MacBook Pro :: Post-spill, Certain Keys Not Working And/or Typing Non-stop?
Mar 17, 2012
I spilled a bit of milk on my computer this morning and managed to move fast enough to drain most of it. I turned the computer off, and on again, just to make sure that it was running. (I know now I shouldn't have...) I was able to log in, etc. My trackpad was going a bit wonkers, but it's done that before, so I wasn't worried. Turned it off, flipped it over, set it aside.Â
A number of hours later, I turned it on again, and now the keys from A-L (ASDFGHJKL) and T-O (TYUIO) aren't working. I require a password, so now I can't log in. I noticed also that some key types non-stop (in the password box) until I press delete, which stops the typing. I've taken off a number of keys and cleaned them, but even if I press the squishy thing underneath, the keys aforementioned don't type.Â
Can someone tell me what I can do, if anything, manually before I get an external keyboard? (I won't be going into Apple -- not interested in spending a few hundred+ for cleaning/fixing; my warranty's run itself out.)Â
And, as a side question: I'm not sure if my Bluetooth is on. What do I have to do to be able to connect a wireless keyboard? Or do I need to get one with a USB? Or, because I'm logged out, am I completely screwed?
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Dec 31, 2009
My MBP has this issue every once in a while where I have to hold the power button and force shut down. Randomly the volume keys/brightness etc. stop working and i can't open apps or shut it down normally. Everything still works though (can still function in open applications) Anyone know what the problem is? It fixes when I force reset.
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May 5, 2012
My two-year-old daughter was messing with the keyboard on my iMac, and now the keys on the keyboard are not functioning as they were before. The delete key doesn't work, "a" types a symbol-topped "a" followed by the copyright symbol, etc...Â
I've restores the factory settings to the function keys in system preferences, but the problem persists.
Keyboard , Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 30, 2010
My coworker has a Macbook Air he seldom uses, but when he does, the bottom row of keys stop working after the computer's been on for about 5 minutes. I just search and didn't find anything, but have any of you guys had that problem? Just curious if anyone's heard of a solution before he takes it down to Apple.
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Nov 7, 2010
Before I go into detail I have a Late 2008 Macbook White (Upgraded to 4GB RAM, 320GB HDD) so I would have had it two years this Christmas (2010) Over the last few months, on odd occasions the bottom row of keys completely stop working (by bottom row of keys I mean: Z X C V B N M < > ? and then fn ctrl alt and CMD on the row below. The space bar and right CMD work perfectly as does every other key on the keyboard.
Now this is where it gets really weird. I always thought this was a hardware issue (Loose ribbon connection etc, I just don't have the hours in the day to sit down and take it apart) until my friend gave me his old aluminium apple wireless bluetooth keyboard (the laptop sized one). The bottom row of my keyboard broke again whilst visiting him so we set up this aluminium keyboard of mine................
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Feb 8, 2009
Every now and then while I'm on the laptop for a while my keys stop working out of no where. I hit the keys and nothing comes up? So I have to shut it down or restart then it works again. Is there something wrong with it or is there randomly something I'm doing?
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Feb 9, 2012
Spilled coffee on Macbook Pro keyboard and after letting it dry in a bag of rice for over 24 hours, everything appears to be fine except I can't use the delete key.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), spill
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Jul 25, 2009
I spilled coffee patron (which is a syrup-like coffee flavored tequila) on some keys on my macbook 13" last night. I immediately flipped it upside down and wiped it dry. I then wet a cloth to try to save it from stickiness. It was fine but today the space bar, the "b", "command", "option", & "control" keys are very sticky. Also my caps lock, tab and the squiggly dash (that's use to abbreviate the word approximately above the tab key) are not sticky but don't work at all! My caps lock wont even light up! I would like to remove the keys to wipe under it before taking it to apple care. (which will most likely turn me down.)
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Aug 6, 2010
I was drinking some tea and bumped into the table the mug was sitting on. A couple of drops splashed out and got on my unibody macbook pro's keyboard. I quickly wiped it off and turned off the computer. I let it sit for a while, but I didn't think anything of it because it was only a few drops. I turned it on and it was fine, however the keyboard's backlight is dim on the right side of the keyboard.
