MacBook Pro :: RAM & Logic Replaced, MBP Still Broken: Will Apple Give Me A New MBP?
Nov 2, 2010
Hello everyone! Hope I can get some great advice re: Apple Care and my MBP. Here are the basics.
Bought 2010 MBP brand new in June from Apple's site and also have Apple Care extended warranty. Since the beginning it's been plagued with kernel panics, gray screen of death, and lots of buggy behavior and app crashes. Have made two Genius Bar visits.
First they said it was a RAM problem and replaced that. MBP still didn't work right. Next they said it was a logic board problem and replaced that. MBP still doesn't work right! I've called customer support, they said to do OSX re-install and gave me a case ID #. Did that, MBP still has all the problems listed above.
I have my third Genius Bar appointment this week. At this point I think most people would conclude I've got a lemon MBP. So, my question is, what are some tips or recommendations on what I need to say/do to get Apple to replace with a new MBP? I'm tired of going back for repairs to this already frankenstein machine and believe that if they could have fixed it by now, it would be working fine. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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Mar 15, 2010
I'm just curious to see how many people here have even had it replaced at least once.
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May 5, 2010
So I had my logic board replaced a few days ago. I took out the hard drive that was in there and put in the stock one so I could take it to them. I brought it back and popped in the drive that was in the working system before, and now OS X just auto logs on when I open the lid? Also some apps don't work anymore, like YouControlTunes.
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Jun 27, 2012
06 Macbook Pro. Replaced the Logic Board. Now the CD Drive doesn't work and there's a cd stuck in it! Not under warranty. Outside party replaced the part.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 16, 2012
My MBA (Mid 2009) serial no W8******9A5. It broken hinges, I brought to premium service in Vietnam check warranty and replace hinges and dislay free all but its serial number don't replaced. I read in and thought my MBA has one of products affected. What reason my MBA don't replaced?
MacBook Air, Windows7
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Oct 2, 2006
The little white plastic doohickey that opens the battery compartment on my laptop (powerbook g4, I thinks) has broken off and now I can't open the battery compartment.I'm trying to find out if my battery has the appropriate serial number for the recall, but I can't open the battery compartment. Plus, the battery no longer works at all, so I have to use the AC adapter if I want to use the laptop at all--NOT GOOD!Does anyone know if this dumb little piece of plastic can be replaced, and if so how? (I'm sure it costs something like .000000003 cents to manufacture......)
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Sep 1, 2010
Some of you probably will remember my post a week ago, saying that my MBP DVD drive killed my OSX Installation DVD. here is the conclusion of it, I took it authorised service center here in North Thailand. Waited for a week they sad they will change DVD drive and today it finally arrived. Around 11am they called me and said dude, we changed the drive the problem is still there cant install system. Your "Logic Board' is screwed, you have to wait at least 1 week for a new one.
Now what is logic board? Is that main board? Is it possible for computer to still work with a broken mainboard? I mean I didnt damage it, I had kernell panic and tried to re-install OSX so how could that killed my MPB? I still could boot into disk utility and format the drive was just unable to copy files.To be honest my MBP is 3 months old, i took a good care of it. And I'm very very very dissapointed in apple computers now, expensive and damn un-reliable.
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Jul 17, 2009
i have a macbook (core duo 1.8G, not core 2 duo). i lent it to my sister b/c i have a work laptop and no longer need the macbook. but after a week, the logic board broke, and my sis said she took it to a store and was quoted $350 to fix it. i am not sure if it is worth fixing anymore.
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Apr 25, 2009
my MBP has been acting up, i just had the logic board and the lcd display replaced for a 2nd time due to a scrambled and soon after " black screen" syndrome now after i just picked up my MBP from repair, yesterday my airport and ethernet are not really working. it works for a while and then network says that i have a self assigned ip address, the router slot is blank, i have the wrong ip add. starting with 162 so its (closed) the only solution is to physically unplug the router and then plug back in i spent almost 3 hr yesterday with my ISP trying to troubleshoot, for i thought it was my net gear modem/ router that was at fault but that was not the case its my mac so i would like to know exactly what components are included in my MBP 3.1 santa rosa logic board is the air port and ethernet controller located in the logic board ?
how about the nvidia video card is it also locted in the logic board ?
if it is can Apple just replace the defect part or do they have to replace the entire logic board again ?
this is my sys spec:
Model Name:MacBook Pro
Model Identifier:MacBookPro3,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.4 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache:4 MB
Memory:4 GB
Bus Speed:800 MHz
Boot ROM Version:MBP31.0070.B07
thank you for taking the time to help
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Apr 21, 2012
Does apple give military discounts for Apple Care?
