MacBook Pro :: Error "another Network Is Using Your Computer"

Apr 28, 2012

I had a strange message on my Macbook Pro Desktop this morning saying"another Network is using your computer"?

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MacBook Pro :: Use As Wireless Router - Error "creating Computer - To - Computer Network"

Apr 26, 2008

I have a MacBookPro that I use in my room connected through ethernet. I am at university and they have only allow one machine to connect to their wi-fi that is available across campus, through mac address filtering. I also have an iPhone which I would love to use wi-fi on, at least while I am in my room lounging around and such. Anyway, the point being, can I use my MBP (connected through LAN) to act as a router so that my iPhone can connect to it? Essentially create a wireless network, so iPhone would find it and I could go online on it via wi-fi?

I tried going on Airport and clicking on "Create a network" (w/o a password), but I get an error saying "There was an error creating our Computer-to-Computer network." It doesn't say much else -- is there a better way of doing this?

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OS X :: Computer Name Keeps Changing / Computer Name X Already Exist In Network

Mar 24, 2009

My computer name always keep changing with a message like "computer name X already exist in your network and your computer name is now X(2)". I have to change the computer name back to X, or the computer will be rename to X(3), X(4) .... etc. I did not change anything in my network.Is there any way to stop this?

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Software :: Deleting Computer To Computer Network?

Nov 19, 2008

I accidentally set up a computer to computer network and I cannot figure out how to make it go away. I also tried to password protect it, to at least lock it down, but the password is removed from the network as soon as someone logs on (and doesn't require a password to do so). Something is fishy, to say to least. I was told to go into my preferences (through Library) but I don't know what to make of the omnioutliner files. How do I get rid of this network?

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MacBook :: Wireless Network At Speed 108 - Time Out Error

Jun 10, 2010

I have a white macbook that has airport extreme (0x14e4, 0x88). In some wireless networks that operate at speed 108 I got 'Time Out' Error when I want to connect. Is there any patch I should install or something should be done?

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Error - Need To Restart Computer

Nov 28, 2010

So ever since about 3-4 months ago, I'll get an error message on my Mac stating that I need to restart my computer. I lose all control and my only option really is to hold the power button down and restart it. I then Googled the issue and found this out. [URL]. No now my question is, do I do a clean install of my OS? Can Can I reinstall and then use time machine to restore my computer? I'm guessing that would give me the same problem as before. Any advice would be great! By the way.. I have a 2010 MacBook Pro i5 so its still really new. This problem happens maybe once every 2 months depending on how hard I'm using it.

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Was Restarted Due To Error

Sep 12, 2014

A few days ago it started with an error message after I logged in, but before the desktop appeard. Error message was about "your computer was restarted due to an error..." But in effect, it didn't restart. The message just appeard. After some investigations in the net, I thought this might be an issue with Kernel Panic. I run some HDD diagnostics and repaired the HDD out of the utility. 

I canceled the support call I had logged that time. The MacBook ran well now 5 days, but today it restarted automatically (first time) and I got the error message back. Unfortunately, I don't get the window after it started-up, where I can get a report, so I can't post anything else besides my configuration. 

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Printers And Faxes Cannot Find Network Computer

Feb 8, 2009

I recently changed ISPs and installed a new modem. I used to be able to print to a windows computer connected to a canon printer (using gutenprint driver). Now, I can't connect to any shared folders and am unable to print to the shared computer - Printers and Faxes can't find the network computer.

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OS X :: Computer To Computer Network Disappearing?

Mar 19, 2010

I have an iPhone and when I'm in my house I like to use wifi from my Mac. I'm running leopard 10.5 osx. I go to AirPort, create a network and I see it on the mac and iPhone. After I turn the computer off and back on it's gone. Is there a way to create a network that will not disappear?

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OS X :: Computer-to-computer (ad Hoc) Network Not Saving?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a unibody MacBook late-2009, latest update of SL 10.6.4.

I am attempting to use a computer-to-computer network from my MacBook to my iPod Touch 3G to use an application called TouchOSC which controls Ableton Live on my Mac.

I can Create Network just fine. It sets up the network inbetween my Mac and iPod perfectly. But once I disconnect from the created computer-to-computer network, that network disappears like it was never created. To use computer-to-computer again I have to re-create the network all over.

All of my other networks are stored just fine and I have no other problems with my house Wi-Fi or any others. I have reset my Network Preferences by deleting the SystemConfigurations files and still nothing doing about the computer-to-computer problem.

I am not sure if this is desired behavior, and if it is, is there any way I can save the network I created for later use? Setting it up every time is painful, I want to use it nearly everyday for music.