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Apr 17, 2012
The MacBook has starting typing everything in caps, even the number keys are printing shifted characters. The caps lock key seems to be functioning normally, so I don't believe that is the cause.
MacBook 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2 Gb RAM
250Gb HD
OS 10.6.8
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2Gb RAM
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Apr 28, 2012
So I spilled a small amount of tea on the left hand side of my MacBook Pro a few weeks ago. I immediately disconnected the power adaptor, forced shut down and placed the laptop level in a warm, dry area for several days to dry out. On boot up everything performed normally, and has done since, except that when I tried to connect my laptop to my TV last week, nothing happened. I use a Mini DisplayPort to VGA adaptor and normal VGA cable to connect to my tv, and have done this many times before with no issues. The laptop normally automatically recognises that an external display is connected and outputs a video signal - an extended display under OSX Snow Lion, or a mirrored display under Windows 7 Ultimate x64 running in Boot Camp - now literally nothing happens, the laptop does not seem to recognise or react to the fact that the display is connected, and no video signal is output.Â
My laptop is covered under AppleCare, but I realise that, as this is almost certainly liquid damage, there is probably little that can be done to have this fixed on my AppleCare. What are my options? I don't wish to pay out of pocket for what could potentially be a costly repair, but if there is a possibility to get the Mini DisplayPort working again I would like to explore it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 7, 2011
On my old windows PC, in word I used to be able to type symbols just as if I was typing letters. Not randomly, I custom assigned each symbol I used a lot to each letter. I type a lot of symbols in my scientific notes. If I clicked control shift: ABD where alpha beta delta, 1-9 was subscript 1-9 (for chemical formulas), and I had a load more. I used the so often I could touch type them just like any other letter.
I want to do the same thing on my mac, so I can type the symbols. I have noticed that the alt key does bring up the symbols, but they are very strange and not very useful. I dont need to type a "grave" symbol very often, but alpha all the time (but there is no alpha). And they aren't assigned to my logical letter (beta to B). How do I reassign the alt keys to my symbol, surely there is an easy way, but I have looked and not found one.
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Feb 12, 2010
I'm using the thin aluminum USB external keyboard and suddenly my 8ik, diagonal of keys stopped working (now I'm using my laptop keyboard). Anyone know if this is typically a sign of a broken keyboard, or a user issue?
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Oct 17, 2010
F3 and my right shift key have suddenly become play/pause keys in addition to their original functions. My F8 doesn't really do anything anymore and does not even light up in Keyboard View. I've tried to use Sizzling Keys, and reset Keyboard Shortcuts but the problem still persists. It seems to affect most music playing programs (iTunes and Vox. I have a Macbook Model 5,2 and Mac OS X 10.5.8
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Sep 18, 2009
I recently spilled a protein shake over my mb pro. It spilled on the right side, but I quickly cleaned it with a wet tissue and dried it up. The problem, now, is that the illuminated keyboard isn't working..only a few random keys are working and the rest aren't..
What should I do? I have a 1 year warranty left, but I'm not sure it'll be covered.
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Feb 19, 2009
just wanted to see how these machines handle abuse. I don't plan on abusing mine, but I am thinking about giving my brother one, and he is careful, but sometimes slips. I know the aluminum bodies aren't that strong, I've bumped my 12" into my car door, and it got a dent. Now I'm very very careful with it. Anybody else got stories or pics?
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Oct 28, 2008
For the past few weeks (maybe months) I've been experiencing a problem with my spell check while typing feature. Up until this evening I could even have it checked off in Adium, but after I downloaded the MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.5 file (something someone suggested in another thread) the spelling options are all greyed out completely. I have restarted Adium a few times to try to fix it to no avail.
The checker works fine in Safari, but when I use Adium it doesn't work. I found a thread on another site that suggested moving one of the Dictionary files to the desktop, and also holding option, command, p and r down at the same time. That second tip seemed to work a while ago, but since then I can't get it to work again.
I read somewhere that the spell check was messed up because of one of the recent apple updates. I feel like I've had it in other programs too I just can't think of them at the moment.
