MacBook Pro :: 2007 -- Screen Goes Black Without Warning

Mar 30, 2012

My MacBook Pro from 2007 has recently been having a problem where the screen will go black without warning. It's been getting progressively worse, staying black for a few minutes, then staying black for many minutes, and now it can't be woken up (writing this on yet another computer!). I had a similar problem with an iBook from way back when, but can't remember whether I solved the problem by some series of keystrokes or by buying a new computer.  

I tried [Apple]+[Option]+[P]+[R] until it start-up chimed, then start-up chimed again. And I tried holding [SHIFT] while it rebooted. I can hear the volume increase and decrease popping-like sound and it reboots fine (as far as I can tell). This MacBook Pro runs Snow Lion (I think). 

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MacBook :: (2007) Screen Black After Restart?

Sep 11, 2010

I have a MacBook C2D 2GHz, 4gigs of ram from mid 2007. It has snow leo v. 10.6.4.

I cant remember when the problem appeared but maybe 6 months ago.

Every time the mac is rebootet or shutdown the screen goes black the sleep light stays on but I can hear the chime and cd drive make shot start up sound.

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MacBook :: 2007 Starts Up But The Screen Stays Black?

May 10, 2012

My 2007 MacBook is starting up and making all the right noises but the screen stays black - looking on different forums it seems likely it is either the back light or the inverter that need fixing but in the meantime there is some things on there I need - I have an IMac as well and I have tried to connect the too so that I can view the macbook on the imac - I used a firewire cable and held down the t key on the macbook (but obviously couldn't see if it had worked) I then turned on the Imac and held the option key down but it only give me the IMac HD to start from and not the Macbook

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OS X :: IMac 2007 Aluminum RAM Installation - Get Black Screen With 2 Gig Stick

Sep 8, 2009

I bought my aluminum imac when it was released in late 2007. I had a 1 gigabyte stick up until now, but I decided to upgrade to 2x2 gigabyte sticks. When I took out the 1 stick and placed the new ones in, my computer would sound like it turned on, but the system really did not boot up. I have tried many configurations to see what the problem with the RAM is, and all I could figure out is that the computer will only boot up if the original 1 gig stick is in one slot. I checked both sticks with this, and they seem to register on my mac when I check the "About This Mac" section. Basically, I get a black screen if I use only a 2 gig stick, or both 2 gig sticks. I can have a maximum of 3 gigs so far, but I really would like all 4 that I paid for. I'm not so sure that it's a problem with the ram, especially because it is recognized by the system, but it can't boot up the system, so I am simply dumbfounded. Anyone have an idea what the problem is? I just recently installed Snow Leopard prior to getting the RAM if that has any importance.

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MacBook Air :: Goes Black / Gives Three Warning Signals

Aug 26, 2009

My MacBook Air went black and started giving out three warning beeps. How can I restart it?

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MacBook Pro :: Black Warning Triangle Appear Where My Photos Should Be

May 4, 2012

trying to move photos into files to place on a zip drive. All "events" have moved successfully except for 2 events that will not allow me to move them into a file.When I click on the event in iPhoto gallery, the photos appear at the bottom of my screen but a black screen with a triangle and exclaimation point appears where the enlarged photo should appear?

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Intel Mac :: 24" (mid 2007) Black Boot Screen, Fans Run Normal, HDD Spins, Optical Drive Spins?

Jun 15, 2012

So my girlfriend boss wanted me to fix her computer. So I brought it home turned it on, and it didnt chime but it booted to the gray screen with apple logo/ slashed circle/and folder with a "?" So I made a USB Mac OS x bootable drive (FLASH) held down alt (try using a windows keyboard its fun)  was able to select option and install a fresh copy. all seemed well was running really hot so I poped of the screen. HOLY MOLY! this thing is CAKED with dust, and I am not kidding it has literally piles of dust. So I ran updates, and did firmware updates. Turned it off for the night.  

