MacBook Pro :: Optimal Temperatures For Running System?
Jul 23, 2009
I have a recently purchased brand new 17" with no upgrades. Do you have a list of what the average temps should be? I tried searching the Apple site and using Google, but no luck.
I have a 2006 blackbook. Recently i feel like it is reaching uncomfortably high temperatures, which says a lot since it always gets hot. i'm using snow leopard but i don't feel like it is due to sl. Here are the temps that istat gives me (in farenheit)
I noticed my computer was getting hot to the touch, and warming my computer room significantly.. So I checked my temperatures for the system and noticed everything seemed normal except for the Northbridge Chip (127 C) and Northbridge Heat Sink (62 C). I am running no applications, CPUs are basically idle.
I am concerned that this temp is WAY higher than it should be, using Google, I found that many users were concerned that 80 C was too hot for the northbridge when the 2009 Mac Pros came out. What should my course of action be?
Is there a hardware button to reset everything back to factory without reinstalling Mac OS X?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Early 2009 Mac Pro
I'm just wondering on how you handle the charging cycles of MBP batteries in practice. I think I read somewhere, that it should be best to work unplugged and to charge the battery as soon as the level reaches 10%. In practice, this seems to be cumbersome.
How do you handle this? Is it a problem to have the cable plugged in all the time?
I just bought coolbook for my two and a half year old White Macbook. What would be the best settings/courses of action to keep my book from overheating and be able to comfortably play streaming vid. on a 23" monitor? Don't know if that last part really makes a huge difference.
I have a Macbook Pro 13 inch 2010 model hooked up to a NEC Multisync EA231 WMI external monitor. The monitor is supposed to have a resolution of 1920 X 1080, but my computer only recognizes 1600 x 900 as the highest resolution. I've tried both mirrored and extended desktop, and I've also hooked up the monitor through a DVI adaptor and through a displayport cable. An Apple support person suggested using a dual-link DVI adaptor, but according to the Apple site this shouldn't be necessary for 1920 x 1080 resolution (I've also heard that it's a buggy piece of hardware). Any suggestions for getting optimal resolution?
I'm using iStat Pro and I'm just wondering what "too hot" is as far as temperatures go, specifically CPU, HD? I play CS Source and Warcraft 3 occasionally and it tends to get very hot. Up to about 176 degrees F.
I constantly see new threads concerning slow boot times. In the spirit of efficiency here is a quick tutorial to achieve optimal boot times on your MBP. First of all, I have a WD Scorpio Black in my MBP. My MBP boots in 22 seconds (from chime to desktop including fully loaded menubar with istat). I'm on 10.6.2. Second. You will need to do a lot more than just restore disk permissions to obtain the fastest possible boot time. Defragging your disk on the other is not necessary one of those things in my experience. Third. Hard-drive performance, in general and specifically when it comes to boot time, is greatly effected by the amount of used space (I've only used about 14% of the available space on my drive). If you have used say about 80% of the free space on your drive, don't expect a fast boot time (or great drive performance in general) no matter what you do.
Here's is what you should do. Obviously if you are going to benchmark your boot time you should disconnect all peripheral and turn of Bluetooth and Airport and have no files or folders on your desktop.
Download either MainMenu or Onyx and use it to do the following: - Run all the OS X maintenance scripts (daily, weekly and monthly) - Clean the system cache, all user caches and the font caches. Flush the DNS cache - Remove temporary files - Update pre-bindings - Remove corrupt preferences - Restore disk permissions
After all the maintenance do the following: - Reset PRAM & PMU - Restart your computer once more and then shut it down.
Now you can start your MBP and time the boot from when you hear the chime to when you see the desktop and the menubar is fully loaded. And remember if you are going to benchmark your boot time you should disconnect all peripheral and turn off Bluetooth and Airport and have no files or folders on your desktop.
