MacBook Pro :: "10" Appears After Write Email/text?

Jul 6, 2012

Every time I write an email or use a chat function, the number "10" appears after my text. Weird. 4-5 year old Macbook Pro, Latest OSX. mark 10Every time I write an email or use a chat function, the number "10" appears after my text. Weird.Every time I write an email or use a chat function, the number "10" appears after my text. Weird.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: Change Language Of Keyboard And Autocorrect To Write Text In Spanish Using Pages App?

Jun 3, 2014

how do i change the language of my keyboard and autocorrect to write a text in spanish using the pages app?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mavericks :: Safari Crashes When Write Any Text On Address Bar

Jun 26, 2014

I've tried a few things mention on some other discussions; like removing ad ons and reseting but nothing has worked

this is part o the error that comes up -

OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)

Report Version:  11

Anonymous UUID:  ECC63890-D6A5-245B-DA38-C0C42D0F277D    

Crashed Thread:  17  Safari: URLCompletion  Dispatch queue:  


Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000  


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OS X Mavericks :: Get Rid Of Text Edit Box That Appears Every Time Boot?

Aug 28, 2014

How do I get rid of a text edit box that appears everytime I boot?

iMac, iOS 7.0.6, OSX 10.9.4

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Applications :: Write Text In Portuguese Pages & Keynote - How Can I Make These Programs Recognize

Mar 3, 2009

my MacOSX language is english, but I`d like to write texts in portuguese in pages and keynote.How can i make these programs recognize portuguese without having to change the language of the whole system? (I like the menus in English

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Get German Auto-correction When I Write An Email In It?

Jun 24, 2012

How do I get German auto correction when I write an email in German.

Info:MacBookPro, iOS 5.1.1

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OS X :: Old Email Address Appears Automatically While Filling Online Form

Dec 4, 2009

When I fill in forms online etc, as soon as I start typing my name, address & contact details automatically appear. This is very useful apart from an old email address appears instead of my new one.

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OS X :: Unable To Write External Hard Disk In Mac / Can Read Write In Windows

Feb 15, 2011

i had a External Harddrive.Currently i can Read//Write on it in Windows PC(Windows7)But when i use the same drive in Mac i can only read...but can't able to write. How to resolve this issue

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Applications :: Send Text When Email Is Received?

Jan 23, 2009

I was looking around in mail and I think it is really cool that u can add your own sound for when you receive a new email. 2 things would be nice. 1) Add a sound for each individual contact. 2) Mail sends you a txt message when you receive an email.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cannot Type In Email Or In Text Editor?

May 13, 2012

My Macbook Pro loses print options after a while when I work with Photoshop. I can not type in email or in text editor. Only thing that helps is to restart the computer. The error occurs both when I am working in Photoshop (CS3) and (CS5). The error did not exist before. Has 8 GB of Ram and 425 GB of free hard disk. What to do? 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Applications :: Entourage Shrinks EMail Reply Text

Jun 20, 2007

I just started using Entourage and have noticed that the program shrinks previous text in the same e-mail thread in a few of my e-mails, but not all. Has anyone come across this and/or know if there is a remedy?

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Software :: Unable To View Text Of Email / Only Title Is Available

Mar 10, 2009

When I open my e-mail in the past the top half of the page was the title and the bottom half was the text of the e-mail, now all I get is the list of the title of the e-mail and not the text it is just one long page instead of being divided in two.

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Applications :: Sending Same Email Text To Multiple Recipients?

May 10, 2010

We are arranging an honorary conference for a scholar at our university and we have many invitees. I want to send them an email with one text but I only need the recipient email to be shown when he or she receives the message. How can I do this in the mail application in my MacBook Pro?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Searching For Specific Text In An Email Chain

Jun 14, 2012

I appreciate Mail's efforts to streamline the inbox by grouping emails into conversations based on the subject. However, when I search for a specific string in an email, the search returns the conversation of grouped messages and does not indicate the specific point in the message containing the text. In the case that finally prompted this post, the conversation contained 50-odd emails, since all of them contained the appended text of all the previous exchanges in the chain. I am then left with the task of scanning through 50-odd emails, whether they be separate or all retained within a single message, for the particular string I'm after. And that defeats the whole point of searching to begin with. 

