Applications :: Documentation / Tutorial Creation Software?
Dec 10, 2010
I want to create some tutorials for my software class. I remember seeing some software for the mac that is excellent for the job. I can't remember what the name of the software is.
The software is as follows:
- You take some screenshots of various stages of using the software
- You then add text in the software
- You can then create a tutorial out of it
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Oct 8, 2009
I haven't found anything on internet about this, so how I had founded a solution, I want to share it.
One day, my Macbook White brokes and I needed to recover a curriculum, and it was in a .pages file. So I had to recover it in Windows, because I have no one who could convert it in Pages.
1� Rename .pages file and add .zip extension. That makes the content of the package visible with any zip utility, (in my case WinRAR).
2� Uncompress the package.
3� Go to QuickLook and search for Preview.pdf. That's a pdf file that contains a low quality version of your pages document. Almost all of the content is in index.xml, but It's very difficult to extract manually the information.
4� Convert the pdf file to doc with any pdf converter. For example: [URL]
5� If your document has attachments (like images), you can replace low quality images of Doc document with the original images located in the uncompressed package.
That's it, of course this works for me with a simple Pages document with an image, that doesn't mean that works for every .pages file.
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Oct 15, 2009
I know you can learn Guitar and Piano , but what other instruments can GarageBand 09' teach you?
is there a database or a site that lists these, and if so where can i get the video teachings?
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Apr 28, 2009
I wanted to know whats a good software for recording desktop screen for tutorial purposes?
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Feb 18, 2009
whats the best software out there for the mac if your into developing websites
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Mar 24, 2009
I'm trying to design a Logo for my website and am after x2 bits of information.
1. Free software that I can create a basic logo in (that's easy to use preferably)
PS Mac Software that is &
2. (a bit off topic) A source of free unlicensed imagery (any websites out there?) that I can use on my website without breaking any laws.
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Apr 20, 2010
One thing that annoys me about iCal is that when I hit the shortcut to create a new event, I have to hit another shortcut to bring up the edit window. Ideally the edit window would pop up immediately upon creation of a new event, but I can't find a way to make this happen.
Does anyone know a work-around for this?
Another annoying thing is that I can't just hit Cmd-N to open a new event; I have to make sure I'm in a calendar that can be edited before creating a new event. I don't think there's a fix for this; I think it's just one of those things.
I searched for info about this, but I didn't find anything.
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Nov 9, 2010
For many of the applications I have (including Apple applications such as Aperture, iWork, etc), I have PDFs of the User Manuals that I've downloaded from Apple or other support websites. Would there be any harm in me dropping my user manual PDFs into the package at the top level (outside the >Contents folder)? I absolutely know to be cautious about messing with items within the >Contents folder, but wondering whether there is any harm in dropping in user guides or other related reference information into the package, outside the Contents or other key program folders within the folder.
Ultimately, I'm just looking for a way to keep my documentation organized and with whatever program it corresponds to. I've found that too many times, I download program manuals and tip sheets, and then I can't find where I put them on my hard drive. Also trying to avoid having duplicates of folders (i.e., a "Photoshop" folder in my /Applications and a "Photoshop" folder in my /Documents).
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Jul 6, 2012
I work at a University with a very "by the book" IT director. He is under the assumption that installing third-party parts (e.g. RAM, hard drives, etc) in an Apple product (such as a Mac Pro or MacBook) "voids the warranty" because this apparently is the case with some PC brands. I know this is not the case and that Apple characterizes RAM as a user-upgradable part -- as long as you don't break anything while installing it, it does NOT void your warranty (case in point: Apple even gives detailed instructions on how to upgrade).
However, being the stickler that he is, my IT director will not take my word for it -- he needs proof from Apple that it's okay for us to upgrade these machines ourselves. Can anyone provide a link on an Apple (or similarly reputable) site clearly stating that this is the case? Does such documentation exist?
Mac Pro
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Jan 7, 2009
I ordered something from RadTech for my MB and when it came, there was a free trial for Stuff Bak included with the documentation. It has a sticker that I'm supposed to place on my MB (or any device I want protected), register at their website for free [URL], and when my MB goes missing the sticker will provide whoever finds it a way to return it to me (plus $20 reward and any additional reward I might offer). Two questions: Has anybody tried this and does this service actually work? I'm kind of curious, but I'm also thinking that the reward might not be enough to deter them from just scraping the sticker off and keeping the MB...
