Applications :: Software That Wakes Up At Optimal Time?

Feb 1, 2009

I remember a while back ago, well over a year ago I discovered online a software program only for the Mac intended to help people go to sleep and more importantly wake up. It utilized your iSight camera taking a photo (silently) every time there was movement, as the camera was positioned to focus on you sleeping, determining when you would be entering a REM sleep cycle and at what times would be best for the program to wake you up. It was a nifty little program though used a bit of ram to keep up since your iSight camera was on all night. That and the program did a few other interesting things too. I hope someone knows what I'm talking about.

I'd love to check this program out again but can't remember it's name. I'm only doing so since I've moved to a new apartment and am looking for a new method to wake me up in the morning aside from my cell phone's loud ring tones. Or there is this other alarm clock that you set on the opposite side of your room and have a little laser gun next to you and when the alarm rings in the morning you grab the gun and the alarm won't turn off till you shoot the laser w/ the gun directly into the bulls-eye within the alarm itself on the other side of the room.

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MacBook Pro :: Tutorial To Achieve Optimal Boot Time

Nov 15, 2009

I constantly see new threads concerning slow boot times. In the spirit of efficiency here is a quick tutorial to achieve optimal boot times on your MBP. First of all, I have a WD Scorpio Black in my MBP. My MBP boots in 22 seconds (from chime to desktop including fully loaded menubar with istat). I'm on 10.6.2. Second. You will need to do a lot more than just restore disk permissions to obtain the fastest possible boot time. Defragging your disk on the other is not necessary one of those things in my experience. Third. Hard-drive performance, in general and specifically when it comes to boot time, is greatly effected by the amount of used space (I've only used about 14% of the available space on my drive). If you have used say about 80% of the free space on your drive, don't expect a fast boot time (or great drive performance in general) no matter what you do.

Here's is what you should do. Obviously if you are going to benchmark your boot time you should disconnect all peripheral and turn of Bluetooth and Airport and have no files or folders on your desktop.

Download either MainMenu or Onyx and use it to do the following:
- Run all the OS X maintenance scripts (daily, weekly and monthly)
- Clean the system cache, all user caches and the font caches. Flush the DNS cache
- Remove temporary files
- Update pre-bindings
- Remove corrupt preferences
- Restore disk permissions

After all the maintenance do the following:
- Reset PRAM & PMU
- Restart your computer once more and then shut it down.

Now you can start your MBP and time the boot from when you hear the chime to when you see the desktop and the menubar is fully loaded. And remember if you are going to benchmark your boot time you should disconnect all peripheral and turn off Bluetooth and Airport and have no files or folders on your desktop.

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IMac :: Blue Tint On It - Wakes Up Every Time

Apr 22, 2010

I have a 27" iMac purchased last January. Every time the computer wakes up, the display activates with normal coloring but after a second "shifts" into a different color profile with a blue'ish tint.

All software updates have been applied. I've reformatted the computer twice since the initial purchase. Problem persists.

I'm well aware of the yellow tinge problem with 27' iMacs, but based on my research of past posts the blue color shift has only been a problem with Macbooks.

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IMac :: Not Stay Asleep - Wakes A Short Time Later?

Dec 5, 2009

I have a 24" 2.66 bought in Oct 09 and it is current with updates. No matter what I do it will not stay asleep, even when I manually put in down with the power button it wakes a short time later. Is there no solution to this simple problem I know many experience?

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OS X :: 1st Generation Time Capsule Failing After IMac Wakes From Sleep

Jun 12, 2009

I recently bought a 1st generation 500GB Time Capsule as I don't need the dual-band functionality of the 2nd Generation. Since setting it up I've been having a problem, whenever my iMac sleeps from a long period of time the backup is delayed when I wake the computer up. This would be less irritating if the backups continued like normal after the computer was awake, but I have to keep re-starting the backups manually to get the backup schedule back on track. This is especially frustrating as the whole point of the system is so I don't have to worry about manual backups.