So, am I missing some functionality that overcomes this? Really all I want is for the search to return not just the email, but the location within the email (or chain of emails) where the text is found.  Returning 50 hits because each email contains the text somewhere in the lengthy history of the conversation, without actually showing me where in the conversation the text appears,

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Contact Name Does Not Appear In "from" Column, Only Email Appears

Mar 24, 2012

On the right it shows the email address and the actual name, but in the inbox view it only shows the email address, I want the actual name like in the email itself.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Using Automator. - Compose A New Email Message And Paste In The Text Copied From The Web Page?

Feb 14, 2009

I want to be able to send an email message with a specific keyword in the subject and only a URL in the body.

Here's where Automator needs to come in:
When an email with the subject keyword is received, have Safari open the URL contained in the body of the message.
Copy all of the text from the opened URL.
Compose a new email message and paste in the text copied from the web page, and email it back to the original sender.
Close Safari.

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Intel Mac :: Attach A Document To An Email As An Attachment That Doesn't Appear In The Body Of The Text

Jun 20, 2012

When I send an email and attach a document it pastes it into the text.  How do I send it as a separate attachment?


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Applications :: Old Emails Appearing As New Emails / Text Of The Email Is From A Year Prior

Dec 23, 2008

I have the weirdest problems. Every once and a while when I receive a new email, the text of the email is from a year prior. It is the weirdest thing. Anyone know what the deal is and how to fix this?

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Intel Mac :: Printed Text Doesn't Match Size Of Onscreen Text

Jul 2, 2012

Mac screen resolution is getting higher and higher, which is nice, but the downside is that we seem to have lost "what you see is what you get." I have set the default document size of Text-Edit to about the size of an 8 1/2 x 11 document, which fits easily on the screen. I have what appears to be a single page of text. It all easily fits in the document window. The headline fits across the width of the page. But when I choose Print, the print preview shows that the text is going to spill out onto two sheets of paper.  I exit out of the print document and reduce the text size so that it all prints out on one sheet of paper. The problem is, the size of the text onscreen is now TINY! It looks like it's about 6 point while the printed text looks like it's about 12 point! No WYSIWYG!  When I revert the document to the way it was originally, where it was going to print out on two sheets of paper, and then hold my printed document up next to the screen, the printed size matches the onscreen size almost perfectly, even though, if printed out at this size, the text would spill out onto two pages and be huge. In other words, 18 point size text prints out at about 12 points and 12 pt text prints out at about 6pts, so there's about a 6pt difference in how text looks onscreen and how it prints out. Again, No WYSIWYG! My older Macs had much lower-resolution screens, but text printed out at about the same apparent size on screen. I know the original Macs had 72dpi screens so that they would closely match the printed size of text, and I like the fact that monitors keep getting better, but is there a way around this problem of printed text not matching the size of onscreen text?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Correcting Text In Project That Will Not Show Separate Text From Video

Dec 7, 2014

So I found the lost project in FCPX.  It has a music tract, text and video.  When I pulled the project down for editing, I am able to separate the music from the video, but the text bubbles do not appear above the video allowing me to change the misspelled words that need editing.I've searched all of my backup drives for the original footage in case I have to re-edit the whole thing, but I'm unable to find the original footage.  Every event in my libraries appears as a finished project.

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)

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Safari :: 5.1.2 Keeps Changing Text Field Randomly On Text Input

Feb 21, 2012

Safari keeps changing the text field on input, do you know how to correct this issue? 

Here is an example:

Let's say I load, it appears in the safari window as usual.

Suppose I begin to type a search in the google search field at the top right of the safari window (not the one on the google page)

if when doing this the sentence is long for the search, at some point randomly, the rest of the text will be entered this time in the google search text field on the google page! (which is the very next text field) So when I hit enter it makes google search half of my request...

Safari changed the text field I was into with no warning. I want to say I do not press tab at any moment. This is annoying really, and this does not appear anywhere else than in Safari. It seems the issue is not systematic, but appears quite often. 

I have no universal access setting except "enable access for assistive device" I had to check this box upon installing a software in the past but I can't remember what it was. 

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OS X :: How To Select Text Layer And Modify Text And Add Watermark

May 17, 2009

I have designed a corporate letter head for a friend and it is still in jpeg format after using photoshop. Now I want to import it into a pages document so that I can give it to him in PC format so he can type over the watermark and put his letters onto his letterhead... now I can do that quite easily on my PC but not so on my Mac...

I can add the watermark image into the Pages document but for some reason I can't work out how to modify the text from then... i can see how you move the text formatting but if i wanted to add a word into a paragraph etc i can't select the text. It's as if the watermark layer is the only layer I can select and the text is not longer selectable.... can anybody help me out with this please? I just need to be able to select the text layer and modify the text..

