When I insert any cd into my cd drive it loads for about 10 seconds then it just spits back out. I have had my computer since Christmas 2011 and I have never had a working CD drive.
I have a new Macbook Pro and I also have a sandisk cruzer flash drive. I use a PC at work and when I brought the drive home to do some work on the Mac absolutely nothing happens. Be easy on me. This is my first mac and I am new at this.
So I bought a MBP i7 in May and I love it, Never had any issues with it at all. But I never used the DVD drive once until today. I wanted to rip a DVD with MacTheRipper. It didnt work. Rips fine on my new Mid 2010 Mac Mini...
So I tried to play the DVD with the DVD player app... just get a solid black screen... VLC, nothing.
My USB Drive on my Macbook Pro stopped working. I have done power downs, resets, and still not working. thinking a driver is not there. Running OS X 10.7.3 . Looking for some options before taking it to hardware repair for service.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), usb drives stopped working
I have a 2006 Macbook and the CD drive has stopped working. Is this something that can be fixed? or would it be more cost effective to get an external CD reader? If a external drive is the better choice, what should I get?
just today I noticed my cd drive isn't working at all. When I put a cd or whatever in nothing happens. also I spilld some V8 fruit juice on the keyboard and the cd drive still worked after that. but now it doesnt work. Anything that I can do?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
since 2 days my optical drive makes one very strange noise every time in "wake it up" or turn it on. The sound is done three times. I realized today that now I'm not able to put a disc into the drive, instead of "absorving" the disc, the drive expels it.
I went to the applestore and, after purchasing one to one, was turned down for a data transfer from my old macbook pro to my new macbook pro. The "genius" recommended that I buy an external hard drive from newegg and get some screwdrivers and do it myself. So I did, except (I think) he told me to get the wrong kind of external hard drive enclosure and now I'm just really upset because I went through the process and got the hard drive out of the old macbook pro perfectly. What do I need to (re)buy to make this data transfer work?
I recently purchased this Portable (iomega) 500GB hard drive. I just realized it only works on my Mac's USB ports, but not with my USB Hub. Does it exceed the power limit of the USB Hub? I don't see how it is possible, because I currently have nothing else plugged into it, and it uses a power adapter.
It worked with my old Hard Drive, which is big and uses a power adapter. Now it doesn't seem to work. Also I tried on just a USB adapter that makes the cable longer, still doesn't work. Only the MBP ports work! However, the hub works for things such as phone charger, and speakers right now.
i definatly brought apple care (3 year warrenty?) its on my reciept, but when i check the warrenty online is says basic 1 year warrenty for my serial number. gah. anyways, thats not the problem, it just doesnt help the situation.
my dvd drive has just stopped working, it used to make a horrible clicking noise when a cd was inserted and then work fine ( it always made that noise, i just thought it was ok, now, im not so sure!) then a few days ago i inserted a dvd and nothing, no noise, and it didnt recognise there was a dvd inside. the eject button done nothing. i had to tilt my macbook and tap it a few times till it fell out.
I just upgraded to snow leopard and when I try to plug in my external hard drive I get a prompt saying "the disk inserted was not readable by this computer." It was working before when I was running leopard.
My MacBook Pro is fairly new, but I have a 500g Western Digital external hard drive that was originally hooked up to my previous computer, a PC. When I plugged in my external, I was able to move files from it to my Mac. However, I was unable to delete files off of the external while it was plugged into my Mac and I could not add files, either.
When I booted up my old PC and plugged the external into it, it worked fine. So I can only assume that since I first used it on my PC, I'm having trouble using it on my Mac. A friend of mine told me something about how I'd have to reformat my computer and start over. PLEASE tell me this is not the case. Does anybody know a way to fix this that lets me keep my Mac as is and not have to delete anything?
Last week the hard drive crashed (or so I assumed) on my late 2009 13" Mac-book Pro.I was getting the blinking folder icon at startup. After trying to boot in safe mode and several other start-up options, I booted from an OSX install disk and found that the drive wasn't appearing in the Disk Utility - this, and the fact that I had been running it at very high capacity for far too long is what led me to assume it was utterly dead.So I ordered a new drive, a WD Scorpio Blue 500GB, and installed it today. Again booting from the OSX install disk, I went to the disk utility (thinking I would format the drive before installing the OS), but new drive wasn't there either.Assuming I installed the new drive correctly (it was pretty straightforward), this is leading me to assume that I was wrong with my diagnosis.
I have an hitachi external hard drive. It has always worked up until yesterday with no problems. Today it has stopped working with my macbook pro and my works hp laptop, it will still light up and I can hear that it is turned on but it won't appear on the screen. I cannot find any trace of it on my macbook, I've tried the disk utility but it is not there. I tried a friends hp laptop and it is working fine on that.Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I thought i'd share this with everyone if anyone has been interested or curious to do the same, I have installed a Raid 0 setup in my 2.4ghz Aluminum macbook using 250gb and 320gb Seagate 7200.3 2.5" drives with 16mb cache each. The reason its 2 different sizes? Because i'm stupid! I bought the 320 thinking the other drive was 320 aswell- only realising once i had installed both that they were different sizes. Not to fear- the raid would be slowed down by the slowest drive, specification wise they are both the same so no problems there. In fact in my case it creates something which is quite awesome- individual boot partitions on each drive.