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Mac Mini :: External HD (for Time Machine) Wakes Up For No Apparent Reason

Apr 12, 2010

I have a Mac Mini with two external WD MyBook's attached. The drive in question, is configured for Time Machine backups every four hours. It should sleep the rest of the time. But every once in a while, it wakes. I just revs up for no reason, then after a short while it goes back to sleep. It can happen when I open a folder, open a file, click a link in the browser or some other seemingly unrelated action.

I tried to untick the "Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible" to see if I then at least could get the drive to stay awake instead. This did not change the behavior at all.

Does anybody have a clue what I can do, to get OS X to leave that drive the hell alone, other than Time Machine??

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MacBook Pro :: Heats Up Immensely Every Time It Wakes Up From Sleep Mode?

Jun 13, 2012

I own a early 2011 edition of MBP, with 2.3 Ghz i5 processor and 4 GB ram. Everytime it wakes up from the sleep mode, it heats up with the internal fans constantly on.. Moreover, the estimated battery life shows as 2 hours even when the percentage is 97%.. However, when I restart the MBP, the heating stops and the battery life shows 5 hours..

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Software :: System Goes To Standby And Wakes Up Automatically / Time Machine Error

Mar 20, 2009

Purchased machine in Dec. 07. All well till Nov. 08. Since then have noticed that it will go into standby then wake up. This happens regularly, sometimes after 1 hour, or 2 hours or a few minutes. Have tried to put it in 'sleep' mode but wakes up just the same. All day and all night. So tried "shut down' and it does it as well. Like a ghost is working it.

Have been in constant touch with APPLE CARE, and they made me get another user (test) and it did not seem to wake up in that user. Went back to my user and problem started again. Spoke with 2 product specialists and one said that it cannot be EYETV, as he had it on his Mac and it was fine. Second specialist said it is EYETV and I should contact Elgato. I did this and was sent a link to 'repair'. Followed the instructions and that did not help. 4 days later, my computer suddenly remained in stand by all day.

I was surprised and relieved. Than it started all over again. I am at my wits end. I can only make it stay shut down if I go to 'shut down' and wait for the screen to go black then turn it off at the power point. I am sure that I should not be doing this, but what else can I do? I will contact APPLE CARE again, but will wait for your reply first. Also, I get a little message saying...Time Machine Error. Unable to complete backup. An error occured while copying files to backup volume.

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Applications :: Schedule App When Computer Wakes From Sleep?

Mar 2, 2009

I'm currently on an internet plan that is divided into on peak and offpeak times. I am coming up to my monthly cap of onpeak and i am either asleep or not home during my offpeak times. I was just wondering if there is an app out there that i can use to easily set my MBP to wake from sleep at like 2 a.m. to start downloads.

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Mac Pro :: How To Know About Optimal SAS Config

Mar 1, 2008

What is the optimal raid config. with four 300GB SAS drives? - Speed being the over-riding factor here.

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Mac Pro :: Optimal Ram Installation - Best Way?

Nov 19, 2008

i search this topic but found a bunch of conflicting threads I have 4 x 2gb and 2 x 1 gb Whats the best way to install this? Top riser: 2GB , 2GB Bottom riser: 2GB, 2GB, 1GB, 1GB? TopRiser: 2GB, 2GB, 1GB Bottom: 2GB, 2GB , 1GB

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Mac Pro :: 09 Octad - How To Get Ram Optimal Configuration?

Feb 19, 2010

im looking at moving up to 16gb of ram in the near future .. originally i was planning on going with 8x2gb sticks .. is this optimal or is there a better way to do and keep triple channel .. currently have 6x1gb sticks

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PowerPC :: Optimal OS For G4 And Upgrading RAM / Processor

Nov 21, 2009

Just got a free Powerbook G4 15" 1.5Ghz 768MB RAM. I installed Panther 10.3.9 and have notices it's rather primitive. Specs say I can install up to 10.5.8 OS. So my questions are:

1. What is the optimal OS for my G4 and how can I get it (whether it be by purchase or DL)?
2. Should I upgrade the ram and/or processor?

