OS X :: Whats In The Logic Board And Replaced For A 2nd Time?
Apr 25, 2009
my MBP has been acting up, i just had the logic board and the lcd display replaced for a 2nd time due to a scrambled and soon after " black screen" syndrome now after i just picked up my MBP from repair, yesterday my airport and ethernet are not really working. it works for a while and then network says that i have a self assigned ip address, the router slot is blank, i have the wrong ip add. starting with 162 so its (closed) the only solution is to physically unplug the router and then plug back in i spent almost 3 hr yesterday with my ISP trying to troubleshoot, for i thought it was my net gear modem/ router that was at fault but that was not the case its my mac so i would like to know exactly what components are included in my MBP 3.1 santa rosa logic board is the air port and ethernet controller located in the logic board ?
how about the nvidia video card is it also locted in the logic board ?
if it is can Apple just replace the defect part or do they have to replace the entire logic board again ?
this is my sys spec:
Model Name:MacBook Pro
Model Identifier:MacBookPro3,1
Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed:2.4 GHz
Number Of Processors:1
Total Number Of Cores:2
L2 Cache:4 MB
Memory:4 GB
Bus Speed:800 MHz
Boot ROM Version:MBP31.0070.B07
thank you for taking the time to help
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Dec 31, 2008
Had to have the logic board in my Mac Pro replaced due to faulty audio input jack.
Time machine backs up to an external drive (DROBO array).
When I brought the machine back home, time machine does not recognize the old backup (last backup never) and doesn't have room to backup a new system because the old TM files take up most of the drivespace.
Is there a way to "force" time machine to accept an old TM backup file? I don't want to delete everything and start again. I assume this is because the logic board (motherboard) was replaced.
Note that the system drive and all internal hard drives were not modified, and the OS was not reinstalled or anything like that.
One other item: the tech forgot to run some software at apple and my machine currently has no serial number (about this mac...) assigned. They are sending out a tech to fix this - does time machine back up based on serial number?
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Jun 20, 2012
I had to have my logic board replaced. Now when I plug in my Time Machine external drive, I'm asked if I want to inherit the backup, which it says is from a different computer. Well....it's not. It's from this computer. So I'm not sure why it's asking this, but there are so many complaints about "inheriting" that I don't know if I want to or not. Should I just erase the back up or should I go ahead and say "Yes" to inheriting the backup?
iPod touch, iOS 3.1.3
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Mar 15, 2010
I'm just curious to see how many people here have even had it replaced at least once.
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May 5, 2010
So I had my logic board replaced a few days ago. I took out the hard drive that was in there and put in the stock one so I could take it to them. I brought it back and popped in the drive that was in the working system before, and now OS X just auto logs on when I open the lid? Also some apps don't work anymore, like YouControlTunes.
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Jun 27, 2012
06 Macbook Pro. Replaced the Logic Board. Now the CD Drive doesn't work and there's a cd stuck in it! Not under warranty. Outside party replaced the part.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 13, 2009
I contacted apple to argue for their original quote which is $1200, the first representative couldn't get it done since he didn't have the authority, but he got me to talk with a senior advisor, after probably 1 hour arguement, she said $900 would be the bottom line. Then I mentioned i had my LB replaced last year for $310 due to the KNOWN video card issue, and most importantly there are no physical damages on on my computer back then, whcih means i'm eligible for the refund policy, also I stated an issue I posted here [URL] then she agreed to reduce the quote to $600, so what do u guys think, is it worth going for it?
