MacBook Pro :: Medialink Not Working?

Oct 6, 2010

I have installed medialink but when I come to start it it comes up with the following error:

MediaLink could not start because port 1900 or 9386 is in use. quit any application that may be using these ports, wait a few minutes and try again.

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OS X :: PS3 Not Showing Up In Medialink?

Sep 5, 2009

I have just created a network with an airport express and downloaded the trial copy of Medialink hoping to set it up with my ps3, but the ps3 doesn't show up in the devices tab.

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Applications :: How To Uninstall Medialink

Jul 9, 2008

there is no uninstall option and i don't want the icon there if i'm not going to use it.

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OS X :: Nullriver's Medialink - Can't Register / Activate

Oct 17, 2008

i bought a key for this cool tool. after i tried to register the app i get this error message:

it says server problems etc... but i tried a lot times and it just does not work...

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Applications :: Medialink - License Key Not Received

Sep 26, 2009

I bought Medialink from Nullriver today but I still haven't gotten a license key! It's been a few hours and while I first thought it might just be slow, a quick twitter search reveals that many other people are having the same issue. My credit card was charged, but nothing from Nullriver. And of course, I sent them a few emails.

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Stops Working Randomnly / Caps And Num Lock Not Working

Jul 26, 2009

I'm yet to figure out a pattern, but my Macbook Pro's keyboard will just stop working for several minutes at a time at random points in time...Even if I hit caps or num lock, they don't turn green. Sometimes it'll just happen once every few hours, but I was in class the other day and it would work for a minute, then not work for a few, than work for another minute, etc.

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MacBook :: F3 And F8 Not Working Fine / Working As Play And Pause Keys

Oct 17, 2010

F3 and my right shift key have suddenly become play/pause keys in addition to their original functions. My F8 doesn't really do anything anymore and does not even light up in Keyboard View. I've tried to use Sizzling Keys, and reset Keyboard Shortcuts but the problem still persists. It seems to affect most music playing programs (iTunes and Vox. I have a Macbook Model 5,2 and Mac OS X 10.5.8

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MacBook Pro :: Illuminated Keyboard Not Working / Only Few Random Keys Are Working

Sep 18, 2009

I recently spilled a protein shake over my mb pro. It spilled on the right side, but I quickly cleaned it with a wet tissue and dried it up. The problem, now, is that the illuminated keyboard isn't working..only a few random keys are working and the rest aren't..

What should I do? I have a 1 year warranty left, but I'm not sure it'll be covered.

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MacBook Pro :: Itunes Not Working Fine - IR Sensors Stops Working

Nov 14, 2009

I've noticed that occasionally my IR sensor stops working, and no longer responds to changing the volume, skipping the track in iTunes, etc. It can be resolved by going into Security prefs, disabling and re-enabling the IR sensor. This is annoying, however, and I'm wondering if it's a known issue that might be fixed.

I noticed that when you disable and re-enable the IR sensor, the last few remote button pushes you made while it was broken come through in a burst.

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MacBook Air :: Internet Not Working On Late 09 - Working Fine On All Other Devices

Apr 25, 2012

My Late 09 MacBook Air has been working a treat, not a spot of bother. All of a sudden, about 5 minutes ago, I've gone to go online to download some research papers (I'm *trying* to write an essay) and it won't load anything. Not even my Twitter app. It is connected to the right network, which is working absolutely fine on every other device in the house (windows computers, iphone etc). I've turned it off and on twice, the way that us clueless folk do.. now I don't know what to do.

MacBook Air

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MacBook Pro :: LCD Not Working Backlight Working And External Work?

Apr 11, 2010

I have tried a few thinsgs to try and get it to work including reseating the cables and that has not helped. As the title says, the back light works as i can see the screen getting blacker/greyer. Also the external output works as well. I'm not sure what to do at this point because I can't find information on an inverter board for the LCD, only the LED backlight think this could be an issue with the video card 8600M or is my LCD dead and I need a new one?

On a side note I have taken very good care of this computer, no drops, making sure the HDD is parked before moving, having it in a protective case, etc. The only difference is that I gave this to my sister to use and after a few days it died. (seems everything she gets that's electronic dies these days, meaning I probably shouldn't give her anything that has a circuit board in it....)

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MacBook Pro :: SSD Working Bad Internally Working Acceptable Connected With Usb?