My 2009 13" Unibody MBP will overheat if I so much as look at it, or so it seems!. The issue here is that the fan will come on really loudly and the bottom of the machine will become unbearably hot under the following conditions:
1. CPU load = 20%, temp = 76 C, browsing the web
2. CPU load = 33%, temp = 77 C, watching an online video
3. CPU load = 35%, temp = 82 C, watching a movie on lovefilm
3. The lid of the laptop is closed, and I am carrying it in a bag
4. I am charging it with the lid closed.
5. Using an external monitor I have to keep the lid open and on battery use, otherwise it overheats and the fan come on loudly. Obviously if I shut it down there is no fan noise, however it still gets hot when charging.
I've recently uninstalled Fan Control and smcFanControl from my Macbook Pro, after trying them for a minute or two. I reset my SMC by using the method on Apples website (Clicking Shift-CTRL-Option-Power Button at the same time). It haven't worked it seem, as I have tried running some games and even at 85-90C degree, its not increasing its RPM. I don't wanna go any higher as I don't wanna risk the CPU overheating.
So apparently every time I restart, iStat pops up annoyingly and tells me its now a paid program, and I don't want to pay for it. Are there any alternatives to see my CPU speeds and temperatures, also my memory usage in the top bar? I want something that I can always see.
i have a 2.4 ghz alum macbook and i was wondering at what temperatures does your fans start to actually spin up. i'm at 70C right now and it still hovers at +/- 2000 rpm just wondering if this is normal i used smc fan controller for a little bit but i decided that i would just leave it to apples default and use a laptop cooler if i really need the extra disccipation.
I've been monitoring the CPU temperatures on my 2 week old alu macbook frequently, and it always hovers at ~42 degrees celsius. However, today something odd happened, all of a sudden the computer was getting noticeable hotter (the fans remained off though), when I checked CPU temp it was up to 72 degrees. I checked with "Activity Monitor" and nothing was using up more than 2% CPU. Then I saw through iStatPro that system CPU usage was at 40%. What the hell? Its usually at 2-5%...i.e. always. After restarting, the system cpu usage was back down to 2% and the temperature slowly dropped back to its norm.
recently my MacBook has been running very loud when i only have like, 2 applications open. This started maybe 3 days ago. The 2 applications were iTunes and Firefox. on iTunes i just play music and on Firefox im on Youtube or RuneScape. It's been running fine ever since i bought it just over an year ago (playing the same applications) but now its started to get loud when i use it.
lately my macbook has been getting a bit noisy and hot the fans seem to kick on alot 3500-4500rpm range and @idle my CPU is ranging 68-75C (iStat), right now as im typing this she's at 77-80C. Functionality aside everything is pretty stable, including playing the occasional WoW.
Anyone else have any issues like this? I've booked a Genius Bar appointment just in case.
My first gen macbook is running with a CPU temp of 71 degrees celcius while running nothing. The mds and mdworker processes are taking up most of the processor and it wont change after quitting the processes or restarting or shutting down the computer.
I'm wanting to hook up a computer and use my MBP as the monitor, it's only so I can change some settings and then have it running on the network. Is this possible? I'm currently in my home in Germany, where I have 3 laptops and 0 Desktops. So I don't have direct access to a monitor... Unless I steal one from work.
I figured I found the perfect place to talk about my mac book pro. I have a mac Book Pro 15 inch 2 years old. I decided to use boot camp for the first time the other day and run windows vista. I noticed that though it ran perfect on here I felt that something wasn't right with the dual boot OS. I decided to erase and bring my harddrive back to normal. After I did that I feel like my Mac runs slow. I was thinking if it doesn't get better I might have to do a clean install.
My MBP 5,1 has been a rock solid machine save for a flaky optical drive, but it had been getting extremely hot, especially while gaming. I mean >90 C hot. So today I opened it up to be greeted by a colossal amount of dust and fuzz. Took it outside and thoroughly blew it out; then removed some enormous dust bunnies from each fan housing with a toothpick. Now it's much cooler; I can game all day and never peak above 80 C even on the 9600m GT graphics. So, if you've had your MBP a while and it's running hot, blowing the dust out might do the trick!