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MacBook Air :: Can't See Remote Disc (DVD Or CD Sharing) Host Computer On The Network

Jun 1, 2012

I've turned DVD/CD sharing on and checked that the firewall is off on the host computer, but I still see nothing in Remote Disc on my MB Air.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Error - The Disk You Inserted Was Not Readable By This Computer

Feb 3, 2012

I have been getting an error message each time I connect an external HD to my MBP; "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." which allows for 'Ignore' or 'Eject', I typically ignore and all appears to run fine, but still there is something obviously off a bit, incidentally the HD is a WD 640Gb that has my iTunes library?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Error - The Disk You Inserted Was Not Readable By This Computer.

Apr 10, 2012

I recently had a friend fill my hard drive with movies and DVD's. Until this morning I had no problem with viewing the files on my computer and through my tv, other than the fact that I had to download VLC player on my computer as the files were all avi. Last night I noticed that two of the individual files either wouldn't load, or dropped out half way through. I fixed these files by repairing them individually, which solved the problem. This afternoon, my files were working perfectly, with no problems at all.  

Tonight, I have gone to plug in my hard drive, and it won't recognise it at all, other than to tell me that the disk I inserted was not readable by the computer. This afternoon my Mac suddenly needed to restart, the grey screen came over and I had no option but to restart my computer by pressing and holding the power button. This has happened before, but hasn't seemed to affect anything? 

I've tried restarting the computer and changing the hard drive into a different USB port but neither have made any difference. I've also tried to repair disk in Disk Utility, which hasn't worked either. Is there a way to fix this? Or at least get the files off the hard drive onto another hard drive? The hard drive won't show in Finder so I don't know how to back up the files as Disk Utility suggests I do. The hard drive is a HP SimpleSave, about 2 years old. Never had any problem with it before! 

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: GPU Panic Error - Computer Frequently Shuts Down

Jul 1, 2014

Recently my MBP retina late 2012 started crashing with the screen going all black leaving the keyboard lights on. I had to force it to restart. After a couple of attempts I could finally access the computer for about 10 min before it crashed again, during which i could see the logs. As of know it has been on for 1 hour without any issues but when I run some more hardware-intense programs it crashes. Since i bought the computer from a private person without insurance im not entitled to the 3 year warranty. 

Im getting these errors:

panic(cpu 6 caller 0xffffff7fa6f6ff7c): "GPU Panic: [<None>] 3 0 a0 d9 9 8 0 3 : NVRM[0/1:0:0]: Read Error 0x00000100: CFG 0xffffffff 0xffffffff 0xffffffff, BAR0 0x102c00000 0xffffff8136841000 0x0e7150a2, D0, P3/4
"@/SourceCache/AppleGraphicsControl/AppleGraphicsControl-3.5.26/src/Apple MuxControl/kext/GPUPanic.cpp:127

Backtrace (CPU 6), Frame : Return Address

0xffffff8132632d70 : 0xffffff8024c22fa9

0xffffff8132632df0 : 0xffffff7fa6f6ff7c

0xffffff8132632ec0 : 0xffffff7fa5604bf4


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MacBook Pro :: Migration Assistant Did Not Transfer Network Or Computer Settings As Expected?

Jun 25, 2012

Snow Leopard (10.6.8) became corrupted resulting in not being able to shut down my 1/2007 Intel Core 2 Duo MacBookPro and not being able to download numerous programs and updates. I backed-up my laptop, took it into the Apple Store where they wiped the hard disc clean and reloaded the OS. They suggested I use Migration Assistant to restore my backed up information to my laptop, but ALL of my settings from Desktop, to the Dock, to Finder, to screen savers, to Safari bookmarks, to all of my Mail inboxes, archives and smart email boxes, and to Documents and all of my files and their organization, to iTunes, to Address Book, to Calendar are GONE. Do I need to do some more formal kind of a restore from my back-up drive to recover/restore this information and "get my laptop back" or is it all lost?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), see note above

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Keeps Restarting / Sending Error Reports When On The Internet

Aug 24, 2014

My macbook pro has been acting weird for a week or so. I'll be on the internet and then it will randomly shut down safari or google chrome and send an error report message. This also just started happening with my iPhoto and iTunes as well. Sometimes my computer will just shut off completely and restart with a message saying there was a problem and it had to shut down. It seems like there is some bug or maybe a third party add on I need to get off?

MacBook Pro

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Software :: KCF Error Domain CF Network - 302

Nov 14, 2008

Does anybody know what this error is ? kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork:302

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OS X :: Cannot Login To Website From Mac - Network Timeout Error

Aug 31, 2010

I was able to access this specific website for months using my mac - both on firefox and safari.
Recently, it won't let me sign it. It just loads for 5 minutes or so then gives me a network timeout error. However, I am able to access the site on internet explorer using my PC.

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OS X :: Error Message - Can't Modify My Network Settings

Nov 26, 2008

Somehow, recently a new error message has popped up that won't go away no matter how many times I click "OK." That means I can't modify my network settings.