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May 13, 2008
so i've got a system with a fried c2d board. i can pick up a cd board for $150 plus shipping which is good for me. to find a comparable replacement, i'm looking at ~350 and i'm just not feelin that price as im on a budget.
i'm not concerned about the speed decrease as im just trying to get this thing rebuilt.
i understand that there are different heatsink assemblys..vertical vs horizontal. however, i do not know how to tell the difference and i am also unsure whether or not my c2d heatsink will work on this board i receive.
the logicboard possess a t7300 c2d and model # is 820-2279-a, it appears.
i cant find anything on that model, except for on ebay.
and i totally cant find the serial number on this macbook. under the battery on the tray has no serial number listed, and i've read through this documentation [URL]
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Feb 3, 2010
My '08 Mac Pro got it's logic board replaced last week because it wasn't seeing all the RAM I had installed, and now it's not recognizing my Time Machine drive as a Time Machine drive. The drive mounts fine (internal bay 4), all the stuff is still on it, I can still read/write to other folders on the drive. When I go into Time Machine it just shows that there're no back ups. When it tries to do a backup it just says "Backup failed". I ran disc utility and repaired permissions, still no dice.
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Jul 20, 2010
I bought a refurbished first gen MBA about a year and a half ago. (It's under applecare for another 1.5 years). I have had terrible problems with video playback and trying to do the even most mild editing in Aperture and iMovie. Also, the screen is sometimes scrambled: Black chunks will appear like holes in the desktop image; The menubar will get scrambled; or safari will have weird misalignments around the toolbar/url.
Apple replaced the logic board about 6 months ago. I've continued to have these problems. I took it to the genius bar again today and the rep told me it was a problem with the graphics card and that they would replace the card. Then he said the logic board would be replaced since the logic board is fused to the video card.
That confused me. If the card is fused to the logic board, then it must have already been replaced the last time. He agreed, but at the same time assured me that this time it would somehow be different. I wasn't going to argue with him, but I have low expectations for any real results in improving performance.
Can anyone clarify for me what he was talking about? Am I wrong to believe that a second logic board replacement (and thereby a second graphics card) will solve the issues I am having?
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Aug 9, 2010
I'm going to the Apple Store on Wednesday to most likely have my logic board replaced. To those who have had this done, how long does it normally take?
Also, if they determine (for some reason) that this repair is not under warranty, will they call me first to tell me so I don't get a huge bill?
As a side note. Where are the water sensors in the 17" MacBook Pro. I haven't spilled anything on it, but I have used it in some humid situations, and I fear that some of them may have been tripped erroneously. I don't know why I fear these sensors so much, but I just do.
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Oct 24, 2010
I recently had my logic board on my MacBook Pro replaced and when I tried to backup, Time Machine did not recognize the old backup on the drive and tries to create a new one. The drive is mounted fine.
Is there a way to continue using my old backup, or do I need to delete it and create a new one?
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Sep 2, 2009
I recently had my logic board on my MacBook Pro replaced and when I tried to backup, Time Machine did not recognize the old backup on the drive and tries to create a new one. The drive is mounted fine.
Is there a way to continue using my old backup, or do I need to delete it and create a new one?
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Apr 17, 2009
I'm somewhat new to the forums, and found a really good deal for a brand new macbook air (rev.1). I'd like to know if it is possible to replace the logic board in my macbook air with a newer, nvidia-gfx based logic board. As in, will it fit, does the same power supply run it, same peripherals (airport, keyboard, etc) work/interface with it, etc?
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Nov 2, 2010
Hello everyone! Hope I can get some great advice re: Apple Care and my MBP. Here are the basics.
Bought 2010 MBP brand new in June from Apple's site and also have Apple Care extended warranty. Since the beginning it's been plagued with kernel panics, gray screen of death, and lots of buggy behavior and app crashes. Have made two Genius Bar visits.
First they said it was a RAM problem and replaced that. MBP still didn't work right. Next they said it was a logic board problem and replaced that. MBP still doesn't work right! I've called customer support, they said to do OSX re-install and gave me a case ID #. Did that, MBP still has all the problems listed above.
I have my third Genius Bar appointment this week. At this point I think most people would conclude I've got a lemon MBP. So, my question is, what are some tips or recommendations on what I need to say/do to get Apple to replace with a new MBP? I'm tired of going back for repairs to this already frankenstein machine and believe that if they could have fixed it by now, it would be working fine. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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Jan 17, 2010
Anyone know where I can get it cheap ?
