MacBook Pro :: Tutorial To Achieve Optimal Boot Time
Nov 15, 2009
I constantly see new threads concerning slow boot times. In the spirit of efficiency here is a quick tutorial to achieve optimal boot times on your MBP. First of all, I have a WD Scorpio Black in my MBP. My MBP boots in 22 seconds (from chime to desktop including fully loaded menubar with istat). I'm on 10.6.2. Second. You will need to do a lot more than just restore disk permissions to obtain the fastest possible boot time. Defragging your disk on the other is not necessary one of those things in my experience. Third. Hard-drive performance, in general and specifically when it comes to boot time, is greatly effected by the amount of used space (I've only used about 14% of the available space on my drive). If you have used say about 80% of the free space on your drive, don't expect a fast boot time (or great drive performance in general) no matter what you do.
Here's is what you should do. Obviously if you are going to benchmark your boot time you should disconnect all peripheral and turn of Bluetooth and Airport and have no files or folders on your desktop.
Download either MainMenu or Onyx and use it to do the following:
- Run all the OS X maintenance scripts (daily, weekly and monthly)
- Clean the system cache, all user caches and the font caches. Flush the DNS cache
- Remove temporary files
- Update pre-bindings
- Remove corrupt preferences
- Restore disk permissions
After all the maintenance do the following:
- Reset PRAM & PMU
- Restart your computer once more and then shut it down.
Now you can start your MBP and time the boot from when you hear the chime to when you see the desktop and the menubar is fully loaded. And remember if you are going to benchmark your boot time you should disconnect all peripheral and turn off Bluetooth and Airport and have no files or folders on your desktop.
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Feb 1, 2009
I remember a while back ago, well over a year ago I discovered online a software program only for the Mac intended to help people go to sleep and more importantly wake up. It utilized your iSight camera taking a photo (silently) every time there was movement, as the camera was positioned to focus on you sleeping, determining when you would be entering a REM sleep cycle and at what times would be best for the program to wake you up. It was a nifty little program though used a bit of ram to keep up since your iSight camera was on all night. That and the program did a few other interesting things too. I hope someone knows what I'm talking about.
I'd love to check this program out again but can't remember it's name. I'm only doing so since I've moved to a new apartment and am looking for a new method to wake me up in the morning aside from my cell phone's loud ring tones. Or there is this other alarm clock that you set on the opposite side of your room and have a little laser gun next to you and when the alarm rings in the morning you grab the gun and the alarm won't turn off till you shoot the laser w/ the gun directly into the bulls-eye within the alarm itself on the other side of the room.
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Apr 19, 2010
I'm just wondering on how you handle the charging cycles of MBP batteries in practice. I think I read somewhere, that it should be best to work unplugged and to charge the battery as soon as the level reaches 10%. In practice, this seems to be cumbersome.
How do you handle this? Is it a problem to have the cable plugged in all the time?
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Jul 23, 2009
I have a recently purchased brand new 17" with no upgrades. Do you have a list of what the average temps should be? I tried searching the Apple site and using Google, but no luck.
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Sep 15, 2009
I just bought coolbook for my two and a half year old White Macbook. What would be the best settings/courses of action to keep my book from overheating and be able to comfortably play streaming vid. on a 23" monitor?
Don't know if that last part really makes a huge difference.
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May 19, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro 13 inch 2010 model hooked up to a NEC Multisync EA231 WMI external monitor. The monitor is supposed to have a resolution of 1920 X 1080, but my computer only recognizes 1600 x 900 as the highest resolution. I've tried both mirrored and extended desktop, and I've also hooked up the monitor through a DVI adaptor and through a displayport cable. An Apple support person suggested using a dual-link DVI adaptor, but according to the Apple site this shouldn't be necessary for 1920 x 1080 resolution (I've also heard that it's a buggy piece of hardware). Any suggestions for getting optimal resolution?
