MacBook Pro :: Apple SSD Owners Unite Options
Sep 18, 2010Who else here is rocking an Apple-installed SSD? Any regrets on not going with an SSD from companies like OWC? Is the Apple one fast enough for you?
View 24 RepliesWho else here is rocking an Apple-installed SSD? Any regrets on not going with an SSD from companies like OWC? Is the Apple one fast enough for you?
View 24 RepliesUsers of Apple's ultraportable Mac are increasingly reporting that a firmware update might be taming processor usage, but is still leaving many of their systems too hot to use and prone to software freezes.
While a number of owners at Apple's discussion forums say the hardware patch solved a problem that would force a core to shut down entirely and ramp up the internal temperature, others still note the slim system continues to overheat and in some cases will bog down as the MacBook Air is unable to cope with a given application's demand, particularly an OS component known as kernel_task.
This happens regardless of whether any peripherals are attached that might ask more of the system.
Others also notice that their systems are simply slowing down in different ways: instead of switching off a single core, a handful report their systems keeping both cores active under most temperatures but lowering the clock speed, producing much the same result.
"This 'update' is a farce - all that it does is step the processor down to 800MHz as soon as the [temperature] rises to some ridiculously low [level]," one Air user explains.
Common troubleshooting steps appear to rule out software as the cause, even with complete operating system reinstalls. A number of less cautious owners have taken to installing the unofficial third-party app CoolBook to adjust system voltages and force the system to run at full speed but at lower voltages and thus lower heat.
For those determined to get an official solution, Apple's frontline technicians have had little success. More than one customer bringing his MacBook Air to the Genius Bar was told that a hardware repair was unlikely to help and to hope for "a software update or some other word" from Apple to provide a more permanent remedy.
While candid, the response comes with no public Apple response and is described as little consolation to customers who feel the system either too hot or too slow to be workable in real conditions.
"How long am I expected to wait? Currently, my computer isn't fit for the purpose for which it was built and sold," an affected owner says.[ View this article at ]
I'd think this was worthy of Page 1 mention, although the track record of this site regarding news that can be considered "negative" towards Apple certainly leans toward the fanboy side. Regardless, here it is: [URL] I for one am not going to bother. When my OS X is getting the same amount of viruses, trojans, and spyware that my last Windows machine had when I abandoned it, that's the day I switch to Linux. The built-in security of OS X was half the reason I switched in the first place.
View 1 Replies View Relatedmy 2009 unibody white macbook's trackpad isn't working right. Every time i move the curser with the trackpad it registers as a double click (i.e. if im on a web page it will highlight every word i go over) it happened ever since the last Apple trackpad update, how can i fix it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMBA OWNERS-what problems have you had with MBA 1st generation
View 24 Replies View RelatedI just use my MBP for everything. I hook it up to a external monitor for photo editing. Found out I need a new monitor, need one that can give me accurate color for printed photos. I am struggling with buying a Imac. Not sure I will like the glossy screen and printing issues? I like just having the one machine, easy to keep everything up to date, back up,, etc. Just wondering if others like using their laptop as a desktop too.?
View 24 Replies View RelatedWhen I start tunes it always asks me if I want to allow incoming access.When I try and synch to Apple TV it tells me I ned to open port 3689.There are many posts on support forums about these issue with previous OS releases
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to upgrade to a apple LED 24" Display or if apple invents a 27" LED one and I want to hook it up to both my MacBookPro 13" And my gaming PC. I know i'll need a KVM but need assurance it will work with all the converters. Can the 3 Apple cables be split up, video, Power ,and usb as I will use Power and USB on the Laptop, I'll need to go from display port to dvi, then dvi to to the KVM video switch box (Whats the TREDNET TK207K KVM switch like) Then from one of then dvi to dvi on my gaming pc and on the other dvi port all the way upto my macbook pro mini display port. Can it be done because I know too many converters will not work
View 5 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know the e-mail address at Apple to which I could send a rather paranoid and panicked question about Time Machine?I had to restore from a Time Machine backup this morning, and the backup had saved everything except my iPhoto library, so years of photographs (including my impossible-to-duplicate trip to Ireland) are gone.
