Intel Mac :: Get Memory Plate Off With Screw Head Stripped?
Mar 12, 2012
I have been assigned the task of installing new memory modules into the iMacs at work. When I got to my supervisor's iMac, I discovered someone had been in to service the memory compartment at least once before. Only this person must have used a screwdriver that was too big to begin with and then cranked the central screw on the cover plate and stripped the head of the screw in the process. So now I cannot get this screw loosened. I obviously don't want to bend or damage anything. What would be a viable solution besides taking it in to a service tech?
I was trying to do a memory upgrade the other day, and tried to take the wrong screw off. I went to try to screw it out, but the screw stripped. How can I get this thing removed and replace it with a new one? Or should I just take it to the local genius bar?
I have a mid-2006 Macbook and have never tried to do any tinkering on the inside except for installing some RAM. Whenever I had any trouble in the past, I took the machine into the Apple Store. Now that my Applecare warranty is up, I figured that I can crack it open to do some repairs regarding my fan without voiding my warranty. Alas, it seems that someone on Apple's end stripped a screw / put it in improperly. Now, I cannot get it out. The screw in question is the center screw in this picture (from iFixit, not my Macbook): All other screws in the tear down came out easily except for this one. Dammit. What should I do? It is too late to point fingers at Apple because I have no proof that I wasn't the numbskill who did this. It is just such a small screw... I'd just like to remove it somehow
The screws that hold the battery in place (Triwing Ones) One of them is stripped on my MBP. I ordered some new ones and they should be arriving next week. Does anyone have an idea how to get the stripped one out? I have tried pliers but they don't seem to grip the screw to be able to turn it. This is the screw I mean.
Recently I up/downgraded from a 2010 17" Macbook Pro to a 2011 15" Macbook Pro. I had previously swapped the old hard drive in the 17" to an SSD using the OWC data doubler kit. Now that I moved on to the 15", I wanted to move my SSD over to the new Macbook Pro.
During the process opening the new MacBook and unscrewing a two of the screws around the optical drive, both of the screws became stripped on the module the covers the optical drive. I have to be honest and say that they are pretty badly striped at this point. I've read a handful of articles online with many different possible solutions on removing the stripped screw, but none of which seem to work nor do I want to cause any further or possible permanent damage, I do have AppleCare on the machine, but I wasn't sure if modifications and upgrades such as this where covered.
So I was taking apart my MBP to reapply thermal paste on the chips and I accidentally stripped one of the screws holding the super drive to the chassis. It is a 3.3mm Phillips screw that is on the bottom right of the super drive if you are facing the screen when it is upright. The screw is heavily stripped as looks nothing like a + now. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to remove it without damaging the rest of my MBP? I have 3 sets of high precision tools and they all are having a hard time with the screws on my MBP. My local Apple store was nice enough to order some new screws for me which i will be getting in a few days.
Tools for MBP memory upgrades and uni-body backplate removal... Is it a #00 Phillips OR do I need more to remove the backplate of a mid-2009 MBP Uni-Body...??
Info: MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Migration to iCloud and IOS5
I don't know what the deal is. I'm trying to install 2 sticks of 2GB into my 7,1 iMac, and the screw just won't turn. I'm using a standard Phillips head, and nothin' doin'. The screw is now starting to strip, so I guess I'm going to have to take this into the friggin' Apple Store just to have them open the thing.
Has anyone tried this with the Dual Head DVI? I'm assuming that it would go MiniDisplayPort to VGA, then Matrox, and out. Does it work, and is there any lag?
I have been able to plug in small speakers and headphones in the past into the port on the left of my laptop. I just tried to plug in to my new receiver for the first time in months and, nothing... So I have tried my headphones and mini speakers - still nothing. I'm pretty certain it's the port. Or could it be software thing? Please help, I finally got my projector working and now I have wimpy sound!
P.S. I recently updated to Lion, in case that is significant.
I have crossover games. I am trying to install 'The Movies' by lion head games. When I select a new bottle, and make it a winxp type, I get the error message that says, "Exception EAccessViolation in module TheMovies at 00000000 Access violation at address 00000000 in module 'TheMovies.exe' Write of address 00000000" Does anyone know what I can do to get this game to install? Or is it simply never going to work?
I have a new 2.13/SSD Air which has been awesome with no lines and fast enough for me to do all my work. Since this is my first Mac (coming from the PC world), I am still getting used to how OS X works. I really like the way OS X installs apps - so simple and transparent compared to Windows. One thing that has been bugging me is whenever I do something like install apps, eject disks or dismount apps, there is "uncoiling spring" like sound coming from the machine. The sound reminds of a hard drive disk head parking when the disk stops spinning. Since I have the SSD, I expect things to be completely silent all the time. Is this an OSX sound or do I have a bad SSD?
I've just got a 13" MBP and I've noticed that around the middle of the bottom plate can be pressed in slightly. I can notice it most when I pick the laptop up by putting my hands underneath it and it bends inwards slightly. Does anyone else notice this on their MBPs?
