I am looking for a replacement for my gf's - now dead - laptop (non-Apple). My preference would lean towards the MBP 13" over the 'new' MB, don't particularly like how the plastic unibody turned out and I heard about cracks and the aluminum model being superior. On the other hand, the buyer's guide states that it is due for an update (but no known refresh date yet and immediate replacement is required). However, she is currently used to Windows and is content about it - then again, she doesn't know Macs. Therefore, I am curious about possible alternatives, the laptop does not have to pack a lot of power (she would just use it for the casual things, no game or anything; office, mail, IM's, internet). I want her laptop to be of proper build-quality though and not too heavy (she's a slender girl ). So I was Interested in Lenovo too, but don't know their range of product at all. So, any suggestions? Not looking for hate on wintels here (is this the wrong forum to ask? :P), just some honest advice on good quality laptops that are not overspecced, preferably under the $1,000 mark (I know the 13" MBP surpasses that).
My K key on my labtop popped off last night and I can't get it back on. Does anyone know how to pop it back on or if it's broken where I can buy a replacement key?
Since I don't have any experience replacing the hard disk myself nor know anyone that can (otherwise I would definitely opt for an X-25M);
if I deliver my 13'' MBP to the apple store and ask for an SSD placement (currently having the 5400 RPM drive), will I get one of the newer SSDs that support TRIM in boot camp?
I have a White Macbook (early 2009) model and its starting to crack and break around the screen bezel and keyboard. I have heard that Apple were aware of this problem and was offering free replacement parts for affected Macbooks. Is this still the case and if so what is the process of booking in my Macbook for repairs.
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Early 2009 model
i have a macbook pro 15" 2011, i would like to change the internal drive with an SSD (OWC Mercury Extreme Pro 6G), but i have the Apple Care plan active. Does the drive replacement void the Apple Care? or the Apple Warranty in general ?
I purchased a MBP early 2011 which I needed to return for replacement 3 days later. This was done on the spot and a replacement invoice was to be emailed to me. I purchased AppleCare with my original MBP and I was told that this would automatically transfer and be registered with my replacement model. I must say I was pretty impressed with the speed and hassle-free nature of the service (for my first ever Mac as well). Unfortunately, I have just checked the status of my Apple Care and noted that it was listed as expired !!!
Doing my research, it appears that on the invoice for the 'replacement' unit they sent me, they listed the original (faulty unit) serial number for both the unit that was returned, and the replacement unit. This was obviously an error because they gave me a brand new unit in a new box and I am typing on it right now. I also noted that they 'returned' my old AppleCare Agreement and applied a 'new' AppleCare Agreement (with new agreement number) but it has the returned MBP serial number listed (not the new one)!
I am looking for suggestions on how to get this rectified for the following reasons:
- I need my Apple Care that I paid for to be applied to the correct unit
- I need my current Apple MBP to be registered to me as the owner (I have no idea who they would have it registered to at the moment given the invoice is incorrect .........)
I'm looking to replace my current failing speakers and I'm thinking of getting the old Apple Pro Speakers (with that fancy connector) or the USB ones that came with the G4 Cube. Griffin had their PowerWave thing a while ago that could amplify the USB speakers because the USB port didn't have enough juice to power the speakers like it did on the Cube. My question is, does anyone know of an alternative USB amplifier that could get the job done? Or a way to convert the Apple Pro Speakers into a usable form? I have the unibody MacBook, is this even an issue anymore, or are the USB ports the same power as the Cube's?
If I buy a MBP online (say Macmall) and it shows up with a problem (dead pixel, etc.) can I take it to an Apple store for repair/replacement? Or do I have to return it to where I bought it?
Does anyone know if you can upgrade say the hard disk of a base level macbook pro (13 inch i'm looking at) AT the apple store? I guess to illustrate my point - I'm looking at the baseline 13 inch macbook pro and I wanted to upgrade the hard drive from the 160 gb - maybe the 300 or 500 gb hard drive. Because I'm only stopping by for a day I wanted to buy one on the spot (thus getting it at an apple store rather than buying it online).
A couple of years ago I purchased an iMac c2d 24" BTO with upgraded Graphics (7600 256mb), 2 GB of memory and a 500 GB hard drive. This has failed three times and Apple have decided to replace it with a new iMac 24 2.93GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 256MB memory etc .
I have to send my old unit back first then they will send out the new machine.
