MacBook Pro :: Unclear Not Sharp Text - 15" Post - WWDC
Jun 17, 2009
Has anyone experienced unclear, not sharp text, on a new MBP unibody? It feels like the text display is just 'not right'. My display is 9CA3. It uses the 9600m card. I used a 17" MBP with 1920x1200 resolution for 2 years, daily, with no complaints. After working for 1 day on the laptop my left eye is painful and both eyes are much more tired than normal. On the other hand, images and movies are clear and the colors are very impressive. But, how good is it to watch a movie when the eyes are too tired?
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Jun 25, 2009
I know there is another thread, but I wanted to make a poll so people could easily guage the problem.
If you have a post-WWDC 7200 RPM HDD in a uMBP, do you have the click-beep problem as described here:
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Oct 22, 2010
I purchased a new Mac Mini today (latest base version from Apple Store). I also purchased an LG 2240 (LED backlit) 22" monitor.
The monitor only has a VGA connection therefore I am using the VGA>Mini Display port converter from apple.
The monitor is generally working fine however the display / quality is very grainy, making the text very hard to read. Also although the text is crisp and jagged in quality.
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Mar 8, 2009
I have tried installing the RealTek drivers on Windows 7 in BootCamp. I get sound, but its all fuzzy and unclear.
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May 27, 2010
Been reading various websites re WWDC keynote. seems like it will be centered on ipad and iphone. Whats the fate of the MBA? Does not seem likely for an update. [URL]
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Jun 6, 2010
New MacBook Air or no MacBook Air tomorrow I'm glad the waiting, hope and anticipation is soon coming to an end.
If we get a new MBA tomorrow ... woo hoo I'll be able to complete the final piece of the puzzle into planning my computer set up in which a new Air would fit perfectly
If no new MBA tomorrow, that's fine, so be it. I and I expect MANY others with move on with other plans, whether it be a 13" MBP, Sony Z whatever.
I'm sure many are tired of 'wondering and speculating'. I've given it until WWDC to see what develops with the Air.
After that it's too late. Waiting for a Fall or 2011 update is a joke (imo) for a product as incredible as the Air ... sure maybe they can't do the major overhaul they want to now because of tech limitations *but* they need to do something even if it's minor.
If not, then it's clear to me where the MacBook Air sits with the plans of Apple.
Here's to hoping for a new Air tomorrow !!
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Jun 7, 2009
I've been sorta not-so-patiently awaiting getting a new unibody Macbook and holding off to see if they bump the low end to 2.13 and a 250GB HDD. I expect that it'll probably be a silent update on the site and not mentioned in the keynote even if they do update them.
If we don't hear anything tomorrow, do you think they may be quietly updated on Tuesday or does it mean the unibody Macbooks won't be updated for awhile?
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Jun 1, 2010
I'm buying a MBP and I was wondering if I should just go ahead and buy it now or wait till WWDC. What would you do?
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May 24, 2006
I've been ghosting here for months, eagerly awaiting the new MacBook with all of you. I now own one (as of Monday morning) and am loving it, except for one thing -- the sharp edges that cut into my wrists while I type! I've read various threads with complaints about this, but haven't seen any suggestions for fixing it (sorry if I missed postings about this elsewhere). My two ideas are either to sand down the edges until they're rounded and smooth, or put something on it (a piece of cloth? glue?)
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Feb 27, 2012
Not too long ago I've bought myself a Macbook Pro 15 inch (version 10.7.3) and with it I also got myself a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter (by Moshi).After I got those I also got myself a HDMI-cable to connect my MBP to my Samsung tv (1080p full HD). After getting the 2 connected and inserting the right variables (resolution to 1080p)(frequency to 60 hz), also tried to change the settings of the TV itselft but the screen is just VERY blurry, not sharp at all. Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 28, 2008
I've seen various posts about the sharp edge on the front of the MBA keyboard. Although I think the MBA is fantastic in every other respect, I find this "design flaw" to be a real irritation, and can't imagine how it got through Apple's meticulous product testing process.
In my office I normally wear long-sleeved shirts, so the sharp edge doesn't present much of a problem, but on a long flight recently, my lower forearms were literally chafed after a 2-hour session with the MBA. I find it uncomfortable to rest my wrists on the keyboard for even a few minutes.
