MacBook Pro :: New Macs With No CD Drive?

Jun 13, 2012

I am considering the new Macboom Pro with Retina display -- but it has no CD/DVD drive. Some programs (e.g. Rosetta stone) require the original CD be in the hard drive for the program to work -- which seems to prohinbit the new (Retina display) Macbook Pro. Does anyone know how to avoid this problem?[Note: I have tried making a disk image mounting that ... but the program refuses to recognise that.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Share External Drive Between 2 Macs

Apr 8, 2009

Ok, was excited to get a refurb Mini today to setup as a Media Center using Boxee. I've got a 1TB WD External Drive used to store all my media, and I figured sharing that drive between the Mini and my Blackbook would be a cinch. WAY not the case. Both computers are running 10.5, fully updated.

These are the steps that I thought it would involve:
- Connecting the Drive to the Mini
- Turning on File Sharing
- Adding the specific folders on the Drive I want shared, and setting permissions accordingly
(Don't know if its relevant (or a stupid idea regardless), but I have the same user name and password setup on both of these machines as the admin)
- Connecting to the Mini in Finder on the Blackbook..............

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OS X :: Macs Get Slower When Put Hard Drive Like PCs?

Sep 1, 2009

Do Macs get slower as you fill the Hard Drive like PCs? The reason I?m asking this question is because I just transferred 40gb of files from my external hard drive (to use this HD with time machine) to my computer so I ended up with 80gb in my MacBook and I?m afraid that this will affect the performance since the HD is only 160gb. This usually happens with PCs.

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OS X :: Two Macs Plugged Into One External Drive

Nov 20, 2009

I'm running SL. I have a MBA, an iMac, and a LaCie external drive. I want to plug the MBA into the USB port on the external drive and the iMac into one of the Firewire 800 ports on the external drive. (On the LaCie, I have two backup partitions for each of the computers -- one for ? backups and one for a CarbonCopy clone of the computers.) When I connect them this way, the iMac can see the drive, but the MBA can't. The MBA will see the drive only if I unplug the iMac from the drive. Is there some sort of trick for getting both computers to see the drive at once? I don't care if they see all four partitions; I'd just like the MBA to be able to see "its" TM and CCC partitions on the LaCie and the iMac to see "its" partitions.

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IMac :: Clean Hard Drive On Macs?

Dec 13, 2010

I've converted to Mac about 6 months ago and I'm loving it. When I was running windows I periodically cleaned out my hard drive. I would like to do the same on my Mac, but don't see any applications?

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OS X :: Time Machine - Using One Drive For Multiple Macs?

Sep 22, 2009

I am planning to use a 1TB network hard drive (NAS) to backup all three of our Macs. Will Time Machine from three different computers share this storage space, or do I need to partition the drive into three pieces so each computer has their own separate volume?

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OS X :: Using External Hard Drive To Switch Macs

Sep 29, 2009

I am switching from an iMac to a Macbook. I'll be selling my iMac later. I also have an external hard drive. My iMac and Macbook both have Snow Leopard. So we're good there. With an external hard drive, how do I "switch over" from Mac to Mac? Obviously I won't want to startup from the external hard drive. So just configure Time Machine on my Macbook and restore, just hand-selecting what I want transferred after going through the OS install on my new Macbook? Both computers have a different version of iWork though. So basically, how can I switch all of my programs/files over to my Macbook without overwriting the iWork-related programs? What's the best way? Hand-select Time Machine files/applications?

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OS X :: Syncing Two Macs Via A Network Drive With A Different Filesystem?

May 13, 2010

I've been looking at how to sync my two Macs.

There are lots of options out there but none I'm comfortable with:
DropBox. It appears that what people do is put their data files into the DropBox folder locally (or make symbolic links to that folder) and DropBox then monitors this folder locally, if changes are made it propogates the changes to their server and then out to other machines/devices under your account.

I could be wrong and it monitors both local and server.

Anyhow the trouble I have is that I've got tens of gigs and I don't see why I should ever have to take the bandwidth/time/security hit of using the Internet as the go-between.

Plus I'm uncomfortable with DropBox acting as a blackbox; i.e. no idea the logic it's using to determine changes, determine conflicts or manage resolution.

