PowerPC :: Doing IMac G5 Post Repair?
Oct 3, 2007
So I have a 1st Gen G5 1.8 Ghz imac. I had a bad power supply and got it fixed under Apple's warranty extension. Since I had it fixed it runs way warmer than it used to. The fans are also always on. Any idea on why this is and what can be done to fix it?
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May 21, 2009
My lovely cat recently decided to walk around my desk while I was at work and knocked over my Imac, causing a large crack in the glass and the screen. I'm not technically capable enough to do the install of the screen/glass myself, but I was wondering what I should expect a repair from an Apple certified technician to run.
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Dec 6, 2010
I own a PowerMac G4, 1.25GHz. It came with no OS (donated by my local college to my high school and eventually given to me for my services in fixing this and the other 6 PowerMacs, and the 7 iMac G5s), so my IT teacher and I copied OS X 10.4.11 from one like it. That is currently my primary OS. We read online while thinking about upgrading his and mine Apple PCs to 10.5 Leopard, about the system requirements. They all line up [URL]:
- A Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or Power PC G4 (867 MHz or faster) processor
- 512 MB memory or more
- A DVD drive for installation
- 9 GB of available disk space or more
With a 1.25GHz PPC, 2Gb of RAM, and an 80Gb Seagate IDE HDD, I'm all set up, right? On Friday, before the end of the day, I copied OS X 10.5.7 Leopard from an iMac G5 w/ G5 iSight (late 2006 model). We plugged it into his iMac G5, runs like a charm. Plug it into the "test" G4 (exactly like mine, but only one Seagate 80Gb IDE HDD), and it took a while, but it booted. So today, I copied it to my blank Seagate 80Gb, assuming that it would boot like the LaCie External HDD did (yes, that worked too).
It finishes copying, I reboot, hold option, punch in the lock code, and Low AND Behold... No Seagate. Mac OS X 10.4.11. But no Mac OS X 10.5.7. Okay. So I boot back to Tiger and recopy. Try to open a couple programs, they work (Office 2008 Word, Dreamweaver CS3, and iTunes 9.2). No problem. Open System Preferences, choose Leopard as the initial boot device, reboot. Mac starts up, and I get the screen with the little folder that alternates between the question mark and the Finder icon.
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Feb 19, 2009
just wanted to see how these machines handle abuse. I don't plan on abusing mine, but I am thinking about giving my brother one, and he is careful, but sometimes slips. I know the aluminum bodies aren't that strong, I've bumped my 12" into my car door, and it got a dent. Now I'm very very careful with it. Anybody else got stories or pics?
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Feb 5, 2012
Which forum discusses issues with this combo?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), White color
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Feb 4, 2010
I was reluctant to update my 27inch i5 iMac with the new graphics card firmware update since I wasn't having any flickering issues. I finally caved in and did it thinking that nothing bad will happen, well of course something did. Ever since I updated it yesterday my computer makes a distinct and random popping sound from the speakers, it is soft but audible in my quiet room when I am working and it is driving me crazy.
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Jan 1, 2011
G4 won't boot. No startup chime. Power button light goes off right after I power it on. Fans go on and soon switch to high / fast mode.
Tried everything imaginable -- removing all cards, RAM swapping, PMU reset, bought a new 3.6v PMU battery... everything on this forum (I think) except buying a new power supply which I'm trying to avoid.
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Mar 21, 2006
Okay, basically, I've had my PowerBook for a little over 2 years. Over the last few months, it's been incredibly slow. For example, I can only load one or two tabs at a time in Safari before the 'rainbow spinning wheel of death' appears, and takes a couple of minutes to leave, and load the page. This type of thing happens across the board, on pretty much all applications.
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Jul 5, 2007
My PowerBook 1.67 was having a screen issue (ever-present but mobile black spot about the size of a dime). I sent it back Apple and tracked the repair process. According to their repair status updates, within an hour of receiving the PB on Tuesday, is was on its way back to me. I should receive it late today or tomorrow.
Was just wondering if anyone else had this issue in the past and if Apple just replaced the screen. If so, was it new or refurbished, and how can you tell. Any odds that I've been upgraded to a MBP?
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Dec 11, 2007
I know it's a strange questions but my mother's powerbook G4 1.5ghz just suffered from the infamous lower ram slot failure and does not fall within the warranty extension program. However, she has VISA performance guarantee and if the repair is going to cost too much, they will most likely offer to replace the computer with a new equivalent one.