Jun 25, 2012

I have recently purchased a cricual m4 256 gb ssd for my MBP mid 09 15''.i have installed lion, on it is have reset the ram, enabled trim (also disabled trail an error), sms and so on apprently it is not working.Most of the time i experience beachballs and lags for 30 sec to 1 min. i find it very fustrating, so i unplugged the ssd and plugged it to my mac with a usb. it is now working fluent but not as fast as it could but with 36 mb/s in writing speed and read speed. compared to 10-15 mb/s before. i am aware that it should perform a lot faster. what is wrong? i know it is not the ssd.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2,53 Ghz 8 gb ram.

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MacBook :: USB Not Working - Suddenly Stopped Working

May 31, 2010

My MacBook's USB that near the shift key suddenly stopped working. Other works fine. cause I need to have both ports work. HOW do I solve this?

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MacBook Pro :: Headphone Line Working On Macbook Pro - Stopped Working?

May 31, 2010

My headphone jack was working just fine until this morning when I opened my computer. It's plugged in, but the sound keeps going through the head speakers. I have done the system preference check to make sure it is not muted.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Quick-look Has Stopped Working - Update Or Reset It So It Starts Working Again?

Jun 20, 2012

Quicklook has stopped workingon my MacBook Pro OS 10.6.8.  Pressing the space bar on a file yields nothing. Is there a way to update or reset it so it starts working again?

MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Hardware :: Wireless Keyboard Not Working / Stopped Working During Sw Upgrade

Mar 7, 2009

during SW to my mini-mac wireless key board the keyboard stop responding. now i have left without an ability to work with my wireless keyboard. is there any why to reset the keyboard to default setting so it will come to live again..

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Hardware :: Mighty Mouse Not Working / Scroll Down Not Working

Apr 22, 2009

Ok, so I went to the apple support webpage and did all the junk they told me to do, but my might mouse still won't scroll down. It scrolls left, right, and up just fine, but for some reason it won't scroll down. The ball moves fine when i'm trying to scroll down, but, again, nothing happens...anyone have any suggests??? and Yes, i've cleaned it and haven't done anything to it and I can't think of anything I could have done to cause this...

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OS X :: Aplle Menu Not Working/i Use Repair Also Not Working?

Jan 24, 2009

I am using OS X 10.3. The apple menu doesn't work (for the past few months). When I click on it it's highlighted but doesn't pull down. I can not quit applications even if I use keyboard shortcuts (I have to force quit).

I tried starting with "safe boot" and I ran "Verify & repair disk permissions" but it didn't fix it.
Any ideas?

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Software :: Airport Stopped Working - Says Its Working?

May 29, 2008

I have been connecting wirelessly to the same router for about 4 months now, using DHCP, and having the settings on the automatic connection. I left the computer on, but closed, so sleeping, for about two days. When i opened it, the battery did not yet run out but the internet has not connected since.

I have full connection in internet connect to my network. Status says connected. If I have the IPv4 using DHCP, the status says that i am connected but my computer have a self-assigned IP adress. When I put in the IP manually, the Network setting give me a green light on airport and says that I am connected to the network thru airport. Needless to say, no browsers (Firefox, Safari, Netscape, or Internet Explorer) have been able to connect to the internet.

I have tried running Disk Utility for any errors, but there have been no changes.

Powerbook G4
1.67 GHz PowerPC
v. 10.4.11

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Software :: Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Stopped Working / Itunes Stopped Working

May 13, 2009

I installed 10.5.7 yesterday. Immediately after the installation was complete, my Apple bluetooth keyboard stopped working. Went into Bluetooth system settings, and it said that there was no bluetooth hardware found... (it's built into the machine!!)...

Also, every time I start iTunes, it gives some weird error about Adobe Flash player. I'm not at home now so I don't have the exact wording of the error with me, sorry...

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Transfer Has New MacBook Pro Dock Working Overtime?

Jun 25, 2012

Just received my new MacBook Pro yesterday (13" lower end model) and let it sit overnight transferring files from a Time Machine backup of my old iMac. Brought the machine to work today on a full charge and discovered I had less than two hours of battery time remaining. Fired up Activity Monitor and discovered the dock was using 95-100% of the CPU. Did lots of research online but couldn't come up with any tricks to solve this dilemma. I did have an Admin acount on my iMac, however. Logged into that, and voila: the dock issue went away. 

