MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Transfer Has New MacBook Pro Dock Working Overtime?

Jun 25, 2012

Just received my new MacBook Pro yesterday (13" lower end model) and let it sit overnight transferring files from a Time Machine backup of my old iMac. Brought the machine to work today on a full charge and discovered I had less than two hours of battery time remaining. Fired up Activity Monitor and discovered the dock was using 95-100% of the CPU. Did lots of research online but couldn't come up with any tricks to solve this dilemma. I did have an Admin acount on my iMac, however. Logged into that, and voila: the dock issue went away. 

Question is: what should I do next? I had a lot of older software on my iMac that got moved over in the transfer and I suspect something is causing the issue. What is the best way to "start over", as it were? I have this functioning Admin account, so should I just create a new user account from here and re-import all of my files (except for the software, which I can reinstall on a "as needed" basis).  

My old machine gave me no trouble so it's frustrating to have this beautiful new laptop experiencing problems on it's very first day of life! 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Transfer Back From Time Machine?

Apr 29, 2012

Having just backed up to my external drive through time machine I re installed OS X  Now I like the entire last Time machine back on my computer as the disk had to be erased for the install Is there a easy way to do this as opposed to file by file?

Mac Book Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.1)

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MacBook :: Time Machine Transfer Freezing - Not Completing?

Jun 12, 2009

so I have a 1.33GHz iBook G4 with 1.5GB of RAM and a 40GB hard drive.

Last night I reinstalled the OS, which is to say I reinstalled the Leopard upgrade disk. All went well.

Then I pulled out my time machine back up, opened Migration Assistant and started moving everything over, and that's where it all went horribly wrong.

The first time I did this it stayed at 4 minutes remaining for about an hour and a half. I gave up and hit quit, but something'd been copied across because my hard drive only had about 9GB left, but I can't see any of the stuff that's taking up all this space.

So, I whip out the Leopard disk again and start all over. I figure maybe Migration Assistant's just one of those things that needs to sit for ages. This time it seemed to freeze at 38 minutes remaining but I went to bed and left it.

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Transfer Data From Old MacBook Pro / Which Is Too Old To Update Time Machine

Apr 12, 2012

I recently bought a new MacBook Pro, and wanted to transfer all the data from my old MacBook Pro, but I get the message saying I need to update time machine on my old one in order to use time machine. However, my old one is too old to update. So I decided to use the cable to transfer, because I heard I can do it that way even though it could take time.

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MacBook Pro :: Only Transfer Apps And Settings From Time Machine Backup

Apr 13, 2010

I had severe account troubles on Snow Leopard, and today, the Mac partition became corrupt and unreadable. I have a very recent Time Machine backup of that user account, but I don't want to transfer the account itself. Can I just transfer applications, documents, and settings, and not the account itself? And how do I do a clean install of Mac Snow Leopard onto a hard drive with a previous installation of the OS?

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Isn't Working On First Backup

Mar 9, 2012

My new hard disk has used up some of it's capacity on unsuccesful back up attempts. 

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Not Working / Preparing Backup...

Aug 5, 2009

It just says "Preparing Backup..." It stays like this forever until I stop it and I tried re-connecting the hard drive. Why won't this work? I tried re-starting...

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Transfer Time Machine Backups From 1 Time Capsule To A Different One?

May 23, 2012

I've backup my Macbook Air Using time machine before reformat it to have window partition.However, after installing OS Lion 10.7.4, how do I restore back all my application and data on my last backup from time machine?

Info:MacBook Air

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OS X :: Can Transfer My 10.5 Data To 10.6 Via Time Machine

Oct 9, 2010

I maybe buying a new iMac soon and I want to know will my leopard time machine back up data be transferrable over to snow leopard? I know you can't exactly do a restore because they are different versions but I want to make sure I can place back majority of the data I had on my leopard iMac.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Transfer To New Mac?

Jun 14, 2012

I when I transfered my latest time machine back-up to a new computer I noticed that in the new computer in Users/me/applications there is nothing, all of my appliclations are in Mac HD > applications.

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Using Time Machine On External Hard Drive/Time Machine Error Code - 43

Aug 23, 2010

I was trying to set up my Time Machine to an external hard drive. I didn't continue because it asked to "initialize" the hard drive which I had a lot of important things on.

I have another external hard drive I'd like to use but, my Time Machine has this error code of -43. What is this and how can I use my Time Machine on another external hard drive?

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OS X :: Data Transfer - Using Time Machine As Backup Tool

Mar 13, 2009

I'm getting a new macbook. Currently I use time machine as a backup tool and was wondering if I should use it to transfer all my data to the new mac. One benefit of a new harddrive is the fresh install without all the junk that has built up over the years right? So wouldn't time machine just be transferring all the junk and stuff I want to the new mac? or is time machine smarter than this.

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Hardware :: Transfer Time Machine Backups To New Drive?