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MacBook Pro :: Optimal Battery Handling?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm just wondering on how you handle the charging cycles of MBP batteries in practice. I think I read somewhere, that it should be best to work unplugged and to charge the battery as soon as the level reaches 10%. In practice, this seems to be cumbersome.

How do you handle this? Is it a problem to have the cable plugged in all the time?

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MacBook Pro :: Optimal Temperatures For Running System?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a recently purchased brand new 17" with no upgrades. Do you have a list of what the average temps should be? I tried searching the Apple site and using Google, but no luck.

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MacBook :: Optimal Coolbook Settings For 2GHz C2D?

Sep 15, 2009

I just bought coolbook for my two and a half year old White Macbook. What would be the best settings/courses of action to keep my book from overheating and be able to comfortably play streaming vid. on a 23" monitor?
Don't know if that last part really makes a huge difference.

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Optimal Resolution For External Monitor

May 19, 2010

I have a Macbook Pro 13 inch 2010 model hooked up to a NEC Multisync EA231 WMI external monitor. The monitor is supposed to have a resolution of 1920 X 1080, but my computer only recognizes 1600 x 900 as the highest resolution. I've tried both mirrored and extended desktop, and I've also hooked up the monitor through a DVI adaptor and through a displayport cable. An Apple support person suggested using a dual-link DVI adaptor, but according to the Apple site this shouldn't be necessary for 1920 x 1080 resolution (I've also heard that it's a buggy piece of hardware). Any suggestions for getting optimal resolution?

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Mac Pro :: Workstation Graphics Card For Optimal Performance Under BootCamp

Mar 25, 2012

I run Rhino (64 bit) with windows 7 through bootcamp. The software mfg's recommended graphics card is the AMD FirePro v7900 or v5900, and user group recos the nvidea quadro 4000. I am currently using an Nvidea gtx285 and driving two displays from it. Looking to upgrade both memory and video card for optimal performance.

Mac Pro, Windows 7, osx 10.7 , 16g ram nvidea 285gtx

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 'optimal' Settings In Mailbox Behaviors For An Imap Aol Account?

May 20, 2012

Does anyone know the "optimal" settings in Mailbox Behaviors for an imap Aol account? I realize that aol can/is funky.

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Computer Wakes Up Itself?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a new MacPro set to "sleep" at midnight. The past few nights at about 1 am and 3.30am the computer wakes itself (and me) up? Why is it waking?

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OS X :: Mac Wakes Up On Its Own - Any Way To Check Log

Feb 5, 2008

My ALU iMac seems to be waking up sometimes (so not all the time) when I'm at work. I am 100% sure I set it to sleep and everyone else in the house says they didn't touch it. My work schedule is always about the same, so it's strange that 2 weeks ago it was awake when I got home, and since then 2 times more. I've checked the settings, to be sure it doesn't have a schedule to wake and sleep. Everything looks OK. No schedule whatsoever, except wake after power failure.

I've disabled that now but I don't think we had any power failures recently because iStat Pro indicates an uptime of 20 days straight, which would be hard to do without power. Now is there a way to check any logs about wake and sleep times? I'm sure there is a command for the terminal that does exactly this but I haven't found it yet. I ordered the Missing Manual to learn more about OS X but I would like to check this now because the order could take a while.

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OS X :: Mac Wakes From Sleep By Itself

Aug 21, 2010

I see my screen popping on for no reason staying on for 5 minuets or so then going back to sleep. Is this normal? I don't recall it doing this before but I have added an old p.c. to my network and got an iPad. Don't know if ether of those things have any relevance but like i said, I don't remember it happening before. From what I understand, to get spyware or malware on the computer I need to instal it. But I could be wrong. I have an iMac running 10.6.4.

