OS X V10.7 Lion :: Why Does Screen Shift Sideways Without Warning
Mar 28, 2012
Since getting a new iMac with Lion, I have noticed that frequently the screen will shift sideways without warning, when the mouse has moved only slightly, and disappear. Sometimes there is an arrow in the lower righthand corner that allows retrieval of the lost screen, but not always. This causes particular problems when my son is doing schoolwork online -- sometimes the answers he had put down to questions will be gone when we retrieve the screen, or answers to matching-type questions will be scrambled. Is there a way to stop the screen shifting sideways?
lateral swipes on my magic mouse or trackpad now cause sceens to move sideways, loading other screens into the monitor's viewing area. How do I turn this off?
For some reason the function keys on my mac book changed, I restored them and now the shift keys have the function of showing the desktop and all windows.
I there a way I can restore the original function?
I am stuck with a Windows computer, and am desperatly trying to find out how to do a screencapture. I am familiar with both alt/shift + prtScreen, but if there is someway to size a screencapture without having to go through Paint or similar,
My iMac was performing ver slowly so I restarted. After that cannot get passed the grey screen.I tried holding the shift button down to go into safe mode but a kernel screen starts ( black and dos type commands appear)
I was testing out the MBA 13" and 11" again. My main goal was to see how much faster Flash & SSD are in comparison to HDD. It's so fast at restarting and booting. However I noticed something strange. Both units had darker tint towards the edge of the screens. I know colour shift happens with TN panels, but not like this?
My MacBook Pro from 2007 has recently been having a problem where the screen will go black without warning. It's been getting progressively worse, staying black for a few minutes, then staying black for many minutes, and now it can't be woken up (writing this on yet another computer!). I had a similar problem with an iBook from way back when, but can't remember whether I solved the problem by some series of keystrokes or by buying a new computer. Â
I tried [Apple]+[Option]+[P]+[R] until it start-up chimed, then start-up chimed again. And I tried holding [SHIFT] while it rebooted. I can hear the volume increase and decrease popping-like sound and it reboots fine (as far as I can tell). This MacBook Pro runs Snow Lion (I think).Â
Within the last week I've noticed my internet is jumping back to the previous screen without warning. I will be on firefox looking at one screen and then all the sudden I am looking at the previous screen. It does it maybe every 10 minutes. I have a MacBook Pro that I only just got December 2011.
Recently, Microsoft Word 2011 failed to open and showed the message, "Microsoft Word has encountered a problem and needs to close." I followed troubleshooting instructions on the Microsoft website. Nothing cured the problem, but creating a new user account did enable Word 2011 to open normally. That seemed to imply that "a corrupt user account" was causing the problem. I could not find any instructions about how to repair that, but at some point I came across the suggestion to "hold the shift key down and click on the Word icon in the dock." I did this and Word opened normally in my account. After this, Word opened normally without holding down the shift key. Apparently this fixed the problem.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)hold the shift key down and click on the Word icon in the dock.
For some reason in the default view (icon) in Finder I can't select multiple files when I click one, hold down the shift key and click a file farther down in the list. In Windows this would select all the files between the first and the second including both. In OSX 10.7.3 it only selects the first file and the second file as if I held down the Command key.
One of my friends who uses 10.6.x says it works as expected on his machine --- any idea what my issue might be? It's not because of the recent update since it did the same thing in 10.7.2 (not sure if it did it on the default 10.7.0 install my iMac came with as I updated before I used it for the first time).
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I was using my macbook pro and suddenly it started crashing... I tried to restart it but it would take too much time, so i pushed the power button and powered it off. When i started my mac i got a kernel panic. *** is going on ? I restarted it 7 times, tried to enter safe mode holding the shift key but nothing
So I use Preview for taking notes in class. I just add text boxes on top of the slides and save it afterwards. It usually works great. But the last few PDFs, even though I type all the text correctly and save it before I close, I will reopen the PDF document later to find that every text box throughout the document has been turned sideways! It's really annoying to have to go back and individually turn the boxes right side up (if I just enlarge the textbox a little, the words align correctly). I'm using a MacBook Pro (pretty new) with Lion OS.
I was using my Mac (Macbook Pro 15" screen) and tried opening a file in GarageBand, at which point a warning message came up saying something about a midi file and something not being allowed, and then froze, resulting in me having to switch the computer off from the power button and restarting (Sadly I didnt realise that this would be the start of a whole host of problems and didnt make a note of the warning message). After rebooting I got the 'stuck on the blue screen with the Apple logo and infinitly spinning wheel' problem that i've seen in a few posts. having tried numerous suggestions posted with no change I ended up taking it to the genius section of an Apple store. When i got it back they said that it may have been a corrupted file, and that they re-installed and reset the starting programs (Something along those lines, I cant quite remember). I can now get onto the computer and use it, though some new problems have arisen.......