My question is how do I follow the machine trail? I have yet to receive a call to arrange pick up of my old machine and I've checked on Apples web site under my account and can see nothing about the new machine.
Can any one who as been down this road especially in the UK enlighten me as to what happens and how to view things.
I have misplaced my Leapord Install Disc and I need to use it. If I borrowed a disc from a friend in real life would that work or does each disc only work on the specific Mac it came with? Also, does Apple give out replacement discs or would I have to purchase Leopard again?
im playing a song in itunes 9, not al the time but enough to be annoying either itunes song jumps and the whole mac will freeze for a split second and do this untill i stop playing the song or the song will play fine and for example safari will freeze for a split second and i can't do anything and it repeats until i stop playing the song again, anyone else had this
My friend purchased a used Macbook and needed to reinstall Leopard on it (to remove the previous owner's junk), so he borrowed my install DVDs. Alas, the first DVD got stuck in the combo drive, so he had to send it in (under Future Shop's Product Replacement Plan, not under AppleCare, but FS sent it to Apple for repair). When he got it back, many weeks later, the DVD didn't work and could not be booted from. Will Apple give me a replacement? Does it matter which one of us calls? I'm thinking they might want the serial number to find the incident information, and since it's his Mac that was sent in, that he should call.
will they let me purchase a replacement OEM DVD (with iLife and everything that came with my Macbook)? Anyone know how much?
I have a late 2008 uMBP 15 inch and in safari, regardless of using the integrated graphics card or the higher end card, when I press apple t for a new tab the computer hangs for at least 10 seconds then once it finally loads the top sites page it appears all scrambles for a second, then it works normally.
My second problem is that my hinge is very loose. I can't hold the laptop at 45 degree angle without the screen falling down and closing. Will apple fix this?
I replaced my hard drive at the weekend in a mid 2010 MacBook Pro with a Samsung/Seagate 1TB 2.5 inch 5400RPM SATA II Hard Disk Drive. The install of the hardware went fine, and the computer recognised it no problem. I went through the process of formatting which again went ok, then I moved on to the restore of the old image from my time machine.
After the 4 hours or so it said restore successful and a restart was required - after the restart I am presented with the apple logo and spinning wheel and can make no progress beyond this point.
I have tried 3 restores now - all of which were 'successful' and have the same issue. I have checked the disk using the repair tool and there are no recoded issues so I'm at a loss.
I am considering switching to a Mac Book Pro and have been told that it is capable of running windows operating systems. Does anyone have any experience with this and how well it works? The main reason for running Windows are two specific programs not available for Macs plus my company uses Microsoft Outlook for email. The model that I am looking to buy is the 15" 2.53 GHz, 4GB Memory with NVDIA 9400M graphics.
I purchased a 13" MacBook Pro in late December of 2011. After working with it for 6 months I've realized I should have bought the 15" model instead. Does Apple accept "trade-ins" if a customer chooses to upgrade?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My battery for my 12" Powerbook G4 is munted and i need a new one. There are a few around for about $90AUD from 3rd party re-sellers which is less than half the $200AUD apple want for a genuine battery.
So i'm just wondering, has anyone got any recommendations about 3rd party batteries? i know it will probably vary a bit depending on where they're from, but i spose i'm just wondering if its worth the extra $100?
So my Pismo died shortly after I added an addtional 133Mhz 256MB RAM module to it. Don't know if the daughter card CPU connector socket is no longer making excellent contact, or I just static electricity shorted it (RAM transfered to new TiBook works just fine, so probably something more serious like logic board or PS gradually dying was what lead to kernal panics and finally only booting up to chime sound and black screen)...but long story short after lots of searching/troublshooting, I got a used 'dealer refurbished' 1Ghz TiBook from Wegener Media. Cost more than a alum PB, but it's the fastest dual boot (yes, I know, but I still want OS9.2 bootability) laptop in Apple's line. Only problem when I received the system, I did Apple Profile on it, and found no Airport Card installed. Sent an email to Wegener and got a reply that there were at least 9 different configurations of 1Ghz Tibooks, and that Airport Cards where a "CTO (configure to order) optional, not stock, item"...in Wegener's words.
I own a MPB and an Apple 30" cinema display with a fill sized DVI connector. For work I have a PC with a female VGA output jack. I tried to use a female 'DVI to male VGA' connector I bought at Frys but the PC just won't drive the ACD.