This particular issue, apparently, is not really fixable and people who have their logic boards replaced often experience the same problem again later down the road. Since VISA has a no lemon policy and will replace automatically after three repairs, I figure it's better to save my mother the considerable hassle of having to send it in on multiple occasions...
So: I'm I want to find the most expensive authorized apple repair shop. Any 'good' suggestions?
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Sep 8, 2008
My neighbor's 3 year old iMac G5 (iSight) recently developed the all-too-common lines problem. She took it to the genius bar and they told her it would be $760 to fix. This was rubbish, so I set her up with an external monitor until I could figure something else out.Today, I decided to call Apple and try my luck at getting them to repair it for her. The first person I talked to told me to take it to the genius bar, so I asked politely to speak to his supervisor. At first, he tried to tell me about the repair extension program for the power issue, which this computer was not eligible for, though the serial number was close. He thought the problem was related to that. I told him several times that it was not related in any way. I then explained to him that I felt Apple should fix the screen free of charge because it was a defective product. He then said "I'm going to have to say no. You've used the computer for almost three years, I don't see how that is defective" I countered back by saying that it was not an isolated issue and that hundreds of people are having the same problem with their computers in the same serial number range.
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Feb 9, 2009
how to Repair a Powerbook G4 17" case?
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Jun 10, 2010
I have an iMac G5 that I have previously had both the HDD and logic board replaced by Apple. It has been giving me a lot of spinning beach balls lately and yesterday would spin when I did anything as simple as opening Safari. I had tried to repair the disk in Disk Utility, but it failed after a few minutes. Last night I restarted it and it got stuck on my desktop, but wasn't fully loaded. I restarted it with the Leopard disk and I tried both to "Verify" and "Repair" the disk and neither worked. This morning when I tried it again, the only option available was "Verify Disk."
When I do this I get the attached message. It is an iPhone pic, so I apologize for the quality. I'd like to get this figured out ASAP, as we are moving out of state tomorrow! My other thought was I could try to boot with the Leopard disk and do a Time Machine restore. I'm not sure if that would help though. I don't have anything TOO important on the internal HDD, but I would like the chance to pull it out and hook it up to another computer to sift through it. I'm afraid if I do the Time Machine restore something might happen and I won't have the chance to go through the HDD.
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May 26, 2009
I have two iBooks with bad logic boards, which may or may not be caused by the GPU issue that so many G3s suffer from.
So I was on ebay looking for logic boards and I came across a couple of postings for logic board repair. It sounded like most of them will just resolder the points on the GPU, if thats the problem you have, if not they tell you they can't fix it and charge you nothing, or so their ad says.
The deal is you pay $50 over paypal, ship the computer cross country, they do the work ship it back and voila...
Has anyone ever done this? Is it a scam?
Sure paypal can protect my $50, but if I ship them the computer I may never see it again. Even though it's busted it's worth something...
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Dec 21, 2007
First the question, then the story:
Does anyone suspect that a dead hard drive in a 20" iMac G5 could somehow be related to the component failure described in the iMac G5 Repair Extension Program offered by Apple?
Although the article does not list hard drive failure as one of the symptoms caused by this component failure, I am still concerned that it could possibly be related, based on the fact that it was purchased during the date range specified, and the serial number falls within the range specified.
So here's the story: A short while back, the iMac suddenly stopped booting. It only got as far as a gray screen with a small folder image in the center, alternating between a question (?) mark and the Mac Finder face. After asking around and checking a few forums, the ultimate consensus was that it was unable to detect the hard drive. So I took it to a Genius Bar; the fellow who was helping me tested the startup, then took out the hard drive and put it in an enclosure to test it, and concluded that the hard drive is dead. He pointed out that, even in the enclosure, it had no power at all; the only solution would be to buy a new hard drive.
I did some more online searching after coming home, and found quite a few forums discussing the above warranty extension, several of which cited the logic board as the problem component referenced in the article from Apple, and that there were bad caps in these models that were overheating. Sadly, I don't really know what any of that means... But should I be hesitant to simply replace the hard drive, for fear that the same thing could happen again? And does the fact that the article references power issues, combined with the fact that the Mac Genius told me that there was no power in the hard drive, mean that it could perhaps be related? Do I have a case to try and pursue the extension repair?