Jan 4, 2009

I have been using Time Machine for quite sometime, and backing up to a WD Passport. I need to move to another HD, but was wondering if it is possible to move the backups on the original external HD to the new one, so that I don't have to start all over. I have a strong suspicion that this is not possible, considering the dearth of information on the topic.

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Hardware :: Transfer TC Time Machine Backups To External?

Jan 28, 2009

I just wanted to share my experience and hopefully answer any questions people may have about doing this:

I purchased a 1.5TB HDD and external enclosure to increase the backup size of my 500GB TC, and not wanting to start my backups from scratch I tried copying the sparsebundles to the new drive. To my surprise, I was able to switch my TM source disk to the new drive and the backups picked up where they left off! It proceeded to do an incremental backup, and after it was done I went into Time Machine and could see all the backups from the beginning! Now I can use my TC's internal as storage and keep the external for backups. Hope this helps anyone looking to increase the size of their backups without starting fresh...

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OS X Mavericks :: Transfer Raw Time Machine Data Between Drives?

Sep 10, 2014

I have a time machine backup on an old firewire drive.  My new laptop does not have a firewire port so I was wondering if I can just copy the time machine files onto a new thunderbolt drive and use it to migrate data to my new computer. 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: External Hard Drive - Transfer All Time Machine Back Ups

Nov 4, 2009

1) I have a full external hard drive and would like to transfer all my time machine back-ups to a new larger one. How do I do this?

2) And when I'm ready to transfer all time machine data to my new iMac using external hard drive can I choose all dates so I'm including all pictures videos etc?

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Applications :: Time Machine To Airport Extreme Data Transfer Rate?

May 25, 2009

I am doing an initial back up for Time Machine. I've got 56Gigs worth of data to back up from my 2Ghz Uni Body MacBook (with 4gig of Ram & running OS 10.5.7). I have a newly purchased Airport Extreme base station to which is connected to a Western Digital 1 Gig External HD. I am getting a transfer rate of about 1 gig per hour. Is it really this slow? I am using a 5Ghz network to reduce interference and they are very close to each other.

I tried connecting the WD drive to the MB. After I switched off Virus Barrier V5 and stopped Spotlight indexing it was quite fast. However there didn't seem a way of tricking this backup to think it was done via Airport Extreme. How could this be done?

It looks like my MB is going to have to be left on and stay at home for the next couple of days!

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Intel Mac :: Swapping 120Gb HD To A 500Gb HD, Will Time Machine Transfer Files

Apr 21, 2012

I just got my 500 Gb HD in the mail and want to swap my hard drives while keeping all of my data.  Does time machine work like this? Can i back my 120Gb HD up and then install my 500Gb HD and then put my files back on?

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Transfer Time Machine Backups Without Disk Utility

Jun 24, 2012

In order to use Lion’s encrypted (Core Storage) external drive feature, I needed to reformat an external 1TB drive with Apple Partition Map, as that works only with GPT. The only partition was HFS+J formatted and was used as Time Machine Backup, which I wanted to preserve. 

Act I:

I connected the drive to another iMac running 10.6 which happened to have enough space on the internal HD. I read this article , which describes how to copy the BackupDB just by drag and drop. In hindsight, that was a  bad idea, I should have created a disk image like suggested elsewhere, but if Apple itself suggests it, it can’t be so bad right? 

So I just dragged the whole BackupDB to random folder on the iMac (after enabling ownership), and apparently it copied correctly the dir-hardlinks, as the resulting folder had the same size.  

It seems that the Finder activates a special dir-hardlink aware copying mode when one does this. This is also confirmed by the fact that the Finder will refuse to copy the BackupDB together with other files, you have to drag and drop the BackupDB only. 

Act II:

I reformatted the external drive as HFS+J with GPT and activated ownership.. But now, when I try to copy the BackupDB back, it continues to count indefinitely the number of files to copy! I speculate that the special dir-hardlink aware mode is not activated, but what can I do? How can I trigger it? Is there some hidden command line tool which handles this? 

The lesson I’m drawing from this is: use the method described in the article only if you copy the backupDB from your old to your new drive. 

Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Yosemite :: Use Time Machine To Transfer Some Of Information From External Hard Drive To Mac Mini

Dec 2, 2014

Computer: Mac Mini, 2009 or so, 160 GB HD (about 50 available), Yosemite.

Issue:  Set up a separate user and trying to import information from a Mac Book that is having issues.  Mac Book was backed up to an external HD via Time Machine

Question:  Is it possible to use time machine to transfer some of the information (photos, music, files) from the external hard drive to the Mac Mini?  Is it possible to extract the information from the hard drive by connecting it to the Mac Mini without using Time Machine?

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Mac Pro :: I Can't Seem To Get A Working Time Machine?