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May 3, 2012
how can i achieve the 10.6.8 os x with my mac os x10.4.11?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Apr 5, 2010
I currently have a 15inch MacBook Pro with final cut studio, I use an external HD monitor for my main editing and the MBPs display for secondary. I am running out of screen real-estate for my secondary and want to get a 3rd monitor. The only problem is that there is not way to upgrade the graphic cards in the MBP. My question is: How can i have a total of 3 displays all displaying different images(ie. not mirrored).
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May 14, 2010
Apart [URL] where can I find 'text' files free tutorials.
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Dec 10, 2010
I want to create some tutorials for my software class. I remember seeing some software for the mac that is excellent for the job. I can't remember what the name of the software is.
The software is as follows:
- You take some screenshots of various stages of using the software
- You then add text in the software
- You can then create a tutorial out of it
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Feb 17, 2009
If I take some video from my digital camera, how do I upload it onto Utube once it is on my computor?
Is there a video tutorial that anyone knows about?
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Dec 14, 2007
I recently set up OS X Server 10.4 (Tiger) on an old G4 for my home office use and so far it's been running beautifully. As I was learning how to get it up and running, I created a blog to document the process. If you're starting off on a similar endeavor, it might be helpful. If anything, it'll give you an idea of what setting up OS X Server entails. The link to the OS X Server 10.4 tutorial: [URL]. I also put together a tutorial on setting up the AMP package (Apache, MySQL, and PHP) on OS X client and server: [URL]
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Dec 7, 2014
Finding an effective way to transfer old VHS videos to my Mac with Yosemite so that I can burn them to DVDs. These are so important to me as they include videos of my three children from birth until the age of DVDs. There is NOTHING out there that I can find that will work. The "Debut" program available online for free does not clarify whether it will work with a Mac or with Yosemite.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), Roxio VHS to DVD for Mac
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Oct 8, 2009
I haven't found anything on internet about this, so how I had founded a solution, I want to share it.
One day, my Macbook White brokes and I needed to recover a curriculum, and it was in a .pages file. So I had to recover it in Windows, because I have no one who could convert it in Pages.
1� Rename .pages file and add .zip extension. That makes the content of the package visible with any zip utility, (in my case WinRAR).
2� Uncompress the package.
3� Go to QuickLook and search for Preview.pdf. That's a pdf file that contains a low quality version of your pages document. Almost all of the content is in index.xml, but It's very difficult to extract manually the information.
4� Convert the pdf file to doc with any pdf converter. For example: [URL]
5� If your document has attachments (like images), you can replace low quality images of Doc document with the original images located in the uncompressed package.
That's it, of course this works for me with a simple Pages document with an image, that doesn't mean that works for every .pages file.
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Oct 15, 2009
I know you can learn Guitar and Piano , but what other instruments can GarageBand 09' teach you?
is there a database or a site that lists these, and if so where can i get the video teachings?
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Mar 1, 2008
What is the optimal raid config. with four 300GB SAS drives? - Speed being the over-riding factor here.
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Nov 19, 2008
i search this topic but found a bunch of conflicting threads I have 4 x 2gb and 2 x 1 gb Whats the best way to install this? Top riser: 2GB , 2GB Bottom riser: 2GB, 2GB, 1GB, 1GB? TopRiser: 2GB, 2GB, 1GB Bottom: 2GB, 2GB , 1GB
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Sep 8, 2010
I have recently had to stop using my wireless router and connect directly from my modem to the WAN port on my computer. However, I can only achieve an internet connection when I direct connect into my PowerBook G4. When I try to connect into my iMac, I get nothing.
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Oct 22, 2010
I have a clip of a background moving to the right that will be projected in the background of a play in order to give the feel of motion in a train. I want the clip to start off with a still shot and then accelerate as if the train first is still and then accelerates until reaching full speed (which is the normal speed of the clip).
I know how to change the speed of a clip by going to "Clip adjustments", but I don't want to change the pace of the whole clip, I want the speed to increase gradually. I tried to mark short parts of the clip and then change their speed to increase gradually, but that is too rough. Isn't there any "acceleration effect" built-in?
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Apr 28, 2009
I wanted to know whats a good software for recording desktop screen for tutorial purposes?