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Dec 31, 2008
Had to have the logic board in my Mac Pro replaced due to faulty audio input jack.
Time machine backs up to an external drive (DROBO array).
When I brought the machine back home, time machine does not recognize the old backup (last backup never) and doesn't have room to backup a new system because the old TM files take up most of the drivespace.
Is there a way to "force" time machine to accept an old TM backup file? I don't want to delete everything and start again. I assume this is because the logic board (motherboard) was replaced.
Note that the system drive and all internal hard drives were not modified, and the OS was not reinstalled or anything like that.
One other item: the tech forgot to run some software at apple and my machine currently has no serial number (about this mac...) assigned. They are sending out a tech to fix this - does time machine back up based on serial number?
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Nov 13, 2009
I contacted apple to argue for their original quote which is $1200, the first representative couldn't get it done since he didn't have the authority, but he got me to talk with a senior advisor, after probably 1 hour arguement, she said $900 would be the bottom line. Then I mentioned i had my LB replaced last year for $310 due to the KNOWN video card issue, and most importantly there are no physical damages on on my computer back then, whcih means i'm eligible for the refund policy, also I stated an issue I posted here [URL] then she agreed to reduce the quote to $600, so what do u guys think, is it worth going for it?
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Jun 20, 2012
I had to have my logic board replaced. Now when I plug in my Time Machine external drive, I'm asked if I want to inherit the backup, which it says is from a different computer.'s not. It's from this computer. So I'm not sure why it's asking this, but there are so many complaints about "inheriting" that I don't know if I want to or not. Should I just erase the back up or should I go ahead and say "Yes" to inheriting the backup?
iPod touch, iOS 3.1.3
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May 25, 2012
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how much store credit Apple will give me to recycle my 2010 Macbook?
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Nov 11, 2009
I brought my powermac into the apple store to confirm what I already thought - the logic board on my g5 is done.I'm putting it up on CL with full disclosure, but I was wondering what I should ask for it? Here are the specs, what would you pay?
powermac dual 1.8 g5
2gb ram (512x4)
80gb HDD
ATI Radeon 9800 XT 256mb
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May 8, 2012
I am replacing a MacBook Pro HD with a Seagate Momentus 500gb HD. The Apple one is reconized but semi corrupted, the Seagate one isn't even reconized. The onl difference between the two that I notice is the side slot on the far right of the Seasgate. Do I need a differenct type of replacement HD or could it be the HD cord? the one on the left is the Seagate
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 29, 2008
I just became a mac user recently and loving it. I would just like to give apple feedback on some enhances and recommendations for futher improvement. Can I get a link or e-mail address to send feedback.
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May 8, 2008
I'm looking to get this titanium powerbook but it has a broken screen, possibly bad backlight? I can get it for a good price and I would love to have it to replace my ibook. I don't know the specs for sure but I am positive I think it's the DVI version since it has the keyboard that looks like the ibooks(same placement for the keyboard release latches).The guy said it worked fine on an external monitor but just recently he said it won't boot now and it now makes a high-pitched whining sound. Anyone know what that is? I'd like to use it as a headless mac until I locate a new screen for it.
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Jun 12, 2009
I took my Late 2007 Macbook to the Apple Store to have the screen checked out (there were random burn marks on the screen). They sent it out for repair and when I got it back I noticed the screen was awesomely bright!
Is there anyway to see if they used an LED backlight screen as the replacement? System profiler didn't tell me much.
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Apr 17, 2010
Apple replace my 2007 (June) MBP with the version just prior to this last update (June 2009 model) on April 7. Any chance Apple would swap me with the brand new MBP or am I just S.O.L. I have heard here of people purchasing MBP (because they were fed up with waiting) a week or two before the updates became public and Apple happily swapped them with the newest version
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Jan 16, 2010
I had an issue with the 9600m GT Graphics card a few weeks ago where the graphics card wouldn't display anything when plugged into an external monitor. The apple store checked it out and said the logic board was faulty and that it would need to be replaced under warranty. (Late 2008 15" macbook pro).
When I received the laptop back, they not only replaced the logic board, but they also replaced the SSD with a 250gb 5400rpm hard drive. I called in and, after being upgraded to the top level supervisor, he said that all of the hard drives being replaced were sent to be refurbished or recycled and that my hard drive had a fault in it so they replaced it. He says that they restore it to the apple original condition and originally they sold it with a 250gb hard drive in it so that's what they replaced it with. Their policy is that only if they replace aftermarket ram with apple ram will they return the aftermarket parts back to you. This repair was conducted yesterday, the 15th of January by apple Tech ID #612525.