JungleDisk/BackBlaze with Chronosync. Using Chronosync means that you have full control and transparency, i.e. know logic and have logs.

I was going to put aside my concerns of using cloud storage (bandwidth/accessibility/security), however JungleDisk just purged around 60 gig of my data because a 2USD invoice failed to process and I was completely unaware of the invoice processing failure. So for now, cloud storage is out.

(if I do go to cloud, I'll try BackBlaze next time as JungleDisk clearly can't be trusted)
Sync over LAN between two Macs (e.g. via Bonjour) and use Chronosync to perform the sync.

Not a bad setup, but I've got the feeling that placing a third disk in between, is somehow cleaner and gives overall better protection.

Therefore I've decided to keep two Macs in sync, to use Chronosync plus a NAS (in my case a QNAP 639-pro) as the middle man.

Others must have done a similar setup (after all it's just a variation on using an external drive as the middle ground).

So some preliminary questions are:

do I need to be concerned that the NAS uses EXT3 (Linux) fielsystem; i.e. will ownership/group permissions or

extended file attributes be an issue?

Is there an issue with not syncing file metadata (.ds_store files comes to mind)?

Syncs take a very long time when you've got tens of gigs, however often it's just a handful of files changing, i.e. OmniFocus, Devonthink, 1Password plus a few active project files. So it seems it's a good idea to have a full sync and some quick sync.

Do people have a similar setup and can describe their Chronosync configs?

It would appear the safest option is to close down 1password, OmniFocus etc. on one machine before hitting sync on that machine, but this introduces overhead, but I guess it depends on how the likes of 1Password writes to file and when

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Software :: Sync Two Macs Using External Drive?

May 10, 2008

I have a Mac at home and one at work. They are both Panthers and about 4 or 5 years old (still run great). The two machines are sort of growing apart from one and other as far as the data contained on each machine. Some is very similar and some isn't. Like I said, they are growing apart. Is there a way I could sync them by using an external drive? I would not want to lose data in the process.

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OS X :: Simultaneously Connect FireWire Hard Drive To 2 Macs?

Nov 4, 2010

I am trying to simultaneously connect a FireWire HDD to my MBP (running SL) and a PPC G4 (Tiger). It has 2 FW ports but it will not let me mount on both desktops. As I recall, there was a way to easily do this?

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Hardware :: Time Machine, 1 Drive Multiple Macs?

May 10, 2009

Im kinda new to macs and am about to start using time machine, im looking at getting a large (around 2TB) external drive and wondered if i could back up 2 macbooks to it (mine and my wife's) - i presume time machine is clever enough to distinguish between the 2 mac copies on the same drive??

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Any Way To Backup 2 Macs On One External Drive With TM?

Mar 25, 2012

Can 2 computers be backed up on one external drive with time machine?

time machine, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Backing Up Two Macs To One Directly Attached USB Drive?

Jun 28, 2012

I have an iMac with a directly attached USB drive and a Mac PowerBook attached via WIFI to the same network.  I would like to have both devices back up to the shared drive via Time Machine.  To date I have been able to get this to work, in a limited fashion.  As soon as the iMac goes to sleep the PowerBook cannot see the drive and the backup fails.  I would think that since I have selected the power option on the iMac to wake up for network access that this should work.  This sounds like a simple requirement, I tryed to attach the USB drive to my Airport Extreme and we all know that that does not work. 

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Hardware :: Sharing Hard Drive Between 2 Macs For Time Machine?

Dec 7, 2009

Other than switching the backup hard drive between 2 Macs is there way the hard drive can be shared over the network for the purpose of using Time Machine? My external 1TB drive has two partitions. I'd use each one for a different computer. Right now I'm pulling the plug and switching it to the machine I want to back up. It would be nice if I did not have to do that.

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OS X :: Set Up An External Hard Drive System That Will Automatically Backup Both Macs?

Apr 12, 2010

I am a new convert to Mac, and loving every minute. I use a 21.5 iMac and my wife uses a MacBook. I am trying to figure out the best way up set up an external harddrive system that will automatically backup both Macs. But I am also trying to figure out if I can store and access music through iTunes for both Macs.