View 12 Replies View Relatedim playing a song in itunes 9, not al the time but enough to be annoying either itunes song jumps and the whole mac will freeze for a split second and do this untill i stop playing the song or the song will play fine and for example safari will freeze for a split second and i can't do anything and it repeats until i stop playing the song again, anyone else had this
View 4 Replies View Related[URL] take the time to write to Gizmodo, a major tech blog reporting [URL] You can write to them: submissions[[URL]The more people that make the issue publicly known, the more likely Apple will come out of the dark and admit to their serious quality control
View 3 Replies View RelatedI bought my MBP 2.8 second hand a few months back. The seller created an account under my name - which all works fine. He also left a bunch of graphics apps that I want to keep ( so I'd rather not re-install OS X ) - when I start the computer I get the log on panel - and just above the name field where you put in your account name, it says " Joe Bloggs Macbook Pro ".
How can I change this so it says my name?
I'm making the transition over to Apple.. I'm considering either the new 21.5" iMac or a refurbished 24". I'll be using this for photography and will need to use the built-in screen until I allocate funds for a better monitor like the NEC LCD2690WUXI2. I recently found this article Can someone (who has tested this) confirm if this same technique will work on the new 21.5" iMac?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI belong to a camera club and they asked for submissions in sRGB jpegs and not imbedded. I may have been confused when I saw my image show up in the message as well as the attachment above. Any way the fellow I was sending them to said he couldn't open them. I have sent hundreds of jpegs and never had a problem. Has anyone had this experience? I went back to the tiff and turned off the imbed in sRGB and saved in Microsoft preference and then converted to jpeg. I can't believe in this day and age jpegs are still a problem being read.
View 3 Replies View RelatedApple on Monday announced to users of its public beta that new features have been added to the Web-based service, including the ability to play Keynote presentations online, as well as new options for public sharing and private online storage.The details came in an "important service message" sent to users by Apple on Monday. The changes require users run the latest version of iWork, 9.0.5, released last week.
View 15 Replies View RelatedIf I could I would get rid of everything related to Microsoft but unfortunately I need to use Windows applications for my work. Specifically, Autocad Civil 3D, Revit Architecture and a bunch of structural engineering programs. I have tried running these applications on Parallels on Mac systems such as MacBook Pro Mid 2009 (2.93 C2D, 4gb ram) but was not satisfied with the performance. Autocad was lagging even when working in 2D. I don't even have to talk about Revit... I never had the opportunity to test this on more powerful systems and this is where I need your advice. Is it possible for the Mac Pro to run these applications on Parallels seamlessly? That is, as if you were running Windows on a PC? What is more important CPU, RAM, GPU? To catch up with a few possible comments, a) I don't want to run Windows via bootcamp, b) I am aware that Autacad is coming to Mac OS but I need the extra features of Civil 3D and Revit.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm still contemplating over here.. Close to hitting the order button. I was thinking about Sandy Bridge but I dont see any other benefits besides just a bit higher clock as to the current lineup. I figured a more worthy wait for an upgrade would be the one after sandy bridge.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI've done everything but under my name in user accounts it still says the short name of the last owner. Also, when I share my iTunes library it still comes up as the last owners library.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
Was using Disk utility and noticed something that says "Owners Enabled = NO" What does it mean? and can it be enabled if it is a good thing?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI bought a used late 2009 MacBook & Mac Mini HTPC loaded with apps/programs and this is my first run with Macs. The previous owner didn't restore them at my request as part of the deal, all of the software discs and serial numbers went with his other MacBook when he sold it and if I restore I will lose everything but iwork and snow leopard, I can't afford to buy new and don't want illegitimate copies of CS5 Master collection and tons of others that can't be updated. I have spent two days attempting to remove his what seem to be thousands of files, docs, etc and seem to be getting nowhere and don't want to accidentally remove any operating components either. Is it possible to delete the user that installed all this software to wipe out his info/files without losing the software itself? He is the only user besides "guests", "staff" and "everyone else", I renamed it once but it seems to revert when I go to another app?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWatch this AWESOME Toy Story 3 trailer in HD full screen and post your Temperature + fan speed afterwards (specs too if possible ).
