MacBook :: Adding RAM To Mid 2007 Black - Finding Best Brand
Jun 27, 2010
I'm trying to play counterstrike on this laptop and it doesn't seem like 1GB RAM is enough. I looked it up on apple and it says this macbook only supports up to 2GB RAM and comes with 1GB RAM (two 512MB). Do I need to purchase two 1GB RAM or just use one 2GB RAM? Also, is there any specific brands or models you guys can recommend me?
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Jun 11, 2012
Can I add 2x2GB mem sticks in my 2Ghz Intel Core Duo MacBook (2007)? ie. 1x2GB mem stick per slot. Model Identifier: MacBook1,1Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Apr 18, 2009
I recently found some ram on ebay for $2.00 (2 512MB PC100 sticks for a buck each) but they are for Dell Poweredge.
My question is even though they are Dell Poweredge Ram ad since the specs for the RAM match that of the iMac G3, can I still use them in the iMac G3?
Here are the specs for the RAM:
Brand: Dell / Viking Components
Dell P/N: 6084D
Capacity: 512MB
512MB ECC PC100Mhz
Speed: PC-100MHz
Type: 168-Pin SDRAM
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Mar 31, 2009
A friend of mine ran into the most surprising thing when he booted up from his MacBook. Instead of seeing the Apple logo, he saw a question mark - ?.
I told him to try and boot from his Install Disc 1 and it managed to as the Apple logo along with the busy progress bar was shown. Then the usual language selection. I told him to select startup disk from the utilities menu and he said that all he could see is network startup and the Mac OS install disk. Even when he tried to repair disk, it said that it wasn't mounted.
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Sep 11, 2010
I have a MacBook C2D 2GHz, 4gigs of ram from mid 2007. It has snow leo v. 10.6.4.
I cant remember when the problem appeared but maybe 6 months ago.
Every time the mac is rebootet or shutdown the screen goes black the sleep light stays on but I can hear the chime and cd drive make shot start up sound.
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Mar 30, 2012
My MacBook Pro from 2007 has recently been having a problem where the screen will go black without warning. It's been getting progressively worse, staying black for a few minutes, then staying black for many minutes, and now it can't be woken up (writing this on yet another computer!). I had a similar problem with an iBook from way back when, but can't remember whether I solved the problem by some series of keystrokes or by buying a new computer. Â
I tried [Apple]+[Option]+[P]+[R] until it start-up chimed, then start-up chimed again. And I tried holding [SHIFT] while it rebooted. I can hear the volume increase and decrease popping-like sound and it reboots fine (as far as I can tell). This MacBook Pro runs Snow Lion (I think).Â
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May 10, 2012
My 2007 MacBook is starting up and making all the right noises but the screen stays black - looking on different forums it seems likely it is either the back light or the inverter that need fixing but in the meantime there is some things on there I need - I have an IMac as well and I have tried to connect the too so that I can view the macbook on the imac - I used a firewire cable and held down the t key on the macbook (but obviously couldn't see if it had worked) I then turned on the Imac and held the option key down but it only give me the IMac HD to start from and not the Macbook
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Dec 18, 2009
There's some known documented issues concerning the Nvidia graphics chip in the particular model of macbook pro I have.
Basically when turning on the machine, the screen is filled with black & white horizontal strips like a piano keyboard, but thats it - it doesn't actually boot up fully at all, you cannot hear the hard drive running !
Would the hard drive have anything to do with this ?
I explained this to apple telephone support & they informed of the article
& stated that the symptoms were linked.
On taking the mac to an apple store they ran a special 'firmware' boot up 'test' using an instore ipod to determine if it was a faulty Nvidia chip, so as to prove to Nvidia, the company funding the repairs whether it is that to blame.
Because the machine didn't even boot up & complete the 'test' they couldn't say whether it was the graphics chip - so 'no free repair' under extended warranty & the final answer was as usual ' buy a new logic board' that will cure it !
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Mar 29, 2009
*Apple officially supports 2 GB of RAM, but third-parties have been "unofficially" able to upgrade it to 3 GB or 4 GB of RAM (it can hold 4 GB but cannot fully utilize the memory beyond 3 GB).
Im thinking about adding that 2gb ram to make it 3gb. but i want to know what are the problems that i may face. Would i be void of apple warranty if anything happens?
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Jan 21, 2010
I have a 2007 Macbook Pro and I just downloaded the new 3.1 boot camp drivers for it, so I can install them in Windows 7.
I've tried running the installer as Administrator but the installation procedure doesn't start and Windows comes up with a message saying that it didn't install correctly.
Whats the trick to getting things to work? I already had to rebuild the Windows 7 install ISO to get past the EFI issues, so I'm wondering whether my machine is not supported.
