MacBook Pro :: 13" 2010 Bottom Plate Heavily Scratched In The Middle
Dec 11, 2010
I bought my macbook in June of 2010. My bottom plate is heavily scratched in the middle. I touched it and found out that it was bulging out a bit. Is it possible to get my bottom plate replaced in anyway?
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Dec 10, 2010
I've just got a 13" MBP and I've noticed that around the middle of the bottom plate can be pressed in slightly. I can notice it most when I pick the laptop up by putting my hands underneath it and it bends inwards slightly. Does anyone else notice this on their MBPs?
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Jun 15, 2012
I've got a MacBook Pro 15' from late 2011. Now, I noticed that when I take my macbook to move it, I can push in the bottom plate to the point where I notice it is touching internal components. When the macbook is in front of me (normal working position), the place where I can push it in is on the right side. Is this normal or should I bring it in?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 15, 2012
I am wondering if anyone knows what Apple charges to have the bottom plate of the MacBook Pro replaced. When I was at a store, an employee told me that it "might cost, like, uh, forty bucks," in a way that made me think he was just pulling that price out of his you-know-what. After searching eBay for that part and finding no auctions for less than $100, I assumed that Apple would charge something more like that.
It's really irritating that in order to replace two of my footpads, I must replace the whole bottom plate of the body. Apple is really trying to get people to buy the service plan, and then a new laptop when that runs out. Great for the environment. The whole unrepairable Retina Display MacBook debacle is just more proof of that.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 25, 2010
The sleeve I keep my laptop in got wet tonight and now the bottom of my macbook is a weird grey/green/yellow colour. The sleeve is by logiix. I can't find the product online but the inside of the sleeve is micro-fibre-ish kind of material... I took some pictures but the quality is really bad, i took it from my cellphone.... I'm wondering if there's anyway to clean it up or do i have to live with it forever... Why does this happen? Might Apple cover it?
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May 28, 2010
I slipped up a few times and caused hairline scratches on the underside plate of my 13" MBP when I installed my Momentus XT (which I am now returning and getting X25-M). My heart dropped when I heard these screeching noises, but it doesn't look too bad and hopefully eliminates the OCD I tend to have with electronics.
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Dec 6, 2014
I have a 2 month old rMBP Mid 2014 and i am experiencing horizontal lines in the middle and bottom of the screen. For example, If i was browsing a site and then close the window you can still see parts of the website in the middle of the screen. I took the laptop in for the technicians to have a look and they a blaming it on the software,claiming that Gfxcardstatus is causing the problem. The problem still persists even with gfxcardstatus turned off. Does Gfxcardstatus do this? Is it the Lcd or gpu failure? Take a look at the photos ....
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.5)
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Sep 22, 2009
this morning i turned on my comp and everthing was fine, but then my son started to watch something on youtube and this blinking stripe appeared i thought it was the youtube image, when he closed it, it was my comp screen!! the sun hits directly on the back of the comp, and i've been told that it could damage the comp, could that be it? i have a mac os x 10.4.11.
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Dec 9, 2010
Just received the new 13" macbook air yesterday and today have noticed some very thin horizontal banding lines across the bottom portion of the screen.
Has anyone else noticed this, or check to see if your one has this problem.
It is quite subtle but it makes the icons on the dock look as if they have a card like effect through them.
Easiest to check if you make your screen wallpaper the dark grey colour.
On this the top part of the screen seems consistent, but at the bottom part there is very thin white horizontal lines. I tried updating the software, but it seems to be the same - looks like a faulty display may have to send back,wondering if it could be fixed with a software update.
The strange thing is black and dark colours do not produce the effect it only shows up on greys or medium contrast colours like blue.
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May 17, 2010
i5 15" mbp. Underneath my computer, theres the large plate where the battery is located under. When i push the plate slighty around the key y (just under) it says this click sound.. When I turn the computer quickly, or place it on table real fast, it says another click sound, from the right buttom corner..
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Apr 21, 2010
I just opened my MBP and I found this black gunk on parts of it... it wiped off pretty easily but on the top of it there's one small scratch that isn't going away. Should I worry about this? I didn't even touch it and it had a scratch on it. It's very small but it still really bugs me. It just bugs me that I just turned it on and there's already a scratch.
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Aug 12, 2010
I've got a screen scratch that is driving me nuts. I've tried some of the buff compounds, etc. to no avail. applied a screen protector to mask the scratch? Right now it shows up because it distorts the light.
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Jun 16, 2012
Tools for MBP memory upgrades and uni-body backplate removal... Is it a #00 Phillips OR do I need more to remove the backplate of a mid-2009 MBP Uni-Body...??
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Migration to iCloud and IOS5
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Jul 20, 2009
I am selling my MacBook as I upgraded to a MBP. I was cleaning the screen to pretty it up and realized that the screen was chipped or scratched. I am not sure what to do. It is going to be anywhere from $99-$200 to fix it. Do you think it is worth it? Below are the general specs of the MB:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo
Model or Type: MacBook w/ APPLECARE!!
Hardware Overview:
Model Name: MacBook
Model Identifier: MacBook4,1
Processor Name: Intel Core 2 Duo
Processor Speed: 2.4 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache: 3 MB
Memory: 4 GB
Bus Speed: 800 MHz
Boot ROM Version: MB41.00C1.B00
SMC Version: 1.31f0
Serial Number: W88114Y20P1
Sudden Motion Sensor:
State: Enabled
Now, I am seeing similar MBs go for $800-$850
I have attached two pictures. Please let me know if you feel it is worth the extra time and investment to get the screen fixed.
full screen
super close up
So, I ask, is it worth the extra money to get it fixed?
Thanks in advance!