Question is: what should I do next? I had a lot of older software on my iMac that got moved over in the transfer and I suspect something is causing the issue. What is the best way to "start over", as it were? I have this functioning Admin account, so should I just create a new user account from here and re-import all of my files (except for the software, which I can reinstall on a "as needed" basis).  

My old machine gave me no trouble so it's frustrating to have this beautiful new laptop experiencing problems on it's very first day of life! 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Internet Not Working?

Aug 24, 2010

so I just got my macbook fixed at the apple store about 2 days ago and the first day I used it the internet was working fine. But now whenever I try to open Mozilla or Google chrome it says I can't connect, and on google chrome it says "Error 105". I tried restarting my router but that's not the problem because my parents laptop works just fine.

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MacBook Pro :: DVD Drive Not Working?

Sep 26, 2010

My DVD drive has been screwy lately -- it will play some DVDs, but not others -- perfectly good ones, even after having played the very same ones.

Also, burning CDs -- sometimes it will, sometimes it won't.

Is there any kind of maintenance I can do? (Can't afford to get a new one right now...)

Stats: MacBook Pro, first generation. OS 10.4.11

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MacBook Pro :: MBP - VGA Cable Not Working

Nov 29, 2010

I have a gateway 24" flat screen that I am trying to hook up via VGA to my i5 macbook pro. I have hooked up this computer to projectors before with no problem, but for some reason when I plug it into the monitor it says no signal even when I refresh it in system properties. I thought the cable might be weird, but it works with a windows computer that I have.

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MacBook :: Keeps Freezing And Not Working

Dec 8, 2010

my mac would freeze completely either randomly when im online and the whole screen would freeze or when i try to shut down it will freeze and not shut down.i use the power button to shut down but when i open again... i get stuck at the spinning circle and the apple logo but it will never load!i insterted the os cd and held on to "C" to fix the permissions which it does but it still doesnt load

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OS X :: Internal Mic Not Working On MacBook?

Jan 21, 2008

I'm trying to do a video chat through ichat and the other person can't hear me though she can see me just fine. I'm doing this through OS 10.4.9, not XP.

It's not a bandwidth issue because I switched from wifi to a direct connection with my cable modem and the stats say I'm running around 100% on audio.

I tried recording sound on garage band, but it picks up no sound.

In system preferences the sound input is set on "internal microphone/built-in," the Input volume is on max, but the Input level meter does not move at all.

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MacBook Pro :: Fan Control / Right Fan Not Working

Jan 23, 2008

when i look in fan control, it says that the left fan is moving at 2xxxrpm ..but my right fan says its moving at -1. is this normal? or is my right fan broken? this program safe to use? i tweaked the fan speed to 1900rpm (not sure what the default rpm is...)...this won't mess up my machine will it?

btw i have a 2.2ghz blackbook.

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MacBook Air :: Fan Not Working - Ran Applications

May 12, 2008

Just got the Time Capsule yesterday, left the MBA all night to finish the initial backup. Everything went just fine. In the morning at the office, turned on the MBA and the fan stayed at 0 RPM. Ran some apps just to make the temperature go up a bit, no luck, the fan is still off. Then ran the hardware test and it returned an error with the fan. Took the laptop to a Genius, once turned the laptop on, the fan was fully operational @ 2500 RPM. I was like WTH, it was off all day. Anyway, so far, the fan has been running properly since the incident. It used to kick in (6200rpm) at 62C. Now, it does so only at +80C. The MBA is so quite now! Love it even more Not sure what happened today, but I'm sure it is WAY better! The fan stays at 2500 almost all the time.

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OS X :: Macbook Pro Backslash Not Working

Jun 29, 2008

I'm having trouble with my backslash "" button. It doesn't work! I click on it and it doesn't do anything but pipe does "|".

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MacBook Air :: Ethernet Not Working On Air

Aug 28, 2008

I can't get ethernet to work on my new MacBook Air. I bought the USB Ethernet Adapter for MacBook Air, and it's plugged in, but still the ethernet wire doesn't seem to get any contact.I can see the USB adapter in setting for network, so it seems to to be connecter with my Air.THe other thing is that my friend bought himself a Laptop PC, and he used the SAME ethernet wire, and it worked right away.

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