The next morning I went to radio shack and got Dust remove spray, opened it up made sure I was carful taking off the screen, and blew the sucker out. now its NICE and CLEAN. then i made sure I plugged everything in and turned it on. Drive spun like normal, Optical checked for a CD, and fans are also running normally. but no chime, no nothing stays as silent as normal but doesnt budge, it is like it hangs.  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook :: (Black - Mid 2007) Won't Boot Up

Mar 31, 2009

A friend of mine ran into the most surprising thing when he booted up from his MacBook. Instead of seeing the Apple logo, he saw a question mark - ?.

I told him to try and boot from his Install Disc 1 and it managed to as the Apple logo along with the busy progress bar was shown. Then the usual language selection. I told him to select startup disk from the utilities menu and he said that all he could see is network startup and the Mac OS install disk. Even when he tried to repair disk, it said that it wasn't mounted.

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MacBook :: Adding RAM To Mid 2007 Black - Finding Best Brand

Jun 27, 2010

I'm trying to play counterstrike on this laptop and it doesn't seem like 1GB RAM is enough. I looked it up on apple and it says this macbook only supports up to 2GB RAM and comes with 1GB RAM (two 512MB). Do I need to purchase two 1GB RAM or just use one 2GB RAM? Also, is there any specific brands or models you guys can recommend me?

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OS X :: Black Box Warning On Shutting Down?

Feb 15, 2010

When I shut down last night before my Mac went off, I got a big black box in the middle of the screen telling me to hold down the power key for a few seconds in 4 different languages. Did that and Mac went off.

Never got that before, what is that?

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OS X :: Macbook Pro (2007) Black & White Horizontal Lines & Doesn't Boot Up?

Dec 18, 2009

There's some known documented issues concerning the Nvidia graphics chip in the particular model of macbook pro I have.

Basically when turning on the machine, the screen is filled with black & white horizontal strips like a piano keyboard, but thats it - it doesn't actually boot up fully at all, you cannot hear the hard drive running !

Would the hard drive have anything to do with this ?

I explained this to apple telephone support & they informed of the article



& stated that the symptoms were linked.

On taking the mac to an apple store they ran a special 'firmware' boot up 'test' using an instore ipod to determine if it was a faulty Nvidia chip, so as to prove to Nvidia, the company funding the repairs whether it is that to blame.

Because the machine didn't even boot up & complete the 'test' they couldn't say whether it was the graphics chip - so 'no free repair' under extended warranty & the final answer was as usual ' buy a new logic board' that will cure it !

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MacBook Pro :: Internet Jumps Back To Previous Screen Without Warning?

Apr 8, 2012

Within the last week I've noticed my internet is jumping back to the previous screen without warning. I will be on firefox looking at one screen and then all the sudden I am looking at the previous screen. It does it maybe every 10 minutes. I have a MacBook Pro that I only just got December 2011.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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2007 Macbook Pro Turns On But No Display On Screen

Jun 3, 2012

There is also no display when hooked up to external monitor. No display when started in safe mode. No display when started with PRAM reset either.

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Wipe Hard Drive - Computer Freezes After Warning - Stuck On Blue Screen After Reboot

Dec 14, 2010

I was using my Mac (Macbook Pro 15" screen) and tried opening a file in GarageBand, at which point a warning message came up saying something about a midi file and something not being allowed, and then froze, resulting in me having to switch the computer off from the power button and restarting (Sadly I didnt realise that this would be the start of a whole host of problems and didnt make a note of the warning message). After rebooting I got the 'stuck on the blue screen with the Apple logo and infinitly spinning wheel' problem that i've seen in a few posts. having tried numerous suggestions posted with no change I ended up taking it to the genius section of an Apple store. When i got it back they said that it may have been a corrupted file, and that they re-installed and reset the starting programs (Something along those lines, I cant quite remember). I can now get onto the computer and use it, though some new problems have arisen.......

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MacBook :: Late 2007 Apple "Core 2 Duo" 2.2 13" (Black-SR) 6GB Ram Upgrade?

