OS X :: Macbook Pro Internet Not Working?
Aug 24, 2010
so I just got my macbook fixed at the apple store about 2 days ago and the first day I used it the internet was working fine. But now whenever I try to open Mozilla or Google chrome it says I can't connect, and on google chrome it says "Error 105". I tried restarting my router but that's not the problem because my parents laptop works just fine.
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May 4, 2012
My Macbook Pro was working fine when suddenly Safari froze, so I forced quit. After opening Safari again, the page just stayed white and wouldn't load. None of my other programs requiring internet are working either (ie. AIM, Skype), even though my internet connection is listed as connected and other devices using Wifi are working perfectly. Could this be some sort of virus?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 25, 2012
My Late 09 MacBook Air has been working a treat, not a spot of bother. All of a sudden, about 5 minutes ago, I've gone to go online to download some research papers (I'm *trying* to write an essay) and it won't load anything. Not even my Twitter app. It is connected to the right network, which is working absolutely fine on every other device in the house (windows computers, iphone etc). I've turned it off and on twice, the way that us clueless folk do.. now I don't know what to do.
MacBook Air
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Feb 23, 2010
out of the blue about 3 months ago my MacBook(version10.4.11) started refusing to recognize my home wireless. the problem has now reached the point where it AT TIMES will display that the wireless newtwork is on in the toolbar yet the computer will not jump onto the internet. Now it has reached the point where it won't even show that it sees the wireless in the toolbar. I have reloaded all passwords , checked the Verizon wirelss set up, reloaded firefox , checked all firewalls. The wierd thing is that my kids macbook is fine. Mine is the one with the problem.I checked all my settingts to correspond/copy hers and they do. Have zapped pram too. It works fine EVERYWHERE else but home.
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Jan 3, 2010
I have a Bell Mobile Internet Stick and my Macbook Pro doesn't recognize it. I have installed The Bell Mobile Connect software numerous times and nothing. it will find the hardware, and when i select connect, it ask for my password. Once my password is entered, a crash report comes up wanting to send it to Apple. On my hackintosh dell mini 10v under the network preferences it has a connection for Novatel CDMA connection, but I cannot get that to come up on my genuine MBP. Any ideas to get this working? Unfortunately this is the only source of internet i have and i am on the netbook to post this. I recently upgraded my hard drive to a 500gb Seagate from my standard 160gb drive the computer came with, I did an install onto the hard drive from my Snow Leopard install disc, and when prompted transferred all of my files from a previous time machine back up.
Macbook Pro 13.3 inch (5,5)
2.26 Ghz
500gb hard drive
2gb RAM
OS X 10.6.0
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Apr 21, 2012
it was my internet or modem acting up but come to find out it is in my computer itself. It's a 09 Macbook and has gone through some tough times. ( IE being dropped, crashing and so forth.)The program installed on it right now is the Snow Leopard and has run great for the past 3 years, But now i'm having problems this year.The tech guy said that the ping could read IP address's but not website addresses. But when I put in an IP Address, I get. What I need.. It just won't read the actual website addresses.On my computer my Internet Diagnostics says (as goes) [code]
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Jun 6, 2012
I usually have all my computers, mac or pc, connected over Ethernet and only use Wifi for phones and guests. A while ago i started not to be able to connect to the internet anymore, although i hadn't changed anything on the mac or my router. I tired all possible troubleshooting routines to get to the bottom of it but with no success. Reset network ports in System prefs, Cocktail maintenance, Repairing disk and permissions booted from recovery partition, deleted SystemConfig files, reset the router to factory settings and reconfiguring, checked DHCP settings for ip conflicts, just nothing works.
I can connect to the internet over wifi without problems on the Macbook Pro.I can connect over ethernet to all other shared devices and computers on my network.When i run the Network Diagnostics with Ethernet as primary interface all lights are green and it says my connections are working but i cannot connect to any internet address, all pings time out with any port or protocol (ftp, mail, http, ssh)Other PC's and Macs can connect over ethernet to the internet without problems using the same cable.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MID-2010 MBP 17"
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Jun 27, 2014
I have used internet sharing for a long time with no issues. I purchased a new MacBook Air 3 weeks ago and now I cannot get internet sharing to work.I set it up as usual on my MacBook Air, the grey arrow is displayed in the tool bar, my iphone5 connects to the wifi network- yet no data will come through on my iPhone and my iPhone says "not connected to the internet".
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Sep 2, 2009
My friend's white Macbook is having some problems connecting to the internet at a specific location.
My macbook and other laptops connect to the internet without any problem, but she has been having problems.
Airport connects to the network and even assigns an IP address properly, but the safari or firefox doesn't open any websites.
I tried manually assigning IP address but didn't work either. I am not very good at solving problems with Macs so any help is welcome. sometimes it is a bit difficult to assign the IP address, but it does end up assigning one.