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Feb 19, 2010
im looking at moving up to 16gb of ram in the near future .. originally i was planning on going with 8x2gb sticks .. is this optimal or is there a better way to do and keep triple channel .. currently have 6x1gb sticks
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Nov 21, 2009
Just got a free Powerbook G4 15" 1.5Ghz 768MB RAM. I installed Panther 10.3.9 and have notices it's rather primitive. Specs say I can install up to 10.5.8 OS. So my questions are:
1. What is the optimal OS for my G4 and how can I get it (whether it be by purchase or DL)?
2. Should I upgrade the ram and/or processor?
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Mar 25, 2012
I run Rhino (64 bit) with windows 7 through bootcamp. The software mfg's recommended graphics card is the AMD FirePro v7900 or v5900, and user group recos the nvidea quadro 4000. I am currently using an Nvidea gtx285 and driving two displays from it. Looking to upgrade both memory and video card for optimal performance.
Mac Pro, Windows 7, osx 10.7 , 16g ram nvidea 285gtx
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May 15, 2010
I have a 2 week old iMac 27", i7, 2tb Hard Drive, 16gb RM
In the second week the boot up times became very slow.
I would turn the machine on and get the chime within 5 seconds or so.
Then just a black/blank screen.
Eventually after about 10mins I would get a white screen then it would boot up normally.
Now the machine just doesn't get to the white screen. So I get the chime and then just darkness. It does sound like the machine is on (usual quiet imac whirring).
I've tried various key commands when I turn the machine on including pressing C with the install disk in the dvd drive and the alt, control, P, R pram reset.
I've also tried unplugging all the cables, leaving the machine for a minute and switching back on. I did manage to perform the PRAM reset once. I reset the machine and it booted fine.
But now when I switch it on just darkness.
I've called after sales and will try to get the machine replaced but in the meantime is there anything I could try that might make the machine work? I need to do a remix this weekend (deadline Monday) so really need to get it working.
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May 20, 2012
Does anyone know the "optimal" settings in Mailbox Behaviors for an imap Aol account? I realize that aol can/is funky.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 21, 2014
It takes my late 2008 MacBook Pro about 56 seconds to boot up. Is there any way to speed up the process? Keep in mind it recently just had a fresh install of OS X Mavericks, so there isn't that much on here to slow it down.
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Dec 19, 2008
I have a Rev B 1.86 SSD.
Can someone else please use a watch and post your times?
BEFORE the 1.1 firmware update
10 seconds from power button to apple logo - 17 more seconds to load to my desktop = 27 seconds
After 1.1 update
45 seconds from power button to apple logo - 15 more to load my desktop = 60 seconds
I just used a stopwatch 2 times - same results....
UPDATE: tried SMC Reset - same result.
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May 5, 2009
I bought my new MacBook Alu., 2GHz, 2GB Ram, with OSX 10.5.6 about 5-6 weeks ago, and was pretty astonished about how long it takes for the thing to boot-up. Approx. 60-70 seconds (just over a minute).My old MacBook (white), with 1,8GHz, 1,25GB Ram, and Tiger, took about only half the time. (About the same number of Apps on both notebooks)Is this boot-up time of about 1 minute normal, or should I contact Apple Service?
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Apr 12, 2010
i just upgraded my MBP13 with 4gb and a 500 Hitachi drive. the process went smoothly. i didnt quite understand the time machine OSX reinstall process, i was mostly afraid of having to re-install every other programs. So i went the easy way and downloaded super duper to clone my drive and did the switch.
it use to take around 25-30sec to boot. now it takes more like 45+. I also noticed a few setting had changed after the upgrade. namely, little snitch (i think..) was opening a window showing me inbound transfers, my desktop image was reset and other small things like that. is it all normal? is there anything i should do to speed the boot time?
another note, there is a cd in the drive at boot, but its always there as it was when the boot time was faster. i just dont have anything to put it in so it seems like the best option to always keep it there.
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Mar 20, 2012
i have been using my MBP for a month and now after the update to 10.7.3 from has slowed used to take 20 sec. to boot and now it takes about 35-45 sec. to boot there any way i can bring it back to fast boot...
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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