May 10, 2012

I have a late 2007 Apple MacBook "Core 2 Duo" 2.2 13" (Black-SR), and I was wondering if you could provide me with some help if "Komputerbay 4GB DDR2 SODIMM (200 pin) 667Mhz PC2 5400 / PC2 5300 CL 5.0" is compatible with my macbook? I have read some articles around this area and have seen some people managed to fit 6GB in their Macbooks.  The reason I want to upgrade is because I think my laptop will fly away one day from me, it gets really hot and I think if I break an egg and placed it on top of macbook it will get cooked in less than 5 minutes !! 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: Apple Replaced My MB Late 2007 Screen

Jun 12, 2009

I took my Late 2007 Macbook to the Apple Store to have the screen checked out (there were random burn marks on the screen). They sent it out for repair and when I got it back I noticed the screen was awesomely bright!

Is there anyway to see if they used an LED backlight screen as the replacement? System profiler didn't tell me much.

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MacBook :: Late 2007 System Screen Options

May 17, 2010

I am hoping someone can offer some advice/help on a fresh issue happening with my Macbook (late 2007; OS 10.5.8; 2.2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo; 1GB memory).ll darkened/shaded areas on my display are lined in little red pixelations. It's especially bad in colored screen images/photos and the worst in videos (ie Youtube).I noticed the issue about 3 days ago (5/14), and attempted to do some different software updates. Nothing. I'm really lost. The tech guy at work (not a mac guy) said it could either be a video card problem or the display is failing. I know very little about these things, but I do know the computer is out of warranty.

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MacBook Pro :: 2007 Won't Get Past Grey Loading Screen?

Mar 23, 2012

I had been using my MBP running Snow Leopard to play movies and music through a TV/stereo and brought it with me when I moved to do the same, but now it won't start it.  I kept it asleep as I brought it on the plane, then when I got to my new apartment, it was frozen.  I shut it down, then tried to turn it back on but it get stuck in the grey loading screen with the Apple logo. 

I've tried starting in safe mode (it will bring up the safe mode loading bar, then that disappears and it gets stuck on the normal gray loading screen).I've also tried resetting the SMC and NVRAM. 

Then, I tried to start it up from a friend's OS X install disk (but it came with his MacBook from the same era, so idk if it only works for MB and not MBP), but that doesn't work either (selected it as the startup disk by holding Option when booting up, then selecting it.  It then goes to what it does normally except it will turn itself off instead of gettting stuck.) 

I don't know what else to do.  I'm assuming something is seriously broken.  I'm hoping it might just need a reinstall or maybe a new hard drive, which I could do if it's not too expensive.Â

Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6)

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MacBook :: 2007 Pro Won't Boot Spinning On Grey Screen

Apr 24, 2012

2007 MBP won't boot. Spinning on grey screen

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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Hardware :: Setting 1920x1080 Screen Resolution On 2007 Macbook

Jul 29, 2009

The resolution on the monitor is 1920 by 1080 and the resolution on my Macbook is 1920 by 1200. Will the Macbook automatically adjust to 1080 or will there be some stretching or otherwise bad quality to accommodate the difference?

I don't have to have the latest and greatest technology, but I do want something that will look nice. I really like the HP monitors for the money and was hoping to get something around this size. I just want to make sure this isn't going to screw up the resolution or anything.

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MacBook Pro :: Late 2007 15" Kernel Panics - Screen Flickering

Feb 5, 2010

Late 2007 MBP 15" kernel panics upon boot up and requires two /sbin/fsck -fy filesystem checks in single user mode/safe mode in order to get it to boot. Once you are at the login screen, it hangs after a bit/login and the screen starts flickering fast and visibly. There is also a faint visible "blotch/ink blot" like transparent area on the screen when it flickers (just to let you know, the screen looks FINE, no black blots (common for broken LCDs) and there does not appear to be any physical damage.

Anybody know what the heck might be going on? So far, I can already tell you that I DON'T KNOW if the machine was dropped or what the user did do to it (I'm only fixing it).

Also, during the fsck, I commonly get this: "Incorrect block count for" it should be 16 (or 17) which gets me scratching my noggin (googled it, not much that I was able to do to fix the machine though). Fsck fixes that, but upon the next reboot after the kernel panic, I get it again in fsck.