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Write To Desktop

Mar 19, 2012

somehow my sister can't write files to her desktop. what should i check to make this feature available again? 

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Write Anything On The Hardrive?

Jul 2, 2010

My problem seems to be having a PC and MAC exxternal hardrive that i have used in the transition from PC to Mac. I bought a 2Tb mybook essential to transfer all of my photographs to my new mac. I connected it to my pc to get the pictures, now that i have my mac i have tried to access the files. I can open and view them.But im unable to write anything on the hardrive. Even files ive opened up that were on the hardrive that i tried to save again.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Write On SD Card

Mar 20, 2012

I have a macbook pro running Leopard 10.5.8 I have several SD cards that when I put into my SD card reader slot on the macbook pro I cannot write, delete or format. I can only read the card. I tried Disk Utility, formatting and partitioning the SD card are greyed out. Same with right-clicking "get info" on the card, I have only read access to all cards. Also the lock is not turned on, on any of the cards.I had a work around where I was copying everything from the card onto my harddrive, then popping the SD card back into my camera and having the camera format the card to erase everything. That worked fine until now I want to install a small program "magic lantern" onto my card for my camera, which i cannot do because i can only "read" the cards. is there a terminal command I can try to format the card so that I can read/write?

MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook Air :: Which Printer, Write The Model?

Apr 11, 2012

What printer is compatible with MacBook Air? HP laserjet P1100, whiich I just bought, isn't.

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Set Word For It To Write From Right To Left?

May 16, 2012

I need to write in Arabian: How can I set word for mac to write from right to left?

Word for Mac

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MacBook Pro :: How To Set Rights To Write On SD Card

Jun 19, 2012

I am using a 32 GB SDHC Card with my MacBookPro 13" running on Lion. As I put in the card the very first time I could use it properly, i.e. reading and writing. I have put about 10 GB music on it since I use the card only as audio source. The music plays just fine no matter in which device. 

Recently, I wanted to put some more music on it but I do not have any rights to write on the card (only reading is permitted) even though I am using the same MBP. The card has the format FAT32 so no problem for Macs from this side. the lock on the card is not set to locked! As well, the card is pretty new and since I am able to properly read from it the contact plates can be assumed to work as they are supposed to, too. 

why the rights to write have changed? Is this normal after it has been written on it the very first time? Can I (as administrator of my MBP) change the assignment of rights? 

The Hard Disk Utility Program of Apple is not really useful in this case. All options are greyed out. 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Can't Write Letter B

Dec 9, 2014

My computer began to get some strange errors - It is my MacBook Pro Retina 15" Mid-2012.My keyboard can't write the letters "B" and the danish letter "Å", it the same for both small and capital letter (B/b and Å/å). 

But even though my keyboard won't write the two letters, it will still register the key is beefing push.when I sits and write this, it will change the text to bold - like turning the bold format on/off each time I push the B key. The same happens when I just push the left command key, so I can turn the bold text format on/off with my left command key. The right command key can't turn the bold format on/off, either only or with the "right cmd+b" - which for this forum should be the original short cut. 

Both of my command keys denies to accept some shortcut like "cmd+t" in Safari to make a new tab. But the "cmd+n" works fine. I have no problem with writing the letter "t" or the "n" in the url address line. What I have tried so far without any result:- Resetting of the system management controller (SMC)

- Updated to Yosemite so I now have OS X 10.10.1

- Of course tried to restart.

- Seen my language hasn't been changed from Danish. 

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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MacBook Pro :: No Write Access On Internal HDD?

Jun 21, 2014

I have a mid 2010 MacBook Pro. It's running almost daily since 2010 and now weird things happen after some uptime when I try to do stuff in Finder:

"The operation can’t be completed. An unexpected error occurred (error code -50)." and if I try to sudo: 

$ sudo ls

> sudo: Can't mkdir /var/db/sudo/username: File exists

> ... ls output ... 

Furthermore, I cannot do anything write-related anymore, no deletion of files in the Finder, no opening of webpages. Eventually, I have to force shut it down by holding the power button. 

I already wiped the HDD and reinstalled Mavericks from USB -- only to have this exact problem one day after setting everything up again. I even bought a new HDD, which worked quite well for a couple of days, only to result in the same error again. 

Additional info:

OS X 10.9.3
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 (upgraded from 2 GB three years ago)
250 GB HDD / now 1 TB HDD
No dual boot / Bootcamp

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