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a macbook pro 17" 2.4GHz (non unibody). I accidentally applied 220 VAC to DC adaptor terminals and burned the logic board (and also the fuse on the left I/O board).
There were no visible damage on the logic board so I assumed only power input stages could have burned and started to investigate. I removed the battery charger IC, some burned mosfets; and I connected the adaptor plus input to the output of the battery charger block. So the DC/DC converters are now powered from the adapter, as in normal operation. Only difference is that there is no battery or charger stuff.
Now, when I press the power button nothing happens. If I connect the adaptor while pressing the power button, hold it for a while, release it, and press it again, it powers up. (Is this MCEverything from hdd to dvd to fans powers up but not the LCD. Fans start and remain running at full speed. Harddisk powers up but there are no noticable reads. That is, no os boot attempted. The mbp draws around 1.5 A to 1.75 A at 18.5 VDC(not sure if it indicates anything).
I'll do whatever I can to fix my board. I have MSc in electronics, skilled technician friends, and access to lots of tools, parts, and measurement devices.
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Mar 6, 2007
I just got a Dual 1 Ghz MDD. It's a big step up from my 500 Mhz Sawtooth!
The problem is that it (supposedly) needs a new logic board. I've been watching logic boards on ebay, but I'm not finding anything with matching part numbers. My logic board has the following numbers:
630-4373 EEHNNW
I guess the important numbers are the 630-* numbers. Perhaps one it the
'as designed' rev part number, and one is the 'as manufactured' rev part number?
I have the dual 1 Ghz processors; would they work on a 1.25 Ghz logic board? Most of the boards I see on ebay are 820-1476-A, or 820-1308-A.
What's the difference between the 820- boards and the 630- boards?
I don't have a complete service file for the MDD; can anyone email a copy?
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Sep 22, 2009
Anyway... I was planning on getting my hard drive replaced because it was making that weird noise I talked about and I still am... but. Something else happened to. My friends dog chewed my power cord (just a few bite marks) and it was enough to make the green like really dim so we unplugged it. Instead of trying to fix the cord... we just got a new one but the computer wont turn on!
The light does not turn red green or orange on the plug but the battery light blinks when I unplug the chord (the battery is dead.. all drained i mean).
Me and my mom took the computer to a store that does warranty repairs on both Macintoshes and Windows computers and they said they would replace whatever for free. Like the harddrive maybe the battery if that is what is wrong and the logic board. But well... we kind of never told them my friends dog ate my first power cord >>
I wanted to. but my mom and my friend said they wont replace it for free if we told. I sure hope there is no way they can find out of the 1000 for a new logic board is true. We dont even have that kind of money right now!
But do you think the couple seconds of not enough power from the chewed cord might have shorted out my psu or something?
Im just curious. I know my friend has a friend that took his laptop in for a similar problem... yesterday or the day before.
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Feb 21, 2010
After my MacBook Pro 2.5's logic board failed( and was replaced under AppleCare) after owning my MBP for just 17 months, activity monitor often shows asl ( system log file) manager at about 100% CPU. Fans spin at 5000rpm. Never had this issue before the logic board replacement. Also, Safari 4.04 frequently crashes; never had this issue either before, either. Occasionally, after restarting my MBP, the Apple doesn't appear on my screen but instead I get image of a folder alternating with a question mark. When trying to use installation disk to start up, under 'select the system you want to use to start up', Mac OS 10.5.8( the OS that's on my hard drive, will not show at all...it's missing. After restarting several more times with installation disk OS 10.5.8 eventually appears as a selection. Why would these issues appear only after the LB was replaced. I suspect that the replacement logic board or its installation is not 100%. Something's not quite right there.