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Sep 18, 2009
I just bought a new MacBook Pro 15" a few days ago. I am completely in love with just about every aspect of it except for one pesky thing -- the edges of the aluminum unibody are ridiculously sharp and dig into my wrists after prolonged use. I seriously don't know how this feature ever got passed Apple's design team and the user test trials. Anyway, I've seen some similar posts about this but no one seems to give any good solutions. My question is - does anyone know of any good accessory products (wrist rests, etc...) that would remedy this? The ones I've seen just seem to be palm rest protectors and don't address the actual edges of the computer. Or, does anyone have any ideas for home remedies? I thought of maybe buying some moleskin or foam and applying it over the edge but that would prove to be quite unsightly I'm sure.
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Aug 28, 2010
Just got the new macbook connected to a newish Sharp Aquos HD tv. Done this with hdmi to dvi cable and adaptor all supplied by apple. Have the tv on HDMI2 channel and the image is great and worked out the mirroring etc... but...NO SOUND. Have tried everything on the tv i can think of and found in the menu options.
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Nov 1, 2009
When I click on the built-in mouse (whatever it's called), it's a lot louder/snappier sounding and feeling - makes more of a loud clicking sound - then my old Powerbook G4 did. Might I have got one that's a little out of whack or are they all that way? If it's normal, why so "clicky?" These days aren't they able to make things softer/quieter? I also noticed how sharp one of the corners is in the area where the latch (or lack of) is...that center area where you lift up the lid. I like that much better than the old one but does anyone else have the problem of a corner being too sharp?
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Mar 19, 2012
I have a 2011-model 60-inch Sharp Aquos TV and I'm trying to connect my MacBook Air to it via HDMI. The two devices seem to be aware of each other because the MacBook Air resets its display when I plug in the cable; however, there is no picture on the TV. It's just black. I know that it's some kind of incomatibility problem rather than somethign broken because (a) it doess exatly the same thing with two different MacBooks, different adapters, different cables; and (b) it works fine with other computers (Windows). I've tried jiggling all posible settings through System Preferences (there aren't many though).Â
So here's the thing: is there some under-the-hood way I can jiggle with the settings of the signal the MacBook is sending out to the TV, to try to give it a signal it recognizes? I mean, simple-mindedly, maybe it's sending a refresh rate that the TV doesn't like or somethign like that - but System Preferences doesn't give me a way of changing that.Â
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jan 16, 2010
My new 13.3" Unibody MacBook Pro has been great up until now. I've had it since September and it's worked without a charm. For some reason, as I went to close the hinge (slowly) today, it made an extremely sharp cracking sound, as if the screen had broken off. I had mini-heart attack on the inside, thinking that the screen of my MacBook Pro had just broken. I quickly opened the screen to see that nothing was damaged. I went to close it again and I went past the point that the cracking noise happened at (it sounds like it gets caught). As I kept closing it, the cracking noise happened about 3 more times. No noises come from it as I open the MacBook Pro, but when I slowly close it, it cracks (really loudly).
I've been closing the lid really quickly now, and no cracking sounds occur when I do that. Do you think it's a loose screw or something like that? Should I take it into an Apple Store to see if they can fix it? This laptop is like my baby. I somewhat temporarily alleviated the issue by pushing a piece of paper through the hinge and out the back of the laptop an pulling it back and forth. The hinge worked well for about 5 times, then started cracking again. Now that I think about it, it might be caused because it's been on for about 11 hours. I've never worked it this hard before. I'll try again after I go to sleep, and see if the problem has gone away. the problem is a little better now. There are still tension points (there are less though), but they don't crack very often as I go past them.
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May 24, 2012
i have created a slideshow in iphoto and now want to view the show on our Sharp TV. I have an HDMI cable connected from my macbook pro to the tv, adjusted the tv setting, but it is not showing on the tv....just the laptop
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May 12, 2008
Any ideas on what might be coming along (if anything) for a Mac Pro update at WWDC? I'm going to get one but am trying to convince myself that I should wait another month until the conference.
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Jun 23, 2009
Just curious is any one is using this build for every day use? I have a vacation coming up and thought I might install and try it out until my retail copy ships in Sept since I have some free time on my hands.