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OS X :: Backup Multiple Macs Using Time Machine On Single Hard Drive?

May 13, 2009

I'd like to take one hard drive and back up 3 different Mac computers using Time Machine. The hard drive has the capacity greater than the 3 computers.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Connect To Other Macs

Jul 23, 2010

I have one imac (running leopard) and an oldish macbook (also leopard) which can 'see' eachother as soon as the macs are switched on. However my newer macbook Pro (running snow leopard) can't 'see' the other two. They can find it but it can't find them.

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MacBook Pro :: Dvd Burner That Comes With Macs?

Jun 14, 2012

is there a dvd burner that comes with macs? if not whats a good dvd burner for mac os x?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Best Way To Ensure Migration Between Macs?

Feb 26, 2009

Right now I have a late 2006 MacBook (C2D) and I am planning on getting a new unibody MacBook in the near future. While using my actual MacBook I replaced the hard disk by a 320 GB Samsung Spinpoint. Of course, I want to have that little friend in the new unibody MacBook. What is the best way to ensure the migration? Just put it in and restart? Or are the any hooks? I hope I could avoid any copying to a third computer, switching hard disks and copying back.

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MacBook :: How To Share Files Between Macs

May 26, 2009

Hi can anyone tell me how to share files between my macs? I did some homework on my MBP but need it on my MB.

I usually email the files & reopen them on my MB, but can I network my macs? I looked in "Macintosh HD" & it only shows my iMac not my MB?

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MacBook Pro :: Transferring Data Between Two Macs?

Jun 24, 2012

We are transferring files from our old mac to our new and we bought a firewire cable.  But we didn't get the option and it just started to do it wirelessly, which appears to be going to take about 12 hours.  Does anyone know if you can connect the firewire cable in the middle of it transferring, or should we just wait for it to finish it wirelessly? 

MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid 2012)

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MacBook :: How To Use Time Machine For Two Macs

Jun 17, 2014

How do you use time machine for two macs?  I have a My Passport for Mac where I backed up my MacBook Air.  Now I want to back up my MacBook to the My Passport for Mac. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: If Connect A Macbook (or Any Mac) To A TV - Limited To The Macs Resolution?

Sep 4, 2010

For example, on the Apple website, it says the Macbook supports a number of resolutions, but none of them are my TV's native resolution (1920x1080). Will my TV accept a lower resolution or can the Mac go up to 1080p?

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting 2 Macs To One Internet Connection?

Jan 9, 2011

My notebook is about to arrive and I'm trying to learn how to connect two macs to a single internet connection. I'm starting from scratch, really -- I'm learning what a router / switch / ethernet are! Ideally, it would be nice if I could keep my existing cable connection to my Imac and install a wireless connection to my notebook. But I don't know if it is possible and how to do that. I've not found clear advices on such installation, yet. Also, since I'll move in June, I searching for the cheapest solution.

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MacBook Air :: Won't Let To Add Printer On Network Or See Other Macs In House

Feb 11, 2012

I have a Macbook Air, 1.7GHz dual core i5, running 10.7.3 and cannot add a printer via the network or see the other macs in my house.

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MacBook :: Hook Up Firewire Between 2 Macs While They Are In Operation

Apr 6, 2012

Is this safe to do .... connecting 2 macs using firewire while both of them operating

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Air :: Can Share IPhoto Libraries Between Macs

Apr 15, 2012

I just bought a MacBook Air and am looking to share the library in my iPhoto between my iMac and MacBook Air.

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MacBook Pro :: Connect Two Macs With Thunder Bolt?

Apr 18, 2012

can i connect two macs with thunderbolt like I do with firewire and IP? I don't want to transfer files by using the control "T" at startup . I want use VNC to control one mac from the other and use thunderbolt vs ethernet. 

Mac Pro - Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting Two Macs / Screen Sharing & Volume?

Nov 10, 2010

In connecting two macs via the wireless network (screen sharing) can the volume be heard from the host computer?

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MacBook Pro :: Any App To Show CPU Speed (mhz) In Real Time, For I5/i7 Macs?

May 5, 2010

I guess coolbook could do it, but it still doesn't support ix Macs.I would like to see how much turbo frequency scales the cores to 2.9 Ghz.

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