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Jun 6, 2010
After taking the back plate off to add ram, replace hardrive etc.. it appears it wont fit snuggly or level with the rest of the back any more.
The battery is almost like a spring when I release the catch, Im not sure it use to be like that.
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Jan 31, 2010
So I was watching friends and on my macbook and whenever I'd move my macbook even a little the superdrive would make noises as if the disc was being scratched inside. All the other discs that I tried didnt do any such thing. Possible reasons? Can I damage the internal laser this way?
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Jul 21, 2010
I scratched my 10.5 disk and it wont read in the macbook pro I need it for but it reads in my mac pro fine. Is there a way I can make a duplicate of it to have as a backup and to use to install on the macbook pro? Also it would make sense to backup my 10.6 disk too.
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Feb 27, 2010
if the UMBP's screen is easily scratched or pretty resistant?
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Mar 29, 2012
I have found strange black spot on my MBP13 2011. is there anything black beneath the mbp aluminum unibody case?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 26, 2010
I have an iPad 32GB WiFi and a MacBook Pro as well so I was trying very hard to justify myself in getting an 11" MBA but ending up talking myself out of it. The 13" MBP is perfect for my uses. It's already lightweight and portable as it is. After playing with the 11" in the Apple store, I was impressed on how light it was. This no doubt blows away any netbook or any notebook in it's weight class in terms of size and performance. However, the MBP's battery life, hard drive space, and processing power OUTWEIGHS the reasons of dumping my 13" MBP for the Air. Also, I have it hooked up to a 21.5 Inch HP monitor at home and it's good enough to use as a main computer at home, and light enough to take on the road.
If I needed to lookup something quickly in bed or around the house, that's where the iPad comes in. If I needed to send a quick e-mail, my HTC Evo is already great at doing that. If I didn't have a 13" MBP or even the iPad, I would have most likely went ahead and purchased the MBA. Just now at this point, spending another $1000+ or getting rid of my MBP doesn't make much sense... yet.
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Apr 15, 2010
I've been lurking MacRumors ever since 'the wait for Arrandale' began and finally decided to sign up now so I could post this thread. I've been a Windows user for a long time now and I have a Win7 rig at home. However, I'll be going to uni later this year so I need a good portable notebook that's suitable for the common mailing 'n surfing, but also for doing some programming in Eclipse (Java) and PHP work etc. I still have my Win7 box at home for gaming and things that require larger screensize, but for the notebook... I feel really attracted to OSX with a MBP.
It will be my first Mac, but my desktop dualboots with OSX and I love it. So that's why I have decided that my school notebook will be a Mac. This is why I have been closely watching the rumors for the new MBPs and ofcourse I was pretty disappointed when I saw that the 13" model still had a C2D cpu... It's not that I need a beefed up CPU in my notebook (... I have a 3.6 GHz quad at home ), but it feels 'wrong' to buy a MBP 13": even the 2009 MacBook has a C2D, so what will the MB 2010 update bring? Is it really worth the extra money? Anyone with a similar situation?
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Mar 12, 2012
I have been assigned the task of installing new memory modules into the iMacs at work. When I got to my supervisor's iMac, I discovered someone had been in to service the memory compartment at least once before. Only this person must have used a screwdriver that was too big to begin with and then cranked the central screw on the cover plate and stripped the head of the screw in the process. So now I cannot get this screw loosened. I obviously don't want to bend or damage anything. What would be a viable solution besides taking it in to a service tech?
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Jun 29, 2010
Does Apple Mail have ability to paste boiler plate text? In MS Office Windows I used to setup many boiler plate texts that I would access through keyboard shortcuts, such as Control H for "Please don't hesitate to contact me." Can Mail do a similar thing?
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Sep 3, 2009
I obviously didn't choose my words correctly because everyone would rather pick apart what I said and did rather than acknowledging that...Apple sent me a scratched Snow Leopard disc.These things do happen so make sure you always backup your data and always check the disc before you put it in your computer. Even if its from a company you love and trust.
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Jan 9, 2010
I searched for at least 20 minutes on this subject and can't find anything relating.
A friend of mine will sell me an aluminum 23" that works absolutely perfectly. The issue is a 3-4 inch scratch on the screen.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a brand new 15 inch i5 mbp. I put a cd in to rip it onto itunes. It was really scratched. Now the computer ate my disc (I know I can restart and it will be ok, that's not my question). Shouldn't my brand new mbp be able to cope with a scratched disc? It seems a bit bizarre that the entire computer would freeze just because a disc is scratched. Also, it seems like it takes much longer to rip cds than it does on my pc. It doesn't just seem like it. It takes almost twice as long.
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Mar 27, 2012
my itunes gift card password got scratched off but i need it.
iPod touch
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May 21, 2009
My iMac was in the middle of burning a CD on Sunday and spat it out halfway through. Next it was spitting every disc out, including the OS disk at firmware. Anyway, Applecare confirmed the superdrive needed replaced. The machine is only just over a month old (but it is the old top end 3.06GHz model)! So, it went off for repair in perfect order, all packaged up in the original packaging. Based on the advice on others, I also took many photographs before I dropped it off at the repair place. When I picked up the machine today the back of it has been scratched in a number of places. The screen also has loads of dust/debris underneath the glass display.
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Jul 7, 2010
I have just purchased my new Macbook Pro 15" 2.4 i5 with the glossy hi-res screen and low and behold I have a pixel that stays red in the middle of my screen!!! So disappointed with Apple So now I have the task of trying to get it replaced, I heard they don't replace them with only 1 dead pixel, but it is in the middle of my screen! I paid over $2000 and I believe that this is truly unacceptable.
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Jul 31, 2010
This evening the middle section of my screen is being funny! It goes like this when I move the hinge and pushing the case can fix it temporarily! What has happened? Can I fix it?
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