I don't expect to get my data back, but if anyone has any idea on how I can get my hard drive back, I'd be willing to reward $100. A new Intel SSD X25-M G2 would be around 250 so I wouldn't want to do that.
I've been on the phone all day with the apple support so I am very frustrated right now.
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Jun 3, 2012
I have a 15" quad i7 Macbook Pro purchased in November of 2011 with Apple Care. One thing I noticed about my MBP was that it had a noticably brighter display and backlight than my roommates older Core 2 Duo 15" MBP. In March of 2012, I had the displayed replaced by Apple Care because of a blotch that appeared on the screen over time.
Since then, I noticed that certain YouTube videos I used to enjoy seemed dimmer, darker, and a bit more contrasted than they used to, and the display doesn't seem as bright as it used. Before the replacement, I could only tolerate a brightness setting of 70%, now I use 100% in the dark with no problem. Also earlier today, my friend brought over his polycarbonate unibody Macbook; when he turned it on, with a room lamp on, it was noticably brighter than mine, his 80% was my 100%.
I also read that a Macbook isn't supposed to have a brighter display than the MBP. I've read unofficial reports that the older Core 2 Duo's had slightly less powerful displays, and that Apple uses many different brands that are compatible with the MPB. Is it possible the Apple Store replaced my display with a more inferior but compatible type? Or could I just have another defective display? I'm planning on returning to the Apple Store to have this work done, it's just that I want a stronger case than "it seems a little darker than before".
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 28, 2009
I was attempting to replace the hard drive in my eMac, but for instructions I HAD to follow some darn take-apart guide that said pull out the connection for the power button cord from the logic board. I didn't know that it was SOLDERED in there, and now I can't complete putting my eMac back together without doing so.
Can this be fixed without having to send it to Apple? Does it HAVE to inolve soldering, or is there an alternative? Is there a way I can temporary have my eMac power on until I get the connector fixed?
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Dec 29, 2008
My friend purchased a used Macbook and needed to reinstall Leopard on it (to remove the previous owner's junk), so he borrowed my install DVDs. Alas, the first DVD got stuck in the combo drive, so he had to send it in (under Future Shop's Product Replacement Plan, not under AppleCare, but FS sent it to Apple for repair). When he got it back, many weeks later, the DVD didn't work and could not be booted from. Will Apple give me a replacement? Does it matter which one of us calls? I'm thinking they might want the serial number to find the incident information, and since it's his Mac that was sent in, that he should call.
will they let me purchase a replacement OEM DVD (with iLife and everything that came with my Macbook)? Anyone know how much?
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Mar 20, 2012
i should still have 1 month warranty left on my macbook pro.I tripped over the magsafe cord. It popped out. But now it is not charging. I think they should give me a free one, since it was designed to protect itself & the computer..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jul 2, 2012
I bought my Macbook Pro 15 in April 2012. I am still covered by the one year warranty. I just want to know do the warranty cover a broken hinge? I don't know how the hinge got broken. My Macbook never drop or fell. It doesnt have dents or broken at any other parts. Just my right hinge is broken.
Mac Pro
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Jun 29, 2012
Wondering if anyone knows what the security policy and process is that is followed by Apple when a damaged hard disk is replaced by Apple. Is the disk destroyed, or demagnetized. How do we know that the data on the disk is will not be accessed and copied anywhere? Is there a stated policy document available somewhere in the Apple Store that discusses this?
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May 24, 2012
On restart after software update, apple logo is replaced by circle with diagonal line and won't continue.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Sep 11, 2008
2 or 3 times recently the clock has been flashing and the apple menu text has been split up on starting. I've rebooted and the problem has gone. I'm using a G5 with OS 10.4.11. Might it just be needing a new battery?
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May 13, 2008
so i've got a system with a fried c2d board. i can pick up a cd board for $150 plus shipping which is good for me. to find a comparable replacement, i'm looking at ~350 and i'm just not feelin that price as im on a budget.
i'm not concerned about the speed decrease as im just trying to get this thing rebuilt.
i understand that there are different heatsink assemblys..vertical vs horizontal. however, i do not know how to tell the difference and i am also unsure whether or not my c2d heatsink will work on this board i receive.
the logicboard possess a t7300 c2d and model # is 820-2279-a, it appears.
i cant find anything on that model, except for on ebay.
and i totally cant find the serial number on this macbook. under the battery on the tray has no serial number listed, and i've read through this documentation [URL]
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