MacBook Pro :: How Much Processing Power Necessary For System
Mar 23, 2010
I am considering getting a used MB Pro for editing home movies. OK, its not Final Cut Pro stuff, but this will be the most demanding thing I use the computer for. In the past I have used iMovieHD and iDVD to make movies on my 12" PB G4 with a 1.25 GHz processor and 1.5 GB of RAM and ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 with 64 MB or 128 MB (not sure which). This has worked fine, but I can tell its a little slow. I certainly can't plan on doing anything else at the same time.
But, now the previous generation MB Pros are going for $1000 (used or refurb) on eBay and I am considering getting something like a 2.4 GHz / 2 - 4 GB with a 256 or 512 MB Nvidia 8600 graphics card.
FInally my MacPro+Cinema Display arrived today, yet I have a small question regarding Windows. What is the best Windows operating system to fully take advantage of the MacPro processing power? I really need to be using Windows at least until January/February. The only software I use there is Rhinoceros and Maxwell Render. So I really need that the OS takes fully advantage of the 8 cores of the MacPro, to enhance my rendering speed! Which do you think is best for me, only to use Maxwell Render and Rhinoceros: Windows Vista or Windows XP?! And what version should I search for?
When I begin the job, the CPU monitor indicates they are working hard, the fans come on and the machine gets hot...all indications it's doing the job.However - if I set it up to do the job overnight, when I come down in the morning the computer is asleep and stone cold, which suggests to me it has ceased processing the file. f I wake it up - it resumes processing, getting hot again and so on.So how can I ensure it continues the job overnight? I've tried setting ' Never go to sleep ' in system settings ( screen still set to go to sleep ). That doesn't seem to work. When I set it to ' Never go to sleep ' in system settings, do I need to restart to make the settings active ( if I restart I lose all the work on the CAD file done so far! ).
I wanted to ask for some advice on getting a new 15 inch MBP. I currently use a 2.2GHZ SR MBP with Anti Glare Screen. The computer works fine after a recent mother board change but I'm concerned about a future GPU failure. Applecare expires in June 2010. I was waiting for the refresh before buying and was wondering if I should go with the refurb 2.66GHZ MBP or a new i5 model. My priority is an anti glare screen and I notice that I would need to buy a high resolution screen in order to get that option on the new models. I'm not a power user and don't play games. My concern on the new model is that the text will be too small. How does the processing power compare on these two models and is the high resolution screen still readable for less than perfect eyes?
I've got a Mac mini (2, 1) 2 GHz, 2 GB of RAM. I installed this prefpane:
/Developer/Extras/PreferencePanes/ to get a look at what is going on, like in Activity Monitor in Windows.
I opened up the Processor Palette and did some basic tasks like going over the Dock, opening Dashboard, etc and found that, at time, those basic tasks used 50% of my processing power! Also the Time Machine GUI used 90%
The other day my friend gave me his old macbook saying that it was broken and would only turn on sometimes. I have had this computer for 2 days and it has never turned on yet. He kept the hard drive so the machine does not currently have one. He also could not find the Mac OSX install CD, so I don't have one either. The battery is fully charged (the lights on the bottom of it are all on) and the light on the adapter is green. When I push the power button, nothing happens. No lights, no noise, nothing. I called apple and they told me that without a hard drive, the only way to test it would be to boot off of the Mac OSX disk by holding "c" when the computer is booting. The problem is, 1, I don't have a disk, and 2, how am I supposed to hold the c key while the computer is booting if it will not turn on? I have tried everything it says on the apple website and have tried it with different ram, with and a usb hard drive plugged in.
office is upstairs so i bought a Macbook pro which i can use downstairs while watching tv or in the bedroom.... I bought my girlfriend a macbook for the same purpose.. I plan on buying a dell ultrasharp 24" monitor and keep it in the office that way either one of us can go and plug our laptops in and use it at the desk. I want to keep a power supply up there for both of us to use, can i buy a spare 85w power supply and will it be safe for her macbook?
I got a new macbook black that is not covered under warranty, the magsafe fried on it and it used to boot up but not charge the battery or show any signs of power from the magsafe so then I bought a new magsafe that connects to the logic board and replaced it and when I plugged the power adapter in it tried to turn on right away and then the fan spinned and the sleep light light up then it shut off right away and I didn't smell nothing from the macbook or logic board. The battery now charges and the light on the magsafe adapter lights up so I tried to turn it back on and it doesn't the same thing turns on and then right off just the fan spins and then the hdds spin lasts for like a sec or two. I tried to turn it on with the battery out and with just the battery in nothing swapped the RAM same thing went from two 1 gig sticks to 2 256mb sticks and then tried another two 2gig sticks same thing then I tried a different hdd and have the same thing happen? What I need to do to get this working and yes I tried a google search and every1 ended up taking it to apple and I cannot do that.