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Sep 26, 2009
I have a MDD quicksilver with a bad power supply. I have done some research and have found that the MDD psu does fail more than most. One of the biggest problem is cost. As most of you know replacements run $125 and up What I would like to know is has any one found out what actually goes wrong in these psu's? With the amount that have failed I would guess it is a few components that are commonly going bad on each unit. If I cant figure out whats wrong with the unit, maybe a replacement? I have seen the standard atx power supply mod for the mdd but I was thinking something along the lines of the same form factor as the factory psu. the guts could fit in the factory psu enclosure with rewired new 24pin plug. Again I am just throwing this out there maybe some one all ready did this.
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Jul 17, 2009
So so annoyed right now. Today my 12" G4 powerbook started to become slow, lots of spinning wheel, delayed menus etc. I checked file permissions, rebooted and it just kept on getting slower. Eventually it wouldn't get past the white apple screen.
I booted off the Tiger DVD and ran disk utility to fix and repair permissions again. It wouldn't let me repair the disk as I kept getting this error:
'Repair volume failed with error could not unmount disk'
I had to reboot again, and eventually my hard disk no longer appears in Disk Utility. I tried to boot into safe mode and get this:
'"I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus
I0ATAController device blocking bus"
So now I pretty much can't do anything with it. Failed Hard Drive?
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Aug 18, 2010
My 20 inch iMac (g5) won't boot.
The chime plays, screen lights up but goes dark again and nothing more happens.
I can hear that the dvd rom is powered (the little eject thingy plays as always) and the HD spins up.
So far I've reset SMU and PRAM (yes it does the rebooting and plays chime again).
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Oct 23, 2009
Ok I got my new 21.5 inch but every time it boots up, it takes 45 seconds on a white screen then another 30 after the apple appears.
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Oct 9, 2009
My MBP recently had a bunch of problems with the logic board and speakers. I brought it into the Apple Store (on Monday) and they gave me the option of them sending it into a repair center, or them repairing it locally in store. I requested that they sent out just because I was curious to see how long it would take. To my surprise, my MBP arrived, fixed and as good as new on my doorstep today. That's amazingly fast for sending it out to a offsite repair center. The repair center is in Philadelphia. I live in Maine. You do the math. When I've had things repaired locally in the Apple Store it's taken weeks to repair instead of days because they need to order the parts.
Anyways, the point of this thread was to suggest to people that they choose the offsite repair option. It's amazingly fast, and it saved me a trip to the Apple Store (they shipped my MBP directly to my house).
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Feb 27, 2010
Recently got a week 8 x4 i7 27" iMac. When running Windows 7 x64, sometimes randomly the screen will fill with pink squares and just freeze and shutdown. It looks like a graphics problem but I could be wrong.
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Jun 4, 2014
I just got a new Imac last week. When I try to go into Command + R the repair mode it looks like it changed to a reinstallation mode which is what I don't want. Is there another way to run disk permissions or disk repair in Mavericks?
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Mar 28, 2010
I have my pbook g4 in target disk mode and I am trying to make a superduper backup but I get "Error starting permissions repair for disk1s3 Powerbook-G4-#1: Operation not supported for the Mac OS X version on the targeted disk (-9950)".
Disk utility doesn't have repair permissions enabled. So, I 've only done a repair disk on the target disk which a journaled hfs+.
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Jun 17, 2010
I've got two iMacs in my posession currently from getting replacement machines. Both have screen issues as follows: iMac A - dead & stuck pixels, feint grey horizontal bar running along bottom portion of screen, bottom left corner has noticeable backlight bleed. iMac B - dead & stuck pixels, yellow tinge in bottom portion of screen. So here are my questions. Which iMac should I keep and submit for repair? (does it matter and why or why not?) How does the actual repair get done? For example, if I submit iMac B for repair, could I end up with a grey bar or backlight prob like in iMac A?
Are there multiple layers to the display when they fix specific issues? For example, let's say the dead pixels are on one layer while the yellow tinge is on a different layer, or are both issues on the same layer? I ask because if there are two or more separate layers, there is more of a chance to mess up so I may want to submit the iMac that has the least amount of issues.
Lastly and most importantly, has anyone submitted their iMac for screen repair for these issues and got it back 100% repaired? (no dead/stuck pixels, yellowing, grey bar, backlght bleed) These are #4 and #5 in terms of the number of replacements I've gotten now and I'm sick of it so I may opt to go for repair on either of these existing machines instead of going for replacement #6. But do you think a 6th replacement would be better than going for repair on either of these? Or not?
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Apr 2, 2010
I took my late 2007 macbook in because the case was cracked. I read that this was a known issue and they would repair for free.(I had no warranty) also my battery was expanding and bloated, so much that it will no longer fit in my comp.
