OS X :: ANother Device On The Network Is Using Your Computer's IP Address?
Jan 3, 2010
I just secured the wireless router and network for my roommate the other day. When I got back in town today and tried connecting to the internet, it told me that another device on the network is using your computer's IP address. I have no idea what this means and what I have to do to fix it... any thoughts?
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Sep 8, 2014
a macbook air and an iMac have both give the error "Another device on the network is using your IP address". They are both using the latest OSX and are both set to use DHCP assigned by my Virgin cable router.the address reported in the popup window is NOT the address that either computer was assigned at the time (the first time, I thought it was odd, and I had an iPad handy and used fing to search my network to see what device had just used that address and I didn't see anything). This time - I was on my iMac and happen to have a terminal open, so I did a quick if config - and my ip address was not the one indicated in the message (it was saying and my address was In fact I think that the other day it was complaining about the same .0.8 address.
I do have 2 devices that have a hard coded ip-address (but they are right at the beginning of the range, and in fact I have instructed the router to skip those addresses and just dish out ip's from .0.3 onwards). All other devices use DHCP.Â
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 8, 2009
I had my two macs turned on and using the internet on both but for some reason a got a message saying that both computers were using the same IP address. I didn't loose connection on either one, everything was working normal. The same IP address of your computer is used by some other device in the network...
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Oct 31, 2010
Every couple of days my computer (13 inch macbook pro) will disconnect from the Internet giving me a pop up saying 'another device on the network is using your computers IP address' it later says to change my IP address but I don't have one because I have an airport express router. What can I do about this?
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Jan 9, 2011
Two days ago, I installed AppleTV at my house. Not sure if this is the culprit, but my issues started after it was installed. My MBP will works fine on my home network, then randomly loses the Internet connection. Today, I was able to catch an error message that stated another device was using my computers IP address. So, I checked the ATV, and it was not. Then, I checked my iPhone...and it was! I reset my modem, reconnected my MBP...everything was fine. I then turned on the screen to my iPhone. It happened again. I noticed the iPhone was using the same IP address as my MBP. This time, I reset the modem, and made sure my iPhone was using WiFi when I did this. Now I'm up and running. All devices are set using DHCP. Would it be better to assign Static IP addresses? I've never done this, and don't want to screw anything up.
At my house, I have a lot of wireless devices:
3 laptops
3 iPhones
1 AppleTV
1 iTouch 4G
Plugged into the modem is my desktop computer and an AT&T Microcell. Would the addition of 1 more device (AppleTV) to my network start causing these problems?
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Apr 4, 2012
What do I do if I receive a warning that another device is using my ip address on the macbook air?
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Dec 22, 2010
I keep getting a pop up saying, anotherdevice or network is using my ip adress, so im unable to get to the web. I have reset my router and airport extreme but it still keeps giving me that pop up. Do I change my IP adress and how.
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Dec 7, 2009
I've got a rather strange thing happening...Disable ALL network interfaces, including Bluetooth, have only my Ethernet enabled, going directly to DSL modem (not router).Yet, I am picking up a computer in my network browser. I can browse this computer's shared docs just fine, and in fact, he is not setup very securely so I could easily delete his entire music and photo library or send malicious files to him (or her).
But, I am wondering how I am even seeing this device. From what I know, on a DSL connection, you should never see any other computers on that ISP. I know sometimes this will happen with Cable, but I've never seen it on DSL.How do I find the IP or MAC address of this computer? I actually work at my internet provider, and I'd like to see if I can find which customer it is and why I am picking them up on my network browser, and hopefully alleviate the problem.
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Jul 5, 2009
I'm new to mac and don't have any idea on how I got this one. I already tried to restart my machine but the "ibmt61l3cv479" keeps on displaying on the Shared list. I didn't connect to any PC Servers and afraid that someone is accessing my mac.
Do you know how can I get rid of this?
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Apr 5, 2012
I have a credit card terminal I want to use at a farmers market and it has a phone jack and an ethernet jack. If I have my laptop connected to my iphone via the hotspot (wifi), how can I get the terminal to see the laptop as a network? I assume if I just plug it into the the lapto via ethernet cabel, it will not see any connection for use, though I have not tried this yet. Is there some sort of interface or connecter that goes between the two so I can share my connection with another piece of hardware?
Info:MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.1
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Jul 1, 2014
How to automatically mount other Macs on the network, or if not, then post an explanation here on how to accomplish that objective?Â
For example, my Mac Pro tower has 4 disks and when I boot up all 4 disks are mounted. Then, when I turn on my Macbook Air and turn on my MacBook Pro, those laptops show up in Finder as shared. The Macbook Pro is partitioned, so it would be nice if I could specify which disk to mount in Finder.
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May 6, 2009
I'm having some trouble adding network printers in Tiger. If I open the print&fax window and then click on the "+" sign to add printers, nothing comes up. I thought a new screen was supposed to pop up, but nothing happens. If I try to print something from Word or Excel and select "add printer" in the print menu, also nothing happens. I do find a list of "bonjour printers", but I'm not sure how this can help me. So in the end it seems I can't add any printers at all, and thus not print.