Nov 16, 2010

I can't seem to get a working Time Machine backup going on my Mac Pro, late 2009 model. It's been problem after problem with everything I've tried. Very frustrating as I definitely need a reliable backup for an extensive payload of work files.

First I tried Western Digital MyBooks that I carried over from a PC. Formatted, set up Time Machine, worked great for about a month. Then Time Machine started to fail and stop backing up. Numerous formats later and the same problem persisted. I swapped MyBooks for another identical 1TB external and had roughly the same problem -- worked fine at first then Time Machine failures after a few weeks of use.

Next up, I tried a Seagate external drive 2TB. Virtually same problems.

Finally, I tried connecting Time Machine with my 2TB Airport Extreme. Not even one backup successfully completed.

It's been a couple months and I have gone for way too long without a reliable backup. I'm looking for alternate hardware and software suggestions, please.

I've looked at Drobos but I'm seeing a ton of complaints and failures cited. What are some other good options?

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OS X :: Time Machine No Longer Working?

Sep 7, 2010

So I use an external USB harddrive with my airport to backup my computer. The harddrive is 250gb and the computer is 250gb (with about 40gb free space) - previously this worked for backing up just fine...then one day it stopped and started telling me it required "251.46gb" but the drive only has "249.05"...why if I'm at only about 210gb of actual space being used?

So I reformatted the drive and tried again - same error...anyway to make this work again...seems so odd that it was always fine and then just quit one day.

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Working - How To Do Backup

Aug 4, 2009

i have got an Apple minimac 80gb 10.5.7 with leopard and i bought a small drive of i think it is 116gb and time machine seemed to work ok,but i kept getting msg saying full,i did an erase on small drive and in finder i can see a drive called untitled,but if i click on time machine there are no backup dates?

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Working - No Backups Available

Jan 9, 2010

Time Machine has always been working correctly but I no longer can make it work. I noticed no backup was available, only "Now" is in the time axis. So, I erased the entire disk and tried to set it up again, but still it doesn't work. 30GBs has been stored, but nothing is in the time axis except "Now". Any idea why it is not backing up?

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OS X :: Time Machine & Spotlight Stopped Working

Sep 16, 2010

I'm running 10.6.4 on an Intel 2.4Ghz MacBook with 2G RAM.

Time Machine & Spotlight have both stopped working. I back-up to an external HD which is fine, (checked with Disk utility and dragging and dropping stuff onto it).

I have tried to rebuild the Spotlight data by putting my HD in the 'privacy' and then removing it, but this hasn't worked. It just hangs on 'estimating time......'.

Time machine seems to go through the checking process ok but then can't write the data across to the external.I have reinstalled the system but it's just the same.

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Hardware :: Time Machine Not Working - How To Repair It

May 14, 2009

I am trying to set up my external HD with my Airport extreme and make it as my time machine so it will back up without me having to connect the HD every time. I tried this and the HD does not appear so i can select it and choose it for the Time machine Drive of choice. What do i do. I have seen others can do this but i do not know why i am unable.

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OS X :: Time Machine Not Working With Screen Sharing?

May 7, 2010

I am running a Mac mini without any displays attached. I am using Screen Sharing on a MBP to control the mini over wifi.

Everything works fine except for one single issue:

The moment I enter Time Machine (to restore files) Screen Sharing's VNC connection doesn't seem to be updated.

How do I access Time Machine correctly with Screen Sharing?

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Software :: Time Machine Not Working Properly?

Aug 28, 2008

When I enter time machine all I see is the desktop of the date of installation and the current date, with nothing in between, and yet when I switch on my hard drive, time machine activates.

I do not leave on my external hard drive [iomega] as it tends to get very warm.

What if anything am I doing wrong.

I am using a new imac only a month old running Leopard.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Machine Is Not Working Properly?

Mar 24, 2012

Time Machine can not find a file that I deleted just a few days ago, which is very annoying, because I can find the file just fine when I open my external hard drive (my Time Machine backup drive) with the Finder and navigate to the exact date and location where the file was located when I deleted it. 

Why is Time machine not working like it is supposed to?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mavericks :: Time Machine Backup Not Working

Sep 6, 2014

I'm in the midst of moving from a 2011 imac to a 2014 - I have/had 3 TM backups   1) before the 2011 crashed and was repaired - 2) from the interim 2014 imac that I restored and updated for the new computer and 3) a "carbon copy clone" of my current drive because the apple tech made me wipe the drive and start over and it failed.  

My computer will be here next week and I wanted to prepare.   However since the restore of the repaired 2011 NO TIME MACHINE will back up on ALL 3 drives the same error happened.   It would start fine and say it needed 17-22 hours to "create new" or "inherit"  and would start fine and then freeze somewhere around 15-20GB?????    I left it more than 6-7 hours and the freeze remained.  

Need a TM expert...... this HAS to be a Mavericks OSX issue and I do not want to wipe another drive.  

iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), iOS 7.1.2

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