When I took it in, the tech said that my bottom case was cracked and he said that wasn't part of the known issue. He said it was caused by accidental damage (it was cracked clean through, so much so that it could be physically separated from the comp.(I informed him that the comp had never been dropped or damaged in anyway, he apparently didn't believe me but said he would see what he could do.
Anyway, he said he could fix the top case ( but they would not fix the bottom case)and give me a new battery although he had never seen a battery with the problem that mine had. He said it was probably expanded cells. I agreed to that as something is better than nothing but then, I asked him if the battery expanding could have caused the bottom case to crack since it was cracked near the battery compartment but on the side of the comp. After he tinkered around for a bit with the battery and the cracked part, he said he wasn't sure but he would send it in for repairs and I would not be charged.
First he said he would quote me a repair price and I told him that I had no intentions of paying for anything. After several instances of him running to the back to talk to people, he agreed to send it in. On the repair form it is listed as tier 4 accidental damage and I know that the tier 4 comes with a hefty charge for repair. Anyway, I am out of town and my comp is scheduled to be returned to me today. I dropped it off at the apple store on the 30th, it was received by the repair center on the 1st, repaired today( the second) and shipped back to me today and scheduled to be delivered today as well.
I was trying to find out if they actually repaired the bottom case or not as I will not be home to receive my comp until next week sometime. The repair form also said call if additional repairs are needed to quote a price. I have not received any calls at this number and do not know if they left any messages on my home phone. The repair turnaround seems rather quick and I was just wondering if they actually repaired it or sent in back in the same condition.
Apple support has no details of the actual repair just the time it was received, repaired and sent back to me. Also will they just leave it outside because no one is home to receive it?
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Feb 4, 2012
Every-time I repair permissions using the disk utility it says that the permissions are repaired, but then I click to verify permissions and it is all as it was before... What can I do?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 13, 2009
I've had my 8 core mac pro for a bit over a year now, and it's been a great little box---til now. I live in a fairly humid climate, so I've always pretty much left electronic things on most of the time--they seem to like it. However, over Xmas, I took a trip, and turned all my gear off. When I returned, I pressed the button to start my mac pro---nothing, nada, like it was unplugged still. Being an OK troubleshooter, I started by making sure cables were ok etc. Did a search to find if anyone else had a problem. Then, I looked up how to reset the SMC. Up until the 8 core, there was a button. No more on the Mac Pro 8 core. They said unplug for 15 seconds to reset. No joy there. I had determined to take it to a shop, and decided to try one last time before I put it in, a couple of days later. Voila! It booted. Until the beginning of this week. While I was out, there was a short power failure, and it started the same thing.
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Aug 29, 2009
Pre Snow Leopard I ran around 65~ processes
Post Snow Leopard, 63 processes
Take in account about 5-10 processes are my own. I thought SL removed a lot of useless processes. I will try a clean install and report back later.
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May 12, 2010
Prior to installation, I made sure to backup my computer using Time Machine (several copies) and updated all pertinent software. I even made sure to repair/verify disks.
Installation went fairly smoothly with the exception of recovering my Itunes music library (which I eventually figured out).
Herein lies the issue. Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, I have a /library as well as a /library(from old mac). I'm not sure if this is pertinent to my current issue. There are a handful of apps that I simply cannot run anymore. I checked if these were compatible for 10.6 and apparent they are.
Ventrilo is a commonly used program which I can now only open via Terminal. With today's release of Steam, I downloaded the client only to see no response whatsoever when I click on it.
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Aug 27, 2010
I'm at the point that I am finally needing to upgrade from my old 15" MBP (1,1), and will be jumping to a 13" MBP base model. I know Apple is currently running the promotion with the (up to) $199 MIR with an iPod purchase, but my trusty 160GB Classic is doing a marvelous job as is, so the iPod is relatively frivolous for me at the moment.
The question is whether or not there's a perk to buying now and just selling off an iPod brand new (aka bigger MBP discount), or if they run some different promotion after the current one lapses on the 7th that I might have an interest in. I'd scour my memory to recall if they do any other fall promotions (but it rarely remembers these sales, been nearly four years since I bought my last Mac), and searching has been fruitless (or I'm just using ill-formed queries). In any case, my purchase isn't terribly time-crucial (in the short term), but I'm certainly not waiting until Nov/Dec to pick one up. Does anyone recall if Apple traditionally does some other sort of promotion after the typical "rake in all the college students and give 'em free iPods to clean house" at the start of the school season?
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