MacBook Air :: The Search Command Does Not Work Anymore Post Migration From Another One?
Apr 25, 2012
I successfully migrated from my previous MacBook Air to my brand new one with OSX 10.7.3. using the migration application. Fine, except the Search command does not work, in Finder, Outlook, Word, PPT or any other application. The files are all there, but the search seems to be applied only to very recent file.
My computer is Mac Pro, 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 4GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM, running Mac OSX Version 10.5.6. I am a big time user of search (or spotlight) on my Macintosh and I have been using for years and through all the updates. I loved the recent updates to spotlight and I was able to search not only my HD but also the network drives where all of our files are located on an Mac Server.
I am the IT person of this small graphic design firm and everyone in our office work on files that are located on a Mac Server. We only keep the applications on our own client computers. Spotlight or (search) was function perfectly up to a few weeks ago but recently when I need to search something on our Signage A, Signage B, Signage C or Print A, Print B or Print C, drives where we keep our files. The search does not bring no result. This is a problem not only with my computer but there are a few computers in the office with the same problem.
What can I do to resolve this problem and be able to search again on my network drives where I keep all the files we are working on. If this function is no longer available with spotlight or search box of the finder window. Is there another software we can use to search for files and folders on our server. Since there are a few people working on the same files sometimes when the files are moved it makes it difficult for the next person to find them, in that kind of situation search was working wonderfully and I need for that to work again.
im on a mac pro running 10.5.6 and the search function doesnt seem to be working very well anymore. I am talking about the little search box in the top right corner of a finder window. I type text in and it just doesnt find the files I am looking for. I can browse to them and locate them but search wont find them.
Is there some way i need to be re-indexing my HD from time to time? I would expect this for spotlight but I thought the finder search was different...
IS there a terminal command to make sure that my default search engine is and not or or any place I am travelling to, since VERY OFTEN the results are MANY LESS than using the .com goggle site and I DO NOT want to be logged in google to save the settings, which are anyway erased by my security and privacy tool?
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), I erased OSX 10.7 'cause it slowed
It used to work for me when i press a combination of Ctrl+F2 to activate the menu bar, now it doesn't work anymore, even if i try a further key: Fn+Ctrl+F2.
I just picked up my compute from the genius bar with a new hard drive. When I turned it on and plugged in my external hard drive it gave me two choices of backups to use and they didn't have dates or versions, so I picked what I thought was the most recent. I chose incorrectly and now I have the computer from my freshman year in high school. Everyone says to hold command R at the startup but it isn't working. Perhaps I'm just doing it wrong. I have a regular macbook and am running Lion Version 10.7.3.
where is the problem- my copy and paste doesnt work anymore. Neither shortcut cmd+c/cmd+v, nor any other way. I used it often and there was no problem before.
I've had my MacBook Pro for 2 years and my SD card always worked in it as did every other camera card that I have used. Recently my SD Card slot stopped working and i'm not sure if I go into the Apple store if they can do anything (i have an apointment on Saturday at 5PM)... basically my question is do you think they will have to replace my computer, or will i have to leave it there and they will repair it?
We updated Migration assistant on the macbook... We activated the Migration assistant on the new and old computer..
the new one is a macbook ran all day, and then said it had completed the migration. But we can't find the files, or nothing really got transfered..
I recently bought the microsoft office for my Macbook pro, but I just got a new MBA and did the migration assistant thingy. Now the microsoft office on the MBA does not work. There seems to be no uninstall option for the Office 2011.
I have a new SSD which I am trying to use instead of my HDD.I have looked at options such as cloning softwares (CCC, SuperDuper, etc) but people seem to recommend doing a clean install of the OS and everything else.That said, if I manage to install OS X and the Applications CD to my new SSD, could I then boot into the SSD via USB Hard Drive Encloser, and copy my data over from my HDD?If not, what other methods could I use to effectively copy over my applications and files over to my new hard drive?ALSO,What will I be missing on my new SSD by using Migration Assistant? Any program data? Finally, will my registered applications have to be re-registered? Meaning if I had used a serial for these programs, will I have to re-enter all of that stuff, or will everything be the same?
Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2 Processor Name: Intel Core i7 Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz Number Of Processors: 1 Total Number Of Cores: 4 L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 6 MB Memory: 4 GB Boot ROM Version: MBP81.0047.B27 SMC Version (system): 1.69f4 OS X 10.6.8
So a week ago I opened Photoshop and my macbook froze and gave me this screen:
I had to force it to shut down, and when I turned it back on, I'd get the chime, I'd see the logo and the spinning cog, then it would go to a white screen and either stall or shut itself off... I tried resetting the PRAM and SMC. I went into Disk Utility and verified the disk and the permissions. I also reset Photoshop's preferences, and completely reinstalled it. Booting in safe mode worked, but of course it's a little slow and I can't use some programs. I was able to start up normally by booting in single user mode and running the /sbin/fsck -fy command a couple times.
I ended up taking it to a Genius Bar, they ran a couple diagnostic tests and confirmed it wasn't a hardware issue and it was probably the OS. They reinstalled Snow Leopard, I restored my stuff with my Time Machine backup, and everything worked fine for a couple days.