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Dec 17, 2009
I have a macbook that is about 2 years old, maybe a little less, and recently it's been giving me trouble. Every time I go online (on firefox or safari), the internet stops working after about 20 minutes. It used to be about every hour but it's more frequent now. To fix it I have to restart. Once I restarted and the internet didn't even work. It's getting to be immensely frustrating since I have to save everything else I'm working on, restart, and then reopen everything. I don't know much about computers but I'm using a wireless that's shared with one other mac and one other pc in the house. Any ideas of what I should do?
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Feb 16, 2010
A few hours ago the wireless internet on my laptop stopped working. I have turned it off and on again, i have turned our wireless internet off and on again. I have also tested the internet on the other computers in the house (macs and pcs) and it works on all of them. I thought it might somehow be the distance so i've tried using it next to the internet box, still to no avail.
I took the laptop downstairs, came back up and when i sat back down, the internet stopped working on it. I didn't bash it about and i'm always very careful when carrying it around the place. Everything else still works on it.
It is displaying the wifi in the top right with the bars dimmed out and an exlamation mark in front. When i click it, under 'AirPort: On' it says 'Alert: No Internet Connection' and next to it is a triangle with an exclamation mark inside.
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Jun 22, 2014
Device:Â macbook pro, 13-inch mid 2010 model
OS X 10.9.2Â
Earlier today, this computer stopped connecting to the internet. I am still able to connect to the local wireless and check the status of my airport extreme (current model). But, all attempts to reach the internet fail. I've tested other devices (iPad, iPhone, and my mac mini) and they are all still using the wireless to reach the internet without issue. I even tried plugging the ethernet cable from the wall directly into my macbook (no modem in use, just wall to airport extreme, as we're in an apartment building), but that does not work for the macbook pro either. I reviewed the network settings for the macbook pro and the mac mini, and noticed that the DNS settings are different between the two - the macbook pro is listing an entry for Search Domains - westell.com, but my mini is not showing any search domains in that setting. Additionally, the ipv4 addresses are fairly different between the 2 computers, as well as the subnet mask ( on the macbook, on the mini) and router settings ( for the macbook, for the mini). Not sure what I can do to force/clear these settings on the macbook or anything else to check.Â
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Jun 17, 2014
I've been having problems in the last couple of days, I tried resetting everything in my house including my router and modem and still doesn't work. I tried resetting SMC (command + option +p+r) but that didn't work at all.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 3, 2014
I have a MPB early 2011 and I have talktalk internet. I have absolutely no problems with my wifi up until the last week. I can use the internet perfectly fine downstairs when I am in the living room (where the router is located) as I am typing this using it, however when I go upstairs i.e. to the bedroom directly above where the router is situated I am still connected to the internet at the wifi symbol is black however i lose internet connection and I am not able to use the internet at all. This is a new issue as before, I was able to use my MPB anywhere in the house without any problems. Â
I don't believe it's the router as my iPhone connects fine upstairs and we also have a MPB late 2013 and that works perfectly fine upstairs. Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 21, 2014
My iMessage on the macbook pro won't let me login. I've check my internet contention and everything is working fine. So I don't know what to do next.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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May 9, 2012
I use a 4G Galaxy Nexus to broadcast a private WPA2 network. The 4G signal is always strong, and I've verified that the internet is active on the broadcasting device, and that other non-Apple devices maintain a solid connection. However my macbook pro does not lose the network connection, the internet stops working only on the macbook pro and I must "turn Wifi Off" and back on using the top right menu icon in order for the internet connection to resume working on the laptop. It will stop working every 5-10 minutes.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 1, 2014
Have a MacBook Pro. WiFi connection stopped working a couple of days ago. Message is 'No WiFi hardware installed'.
MacBook Pro, iOS 6.0.1
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Oct 18, 2010
I am having an issue that I can't resolve. Starting this morning, I lost my internet connectivity in both Firefox and Safari (OSX 10.5.8 on my Macbook pro) The odd thing is, that using my parallels installation of XP, I'm able to access the internet without a problem, that's how I'm making this post. I don't have any proxies set up either in firefox or the network preferences under OSX or XP. I'm able to connect to and access all files on the network, I just can't get to the internet. This has really got me baffled. I ran network utility and got 100% packet loss, and it's fine under XP. Any ideas? I've attached a picture of the ping from XP and the Ping from Network Utility, done basically simultaneously
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Jun 28, 2009
So...I just got my new MacBook Pro yesterday for graduation and I've been trying to connect to the internet wirelessly.
We have a Belkin 54G Wireless Router, which was private but I reset it so I don't think the wireless network is private anymore. So...my Mac now connects fully to the "Belkin54g" wireless network but I can't seem to get on the internet. We also connect through a Motorola modem.
I don't really know the difference between the DCHP and PPOEthingy....and network diagnostics apparently can't help.
I've tried putting in the IP address/subnet mask/etc but that doesn't work either. Sometimes it says its connected, other times it tells me there's no IP address.
If I need to call anyone, who should I call? The Mac people or the Wireless router/internet people?
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Jul 21, 2009
I can't seem to get internet sharing working on my mac after installing a new router. I want to share my airport connection with my ethernet port so I can get on the internet with my Windows 7 test desktop that doesn't have wireless capabilities.
I used to have a DLink DI-614+ router and it just broke on me last week. Now I have the Belkin N+ Router model F5D8235-4.
