large, 55GB.
Anybody got any trouble shooting advice? I know the console app shows errors but am not very sure what to look for.
I'm running 10.6.4 and iTunes 9.2.1.
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Oct 22, 2010
Since I don't have any experience replacing the hard disk myself nor know anyone that can (otherwise I would definitely opt for an X-25M);
if I deliver my 13'' MBP to the apple store and ask for an SSD placement (currently having the 5400 RPM drive), will I get one of the newer SSDs that support TRIM in boot camp?
Or can't you really know beforehand ...
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Apr 29, 2009
A couple of years ago I purchased an iMac c2d 24" BTO with upgraded Graphics (7600 256mb), 2 GB of memory and a 500 GB hard drive. This has failed three times and Apple have decided to replace it with a new iMac 24 2.93GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 256MB memory etc .
I have to send my old unit back first then they will send out the new machine.
My question is how do I follow the machine trail? I have yet to receive a call to arrange pick up of my old machine and I've checked on Apples web site under my account and can see nothing about the new machine.
Can any one who as been down this road especially in the UK enlighten me as to what happens and how to view things.
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Mar 24, 2009
I have misplaced my Leapord Install Disc and I need to use it. If I borrowed a disc from a friend in real life would that work or does each disc only work on the specific Mac it came with? Also, does Apple give out replacement discs or would I have to purchase Leopard again?
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Mar 9, 2010
I am looking for a replacement for my gf's - now dead - laptop (non-Apple). My preference would lean towards the MBP 13" over the 'new' MB, don't particularly like how the plastic unibody turned out and I heard about cracks and the aluminum model being superior. On the other hand, the buyer's guide states that it is due for an update (but no known refresh date yet and immediate replacement is required). However, she is currently used to Windows and is content about it - then again, she doesn't know Macs. Therefore, I am curious about possible alternatives, the laptop does not have to pack a lot of power (she would just use it for the casual things, no game or anything; office, mail, IM's, internet). I want her laptop to be of proper build-quality though and not too heavy (she's a slender girl ). So I was Interested in Lenovo too, but don't know their range of product at all. So, any suggestions? Not looking for hate on wintels here (is this the wrong forum to ask? :P), just some honest advice on good quality laptops that are not overspecced, preferably under the $1,000 mark (I know the 13" MBP surpasses that).
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May 29, 2010
I miss my "apple" key. Does anyone make a apple key that would replace the command key on a unibody MBP?
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Jan 4, 2010
I could purchase another power supply for my Apple TV? I managed to lose it during my last move.
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Jun 16, 2012
I have a White Macbook (early 2009) model and its starting to crack and break around the screen bezel and keyboard. I have heard that Apple were aware of this problem and was offering free replacement parts for affected Macbooks. Is this still the case and if so what is the process of booking in my Macbook for repairs.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Early 2009 model
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Dec 29, 2008
My friend purchased a used Macbook and needed to reinstall Leopard on it (to remove the previous owner's junk), so he borrowed my install DVDs. Alas, the first DVD got stuck in the combo drive, so he had to send it in (under Future Shop's Product Replacement Plan, not under AppleCare, but FS sent it to Apple for repair). When he got it back, many weeks later, the DVD didn't work and could not be booted from. Will Apple give me a replacement? Does it matter which one of us calls? I'm thinking they might want the serial number to find the incident information, and since it's his Mac that was sent in, that he should call.
will they let me purchase a replacement OEM DVD (with iLife and everything that came with my Macbook)? Anyone know how much?
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Apr 3, 2009
Like they do with the Apple iPhone when the battery goes down to a certain charge? If not, what are the advantages of getting Apple Care then?
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Jun 15, 2012
i have a macbook pro 15" 2011, i would like to change the internal drive with an SSD (OWC Mercury Extreme Pro 6G), but i have the Apple Care plan active. Does the drive replacement void the Apple Care? or the Apple Warranty in general ?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 23, 2012
I purchased a MBP early 2011 which I needed to return for replacement 3 days later. This was done on the spot and a replacement invoice was to be emailed to me. I purchased AppleCare with my original MBP and I was told that this would automatically transfer and be registered with my replacement model. I must say I was pretty impressed with the speed and hassle-free nature of the service (for my first ever Mac as well). Unfortunately, I have just checked the status of my Apple Care and noted that it was listed as expired !!!
Doing my research, it appears that on the invoice for the 'replacement' unit they sent me, they listed the original (faulty unit) serial number for both the unit that was returned, and the replacement unit. This was obviously an error because they gave me a brand new unit in a new box and I am typing on it right now. I also noted that they 'returned' my old AppleCare Agreement and applied a 'new' AppleCare Agreement (with new agreement number) but it has the returned MBP serial number listed (not the new one)!
I am looking for suggestions on how to get this rectified for the following reasons:
- I need my Apple Care that I paid for to be applied to the correct unit
- I need my current Apple MBP to be registered to me as the owner (I have no idea who they would have it registered to at the moment given the invoice is incorrect .........)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 27, 2008
I'm looking to replace my current failing speakers and I'm thinking of getting the old Apple Pro Speakers (with that fancy connector) or the USB ones that came with the G4 Cube. Griffin had their PowerWave thing a while ago that could amplify the USB speakers because the USB port didn't have enough juice to power the speakers like it did on the Cube. My question is, does anyone know of an alternative USB amplifier that could get the job done? Or a way to convert the Apple Pro Speakers into a usable form? I have the unibody MacBook, is this even an issue anymore, or are the USB ports the same power as the Cube's?