Temp: 77 Celcius
Speed: 4219 RPM
White MacBook, 2.1Ghz, 4GB Ram, 120GB HD
I just want to see how different a unibody MB does.
I have been using a borrowed Macbook Pro (5.4) OS X 10.6.8 so that I could learn some of the differences between the Mac & the PC's that I am familiar with.Before returning the Macbook to it's owner I'd like to wipe out the information I've put onto it while I had it. Documents, passwords, history etc. I'd like to return the laptop as it was when I rec'd it. The person I've borrowed it from is quite familiar with Mac systems, and I'd like to be sure my data is securly removed.
The person I borrowed from has their user account on the computer locked, and of course I can't damage their files in any way. I do have athority to create a new account.
I'm not sure if there is more information you need so that you can help me, but this should get the ball rolling.
We have purchased a 2nd hand iMac from Amazon and have been trying to download from the Mac App Store, we both have Apple IDs but when we are trying to download/purchase an app that was previously downloaded by the last owner it is only giving us the option to Accept and not purchase, after signing in it then gives us the error message that it has already been downloaded to the previous ID and if we want to download it we need to re-purchase it, which is fine.we did not get any original media in the box so cannot factory reset and redownload.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have seen a few videos about mastering and gave it a try myself. It can be done by clicking the master tab, then going to the Input 1-2 column setting and then clicking setting - mastering, etc.When I first did this a few weeks ago, there were many options such as hip hop mastering, electronic mastering, etc.Now, when I do so, I have different - much less enticing options and have no idea where the good ones went.
I'm thinking about getting an aluminum iMac in Sept when Snow Leopard releases. I sold my MBP.. which was supposed to be towards a new Mac... but I bought a new Ninja instead and the MBP money went towards my ridiculous insurance premium for the year. lol.
I really want a 24" but I don't want to drop the extra $300. Refurb is an option. As long as it wasn't scratched I wouldn't mine getting a refurb I guess. I currently use the older 17" Apple Studio Display and it's alright. But bigger and something widescreen is needed. 20" would be an improvement but not a HUGE one.
Which screen (20" or 24") has less backlighting issues?
This is my first post here, I am looking for some advice on an odd problem.I have a 2008 Macbook Apple MacBook MB403LL/A 13.3-inch, with GB ram and Snow Leopard. The problem being when viewing video the laptop gets hot and the graphic become corrupt and duplicate video and create odd squares on the screen. The problem is temporary resolved by turning the screen off/on but soon comes back.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've seen many people post that they want to see an ATI GPU. I was wondering if there was a particular reason for this. I don't know much about Nvidia's chips, do they not offer any with comparable performance and efficency?
View 22 Replies View RelatedLooking for an external HD to use for backups w/ Time Machine, and seperate data storage as well. I've been a windows/dell user for years so apologies if this is dumb, but would I be able to use this external HD without any issues/ or have any of you all purchased this and have feedback? I'm sorry for the jackass of a question, and feel free to bash the hell out of me [URL]
View 3 Replies View RelatedI recently went to turn on my laptop, and it started up, I heard the hard drive cycle, and it automatically went to a grey apple as the typical startup...but it froze there & a pinwheel was spinning...but it wouldn't boot up! What can I do to check this out?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I have two 500GB Momentus XT drives in my i7 MBP. each filled to 60-80% capacity. But when I'm doing anything from typing to playing back HD video in FCP, it lags and stutters, then catch up to itself. I did the firmware upgrades to the hard drives, and I have 6GB of RAM. What on EARTH would be causing this? It's driving me crazy! I ordered a Hitachi standard 7200RPM drive to swap into this to see if it's a hard drive issue or a RAM issues, but I'm guessing it's the Momentus.
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