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Power Mac G5 :: Wakes Up When Going To Sleep

Nov 30, 2007

I've owned my G5 for 3 years and recently when I put it into sleep mode it immediately wakes back up. I have a screen saver password so it asks me to enter the password, if I don't it goes back to sleep, then immediately wakes up. It repeats this process a few times before finally going to sleep. This is very weird because I haven't installed anything or changed any settings.

G5 Dual 2.5
Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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OS X :: MBP Wakes Up From Sleep Randomly

Dec 10, 2008

My MBP sometimes wakes up from sleep for no apparent reason. I have it set up in a closed lid/external monitor mode, with a bluetooth keyboard and a wireless usb mouse. To make sure it's not USB activity, I unplugged all USB devices, and switched the USB mouse off. Also made sure "wakeup on ethernet access" is disabled in system prefs, and software update is turned off. Looking at the console, it woke up with a reason:

Wake reason = EHC2 OHC2
Do you know what that is?

Below is a system.log snapshot and console messages when it woke up. Any ideas about what caused it?


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OS X :: Mac Wakes Up From Sleep Automatically

Jun 18, 2009

I have a hot corner to put the mac display to sleep. Whether I use that or I use the 3 buttons to put the mac display to sleep, it wakes up after a while (probably due to some activity on the net or msn etc...) Is there a way to keep it asleep until I wake it up manually?

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OS X :: Mac Mini Wakes From Sleep

May 8, 2010

I have Mac mini 2.26 (2009) OS 10.6.3. with apple wireless keyboard and magic mouse. For some time now my mini wakes from sleep for no reason after 20 minutes. I have checked kernel.log and it says that ohc=2 is the reason for wake up. It seems to be bluetooth keyboard or mouse. When I turn off "allow bluetooth devices to wake..." everything seems to be ok. Is there a way to fix this because I would like to be able to wake mini with keyboard.

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MacBook Pro :: MBP Wakes By Itself During Sleep?

May 27, 2010

This is has been occurring most every night since I've had this MBP for a few weeks. I put the MBP to sleep at night. Then some point in the morning, I can actually hear it wake, but then quickly, within 5 seconds, it right back to sleep.

I have no programs telling it to awake or perform scans, my Bluetooth mouse is off, etc. Has anyone experienced this or know how to resolve it?

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MacBook :: Harddisk Wakes Up By Itself

May 24, 2012

My Macbook seems to have a life of its own it wakes up by itself when the harddisk  is sleeping.When I leave the computer open but the hard screensaver is on or the harddisk is at sleep it often wakes up by itself.Also when I go to sleep at night and I close down the screen and the lid there are sounds as if the computer wants to wake up and this often goes on for up to 15 times in a row.I then have to shut down the computer and disconnect all together.This is really enoying as I am afraid the harddisk will get harmed during the night.I have upgraded to snowleopard and after that this problem started.I did leave my computer to a apple service shortly after I changed my harddisk  there after my old harddisk crashed in november last year.But they could not find any problem with my computer.I really would like to now what´s going on.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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PowerPC :: Goes To Sleep But Immediately Wakes Up

Oct 7, 2007

Whenever I select Apple sleep it goes to sleep but immediately wakes up.

I have taken off all devices and it still happens - but really, it started this after working with the same devices for many months.

It is immediate after going to sleep, the next second it wakes back up.

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MacBook Pro :: Wakes From Sleep With Lid Closed

Jun 6, 2008

When I go to bed, I like to just put my macbook pro to sleep by closing the lid. But almost 100% of the time it wakes itself. It gets really hot when this happens so I've been turning it off most of the time instead, but I'd really like to get this resolved. I have an external monitor plugged into it so I know its awake as the screen shifts over to the external monitor. When no monitor is plugged into it, I do occasionally hear the hard drive spin up. I have tried unplugging everything except for the power cable to see if that might help, but the result is the same. I have a 1st generation 15" Macbook Pro running OS X 10.5.3.

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