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May 14, 2010
Apart [URL] where can I find 'text' files free tutorials.
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Feb 17, 2009
If I take some video from my digital camera, how do I upload it onto Utube once it is on my computor?
Is there a video tutorial that anyone knows about?
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Dec 14, 2007
I recently set up OS X Server 10.4 (Tiger) on an old G4 for my home office use and so far it's been running beautifully. As I was learning how to get it up and running, I created a blog to document the process. If you're starting off on a similar endeavor, it might be helpful. If anything, it'll give you an idea of what setting up OS X Server entails. The link to the OS X Server 10.4 tutorial: [URL]. I also put together a tutorial on setting up the AMP package (Apache, MySQL, and PHP) on OS X client and server: [URL]
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Nov 15, 2009
I constantly see new threads concerning slow boot times. In the spirit of efficiency here is a quick tutorial to achieve optimal boot times on your MBP. First of all, I have a WD Scorpio Black in my MBP. My MBP boots in 22 seconds (from chime to desktop including fully loaded menubar with istat). I'm on 10.6.2. Second. You will need to do a lot more than just restore disk permissions to obtain the fastest possible boot time. Defragging your disk on the other is not necessary one of those things in my experience. Third. Hard-drive performance, in general and specifically when it comes to boot time, is greatly effected by the amount of used space (I've only used about 14% of the available space on my drive). If you have used say about 80% of the free space on your drive, don't expect a fast boot time (or great drive performance in general) no matter what you do.
Here's is what you should do. Obviously if you are going to benchmark your boot time you should disconnect all peripheral and turn of Bluetooth and Airport and have no files or folders on your desktop.
Download either MainMenu or Onyx and use it to do the following:
- Run all the OS X maintenance scripts (daily, weekly and monthly)
- Clean the system cache, all user caches and the font caches. Flush the DNS cache
- Remove temporary files
- Update pre-bindings
- Remove corrupt preferences
- Restore disk permissions
After all the maintenance do the following:
- Reset PRAM & PMU
- Restart your computer once more and then shut it down.
Now you can start your MBP and time the boot from when you hear the chime to when you see the desktop and the menubar is fully loaded. And remember if you are going to benchmark your boot time you should disconnect all peripheral and turn off Bluetooth and Airport and have no files or folders on your desktop.
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Mar 20, 2012
I have created a second user with administrative privileges. Doing so I had to restart my computer. After initial restart the login page loaded showing original and new user but it is dead. I can't log in any of the acount nor to restart - had to turn off the computer.For what its worth here are some thins i did later but so far with no solution.
1. I have tried to entr via secure startup but it got to the same dead page.
2. I have strated the compute from a backup disk with hope of repairing things from there but I have no idea what or how to do it.
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Feb 23, 2009
How do I check the real date of file creation in Mac OS X.
All files, I receive (mail, ...) have the created date, when I copied them in their respective folder.
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Apr 21, 2009
I can't seem to find a way to alter the creation date of a file. I have a project and mid-way through I copied everything into a new file to test something out. It's in a different format so it's impossible to simply port it back to the original file.
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Apr 26, 2009
I'm having a wierd problem with my macbook (os x leopard). It seems like all information about when the file was created / modified is set to a certain time, 19:08. Every file on the computer says this time (the date is correct), even newly creted files and systemfiles. This creates some problem with itunes (newly added songs will not appear until that time in smart playlists etc) and apps like evernote.Does anyone got an idea what this might be?
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Jul 19, 2008
When I convert a MS Word document (MS Word 2004 for Mac) to a PDF document, using Adobe Acrobat (v. 8 for Mac), the hyperlinks that were inserted into the Word document are not present in the PDF document (hyperlink text is present, but it is not clickable or colored/underlined as it was in orig. Word document).
Please inform me of any setting in Acrobat or Word that I may need to change to get the hyperlinks to carry over properly during conversion.
I really don't want to go through all of my PDFs that I have created and re-insert hyperlinks manually, as there are TONS of them..!
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Nov 30, 2009
Using the Finder in 10.5.8, pressing Cmd-F to get to the Search window. I want to look for jpeg files created during December of 2008. I first specify file type = image, press the + to add another constraint, choose "creation date before" . . . today's date comes up by default, with little up/down arrows at the right to allow changes. Well, the arrows do nothing, and I can't edit the date string directly. The only change I'm able to make is when holding down the Alt key, which allows me to use the little up/down arrows to cycle through the months (but not days or years).