I've been experiencing the following problem with my late 2007 MacBook Pro: I can't use it on batteries. As soon as I disconnect power supply, it works for 10-15 minutes and switches off. Not sleeps, but suddenly turns off completely. The system battery indicator drops by about 10% (showing 85-90% battery charged), whereas 4 out of 5 LEDs are lit on the battery itself. After such a sunned switch-off, I'm not able to start again the laptop - it doesn't react on Power On button - like the battery wasn't inserted at all. Right after I plug on power supply back again, everything gets back to normal and I can use it normally, but still only if it's connected to the electricity.
Can I use both my Powermac G5 and my macbook together to theoretically render video at 4.0 GHz (2GHz each) My macbook is dying trying to render long vids in final cut.
Recently purchased a macbook air and facing frequent internet disconnection issue when the macbook goes to the power save. Once after the interrupt i found the internet connection was no longer alive.
Product description: Device: Macbook air Model No: A1465 OS: OSX version: 10.9.2
When I tried to buy a song two weeks ago, I got a weird message saying that my billing information has changed, and that I need to verify the changes. When I clicked verify (Discover card, BTW) iTunes says that credit card processing is temporarily unavailable. Does anyone know how I can correct this?
My MacBook Pro has crashed many times over the past month. It seems to happen when a lot of processing is going on. It happens when I have nothing external connected. It happens when different software is running. The easiest way for me to make it happen is to have multiple apps running, especially with some videos. It doesn't seem to matter which software is runing.
In 2012, I installed some 3rd-party RAM (Corsair 2x4GB). Everything has pretty much worked fine until now.
I have already reset the SMC.
Instead of installing OSX on an external drive, booting from that, and trying to make it crash, I'm thinking it might be easier to:Remove a stick of RAM and try to make it crash. If it does, switch it with the other stick and try to make it crash.
If it still crashes, then I guess I would make an image of my system drive, reinstall OSX and copy the image over (I'm not 100% how to do that exactly - I know how to get all my documents back, but I'm afraid I'd break a connection necessary for some programs [like Pro Tools] to work.)
Since I just took the plunge and purchased my first MBP, I certainly want to protect it. I've been looking at the Speck/Incase hard shells, but I hear they block access for the power adapter.
Sometimes when I try to turn on my power mac G5 don't work. I have already changed the inside battery and also trying to reset the pmu. The only thing that works always is to disconnect the power cord from the back some minutes.
Information: G5 Mac OS X (10.5.1) PowerPC G5 (2.2)
I've kept a PPC with system 7.5.1 around for reference to prior financial records.Now chose to wipe it clean, along with 3 external HDs.
Erased internal disc, then erased three external discs.
Maybe that is enough, but I recall that if financial and personal data is on a drive, the only way to insure it is not accessible is to overwrite the drive.
How can that be done with 7.5.1???
What I did do is use Silver Lining to also erase the HD and THEN set a password to both start and open the drives. Will that suffice? or what??
I have a PowerMac G5 dual 2.3 ghz w/ 1gb ram and a G4 Quicksilver with 2 internal ATA drives Internal drive specs : 2 IBM 180GB IDE/ATA-5 Deskstar 8MB 180GXP 7200 rpm There is also an ATA card that was installed to be able to run these drives in the G4 - don't have specs available right now. Is it physically possible to transfer these drives to the G5? Will I have to transfer the card also? Is it likely to cause any problems -compatibility , speed, etc? The drives are currently full of media - how risky is it to move them from one system to another?
Over the last few months I've noticed a trend with my dual 2GHz G5 at home, it often locks up and the fans go full-throttle. It sometimes happens when I'm using it and often when I leave it idling for a while. I've noticed that the CPU A and CPU B temperatures start around 120 degrees F when the machine is first powered up and steadily climbs to around 150. Is that normal? The dual 1.8GHz G5 I have at the office doesn't run hotter than 110 degrees. The fans haven't failed. Is there a coolant link? Is there anything I can do to diagnose this, or do I simply need to call AppleCare?
I have a G5 Dual 2.5 and the power light on the front (white) is lit but nothing happens when I press the power button. I was trying to reset the PRAM manually by pulling the battery and inplugging the unit because my startup shortcut keys were not working. I had seen it recommended to reset it by pulling the battery and reinstalling in other threads. I put the battery back after about 15 sec and plugged in back in. Now it wont start up.
Will a 600W power supply from a June 2004 dual 1.8 G5 be compatible with a dual 2.3 early 2005 system (450W)? Are the connectors any different? Will a bigger power supply overload the system? I know that the 600W June 04 power supply can be used with a dual 2.7 early 05 machine (600W) despite a rubber grommet that the 04 doesn't have.
I am brand new mac user, never used it before, I just got an older iMac and want to learn about it. I need help to know what's the newest system that can be installed on it.
its 500 MHZ power pc processor 30 GB Hard drive 512 Ram
I want the newest possible system so I can start on a newer system espicially since i am still a starter. Another question I have, do i have to purchase a cd to install a system or is it possible to download it from the internet?
ppc desktop using OS 10.5.8. purchased ilife '08 to get latest imovie, iphoto etc. package. system requirements on disk says 10.4.9 and up is required. when imovie is double clicked to open, dialog says imovie will not work on this system. iphoto, i dvd etc work ok. only imovie is a problem...