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May 3, 2010
If I buy a MBP online (say Macmall) and it shows up with a problem (dead pixel, etc.) can I take it to an Apple store for repair/replacement? Or do I have to return it to where I bought it?
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Aug 26, 2014
I replaced my hard drive at the weekend in a mid 2010 MacBook Pro with a Samsung/Seagate 1TB 2.5 inch 5400RPM SATA II Hard Disk Drive. The install of the hardware went fine, and the computer recognised it no problem. I went through the process of formatting which again went ok, then I moved on to the restore of the old image from my time machine.
After the 4 hours or so it said restore successful and a restart was required - after the restart I am presented with the apple logo and spinning wheel and can make no progress beyond this point.
I have tried 3 restores now - all of which were 'successful' and have the same issue. I have checked the disk using the repair tool and there are no recoded issues so I'm at a loss.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 19, 2010
I want to upgrade to a apple LED 24" Display or if apple invents a 27" LED one and I want to hook it up to both my MacBookPro 13" And my gaming PC. I know i'll need a KVM but need assurance it will work with all the converters. Can the 3 Apple cables be split up, video, Power ,and usb as I will use Power and USB on the Laptop, I'll need to go from display port to dvi, then dvi to to the KVM video switch box (Whats the TREDNET TK207K KVM switch like) Then from one of then dvi to dvi on my gaming pc and on the other dvi port all the way upto my macbook pro mini display port. Can it be done because I know too many converters will not work
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Sep 18, 2010
Who else here is rocking an Apple-installed SSD? Any regrets on not going with an SSD from companies like OWC? Is the Apple one fast enough for you?
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Jul 25, 2009
Does anyone know the e-mail address at Apple to which I could send a rather paranoid and panicked question about Time Machine?I had to restore from a Time Machine backup this morning, and the backup had saved everything except my iPhoto library, so years of photographs (including my impossible-to-duplicate trip to Ireland) are gone.
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Jan 20, 2010
[URL] take the time to write to Gizmodo, a major tech blog reporting [URL] You can write to them: submissions[[URL]The more people that make the issue publicly known, the more likely Apple will come out of the dark and admit to their serious quality control
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Jul 30, 2010
my 2009 unibody white macbook's trackpad isn't working right. Every time i move the curser with the trackpad it registers as a double click (i.e. if im on a web page it will highlight every word i go over) it happened ever since the last Apple trackpad update, how can i fix it?
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Dec 15, 2009
I'm making the transition over to Apple.. I'm considering either the new 21.5" iMac or a refurbished 24". I'll be using this for photography and will need to use the built-in screen until I allocate funds for a better monitor like the NEC LCD2690WUXI2. I recently found this article http://www.fireandknowledge.org/arch...en-glare-free/ Can someone (who has tested this) confirm if this same technique will work on the new 21.5" iMac?
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Dec 18, 2009
I just found out about pollux [URL] from TUAW and unfortunately I found out a little too late. It seems to be this great app that works similar to Shazam on the iPhone. It reads through your iTunes library and fixes all your songs to have proper titles, albums, album art, etc. The servers are down according to the site. I don't know how long this has been the case and don't know how long it's going to last. Does anyone have any FREE alternatives that they know of?
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Jan 10, 2011
Apple on Monday announced to users of its iWork.com public beta that new features have been added to the Web-based service, including the ability to play Keynote presentations online, as well as new options for public sharing and private online storage.The details came in an "important service message" sent to users by Apple on Monday. The changes require users run the latest version of iWork, 9.0.5, released last week.
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Jan 31, 2010
I'm having a bit of trouble trying to get a 4gb Memory Stick Duo to mount on my macbook running 10.6.2. My camera doesn't recognise the card when inserted and neither does my macbook. When I try connect it to the macbook I get the "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer" with three options of: Initialise, Ignore, Eject. When I view the card in disk utility the repair and verify disk are greyed out as the screen shot shows. It says it is a 33mb disk when it should be 4gb and the SMART status is not supported and Partition Map scheme says it is unformatted. The format should be FAT (I think). It seems the card could be corrupted in some way or worse dead. Is there anyway of trying to recover the files, which are all photos?
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Mar 5, 2010
I think I may have a dead pixel in my MBP. I've got the October 2008 model, the LED display. Today I noticed a little grey-ish speck in the display. And trust me, it is IN it, not ON it. Believe me, I wouldn't be wasting anyone's time if this was something that could simply be cleaned off. It is not visible when the display is off; when that area is dark, the spot is visible as a lighter grey as compared to the surrounding area; when that area is white/light, it appears as a darker grey color compared to the surrounding color. Having said all that, I have still cleaned the screen thoroughly several times but to no avail. It is visible from the boot screen (white screen with the apple) and as long as the screen is on, but again it disappears when I turn it off. From all this, I gather that it is likely a dead pixel. I have reset the PRAM and of course that didn't help. I called Apple and they agreed with me, so I went ahead and set up an appointment for the Genius Bar (almost an hour away).
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Apr 11, 2010
I have a mid-2007 Macbook 2.16 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo with integrated GMA950. Now, as you all know the GMA950 is absolute ****. But, I have a close friend that has this [URL] logic board he can sell to me for a pretty cheap price. I am certainly in no condition to upgrade to a newer Macbook as of yet, so this should hold me over for the time being. So, I was wondering if it is possible to install it into my Macbook.
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May 21, 2010
I just purchased a 2.26Ghz Mini with 10.6.1 preinstalled. Wondering if it's possible to downgrade to 10.5 or will there possibly be hardware issues since the hardware was likely built with 10.6 in mind? Haven't see any threads with this particular issue/question.
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