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May 22, 2010
If there's no Hexacore at WDDC and no hint of an MP update - how significant do you think that would be for a 2010 MacPro.
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Jun 12, 2012
After the major disappointment of the alleged upgrades to the Mac Pro this week, I am seeking opinion on what graphics card to install in my machine in an attempt to extend it's life - or any improvements that others may see fit.
Processor: 2 x 3 GHz Quad Core Intel Xeon
Memory: 10Gb 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM (Config: 2/2/2/2/1/1)
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT 512Mb
Display: 30" DVI late 2005 (2560x 1600)
Before I get flamed for asking this, I realise that the Apple Store sells the ATI Radeon HD 5770 & 5870, but these cards are pretty old (whatever happened to Moore's Law?) and I had read on one of the Mac rumor / gossip sites that there would be a new graphics card potentially announced at WWDC 2012.If any stories are to be believed, it would appear that the end of '13 would be right for a major upgrade to the Mac Pro, and I am doing a fair bit of video these days. So I may as well spend some $$$ now to keep it chugging. I wouldn't mind flicking the 30" display and getting 2 x 27".
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Aug 27, 2010
I'm at the point that I am finally needing to upgrade from my old 15" MBP (1,1), and will be jumping to a 13" MBP base model. I know Apple is currently running the promotion with the (up to) $199 MIR with an iPod purchase, but my trusty 160GB Classic is doing a marvelous job as is, so the iPod is relatively frivolous for me at the moment.
The question is whether or not there's a perk to buying now and just selling off an iPod brand new (aka bigger MBP discount), or if they run some different promotion after the current one lapses on the 7th that I might have an interest in. I'd scour my memory to recall if they do any other fall promotions (but it rarely remembers these sales, been nearly four years since I bought my last Mac), and searching has been fruitless (or I'm just using ill-formed queries). In any case, my purchase isn't terribly time-crucial (in the short term), but I'm certainly not waiting until Nov/Dec to pick one up. Does anyone recall if Apple traditionally does some other sort of promotion after the typical "rake in all the college students and give 'em free iPods to clean house" at the start of the school season?
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Apr 24, 2012
I have included some info that I now want to remove......can I take down an old question?
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May 24, 2009
Just being optimistic. When will they take this thing out of Beta?
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Jun 13, 2010
Having trouble figuring out how to post a picture...
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Jun 8, 2009
Is it just me or does the screen in the background of this image not look like anyone that Apple currently offer:
Its hard to see because of the bokeh but the iMac is completely different and the 24" LED doesnt look like that either?
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Nov 3, 2010
I walked into work the second day I got my Air, back when a pillowcase served as a sleeve, and a friend handed me a standard padded envelope - except that it's rough cardboard paper on the inside as well. Since I'm waiting for my SFBags Suede Sleeve, I'm too cheap/lazy to get a more decent case, but I've found myself really liking this envelope. It's extremely discreet, and since it's so light, you can really hold it any way you'd like, as if all you have is paper inside. And you can pull it out without anyone really noticing where it came from, since no one cares about paper documents. Or, if you want to impress people, you can plop the envelope on your desk, then slowly and deliberately pull out the MacBook Air, and it's like "what up!" in a Phil Dunphy voice. I'm just worried about one thing - will prolonged use of the rough envelope scratch the hell out of my aluminum?
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Nov 4, 2010
I'm debating getting a 13 inch 4GB for a second/travel computer and have read many threads where folks are speculating that you should be able to or could edit but I'd like to see some links to your YouTube videos that have been edited with your late 2010 MBA and iMovie.
Post the links to em if you got em.I understand that buying a MBP would get the job done but if I could edit the occasional video and upload to the cloud I'd be a happy camper.
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Jan 8, 2011
I am selling my MacBook Pro and some people were asking me to post the serial number so they can verify the warranty, which is still good until November 7th 2011. Is it safe to post the serial number? Could people do anything with it? Use it to login to apple website or something similar?
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Nov 3, 2009
I installed a 180GB Intel SSD about 2 months ago and at first everything was great - very fast, etc. However, over time anything dealing directly with files (such as attaching a file in email, opening desktop folders, etc.) seems to be getting slower and slower. I get the rainbow icon often now whereas before it was quite rare.
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