Presently, I'm using the drivers from my Snow Leopard install DVD which I had to decompress and install one by one. Everything but the track pad seems to be working OK, but it would be nice to get that last thing working.
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Jul 2, 2012
just came home from Apple Store today with new computer and superdrive, which is not showing up when plugged in. When I put a CD in it reads it for a few seconds then spits it out. I am on the road so getting to an Apple Store will not be easy for the next week.
MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 23, 2010
I recently purchased the new mac mini from Best Buy: [URL] Unfortunately they had no option to upgrade the units RAM, so for now I am stuck with the standard 2gb.
My question to you would be my best option out there for cheap RAM. My preference would be either a single 4gb stick or to 4gb sticks to get me to 8gb. In full I am looking to spend no more than $300 dollars, but want to have the best performance possible. Unfortunately the Apple branded RAM is a little too steep for me at this time: [URL](8gb in particular), and I would hate to get two 2gb sticks and have to re-purchase everything again when I decide to go to 8gb in the future.
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Nov 30, 2006
Does anyone know the Brand or product number for the hardrive in a 15" powerbook 1.25ghz?
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Sep 8, 2009
I bought my aluminum imac when it was released in late 2007. I had a 1 gigabyte stick up until now, but I decided to upgrade to 2x2 gigabyte sticks. When I took out the 1 stick and placed the new ones in, my computer would sound like it turned on, but the system really did not boot up. I have tried many configurations to see what the problem with the RAM is, and all I could figure out is that the computer will only boot up if the original 1 gig stick is in one slot. I checked both sticks with this, and they seem to register on my mac when I check the "About This Mac" section. Basically, I get a black screen if I use only a 2 gig stick, or both 2 gig sticks. I can have a maximum of 3 gigs so far, but I really would like all 4 that I paid for. I'm not so sure that it's a problem with the ram, especially because it is recognized by the system, but it can't boot up the system, so I am simply dumbfounded. Anyone have an idea what the problem is? I just recently installed Snow Leopard prior to getting the RAM if that has any importance.
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Mar 9, 2009
Apple states that the new 2009 RAID card "Requires Mac Pro (early 2009) and Mac OS X v10.5.6 or later." Why? Is there any reason it won't work in an older Mac Pro (2007)? Aside from the increase in cache size (256MB-->512MB) what is the difference?
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Dec 6, 2009
I have an .mpg file I would like to trim. just the last 5 seconds. ideally, then I'd like to add a fadeout to black. what freeware editor apps might I use for this quick and dirty work?
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May 10, 2012
I have a late 2007 Apple MacBook "Core 2 Duo" 2.2 13" (Black-SR), and I was wondering if you could provide me with some help if "Komputerbay 4GB DDR2 SODIMM (200 pin) 667Mhz PC2 5400 / PC2 5300 CL 5.0" is compatible with my macbook? I have read some articles around this area and have seen some people managed to fit 6GB in their Macbooks.  The reason I want to upgrade is because I think my laptop will fly away one day from me, it gets really hot and I think if I break an egg and placed it on top of macbook it will get cooked in less than 5 minutes !!Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 21, 2010
So at my new job they use Exchange Server 2007 for mail and calendars, and supposedly I should be able to view other people's calendars, but I can't find any way to do this in iCal.
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Aug 19, 2010
I recently bought an used iMac (was purchased new in feburary 2009) in which I knew the screen was not showing any video when I bought it. ( I was okay with that I thought I'd give it a go at fixing) well the problem seems to be within the LCD itself. When I hit the power button I hear the chime, fan spins, and the hard drive does it's thing. I ended up taking the casing off the iMac to where it only shows the bottom half of the insides underneath the LCD. My question is now to diagnose what exactly is wrong with it by using the 4 led lights. I have searched the forums and the Internet up and down for which ones mean what but I have only found out information on older iMacs. When my iMac is off (still plugged in) LED 1 is on. When I turn the iMac on LED 1,2, and 3 are green. Which that leaves the 4th LED not being lit up at all. I suspect this has something to do with the iMac not showing any video but as I said I am not sure because I cannot find any information on it anywhere.
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Oct 12, 2009
i own a black macbook.
my current drive is FUJITSU MHY2250BH which came with the macbook.
I need a biggeer drive, the biggest possible, and I would like 7200rpm as i do alot of audio intensive work etc and really push the laptop.
i found a 500gb fujitsu, but the dimensions are slightly diff to my current drive.
should i make sure the dimensions are exactly the same? eg to the millimetre??
i just want to know about what specs to watch out for.
i live in uk, so dont really want to buy from a usa retailer.
also, would i be able to use my current drive as an external drive? how could i plug it into macbook? an enclousre? or just a wire?
i also have a bootcamp partition currently.
would the new drive be a simple change over? ie. no need to reinstall any app or boot camp from scratch again? i think i read that we can just use a time machine back up to put my current macbook drive state onto the new drive.