I've got a MacBook Pro 15' from late 2011. Now, I noticed that when I take my macbook to move it, I can push in the bottom plate to the point where I notice it is touching internal components. When the macbook is in front of me (normal working position), the place where I can push it in is on the right side. Is this normal or should I bring it in?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i5 15" mbp. Underneath my computer, theres the large plate where the battery is located under. When i push the plate slighty around the key y (just under) it says this click sound.. When I turn the computer quickly, or place it on table real fast, it says another click sound, from the right buttom corner..
I am wondering if anyone knows what Apple charges to have the bottom plate of the MacBook Pro replaced. When I was at a store, an employee told me that it "might cost, like, uh, forty bucks," in a way that made me think he was just pulling that price out of his you-know-what. After searching eBay for that part and finding no auctions for less than $100, I assumed that Apple would charge something more like that.
It's really irritating that in order to replace two of my footpads, I must replace the whole bottom plate of the body. Apple is really trying to get people to buy the service plan, and then a new laptop when that runs out. Great for the environment. The whole unrepairable Retina Display MacBook debacle is just more proof of that.
The sleeve I keep my laptop in got wet tonight and now the bottom of my macbook is a weird grey/green/yellow colour. The sleeve is by logiix. I can't find the product online but the inside of the sleeve is micro-fibre-ish kind of material... I took some pictures but the quality is really bad, i took it from my cellphone.... I'm wondering if there's anyway to clean it up or do i have to live with it forever... Why does this happen? Might Apple cover it?
I bought my macbook in June of 2010. My bottom plate is heavily scratched in the middle. I touched it and found out that it was bulging out a bit. Is it possible to get my bottom plate replaced in anyway?
Does Apple Mail have ability to paste boiler plate text? In MS Office Windows I used to setup many boiler plate texts that I would access through keyboard shortcuts, such as Control H for "Please don't hesitate to contact me." Can Mail do a similar thing?
A few weeks back I spilled a glass of wine on my non-unibody, but new, MacBook pro while it was turned on (I know; no good). i let it dry for a few days but still, no life. i decided to open the sucker up to investigate and had successfully taken out the battery and one of the fans before the trouble began. i was using a #000 philips head screwdriver, and most of the screws in the logic board came right out, but some (the same size as the others) wouldn't budge. now i'm not sure if i should just put the thing back together and send it to apple or try to find a different size screwdriver and forge ahead. i know the problem in terms of moisture is on the other side of that logic board (and hard drive, which won't budge either)
I took off the back cover of my MBP (early 2009) and the screws will not go all the way down. I think they are stripped. Is there anyway to use a tap and die set to fix the threads? Has anyone had a problem like mine? I had to take the cover off to check my memory (that is a whole other post) but when I put the cover back on the little screws would not go in very far. The just stick out of the case and will not go in any further. I could "make" them go down, but I do not think that would be wise to force the screws into place, because they may not come back out if the laptop ever needs to be worked on again. does removing your back cover on a MBP void your warranty? I just had a genius tell me that becasue I took the back cover off I voided my warranty, but they are going to replace my memory
I tried changing the hard drive on my MBP, only to totally strip the screws on the hard drive bar. Took it to Apple, they are happy to repair it, they said they may have to break the hard drive bar in order to get it out, but no problem. However, my local Apple Store is closed for a refitting until 30/10/09 and they want �48 in order to do the repair. That leaves a slightly bitter taste in my mouth considering it's such a small job. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with 'screw extractors'? They are little screw bits that bite into the screw in order to turn it. They are about �9 for a set so could save me a bit of cash. To be honest, it's not the money that's the problem, I don't want to wait another 3 weeks. I'm not really wanting to drill into the screw or glue a hex key, so the 'screw extractor' is the only option really. Just wondered if anyone can vouch for these little extractors. If not, then I'll suck it up and Apple loose on my machine.
I have a youtube video that is a tribute/interview of my grandmother, who unfortunately just passed away. YouTube has stripped the audio because on some parts of the video there is background music. I would really like to be able to watch/download this video with the audio - does anyone know a way to get around this?
fwiw: I don't have the original file, and downloading the video via pwnYouTube results in a silent mp4 file.
Anywhere to find replacements? It's the two top screws holding the bracket in place. How am I going to get these things out? I am not sure why they are so tight this time.
Today I received my Optibay-clone and hard drive, and tried to install it. Unfortunately, I messed it up and don't think I can finish the job now. Using driver bits supplied by ifixit, I managed to ruin the screws in step 10 of this guide: [URL] Tight, tiny screws are the bane of my existence. I don't understand what on earth I was supposed to do to remove these particular screws, when all the other screws in the computer didn't pose a problem at all. See awesome attached pics of mutilated screw, and the 10 or so different Phillips screwdrivers, none of which managed to do the job. So, am I completely screwed, or does someone out there have a magnificent suggestion to aid me in my plight?