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Mar 9, 2012
my daughters SLEEPING MBP has appeared on my MBP as a shared device. How is this possible if it's sleeping? Perhaps there's a good explanation for this, but I'm concerned about it. She connects via wireless to our home D-link wireless router. Wasn't sure where to ask question on boards..
Macbook Pro 2.53 Intel i5, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Aug 30, 2010
I currently have 1 PC (Windows7) and 1 MBP (Snow Leopard) in the house, the PC has 2 additional HDDs attached with movies and music on them and they are in NTFS format. I can view the contents on my PC via my wireless G network on my Macbook through sharing etc. Now my problem is that I'm getting rid of the PC (hopefully for an iMac in the future) but right now what sort of device would I need to build/buy to attach the 2 NTFS HDDs to the network so my MBP can still access the media on them?
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May 21, 2012
I recently bought a Hp OfficeJet pro 8600 plus printer and have set it up fine on my desktop pc. When I went to install it on my MacBook it wont let me set it wirelessly because it states that The wireless network settings were successfully downloaded to your device. However, your Mac was unable to locate the device on the network.
Please make sure that:
- Your Mac is connected to a wired or wireless network that has access to your device.
- Your device is connected to the wireless network "home".
Click "Retry" to attempt to connect again using the current settings. Click "Go Back" to enter different settings. The weird part is that everything is set up fine as far as the printer it seems that the mac doesn't want to cooperate. I am running OS X Lion with the newest downloads and updated.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 30, 2012
Trying to access the App Store, I received this message. What do I do?
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 24, 2012
app store not work my id apple-Your device or computer could not be verified. Contact support for assistance.
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May 16, 2012
recently i purchase a game named GTA san andreas from app store and it work perfectly everytime i open this game. but now, when i try to open it again. the computer wanted me to 'sign in to use this application on this computer'Â after i put the user name and password. failed. saying 'your device or computer could not be verified'Â
MacBook Pro
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Mar 24, 2009
My computer name always keep changing with a message like "computer name X already exist in your network and your computer name is now X(2)". I have to change the computer name back to X, or the computer will be rename to X(3), X(4) .... etc. I did not change anything in my network.Is there any way to stop this?
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Nov 19, 2008
I accidentally set up a computer to computer network and I cannot figure out how to make it go away. I also tried to password protect it, to at least lock it down, but the password is removed from the network as soon as someone logs on (and doesn't require a password to do so). Something is fishy, to say to least. I was told to go into my preferences (through Library) but I don't know what to make of the omnioutliner files. How do I get rid of this network?
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May 31, 2009
In Mac OSX Finder in the Shared Section, I'd like to change one of the computer Icons.
As you can see, I'd like to change the PC's BSOD Icon to something like this.
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May 27, 2012
Following error overcoming when I attempt to sign in: Your device or computer could not be verified. Contact support for assistance.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 8, 2012
My computer intermittently does not recognize the internal disc burning device. Device does not workwhen seen Diagnostic report says:
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 6, 2009
I am unable to shut down my computer because the phrase 'no image capture device attached' shows and I cannot shut down image capture.
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May 3, 2012
At transition, I initially want to keep my me.com/mac.com email and then (later) seamlessly move to Lion and full iCloud. Will this be possible and if so, can anyone see necessary tweaking to ensure that my retained me.com email will continue to forward or receive from external email accounts? Â
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Jun 12, 2012
i'm running mac os x 10.5.8 on my mac can i access my email on icloud without upgrading to lion operating system?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 17, 2012
I currently have a master account. I have 5 email accounts with different names. How do I get all of the email accounts to move to iCloud?
iBook Dual USB - white case, Mac OS X (10.3.4)
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Jun 20, 2012
Accessing the URL me.com/move is not possible- browser redirects me to Find My iPhone. When I attempt to enter my legacy MobileMe address in the iCloud System Preference panel, I am prevented because it is taken despite the fact it is assigned to me. Infinite Loop of frustration: being constantly redirected by support documents to a page that does not exist.My me.com email address is verified in my Apple ID settings page.
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Mar 19, 2010
I have an iPhone and when I'm in my house I like to use wifi from my Mac. I'm running leopard 10.5 osx. I go to AirPort, create a network and I see it on the mac and iPhone. After I turn the computer off and back on it's gone. Is there a way to create a network that will not disappear?
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Aug 3, 2010
I have a unibody MacBook late-2009, latest update of SL 10.6.4.
I am attempting to use a computer-to-computer network from my MacBook to my iPod Touch 3G to use an application called TouchOSC which controls Ableton Live on my Mac.
I can Create Network just fine. It sets up the network inbetween my Mac and iPod perfectly. But once I disconnect from the created computer-to-computer network, that network disappears like it was never created. To use computer-to-computer again I have to re-create the network all over.
All of my other networks are stored just fine and I have no other problems with my house Wi-Fi or any others. I have reset my Network Preferences by deleting the SystemConfigurations files and still nothing doing about the computer-to-computer problem.
I am not sure if this is desired behavior, and if it is, is there any way I can save the network I created for later use? Setting it up every time is painful, I want to use it nearly everyday for music.
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