I have a MacBook Pro 17 inches (early 2009) with 2.8 GHz C2D and 4GB RAM on it. My OS is 10.6.4 and have all the latest updates installed. I have used this computer for 10 months and now it becomes so slow. I did all the stuffs that may help to speed it up (repair disk permission, repair disk, uninstall unnecessary software, only one user account, get rid of startup items), but none of them seems to work. I even went to the genius bar, but the genius there said there is nothing they can do. They suggested me to upgrade the memory to 8 gig. It will cost me at least 300 bucks to do that!
Don't want to invest that much on a old MacBook Pro. But the thing is, I have a lot of friends using MacBook that has only 1 or 2 gig memory but their computers are still way faster than mine. They can open a lot of programs at the same time but I cannot. If I do, the computer gonna be really sluggish, and sometimes crash. I also don't think it is the problem of the free space on my hard drive since I have a 500GB hard drive and 80GB free space on it. I have already tried to reinstall the system and restore it using time machine backup.
I have a Macbook Pro running OSX.4.11 that has been flawless for the last three years until last evening. The MBP will start-up, the screen is a light grey, the apple icon comes up, the gear at the bottom is spinning, and spinning, and spinning, and then the screen goes to a light blue and fades, it sits there, then the login screen comes up, I login and then it just continues to sit there. I have tried soft re-boots, resetting PRAM, and all the usual steps that I can find. If anyone could assist with their expertise,
My wife's 128GB MBA is running out of space so we are trying to identify the culprits by using the marvelous Daisy Disk.
Her user account is taking up 43 GB (mainly music and photos) but the total for the HD is 103 GB. Does that sound right - that the system and other stuff (although not sure what that would be) takes up 60GB?
i search this topic but found a bunch of conflicting threads I have 4 x 2gb and 2 x 1 gb Whats the best way to install this? Top riser: 2GB , 2GB Bottom riser: 2GB, 2GB, 1GB, 1GB? TopRiser: 2GB, 2GB, 1GB Bottom: 2GB, 2GB , 1GB
So I upgraded to Snow Leopard about a week ago, and my Macbook pro seems a little slower and it beachballs now and again. I am wondering if I should do a clean install of Leopard and use that for a while, until SL is updated a few times, or maybe clean install and then put SL onto that. Which do you think is best? My other questions are as follows:
I was doing TimeMachine backups when I was using Leopard, and these have carried on when I was using SL. If I clean install, will I be able to choose just to copy my files over from the TM backup? Is there a way to do a clean install of SL, or do I need to do the Leopard install and then upgrade to SL again.
im looking at moving up to 16gb of ram in the near future .. originally i was planning on going with 8x2gb sticks .. is this optimal or is there a better way to do and keep triple channel .. currently have 6x1gb sticks
I have Mac pro about two months old. I am having problem with my Mac pro When I remove the betray charger, system running very slow and when I cannot charger it will run normal. I believe there is some problem please help me to fixed this I would like to give more details about my macbook pro. I have mac os x version: 10.6.3 model idendifer: macbook pro 7,1 processor speed: 2ghz and i do have warranty. This macbook is only two month. so kindly requst to advice me why my macbook is running slow when i remove the charger.
I bought a new MacBook Air with Maverick OS X 10.9.4, but now I can't open my old pages documents. What can I do? My old MacBook was pre 2008 so everything is iworks 08
Just got a free Powerbook G4 15" 1.5Ghz 768MB RAM. I installed Panther 10.3.9 and have notices it's rather primitive. Specs say I can install up to 10.5.8 OS. So my questions are:
1. What is the optimal OS for my G4 and how can I get it (whether it be by purchase or DL)? 2. Should I upgrade the ram and/or processor?