Since installing Snow Leopard everything appearing on my screen is widened to the sides, all photos are deformed, even the letters I use are wider. The suncircle indicating the computer is working, is oval formed, etc. It all happened since I upgrade Mac Os X Leopard to snow leopard. Who knows how to restore it to normal size?
I'm trying to Load a mp4 video file in Silverlight application.its working fine in windows platforms browsers; But in mac the same video is showing in sideways.but other mp4 files are loaded properly in MAC Safarii dont know wy that particular video file is showing in sideways in mac safari.
I am attempting to install MySQL on my iMac. I downloaded the DMG packages and instaled them, then the instructions I was following from this [URL]. It told me to install a mysql connector (I am new to all of this so I dont know what a mysql connector is). This did not have a DMG package available, so I downloaded the tar.gz as it was my only option. Following the instructions I opened terminal and entered the following command (as shown in image above): sudo pico /etc/my.cnf. I am concerned about the warning message - this is a work computer and I cannot afford to replace it if something gets screwed up.
I have been having intermittent trouble with my USB ports on my Early 2011 MBP 13" i7. One port was dead. This started when I upgraded to Lion from Snow Leopard. In order to see if the problem was with the installation of Lion, I cloned my drive with Lion 10.7.3 on it and then reinstalled Snow Leopard OS from the disks that came with the computer. The problem disappeared. I restored the clone of my drive with Lion on it and the problem did not occur again... right away. Now after a day of using the computer with the restored clone with Lion on it, the problem cropped up again, but not as bad as it was before. The port stopped working, but when I unplugged the device and plugged it in again, the port worked.
I am wondering if this could be a driver issue. I just happened to notice that iTunesHelper has a Yellow Warning triangle in the Login Items window in the Accounts System preferences. And Kind is listed as Unknown. In another MBP 13" I use at work, that has Lion 10.7.3 on it, iTunesHelper has Kind listed as Application with no yellow warning triangle.Is this something to be concerned about?
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MBP 13" i7 Early 2011
The scroll ball on my mighty mouse scrolls forward sideways but not back anymore, just happened right now too. Has this happened to anyone before and how do I fix this
For some reason, now when I delete or try to drag files/folders to trash, I get warning message 'This item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.' And the files do NOT go into trash. Same if I CMD delete. I noticed this when I emptied the Aperture trash, got a warning something about permissions and cannot empty some files. They disappeared from Aperture, but the referenced master files were still in the original folder on my HD.(So I relocated the masters I was keeping, then deleted the remaining, they did not go into the trash but were permanently deleted). I don't recall changing any settings!I checked in Finder > Preferences > Advanced > 'Empty trash securely' is NOT selected.
for Christmas I got my moms old macbook. It was some things that were wrong with it but she took it to get fixed at apple for like 500$ so Im sure she doesn't have warranty. The other day I was typing a report and it kept typing in capitals when I didn't have the caps lock on...I figured out that it was something with the shift key. I took it off, and that still didnt work. I haven't spilled anything on it at all. I take very good care of it also. Now I can't en log in because my password has numbers which only turn into symbols.
I purchased a late 2009 13" Macbook with 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB ram as a present for my son in college. He had problems last year and the top case and motherboard were replaced in early 2011; Recently his battery would not hold a charge and his hard drive failed. I replaced both and added more ram to speed it up - now at 8 GB)The right shift key does not work. I have checked universal access; speech-to-text features are off; checked keyboard - English is chosen; checked keyboard, shift key is not assigned to any function;Left shift key does work. Right shift key does work on an attached Logitech wireless keyboard. The key seems to press down okay, just will not capitalize any letters.
if caps lock is off, shift of course makes the letter you hit capital. However, if caps lock is on, and you hit shift, the letter is capital, not lowercase. In Windows it would be lowercase. Is my MacBook acting how is should?
I just found out how can I fine tune OS X's volume key (alt+shift+volume), and I'm wondering is there a way that I can remap it so that I won't have to hold down Alt+Shift each time I change my volume.
My right shift key has fallen off and the key is pressed and it won't release, so everytime I turn the MacBook on it goes into safe mode. The warranty on the Macbook is runout as well.
I can use command A to select all, and I can select multiple items with command and individually clicking each one, but not using Shift and clicking on the first and last items.
i found that my mac's "shift" key was kept being pressed.so i sent it to Apple,and they fixed it but after about 2 days of normal status,my mac become incredible slow.I cant even do my typing normally but this time i let a friend of mine to fix it, and he removed the ox system i had,repalced with XP the XP runs great but i didn't do much things in XP,cost i don't like it..so i turn my mac into OS system again then my mac runs normal but the whole things turned into a tragedy angain after i pressed "shift" mac become really slow ,and makes out big noise.I couldn't bear it , it's now the worst machine i have.does it still a hardware mistake with my "shift key".