I don't know what happen, but my Digital western external harddrive dosn't work anymore? I can see the files but I can only copy the files from it and transfer to my mac. I cant read or write? What do I do?
I turned on my early 2008 MBP today and the screen won't come on and no chime but I can hear the startup besides that, I'm assuming it's the gpu so I'm screwed with this computer but I need to transfer the hard drive. How can I do this??
Info: Macbook Pro 2.2ghz, Mac OS X (10.5.1), Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, iPhone 8gb
06 Macbook Pro. Replaced the Logic Board. Now the CD Drive doesn't work and there's a cd stuck in it! Not under warranty. Outside party replaced the part.
How can I install snow leopard without an optical drive? Could I take it to an apple store to get it installed or can I copy the cd over to a usb pen drive?
I own a Macbook Pro, it's a A1150 model with an Intel Core Duo processor. I'm trying to use my install disc but every time I try to use it, the cd drive reads it for a few seconds but then just ejects it afterwards. What can I try to get it to work? My laptop came with the 10.4.5 install disc and I upgraded to 10.6 Snow Leopard via disc (the disc itself just says 10.6). I have all my software updates and it shows I have OS X version 10.6.8 currently installed.
When I turn on the computer with the 10.4.5 disc already inserted and hold C it just boots up like normal and ejects my install disc. Likewise when I try with the 10.6 Snow Leopard disc it does the same thing. I've tried holding the option key and it still just ejects the disc after it reads it for a while. Both discs are genuine (not copies) in pretty much like new condition without and scratches/smudges/dirt and my Superdrive reads/burns cd and dvd's just fine.
My PowerBook G4 (Alum) died. I've had it for 4 years, taken it with me to Alaska and all over the lower 48, and have had nothing but happy experiences. I knew she was gonna go, but I was hoping she'd hold on until I could afford a MacBook. Alas, no. The problem appears to be the ability of the logic board to communicate with the hard drive. I can hear the HD spin, but even with Disk Warrior, I cannot locate it. The Mac Geniuses at my local Apple store confirmed this and gave me a shoulder to cry on. I've run Disk Warrior, Disk Utility, and tried finding it using the target disk mode - no luck.
The problem is that I've got 4 years of teaching materials, 6000 songs, and irreplaceable pictures on the HD, so I can't bring myself to just trash it. It's true that you only fail to back up you stuff once. This is my once. I've heard that with PC hard drives, you can just drop the old HD into a USB HD box and use it as an external HD. I can't afford professional data retrevial, and I want to give this option a try if it'll work with a Mac HD. Any ideas or suggestions?
just came home from Apple Store today with new computer and superdrive, which is not showing up when plugged in. When I put a CD in it reads it for a few seconds then spits it out. I am on the road so getting to an Apple Store will not be easy for the next week.
Info: MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Ok, so I've got a Philips DVD R/RW drive and I want to put it in my Mac Pro. I put it in, hooked everything up, but it won't open for me (opt. + Eject, I know). It's set on cable select, but I've also tried it on slave with the stock on master. Anyone have any ideas? I'd like to get this working as soon as I can.
PS, when I wake the MP from sleep, the light on the second drive blinks, but nothing else.
I just installed the plextor px-760A dvd drive in the second optical drive bay in my new mac pro. I have set the jumper to cable select. After rebooting, both drives now dont show up at all - the apple installed drive and my new one are now not available.
I opened up the machine again to check the cabling to make sure its all seated correctly, then rebooted again - no luck. the eject button cant even open the original drive. i did a system profile and there was no dvd drive listed. I have an eject button on my top menu bar which shows "No Drives" if you click on it.
I am sure a couple of folks here have installed the plextor. what have i missed?
I was installing X-Plane 9 on my fairly new Mac Pro when it stopped working. I switched disks and nothing happened, the drive just won't spin up. I have tried a number of different CDs and DVDs and none will spin up. I can verify that by looking at the position of the disk when I put it in and take it out, it never moves.I have tried the usual reboot and resetting the PRAM. (I did the command option o r and un-plugged with power button for 5 seconds)I tried calling Apple care 2 times and the message I get is, the call center is closed. That's it, they don't even tell what hours they *ARE* open.
I bought a 16gb usb flash drive about a week ago so i could use it for movies on my ps3. It was all working great however I noticed that after I used it in the ps3, I could no longer load videos on it (they would go on, they just wouldnt work).. So since this was a new drive I figured maybe i just needed to format it. I used the disk utility but i cant remember which setting i used to erase it. Once I erased it I successfully put a video on and put it into my ps3 to try. The ps3 couldnt see the usb drive anymore. so I put it back into the mac. and now the mac wont see it anymore. I tried putting it into a pc with vista, it recognized it but wouldnt let me format it or open it.
After plugging in the Passport, it seems the drive was working w/out installation because I was able to drag and drop almost immediately. Now all that's left is the manuals and set up files still on it. Is it okay to go ahead and delete these?