Things I've tried:
1) Clear error logs with Onyx
2) Throw away
3) Repaired permissions
4) fsck -fy

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Update 10.7.3 Network Connection Error

Feb 6, 2012

when i updated my lion 10.7.2 to 10.7.3 a couldn't connect any network (both of ethernet & wi-fi)i did everything about this problem on internet forums. i love my macbook pro but i hate lion!how can i fix that error?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Error - This Item Cannot Be Downloaded On This Network

Mar 22, 2012

I get a pop-up: This Item Cannot Be Downloaded on This Network You must connect to a Wi-Fi network or download it on your computer.yet I am on wi-fi using a macbook pro, trying to purchase a movie from iTunes to download onto my computer.Macbook Wi-fi to linksys to DSL to AT&T 3Mb service.  I don't know if this is a hardware, OS, iTunes issue or other. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Get Error -50 Check Network Connection

May 10, 2012

Can't download Goerge harrison HD video, get error -50 check network connection. Meanwhile the itunes extra and the non HD video are downloading fine. Tried disabling simultaneous downloads, no help.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Error When Printing On Network Printer

Jun 27, 2014

I am trying to connect to a windows network printer through my MacBook Air. I can connect to the printer via the windows network and can send documents to print. The document goes through to print but at the last second it says there is an error. When looking on the network windows computer, in which the printer is installed, I can see the document has gone through to print using the printer dialogue box for microsoft, but it details there is an error and the document doesn't print.

It seems that they are connected but there is still an error.Both Windows and Mac computers are up to date currently and the printer is a HP Deskjet F4180.

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OS X :: System Preferences - Error In Network Preference Window?

Nov 16, 2008

Something has happened in my Network preferences and I believe it happened while doing a Spotlight search. When I open the Network preference window, I get an almost instant error dialogue stating "Your Network settings have been changed by another application". As soon as I hit "OK" to dismiss the dialogue box, it comes right back. If I'm really quick, I can get back to the main preferences screen before the warning reappears. I've tried logging out, rebooting, trashing the Library --> Preferences --> apple.networkConfig.plist file (followed by a log-out) and nothing has made a difference.

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Applications :: ITunes Store Network Connection Error

Sep 4, 2010

Over the last couple of months, I sometimes get an error when using the iTunes Store: "We could not complete your iTunes Store request. The network connection was reset. Make sure your network connection is active and try again." It seems happen at random. I click to download an app and I get the message. I click again and it works. Sometimes I'm browsing the store and everything's fine, then I start getting the message over and over for a while.

I tried rebuilding my home network, updating airport software, everything I could think of on my end. Is this a problem on Apple's servers? Do a lot of other people have this problem? I haven't had much luck finding answers on this site or searching Google. I use an Airport Extreme, I have Time Warner Cable internet. I have no other internet connection issues.

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Software :: Mac OS 9.2 Connecting To Internet - Network Error Occurred

Jan 23, 2010

I recently bought a used apple ibook with the Mac OS 9.2 operating system on it. So far it seems to be working pretty well. It has an ethernet port, and I have AT&T Uverse at home. So I decided I wanted to get on the internet, so I plugged the ethernet cord into the port, and called AT&T to help me through the "internet setup assistant" So we went through the whole process, then I went onto Sherlock 2 and tried to access the internet, and the error message: "A network error has occurred. Check your internet connections and settings, then try again." which is exactly what it says when it is not hooked into the internet at all.

The guy at AT&T basically said that they were not familiar with the operating system that I am on, and transferred me to tech support that wanted to charge me $175 to help me get connected to the internet. It seemed to me that AT&T just didn't know what they were doing at all, and they could get a replica screen to mine so they didn't know what to tell me. The asked me if there was any way to test the internet connection and I didn't know b/c I am accustomed to windows vista. Does anyone know if I am supposed to do anything else or how to test the connection?

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OS X :: How To Make A Computer Invisible In Network?

Jan 8, 2011

I was amazed that in the left-hand panel of FINDER, under the SHARED tab, there are about 6 other computers that I am seeing.

I am concerned that others may be able to access my computer via my wireless connection.

How can I make sure I am protected, and my computer is invisible to them?

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OS X :: Can Print Data Using Another Computer Over Network

Sep 10, 2009

I have a printer attached to my desktop running Win 7 and sharing is enabled and my other computers can print to it.Is it possible to set up my MBP to be able to print over the network using this printer?

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OS X :: Two Shares Of Same Computer On Network Shown Up?

Nov 30, 2009

I've had this problem going on two months now, so I would not recall what program could be causing it. A cloned share, "eve-2" (the name of my iMac is "Eve") shows up across the network as a PC share. OS is Snow Leopard, fully updated. Model iMac8,1. Screens of finder and running processes attached if it helps.

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OS X :: ANother Device On The Network Is Using Your Computer's IP Address?

Jan 3, 2010

I just secured the wireless router and network for my roommate the other day. When I got back in town today and tried connecting to the internet, it told me that another device on the network is using your computer's IP address. I have no idea what this means and what I have to do to fix it... any thoughts?

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