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May 21, 2012
When typing my cursor will skip back and I end up typing between words.
MacBook Pro 4,1,Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHZ, 2 GB Ram,, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Ipad 3g, 16G, Iphone 3G, 2010 Apple TV
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Jun 9, 2009
I reinstalled OS X from a Leopard dvd earlier (took it to an apple store and borrowed their superdrive), then transferred my info from my black macbook (latest revision, so has the volume keys as F10,F11,F12, play at F8 etc) via time machine. Once that had finished, I logged in on the air and tried to lower the brightness. It wouldn't work, so i tried the other F keys and they don't perform their functions.
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Sep 6, 2010
MacBook Air Keyboard problems
Yesterday, without spilling anything on it, the left click on my trackpad (and on my wireless mouse) stopped functioning(MacBook Air/OSX 10.6.4/1.6 GhZ) After one hour it started working again. At first, I thought it must be related to settings that i had messed up in the meantime (Universal access, mouse keys etc).However it turned out not to be the case. I tried virus scan, PRAM reset, but it didn't help. Today i took it to the Apple store, they proposed to replace the keyboard. Since I am out of warranty I don't want to pay 200 euros if the problem can be solved without the replacement of the keyboard.
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Aug 21, 2009
Searched and kind of found an answer, but it doesn't seem to be 100% correct for me. Right now, MOST of the FKEYS do what is printed on them, controlling sound, brightness, F9 and F10 only work when you hold the fn key (lower left). How can I get those to work without that? I know there is an option in the Keyboard control panel, but that only makes it so I have to use the fn key for ALL of them.
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May 26, 2010
The LEFT and DOWN directional arrows on my Mother's MBP just stopped working. All other keys work fine. Does this generally mean I will need to replace the top case? Has anyone out there experienced keys not working, then working again? Could it possibly be the connection to the logic board? Or some dust in an undesired location?
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Feb 21, 2012
My cat slept on my MacBook last night and now the keyboard isn't working properly ... Some keys don't do anything at all and some keys do things they shouldn't... Any clues on how to fix this? I called the apple support line and we don't think it was anything to do with the settings in 'universal settings'. I'm not sure what else to do and this is one time I do wish I had a man in the house?! Or at least someone else who has half a clue! I rely haven't had many problems with my MacBook 'till now. I'm operating on Mac os x 10.6.8Â Also, 2 cats free to good home. Or anyhome, it doesn't even need to be 'good'! Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Late 2008 macbook
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May 14, 2012
I have a Macbook Air and I just recently realized that some of my keys do not work or they will work when I press the letter or number next to the key that I need. I do not know what is wrong or why this is doing this since I got the computer on March 26, 2012.
MacBook Air, iOS 5.1.1
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Dec 10, 2014
I am trying to use all my F Keys, volume up/down, turning up the light on screen as well as the keys, and nothing is working. I just bought this Mac 2 days ago. Is there something I need to do? Or is a malfunction?
MacBook Air
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Jun 23, 2014
My macbook pro I got last summer is having issues with it's keyboard. certain keys will randomly not work. If I keep pressing them repetitively they will spew out random letters.Â
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Jun 5, 2014
I have recently noticed that the media keys (last track, pause/play, next track) are not responing when playing music in iTunes.Â
Is an issue with the latest iTunes update (11.2.2) or if this is a hardware fault?
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 13", Mid 2013
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Dec 6, 2014
5 Keys on my Mac Book are Not Working.
Yesterday i was using my Mac Book, it was working fine, but today as i turned on my Mac Book, i tried to enter my password there, it was not accepting my password. the 5 keys which are not working on my machine are "QWERU" , what could be the reason that they keys are not working?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Jun 4, 2014
One of the keys on my keyboard are not working. The letter "b" isn't working for me.(I had to copy+paste the letter.) Is there any solution? I restarted my computer and even followed to apple instructions in hopes that it would work. However, the key still doesn't work.
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Mar 11, 2009
I've looked through System Preferences and can't find a way to stop pressing keys or clicking the mouse from waking up the computer. Has anyone been successful in doing this, or am I out of luck?
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