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Jun 15, 2012
So my girlfriend boss wanted me to fix her computer. So I brought it home turned it on, and it didnt chime but it booted to the gray screen with apple logo/ slashed circle/and folder with a "?" So I made a USB Mac OS x bootable drive (FLASH) held down alt (try using a windows keyboard its fun) was able to select option and install a fresh copy. all seemed well was running really hot so I poped of the screen. HOLY MOLY! this thing is CAKED with dust, and I am not kidding it has literally piles of dust. So I ran updates, and did firmware updates. Turned it off for the night. Â
The next morning I went to radio shack and got Dust remove spray, opened it up made sure I was carful taking off the screen, and blew the sucker out. now its NICE and CLEAN. then i made sure I plugged everything in and turned it on. Drive spun like normal, Optical checked for a CD, and fans are also running normally. but no chime, no nothing stays as silent as normal but doesnt budge, it is like it hangs. Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jul 6, 2010
This is my first post and I've a couple of questions and did searched for it on the internet but unfortunate ...For my study Multimedia designer, I am planning to get a Mac Pro but my school wants us to get a D*ll V laptop, windows 7 with these software:Adobe CS4 Master CollectioMicrosoft Office Enterprise 2007Microsoft Office Project Professional 2007I didn't choose for this D*LL laptop because its a 17,3" one and with my schoolbooks and etc in my bag, it would be pretty heavy for me.I hope that someone in this forum knows the answers on my questions and I really appreciate your help cos I even asked my friends and family about it but unfortunate, no luck so far
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Nov 4, 2009
is there just a quick program that can make a picture turn black n white. im not looking for a program ...thx
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Mar 2, 2009
As the title states. I am looking for an external display that matches the display on my black MacBook. I want one with the same gloss finish as my MacBook, this way I can calibrate both screens to look the same. That way when I switch screens it doesn't look different.
Anyone know of a screen that looks identical to the (previous generation) MacBook? I was thinking of getting a Samsung T240 but it has a different finish. How are ASUS screens? Any screens out there that have the same gloss finish?
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Mar 19, 2009
I'm looking for a few good ways to transport and use my UMB. I figure buying a hardshell case & a timbuk2 bag seem like a good combo. Question is - which do you guys think is better, the Speck or Incase cases? Anyone have any experiences? I had the Incase hardshell for my old whitebook.
Seemed to work out alright. The other option I thought of was getting the invisible shield. Anyone have any thoughts?
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Mar 30, 2012
I bought a Mac Book Pro last night. I follwed the set up, completed a migration from my Dell, finished the set up this morning. Now I cannot login to the Mac Book Pro and the log in page has both an apple, and a Dell icon on it. I've tried every password associated with both the Dell PC and my Itunes account.
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Jan 24, 2008
So I got a MacBook on Tuesday and am already noticing something screwy with my battery. On Tuesday I replaced the RAM and HD before even plugging the MAcBook in. I then hooked up the AC adapter and reloaded Leopard. Once Leopard was loaded (hour or so later) I noticed my battery was just sitting at 99%. Finally about 30-45 minutes later it git 100%, so I was happy and brushed it off as an initial charge. So last night when I plugged the MacBook in to use it I was back at 99%! I used the laptop for about 2 hours and never went back to 100% on the battery. So what gives? Did I do something wrong with the initial use/charge? Should I try draining my battery and recharging it?
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Feb 12, 2009
Now that they have cheaper refurbished Macbooks up, I think I'm going to buy one today.
I have bought many refurbished products before, but never one this expensive. I just wanted to make sure that there is NO difference in warranty, quality or anything when buying refurbished. Simply just a computer that has been refurbished but includes everything as if it were being bought brand new.
Also I am definitely going to buy a new Hard drive for it immediately. I was reading around about the western digital 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm. Is it worth waiting for the 7200rpm or just go for the 5400? And is 500GB the biggest hard drive that I can put in my macbook? I want the biggest possible.
What is the exact drive that is compatible with the macbook?
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Mar 30, 2012
I have never burned a DVD on my Macbookpro.Is there a brand or type that works best. I'll be placing my pictures on this DVD.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 4, 2010
I just bought a brand new charger and it stopped working after about the third charging cycle. The light just simply doesn't go on and the computer doesn't read anything.
Weird thing though is that my old charger did the same thing at the end (although if you jiggled the connection it worked)? Could it be my computer? Although I tested the charger on another computer and it didn't work either. and a different charger on my computer worked.
Is this common for the new chargers that there are lemons once in a while?
Could it be because I left the plastic over the charger to prevent scratches?
Will apple exchange it for a new one or are they gonna give me a problem cause I really don't think this should have happened.
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