MacBook Pro :: Magsafe Charger Is Broken / Will Apple Replace It?
Mar 20, 2012
i should still have 1 month warranty left on my macbook pro.I tripped over the magsafe cord. It popped out. But now it is not charging. I think they should give me a free one, since it was designed to protect itself & the computer..
well my charger recently got hit with the frayed connector problem. I called Apple and they sent me a replacement via overnight shipping (really awesome).
Anyways, both representatives I talked to when they said they would send it said I need to send the old one in the box they sent the new one in and use the shipping label they gave me.
but I peeled back the shipping label, and there's nothing there.
I went to check the repair status, and it says "Complete - no part return needed," but they took my credit card number when I called and told me to do so.
Anyone have any idea about this? Should I worry about returning the defective charger?
I am becoming increasingly concerned by the rising number of reports of people's magsafe connectors for their MBPs bursting into flames.
I am not sure if this is being built up to be more than it is - but there do seem to be a number of genuine cases.
I now feel unable to leave my new 13" MBP connected to the mains unattended - which is not really a desirable situation.
I have heard that the issue is down to the design of the connector point where the wire goes into the magsafe connector - and as such, the differently designed connectors which are used on macbook air and those attached to apple display units mean that these connectors have not experienced any issues.
Therefore I was thinking in order to minimise the risk - does anyone think it is a good idea to try and get hold of a MacBook Air charger and use that on my MBP 13" instead? Do Air chargers even work with MPBs?
a lot of times when i let the magsafe get magnetically attracted to the port, it aligns crookedly (the side-butt round part of it sticking up a little bit) and I gotta push my thumb down to align it in place, flush with the machine edge.
I can also do this and it will land straight but not if I'm being sloppy and careless with the magnetic attraction -- more so than the other 3 unibody MacBook Pro's I've had with the same macbook air charger).
Do you think the cable is defective, the port, or what can explain this happening?
This seems plausible but silly (and something that I think might be the case after trying to see it connect while holding it in the air) - the cable is so thick, it's at a weird angle and forcing the cable up.
Because when I lay the cable paralllel with the edges (running from the back of my desk), I don't think it does this but I will try it out and fidget with it.
Ok, so i have the newer magsafe charger (The one thats slim and silver), but its faulty at times, so i looked on amazon and bought the cheapest Macbook charger i could find, i found one of the older ones (the ones that look like a square and are white), so i bought it. The moment it got here, i plugged it in and connected it to my macbook. The light on the charger went really bright green, it was so bright it reflected over itself, i didn't really care, though. So then i unplugged it and moved to another room, but it stopped working. The newer type charger (the slim, silver one) still works fine, but is still faulty.
I've already reset the SMC a number of times, still no luck
magsafe 60w charger was not responding with macbook pro 13 i5, but after few hours it started working properly, my machine is under warrenty should i go for replacement of charger?
A few of you may not know, but the prongs on the power adapter are supposed to be used to wrap the cord around when you are putting it away.
I'm curious to know if any of you actually do this.
I'm afraid to do this because I fear that the cord will eventually get weak from being wrapped around and the part of the wire that connects to the actual power adapter might become loose.
I'd like to know if someone has done this very frequently and hasn't experienced any problems.
My Macbook Pro (Mid 2010 model) will not turn on unless I connect the Magsafe charger into it. If my macbook is off, and I connect the charger - it will turn itself on without me having to press the power button? I am also stuck on 23% battery and under the battery icon it says 'Battery Not Charging'? I'm finding this weird because the battery is only about a year old.
So I have a Late 2009 Macbook Pro, it came with the original magsafe adapter. The adapter doesn't always work all the time, sometimes theres a really dim green light.
One of the prongs that go into the wall is slightly bent so it might be because of that.
My question is will Apple replace this charger for me? Do they give the new magsafe adapters as replacements or will they give me an old one?
When I run my finger anywhere over the aluminium chassis my finger feels like either the laptop is vibrating, or there is a tiny grain of sand under my finger tip.
I know these are both untrue as when my finger is stationary it doesnt do it, and also I can use any finger or even my wrist as i type this.
Then, when I unplug the magsafe, it ceases to do it!
Am I barking up the wrong tree, and also why does it do it only when my finger is moving?
Is this a new issue or has anyone else had their replacement charger causing a funny feeling under the fingers?
Someone tripped over the wire of the MagSafe charger, and it came away from the macbook, but split the L-Shaped part in half, and left the magnetic end stuck inside the charging port, and the other part exposing the gold pins. Is there any way I can remove the magnetic part myself? Or should Apple be able to do it for me?
I recently bought a MBA but after some months the HD gave up. So I bought a generic Samsung HS082HB 1,8" zif HD to replace the broken HD. I thought I bought the right one but my MBA wasn't able to recognize the new HD. This new HD is a generic Samsung while the original was the one with the apple () printed on the label. So I ask you: do I need the certified one or did I miss something in replacing the HD?
My blackbook is about 6 months old now, and I've had occasional problems with the magsafe connector since then.
Basically, it works most of the time, but sometimes when I plug it in, the light doesn't come on and the battery doesn't charge.
I've tried using the connector to power up the computer without the battery, but that doesn't work either. It therefore seems to me like it could be a problem with the adaptor rather than the MB?
As I say, I've had the problem a while now - this has happened on three seperate occasions, though eventually after a lot of taking the adaptor out and plugging it back in again (scientific, I know! ) it inexpicably starts working again!
It can sometimes be days before it works again though. But each time it starts working again I'm so relieved the problem seems to have gone away that I just forget about getting it sorted for the long term.
Has anyone else had a similar problem? Is it definitely an adaptor problem? Should I just give up on the adaptor and go get a genius appointment?
My old macbook has a broken optical drive inside it. The one that came with it has quit working and the genius at the genius bar said it needed to be replaced. The genius said to get an external one online so I bought the Amazon basics external dvd drive. How to install it and get it to work.
so the question is : will buying a new charger fix the problem? or do i have to change the battery. this happened after i stopped using it for about one month when i went overseas and didnt touch it.
I've had my macbook for a year and the magsafe charger is finally giving way. It hardly charges and i have to replug it to my computer at least 20 times before it charges.
Sometimes it glows when connected but my computer says "not charging" even though its connected and glowing. I thought it was my computer but i used my brother's charger and it charges perfectly.
I've still got my old PBG4 around after upgrading to my new MBP.
The wattage rating on my old adapter is actually higher than my new MBP, 65W for the old one vs. 60W on the new.
But the plug is different. Does anyone make an old-style PB round DC plug>magsafe adapter so that I can use the old charger with the new laptop?
Since these things are like $80 it'd be nice to just keep using the old one or at least have it as a spare. It's not that I really need one but if I could buy an adapter it would be convenient.
I have a Powerbook G4 that has a broken shift and enter key. The other shift and enter both work fine, so I haven't lost any functionality, but I'd like to fix it anyway. They are the only two keys that do not work. Would buying a new keyboard fix this problem? If not, what do I need to do?
I have cracked my OS X 10.6.4 install disk, (which, it seems to mean that my iLife application disk wont work either). Is there any way to get a replacement? I don't always live near internet access, so Lion isn't really an option.
The Apple one looks tempting as it comes with 6 batteries and 29€ isn't too much, plus, as usual, it looks brilliant. I looked at some 3rd party chargers as well ranging from 20€ to 40€. None of them was stunning or special by any means. Cheaper ones usually came with two or four batteries and some came without batteries. I don't really need it for else than Magic Mouse, occasionally for something else too.