MacBook Pro :: Best Case Shell For System - Block Access For Power Adapter
May 8, 2010
Since I just took the plunge and purchased my first MBP, I certainly want to protect it. I've been looking at the Speck/Incase hard shells, but I hear they block access for the power adapter.
I just purchased a new 15inch Macbook Pro. Upon opening it, the first thing I did was drop my alarm clock on it. This put a little dent on the top front behind the screen. This made me realize that maybe I should pick up a hardshell case to prevent anymore dents. But, upon investigation, there are no hardshell cases that fit the magsafe cable.Or is this not true? Are there brands besides Speck and incase that would fit the new MBP?
Anyone know any sold sources for where to get a pink Speck Hard shell case? I've found a few websites that claim to have thembut they mostly ship from China and they give no timeframe when the item will arrive. I've checked eBay and craigslist. I found on on eBay, and I purchased it. And about a week later the seller refunded my payment with no explanation or reason and he won't return my emails. So again, if anyone knows a solid source for where to get a Speck, and Speck only
office is upstairs so i bought a Macbook pro which i can use downstairs while watching tv or in the bedroom.... I bought my girlfriend a macbook for the same purpose.. I plan on buying a dell ultrasharp 24" monitor and keep it in the office that way either one of us can go and plug our laptops in and use it at the desk. I want to keep a power supply up there for both of us to use, can i buy a spare 85w power supply and will it be safe for her macbook?
How can I block other people from logging into my email or information on my computer?I believe Someone has access to my email account and information on my macbook . Any safety features to keep people from logging on to my email address?
Will this have done any damage? The macbook pro was not powered up, but I had the the mac ac adapter plugged into a power strip with the magsafe adapter connected to the laptop, since I keep it plugged into ac all the time at my desk. The power strip was on while the power outage happened. I had the 3 prong extender cord of the magsafe plugged into the power strip. The power outage was due to a problem with some power lines in my neighborhood, not from a surge of overuse of fuses in my home, so my whole block was without power for about 2 hours.I did notice the power strip has always had 2 lights on; one red, not protected, & one green, grounded. The outlets in my room are only 2 prong, so I have a 2 to 3 prong adapter plugged into the wall that the power strip plugs into. I know this is not the best, but my house is a 1950's era house, & I do not have the knowledge & have safety concerns about trying to convert my bedroom outlets to 3 prong. I hope this did not cause damage to my macbook pro. Is there anything I need to do before powering the mac on to use the next time? besides convert my 2 prong outlet to 3 prong? will there be any static charge? this outage happened on a very hot & dry day in my area.
We have a company, approx 32 macs, Lion Server, IP addresses distributed via LinkSys router. Aside from Parent Control and going via Terminal,I would like to know if there is a simple way of blocking access to certain websites? Are there any new apps which provide (hidden or out of sight) control for blocking websites?
One forum is enough but it seems that I have allowed another forum to distract me from my duties. Is there a way I can block access to a site on my computer?
I recently discovered my computer had died while it was sleeping. I tried charging it but am recieving the "Battery not charging, power source: power adapter" status.My power cord light is green, always. and the computer dies instantly when I remove the magsafe.
I've tried the "remove the battery, press the power button, plug in the magsafe" troubleshooting process, but it doesn't work.I've noticed that even with the battery out, the charger reads a green light.I've tried several outlets with the same results.Here are my battery stats
Battery Information: Model Information: Serial Number: DP-ASMB016-384e-7636 Manufacturer: DP
Don't want to ask the Apple Store since they'll just tell me I can't, but can I use the 85W power adapter that came with the 15"MBP on the new Air with no damage? Ok, to use in a pinch?
Hmmm, how about the other way around (using a 45W power adapter on the 15"), I am thinking "no damage" just that it would take longer to re-charge?
I had an extra 45w power adapter in my office; which I used to use with my Macbook Air. So today, I mated it to my new i7 MBP15 and was expecting it not to work because of insufficient power. But it seems to work just fine.
Is there any harm in using the 45w power adapter at work and the 85w adapter on the roadhome? I'm assuming the 45w adapter just wont charge the battery as fast.