We called the machine but of course when it was not bought the AppleCare was not registered (even though we bought it for the user) so right now we're waiting for Apple to register it (had to fax the receipts/POs) which usually in my experience only took few minutes to complete before we can even take it to the store.

My questions are:

1.) What is going on.

2.) Hardware problem? Bad Logic Board/GPU? Hard drive going bad?

3.) Software issue? Reinstall OS X?

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Intel Mac :: Desktop Restart Shows Flickering Black/white Screen, Then Black

Feb 3, 2012

Desktop restart shows flickering black/white screen, then black. Could not restart.

iPad 2, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Does Screen Shift Sideways Without Warning

Mar 28, 2012

Since getting a new iMac with Lion, I have noticed that frequently the screen will shift sideways without warning, when the mouse has moved only slightly, and disappear. Sometimes there is an arrow in the lower righthand corner that allows retrieval of the lost screen, but not always. This causes particular problems when my son is doing schoolwork online -- sometimes the answers he had put down to questions will be gone when we retrieve the screen, or answers to matching-type questions will be scrambled. Is there a way to stop the screen shifting sideways?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: IMac Screen Went Black - Starts Up With Black Display

May 24, 2012

I came back from work to wake up my iMac. It made the noise but the screen stayed black. I tried restarting by holding the power button- I can hear it start and the chime but still have a black screen. I tried resetting the pram, and unplugging the cord but I still get a black screen. I can hear the chime though; I'm not sure if that means anything. I just had the hard drive replaced in February so I hope it's not that. just wanted to clarify that when I restart, I get the chime but the screen stays black- I don't get to the grey screen. So I'm assuming right now that my display may be shot?

iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To View Full Screen Mode / Second Screen Turns Black

Sep 16, 2009

So I have a DYNEX 21 inch HD TV conected up to my MBP via the VGA connection route. My problem is that when I want a program (or more specifically in this case a game) to go into fullscreen mode it automatically goes to my primary monitor and turns the other screen black. I know I can switch the primary monitor from my actual laptop screen to the TV however I just want the game to be full screen on the TV while still having access to my dock and everything on my laptop.

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MacBook Pro :: Faint Mark Of Light Color On Black Screen / Nothing Visible When Screen Is Off

Jan 4, 2010

I have a problem with my screen - when there is something black on, I can see a faint mark of a lighter colour. I have tried to take a picture, please excuse the poor quality. There is nothing visible when the screen is off, even under close examination. Is it less visible when lighter things are on the screen, and invisible when the screen is white.

No drops or liquid spills. Will this go away on it's own? Any fixes?

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MacBook Pro :: Why Does Screen Go Black Every Time Move Mouse To The Lower-left Hand Corner Of The Screen

May 5, 2012

I've had my mac for about three years now and everything was working fine. After I installed lion, I notice that this started to happen. I don't lose any of my information though when it does that. It just goes into a sleep mode I guess? Anyways, is this a feature from the lion update? Something standard?

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1

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MacBook Pro :: Just Has A Black Screen With A Small Coloured Circle On The Right Of The Screen

Mar 27, 2012

My macbook pro just has a black screen with a small coloured circle on the right of the screen.  It is frozen and wont respond to turning it off or on.  It is plugged into mains power.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Is Black Does Not Want To Exit Screen Saver Mode?

Jun 2, 2012

When my MacBook Pro 13" i5 goes into screen saver mode, which is black, it won't return to normal mode. Tried all keys, trac pad, closing the lip and re-opening it,  and it won't respond. The only thing that works is holding down power button for hard shutdown, then restarting it. It has happened 8 times in the last 2 weeks.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Black Screen With Curser That Can Be Controlled With No Startup Screen

Jun 3, 2014

After an update(I think) I can no longer get into my computer.  When turned on I get the apple logo then a grey screen that turns to black but the curser is active .  Then there is no more progress to the startup screen

MacBook Pro, iOS 7.1.1

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