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Sep 1, 2010
Some of you probably will remember my post a week ago, saying that my MBP DVD drive killed my OSX Installation DVD. here is the conclusion of it, I took it authorised service center here in North Thailand. Waited for a week they sad they will change DVD drive and today it finally arrived. Around 11am they called me and said dude, we changed the drive the problem is still there cant install system. Your "Logic Board' is screwed, you have to wait at least 1 week for a new one.
Now what is logic board? Is that main board? Is it possible for computer to still work with a broken mainboard? I mean I didnt damage it, I had kernell panic and tried to re-install OSX so how could that killed my MPB? I still could boot into disk utility and format the drive was just unable to copy files.To be honest my MBP is 3 months old, i took a good care of it. And I'm very very very dissapointed in apple computers now, expensive and damn un-reliable.
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Sep 19, 2010
Would it be possible to get a logic board with a 1.33ghz or faster processor out of a 12.1" G4 and swap it in to a G3? Are the parts even compatible? I know from building engines that certain years and parts are interchangable but I don't know about computers.
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Oct 12, 2010
Was watching a 720p HD movie on a plane. Movie starts to freeze up. I can move the mouse but the rest of the computer is unresponsive. I force shut down by holding the power button.
Upon restart, all seems well, I login but computer quickly becomes unresponsive again. I force shut down again.
Next restart is over 10 minutes. Gets to login screen but can't login.
I boot from install disk and run HD repair. It finds some problems and repairs them. Reboot. Same symptoms.
I decided it is the HD and archive and install. Install fails. I wipe the HD cleaned and reinstall osx.
All seems fine as I go through set up and login in. A few minutes later same unresponsiveness.
So finally I did what I shouldve done awhile ago which is swap my current hd with my old one. I do and the computer runs fine! I'm at my wits end.
Just so everyone knows, the day before all these symptoms started I swapped my stock 2x1gb ram for 2x4gb ram. I originally thought that was the problem but I've had my original ram in since I've been trying to diagnose and it's made no difference.
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Nov 5, 2010
I have an A1260 that looks like it's undergoing the problems repaired by this program: [URL] However, I've had this thing apart, replaced the hard drive with an SSD, the optical drive bracket is very bent from when I replaced the optical drive, my display bezel is cracked in two places and held up with duct tape, and it generally looks like hell. Will they still repair the logic board despite all the other, ahem, modifications? I could probably put the original parts back in, but despite that it will be obvious I've taken it apart. It is and was out of warranty when I performed these. Should I take it to a retail store or just call Apple and ship it to them?
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Jan 6, 2011
thread or youtube walkthrough for removing a G4 MDD dual 867 logic board? (including how to remove the CPU daughter card).I have the heat sink off and all my RAM and PCI cards out,.
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Oct 23, 2007
I'm looking fore some help/opinions on a friends iBook G3 800/30GB/256MB/10.2.8the problem is- when you press the power button, it powers on and you hear the (all is ok) chime. now sometimes it will boot perfectly fine and others you get nothing, just a blank screen.Now i know these things were notorious for logic board failure, but could this just simply be the HD, and if it is, how easy is it to change.
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Feb 29, 2008
How do I fix it? I assume the Repair program is expired, so how would I go about fixing it myself?
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Mar 6, 2008
I'm still working on this deal to buy a used 12" PB. The seller says that she just replaced the logic board, hard drive, and battery. Now, I see this as a negative. Obviously the computer was having problems, she spent a bunch of money fixing it, and is now selling it anyway. What do you think? Is it a negative that it had problems and needed to be fixed? Or is it a positive that it has a brand new logic board that will theoretically last longer than an original one?
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Jul 6, 2008
I bought my first Mac (iBook) last December. However, it is now dead from logic board failure. I was looking at Macbooks but they are very expensive, which is why I bought the iBook in the first place. So now I'm looking at 15" PowerBook G4. My question is: If having a G4 proves too difficult in the next few years (PowerPC compatibility and speed), could I put a logic board from a 15" MBP in the PB?
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Jul 30, 2008
I am thinking about purchasing this PowerBook and getting it fixed or reselling it. What do you think?
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