I need a new power adapter for our computers. We have an Air and a MacBookPro 15". Can I use one power adaptor for both computers without harming the smaller computer?
this might have been discussed before, but I just cannot find a threat about it: May I use my old 85W Brick of my older 15″ for the new unibody 13" Macbook Pro? The MacSafe Adapter certainly fits. But is ist safe to use it ?
I have a Macbook that is nearly three years old, and I'm on my second power cord. The first time I had trouble, the casing had melted off right next to the MagSafe part that plugs into the computer. I got another, and now it seems it won't charge at all. There is no apparent physical damage. At first, I could do a little jiggery pokery and if I got it in just the right place, it would charge. It seems that now even that is gone. I'm wondering if: 1. There is some obvious fix that I am missing, or 2. Where I can get an affordable replacement. I realised this makes it sound as if my current cord is brand new, that is not the case. It is about a year old.
My MacBook Pro is plugged in w/the power adapter, the green charging light is on, but my battery percentage is only showing 15% and is not increasing. It was actually at 60% this afternoon...went to 22% and now is @ 15%.
I just bought MacBook Air, because my MacBook Pro died... I need two magsafe power adapters (for work and home) and I was wondering whether I could use my old ones from my MacBook Pro? The watt is way off, though (85 W versus 45W).
Info: MacBook Air (13-INCH, MID 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
My 8 month old Macbook Air power adapter seems to have failed. It may appear to work (amber light glows when plugged in) for a while, but it stops working soon after.
While part of me is really hesitant (it feels a little OCD, kind of like the people who put plastic on their couches), my recent experience with the applecare people made me realize that if I had even dropped the macbook slightly, the warranty would be void! So I'm going to use an incase hard case not for cosmetic protection for me, but for financial protection of my warranty.
Just a quick question about my 13" MacBook Pro's 60W power adapter.The prongs have burnt, and I've noticed that sparks occasionally shoot out of the prongs when I plug the adapter into a wall outlet.Is this a known problem, and should I ask for a replacement adapter?
I've had the computer for over a year. It is currently insured with the Applecare. It seems like the adapter's cord is starting to show some normal wear-and-tear. It still works (i.e., still charging my computer), but I'm afraid that it will either rip or cause a short sometime. I've never dinged the charger. It just seems like the coiling made it come apart. See the picture below. Will Apple replace this under the warranty, or will I have to rake out $80 for a new one if this one gives way? image: [URL] I just got off the phone with an Apple rep, and he will be shipping me a new adapter. I'll just have to send him back the damaged one.
I i have a chipped power adapter and i'm not sure if it would be covered by my warranty. I'm not sure how it was chipped or for how long its been chipped but it could have been up to a week or more. The only way i can see that it was chipped is if my sister let the bunny out and it bit the wire.
I would like to know whether it is safe to, let's say, unplug the power adapter and then replugging it in like 20 seconds, for example, if I'm moving to a new room. Will it have a negative effect on the battery? I tried to search MRoogle but there are so many threads that it is literally impossible to find what you're looking for, sometimes.
I was very surprised and scared at the same time when I see my magsafe power cable frayed badly at one of the connections to the magsafe unit. I was very lucky to notice before sleeping, or else I would have ended up in a fire at my home. I was planning keep MBP for charging and go to sleep when I noticed this. But luckily I smelled burning and noticed that the frayed had part started blackening due to burning. I immediately disconnected it. See the pic below.
I use the charger as it is expected. Remove it from the solid plug and not cable. Actually I use all apple products with care and respect and I love them. But this incident broke my heart. I have so many presentations to give this week, how I am going to survive without my laptop is a big question. I just saw many people have had such problems, and I am hoping Apple customer care helps me out tomorrow morning. Only 14 minutes left on charging before my MBP dies. Apple help.
Strange thing is my power charger was just replaced 6 months ago for a different problem(it just stopped charging without any reason or visible damage, no fall nothing). And now after 6 months the new charger gave up with a frayed cable. I work as a Teaching Assistant and have so many presentations every week, this is a unnecessary trouble for me.