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Oct 23, 2009
I'm about to sell an older Mac, and my buyer asked if I could install Snow Leopard and iLife for him, as well as update the machine. Of course it's easy to do this, but this will leave him with a user account he didn't configure himself. I was wondering how to update the mac and install the software and then reset it so that when he first boots it up he does get the intro movie and the user creation process? I found this guide, but it's referring to iBooks so it's pretty old, can anybody confirm it still works for Snow Leopard? [URL]
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Feb 12, 2012
I have files with no creation date or creation date 1969, etc (came from bad settings in camera).
Since I knew the date, I was able to easily fix it via touch:
touch -t 20090110 IMG_1023.JPG
This used to set creation, modification, and access time to 20090111, in Snow Leopard. However, I can no longer do this in Lion. It does set modification and access, but creation date is still screwed up.
macbook pro 2007, Mac OS X (10.7.2), iPhone 3GS, 4, iPad2, latest iOS5
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Apr 30, 2012
I popped it into the iMac and did a Get Info only to discover that its creation and modification dates were yesterdays! I then tried it in Toast 11 under Disk Info and got no dates at all. just technical data. DVDs do display the creation date in Get Info but not CDs.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), FCE 4 + FCS 3
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Jun 26, 2014
I want to prevent ".DS_Store" file creation.
How can i do this?
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Jan 10, 2010
I'm using the command "touch" in the terminal to set the creation date of some old home movies I'm dumping on HD.
I can move the creation date back with the following command:
MacPro:~ scott$ touch -t 200308311500 /Users/scott/Desktop/
The problem now, I cannot move the date back up (when I fat finger)... EVEN if I move the modified date way in the future, the creation date won't move back up with it... Give the command a try on a garbage file and see what I mean.
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Jun 22, 2010
My question is how to handle the difference in creation date between the paper document and the scanned file. The paper files are from the past 50 years, but of course the file creation date of the scans is the date of the scan. How can I reconcile this? Ideally I would like to make the scan metadata creation date of the PDF/A the same as that of the original paper file creation date.
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May 5, 2012
I didn't know where to post this question. When I import photos from my Canon T3i and my iPhone4, the creation date of the photo is the date imported, not the date I took the photo. While in Finder, if I look at the photo information, the creation date is the date the photo was imported (for both the Canon and iPhone photos). I'm trying to understand why this is happening. When I import the photos into iPhoto, the date I took the photo is there. While that seems like the solution, it isn't since I don't import all photos into iPhoto. If I look at the photos on the memory card, the date is correct. The only time the creation date is not correct is when I import on to my iMac or MacBook. I'm using Snow Leopard and have no plans to upgrade to Lion.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 6, 2012
I am exploring the possibility of scripting the creation of smart playlists in iTunes. As I understand it this can only be achieved with GUI scripting. I have come across a couple of threads which suggest this can be achieved:
however both generate an error for me. The problem appears to be around the line "tell scroll area 1 of group 1 of window 1". I get the error: System Events got an error: Can't get group 1 of window 1 of process "iTunes". Invalid index.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7), 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 8GB RAM
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Sep 11, 2014
I have the latest iMovie. 2014 version. I want to make a music DVD. To access individual songs, chapters are needed. The latest iMovie doesn't have chapter creation. I know that iMovie 9 allows making chapters, but when I tried that, it worked, but the quality of the movie suffered. The picture quality looked less clear. I will download the trial version of Final Cut Pro X..The chapter creation in iDVD is not good enough and I can't find any other DVD creation software that does it.
iMac 3.06 Intel Core 2 Duo, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Feb 14, 2012
I have been unable to find any references on how to best automate certain "tasks" in Lion so that I can do the following:
create predefined DNS names based upon the clients domain name
create predefnined web address based upon the just created DNS
For example.... We have the customer "Sammy's Flower Garden" and his domain is "". At the command line, I would type:
$ clientsetup This would then create a base folder structure (this part has already been written)ClientDomains - S - - production - staging - archive - design - template
From what I have read, alot of modifications outside of the Lion serveradmin tooling can result in some rather unusual if not nasty behaviour. If this is true, then I would assume that I could not just write out to a file in /var/named/ and have it automaticly picked up by the server? The same for the apache instance? I still want to be able to use the GUI interface when needed.
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