Before, when I turned on internet sharing with the DLink router, everything went smooth and I could automatically connect via ethernet to the internet, but now when I attempt to connect it says that there is no internet access on the Win7 box. I assume this has something to do with the new router that I installed.
One thing to note is that My Ethernet in Network preferences says that it "has a self assigned IP and may not be able to connect." Is a self assigned IP the problem and is there a way to fix it by modifying the network preferences or is there something I have to do to my router to get this to work.
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Sep 24, 2009
I just moved into a new apartment, set up new internet and router, but I have trouble accessing a lot of websites, like [URL]. All my friends are using PCs, and I'm the only one on Mac. None of their computers have trouble going to the same sites, but I'm stuck watching a blank screen.
I researched around, but I cannot find a solution to this. I've tried pinging websites, running the command line to flush the DNS cache, but nothing has worked. Is there some sort of system preference I have to set on my Mac, such as lowering security features, to access the sites I use the most?
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Sep 6, 2010
Recently I installed Windows XP on my 13" macbook pro using bootcamp.
It worked fine, I am able to go on windows and see the windows screen and such, but when i tried connecting to the internet it wouldn't work(I tried a ethernet cable and WiFi)
It's not the internet itself because I am using the same method right now on os x. This just occurs when I go on the windows portion.
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Nov 1, 2010
My Internet connection is working fine, I can connect to adium, download a torrent, use an FTP client etc without problems. When I use Safari or any other browser I can't connect to any sites. I us usually get an error stating that it can't establish a connection or find the server. I'm using a Time Capsule as my router, I've tried resetting my modem, the Time Capsule, restarting the computer. The internet is fine, I'm connecting to adium etc, but the browser won't connect, when it does I can use the browser for a hour or 5 minutes, it's random. I've ride resetting the DHCP numerous times, the majority of the time it does nothing.
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Feb 5, 2007
i am having alot of trouble with parallels, the internet is not working in it, i am using airport to a d-link router, i used to use bootcamp, but opted not to because well this will sound stupid, because i don't have an apple keyboard, and when i boot with bootcamp and xp installed it always goes to windows, my mac mini doesn't recognize my option key i guess
anyway, i have xp running in parallels, no internet works, i have web sharing turned on in sharing, also have windows sharing on. anyway I can't seem to get on the internet in windows, and as weird as this is, i NEED to download some music for my dad but the company he's buying from will only do it if he has xp and windows media player. they could send him the cd's, but it will cost him 15$ more or something ridiculous, my dad said he would buy me some ipod games off itunes if i do this for him. SO THAT BEING SAID: once you guys help me get onto the internet, how will i get them to his mac? email could be tideous, can i burn a cd in parallels?
before you tell me to go use bootcamp (which i could because i do have access to an apple keyboard thats on my moms and dads comp) BUT i tried after my attempt failed with parallels, and it said it couldn't partition for some reason!?! I went to DU and repaired it and its smart verified ect and it said it was repaired but it still won't, it says i need to repair it.
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Apr 23, 2008
I did a search on these forums, but came up with nothing. I have two virtual machines set up with VMWare Fusion, one is my Boot Camp partition for Windows XP Professional, the other is Mandriva Linux. In both of these virtual machines, the internet doesn't work. I tried changing the network settings for VMWare Fusion to both NAT and bridged, and neither of them work. It's a little annoying because there's not too much you can do without an internet connection.
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Aug 30, 2009
I know we get this alot but My comcast internet is not working this morning and after a call to them i got my Windows partition to work but not the mac partition.
I basically need to reset my IP adress but idk how.
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Nov 17, 2009
Anyway i have a macbook pro. I recently upgraded my router to a belkin. Ever since i upgraded sites like facebook are slow. Facebook still works but when i want to browse photos, the photos never load. It also will never let me upload pics.
It works perfectly on my pc. Also, when im on my mac and i connect to a different wireless network, it also works perfect. So it comes down to my mac and my network.
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Mar 31, 2009
I just bought a Powerbook G4 from my school and the internet is sparatic but it is just at my house. I went to my friends house on Friday and it worked fine and at my school it does to. When I get home it either doesn't connect or goes from four bars to two bars. I have a Macbook and that works fine with the internet. I have tried re setting the router and nothing works. I have a Linksys router.
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Apr 26, 2009
Here's the set up: one room in my house has a PC, and cable modem, my other room has the iMac. I used an ethernet cable to plug into the router and it claims to have internet on it's tiny squinty eye of lies. Now my iMac can reach the site wirelessly, I changed the basic things everyone suggests.
Here's the problem: airport says its connected to the area connection, and yet I cannot get online. Assistant says that i can't get online. I'd like to know why, so I can die happy.
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Jun 12, 2009
I just installed the wwdc Snow Leopard preview via ADC to test an ebay app I work on. Everything works fine, except for the network connections. WHile Airport can scan and pick up networks, it cannot connect to them. Ethernet is active, but it does not connect to the internet. I have send problem report to Apple, but I dont expect that it will resolve the problem soon.
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