But today when I turned it on, it shut itself down again! And running single user mode doesn't work anymore. It'll say "The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK." and when I reboot, it shuts down at the white screen. Now the only way it will boot up is in safe mode, and if I close the lid to put it in sleep mode, it'll turn itself off after a few minutes.
I'm not incredibly tech savvy, but I'm wondering if it could be a third party program. I'm not sure how to find out which one is causing the issue, though... I've uninstalled SMCfanControl and StartupSound.prefpane. Those are the only two I can think of that could potentially mess with the startup...
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i switched back to safari bc of the html5 force extension, however i find myself always googling something from the url bar which inturn takes me to page can not be displayed.
its very annoying, does anyone know if there is an extension which makes the address bar also work as a search bar?
It used to work with Snow leopard.. but now it crashes on login any ideas??? i first thought it is afloat (plug suite) but i disabled it...(and unistalled) I Think the "the tube" Update messed skype up but... maybe you know it better
a few days ago i had a system problem so i did a clean install. Everything seemed to come back ok but now i can't get Quicktime to work anymore. All my movie files get -1856 error messages. I even tried to re-install Quicktime but every version i try wont work. I am running osx 10.4.
For a couple of weeks now, when I click on any of my tags, nothing shows up; but my files seem to still have their tag when I go to "my documents". It is the same thing when I click on "all my files": the window is empty.
Since 2 days ICQ doesn't work together with iChat anymore. All I get is the prompt for entering the password. Password is correct and ICQ still works with Adium or ICQ2GO. iChat probably stopped working after I installed the latest security patch for MacOS Leopard.
Deleting the ICQ account in iChat and adding it again doesn't work. Neither does deleting the AIM.plist or changing the server to [URL] like it was suggested at the Apple discussion board.
Yesterday I swapped the stock cooler of my radeon HD3870 for a zalman vf1000. Since then, the GC doesn't work anymore (even with the stock fan back). So after a night of check, test and prettty much everything, I'm pretty sure my GC is dead. What I want to know it could be a short circuit? I'm a good mac user and I already did that on others cards (X1900 with an accelero for example.) I talked with xlryourmac and he can't see. I really want to find out a plausible explanation, because I'll probably buy another GC et wouldn't want to do the same mistake twice. I have a Macpro clovertown 2x3 Ghz - 12Gb Ram- Raptor Boot- Raid 3To- Multibridge Pro 2.
I'd like to empty my trash, but it doesn't work anymore. The trash icon in my dock indicates that there are files in it, but when I click on it the Trash window appears, but the files don't show. The indicator at the bottom right just keeps on animating - it never stops, not even after several hours. furthermore, the "Empty Trash" option in the Finder menu is grayed out. The "Empty Trash" option in the trash icon's right-click menu is not grayed out. However, when I click it, a dialog appears for confirmation; I click on "Empty Trash" and nothing happens. When I list the files in my trash using the terminal (with the "ls" command), the files do show (and there is a considerable number of files). When I try to remove them, using the "rm" command, nothing happens; when I list the files again, they are still there. What must I do to get this mess fixed?
It worked fine for a couple of hours, now it won't even load anymore. Can't delete the application from my hard drive because it says I don't have permission. Fixed the permissions but it still won't delete. Tried downloading it and re-installing and it still doesn't work.
The computer and internet works good when is not connected to my tv. Last weeks, I bought a mini DVI to DVI adapter and then a DVI TO HDMI Adapter, so the problems is when I connect it to the tv. The network doesn't work anymore. Sometimes do but must of the time doesnt work. I just tried openDNS but still the same.
I can no longer burn DVD's on my PowerPC G5 with 10.5.8, but can no longer do it as well on my Macbook Pro with OS 10.6--are all internal Superdrives now non functioning!!?? I've wasted many DVD's and no successes, just error messages and failures to burn.
Info: PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), PowerPC Processor
when opening a pdf in Safari I used to be able to press the right mouse button and could choose between printing and opening the pdf in Preview. This dialog seems to have disappeared (a new dialog with loads of unusefull crap like choosing tools is now shown instead). Most importantly, however, I can't print the pdfs anymore when using Safari's menu print (the pdf is o.k. it all works in firefox and opera). While the dialog opens correctly, only a blank document is printed. Also the export as pdf option does not work anymore.I'm running an Imac with mac os x lion, most recent updates installed. Safari 5.1.5
just bought a new iMac. I have been using a MacBook and have faithfully backed up my hard drive using Time Machine.
I hooked up my external hard drive/time machine disk to the new iMac and selected this option in Migration Assistant. It transferred over my applications, but none of my photos, music, or documents transferred over. I did leave every checkbox checked for what to transfer.
Any idea what happened? How do I get my itunes music and iphotos transferred?
I am trying to transfer everything from a new mac mini to a new macbook pro. Both are running OSX 10.7.4 but neither can find the other computer. I have verified they are on same wireless network.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Migration Assistant