Applications :: Medialink - License Key Not Received
Sep 26, 2009
I bought Medialink from Nullriver today but I still haven't gotten a license key! It's been a few hours and while I first thought it might just be slow, a quick twitter search reveals that many other people are having the same issue. My credit card was charged, but nothing from Nullriver. And of course, I sent them a few emails.
I am about to install after Office for Mac 2011 (1 License user), on my imac. What happens if I have to send my imac in for repairs (hopefully this will never be the case), and i receive a new one.
I've upgraded to Leopard from Tiger. How can I get the license key for Quicktime Pro off the quicktime application that is on the backup drive I made before upgrading?
I have recently acquired a Mac with Office 2004 installed under a corporate licence. Obviously I could just use it but I would rather do the right thing and have a legitimate licence. I have access to a 2004 upgrade version. can I install the "upgrade" over the installed version and then register my details et al and use the upgrade key?
The insurance company will give a new macbook to a college at work and he is wondering if he has to uninstall iWork from the old one, to be able to install it on his new macbook. Can he use the same license (iWork came with 3 licenses) or does he loose 1? In other words, if you uninstall iWork con you install it again with the same license.
I want to restore my family license of Snow Leopard to USB stick for traveling but don't want it launching every time I connect to my Mac to get other files off the stick. Can I disable the image until I may need it?
I want to buy Office 2011 but I'm trying to figure if I can find a cheaper version than the regular Home and Student. I live in Denmark so I don't have access to all the discount-stuff that you have in the states. However, I stumpled upon a version called "Open Academic" that I can purchase for about 2/3 of the normal price. I want to be sure that I can make it work though. Does anyone have this version, and can they verify that I don't need to register it as being a student somewhere in the US (or any other parameter that I don't fullfill being a normal university student i Danmark)
I bought a MacBookPro, where iLife 09 was included, my girlfriend and my son wants to use also this version. Is it possible that I can upgrade the iLife single license to the family license?
I have just created a network with an airport express and downloaded the trial copy of Medialink hoping to set it up with my ps3, but the ps3 doesn't show up in the devices tab.
A License To Use iMovie Music On YouTube If You Submit Your Video For Revue Sharing?I believe I've seen many people with "ads" on their youtube videos and they are using Apple's included iMovie music, but, I'm wondering if it's legal to do that or not before I submit mine, as youtube likes you to provide proof that it is legal if you have "any" music in your video.
I was looking around in mail and I think it is really cool that u can add your own sound for when you receive a new email. 2 things would be nice. 1) Add a sound for each individual contact. 2) Mail sends you a txt message when you receive an email.
I've recently switched from using Outlook 2007 on Fusion on my MacBook Pro to the native apps in OSX, to try to move away from having to run Windows on my machine. I decided against using Entourage as I have experienced a lot of problems with crashing and slow speeds with my Exchange server email. I'm really happy using Mail/Address Book/iCal now I have tweaked it all a bit. I've visited the Hawkwings site to download a bunch of useful Mail plug ins, and have converted to 3 pane viewing.
I would dearly love for the emails to be grouped by date, as they are in Outlook, to avoid the unbroken list of emails that I currently have. I have experimented with Smart mailboxes and rules to colour the emails so I can differentiate between received dates, but find these arrangements either impractical or fussy to look at. I receive so many emails all day, I'd really like to have an easy-view layout. The ONLY thing I miss from Outlook. Is there a plug in or similar that would create this for me?
Hi y'all: i just purchased FCP Studio 5 retail (ouch) and installed it, but not before i had a deal fall through with someone who had "sold" me their copy but then rescinded the deal. So, i have my own copy now, but i have THEIR license key registration - i need to enter mine, but throwing the apps away doesn't delete this info; it's stored somewhere else.
can anyone point me to the correct file for deletion, so that when i relaunch any of the studio apps, i will be prompted for (correct) license key information?
My HD just died and needs to be replace with a new one. Current it has a copy of Leopard on it that I installed from a Family Pack of licenses which is used up. How do I go about using the same license from me dead HD on the replacement HD? Is this even possible?
I recently started a mac retail business and it has been working quite smoothly except for one issue, I recently bought the leopard expansion family pack to put on the computers i have sold. My problem is this, I have run out of license keys and they aren't exactly cheap to buy again, so is there any way i can create or find a keygen that will allow me to reproduce leopard license keys.
I need to install windows on my iMac. The plan is to install it in under bootcamp so that my better half can boot to windows for her stuff, which is straight forward enough. I will probably install parallels (or similar) to give myself the option of either boot to windows or access it virtually. Now, on the basis that this is a first for me I have a couple of questions that I could do with answering from those that know this stuff.
1. Am I likely to run into any windows licensing issues. I'm assuming that I will only need 1 license. 2. If I edit a file, a word .doc for example, in a virtual window, is that edit saved to the original file? e.g. if I then boot to windows and open the file, then the edits made virtually are there. Simple stuff I know, but like I said, it's a first for me. 3. What are my options for backing up the windows partition, can I back it up using Time Machine / Capsule?
I have a Windows 7 Professional 64bit key that I am using under Parallels on my Mac Pro 1,1. I understand that installing 64bit under bootcamp is not supported on my model but it is an arbitrary restriction by Apple and there are ways around it. My question is... Can I use the same license key to install both under Parallels and under Boot Camp? Seems to me I can since it is the same hunk of hardware but not sure if it would mess up the activation process?
I just installed Office for Mac 2008 and after my name it picked up another line of data. I'm not sure if it propagated and I missed it, or what happened. Anyway, I tried to uninstall and reinstall Office, and also tried emptying the trash before the reinstall. However, I cannot get the screens to come up that ask for the product key and name so that I can correct this. Does anyone know how to do this?
So I successfully transferred all my programs from snow leopard except for iWork. It's a volume license so I think there's something wrong with - the migration process? - me?
I finally grudgingly installed Lion and have had NOTHING but problems ever since! Now my CS 4 apps won't open. I get the message Your license is no longer working - error 150:30 Apple support could not help me. I went to Adobe support online and tried all the fixes they list none of which work.
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a 2007 MBP that had the video card recall (unbeknownst to me until after the fact, might I add). Last year, the video card went out without warning, and Apple says the only thing they can do is replace the Logic Board, but it definitely will not be covered under the extended recall warranty because the issue happened outside of the warranty date. Anyway, all of my iTunes library on that machine is lost I suppose. I didn't have it synced to my phone at the time due to space issues, so I don't have a copy of the library anywhere except in a Time Machine backup. I don't want to restore this new MBA with the entire backup, only the iTunes library. Is it possible? Or can I just re-download the songs since this new iTunes account is set up in the same Apple ID?
I have installed windows xp on my mac via VM software, when I go to log in I get an error message stating that it can't recognize the computer license.
The xp disc came with my old pc and was for that computer.
I'm thinking about buying a original Student Win7 license. It's really cheap and I think it's worth it since I (unfortunately) use Windows (Vmware Fusion) everyday to work (.NET developer). But I would like to play some games as well, but I know Fusion is not the best solution. Can I buy only one Win7 license and install in the same machine twice? One on a Bootcamp partition and another on a Fusion VM? Will I have problems activating both copies?
Need to update 2 MacBook Pros to Lion. Did one yesterday. When I sign in on the second one, it says I've already purchased Lion. Do I just download it again? Is the second one free? If not, how do I purchase the second Lion?