MacBook Pro :: How To Set Rights To Write On SD Card
Jun 19, 2012
I am using a 32 GB SDHC Card with my MacBookPro 13" running on Lion. As I put in the card the very first time I could use it properly, i.e. reading and writing. I have put about 10 GB music on it since I use the card only as audio source. The music plays just fine no matter in which device.
Recently, I wanted to put some more music on it but I do not have any rights to write on the card (only reading is permitted) even though I am using the same MBP. The card has the format FAT32 so no problem for Macs from this side. the lock on the card is not set to locked! As well, the card is pretty new and since I am able to properly read from it the contact plates can be assumed to work as they are supposed to, too.
why the rights to write have changed? Is this normal after it has been written on it the very first time? Can I (as administrator of my MBP) change the assignment of rights?
The Hard Disk Utility Program of Apple is not really useful in this case. All options are greyed out.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a macbook pro running Leopard 10.5.8 I have several SD cards that when I put into my SD card reader slot on the macbook pro I cannot write, delete or format. I can only read the card. I tried Disk Utility, formatting and partitioning the SD card are greyed out. Same with right-clicking "get info" on the card, I have only read access to all cards. Also the lock is not turned on, on any of the cards.I had a work around where I was copying everything from the card onto my harddrive, then popping the SD card back into my camera and having the camera format the card to erase everything. That worked fine until now I want to install a small program "magic lantern" onto my card for my camera, which i cannot do because i can only "read" the cards. is there a terminal command I can try to format the card so that I can read/write?
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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May 26, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro late 2011 all Lion updates applied and want to use the integrated SD Card Reader (which, according to System Profiler is connected directly to the PCIe Bus).
My SD card is a brand new Sandisk Extreme Pro, which is rated for 95MB/sec and 90MB/sec write speed. Reading from the card is quite fast, I get over 88MB/sec. Writing, however, is abysmally slow. I could not get more than 12,6MB/sec write speed (tested via transferring a 4GB ISO Image from/to the internal SSD). The same card on an old USB 2.0 reader connected to an ancient PC gives around 20MB/sec. I did not test it on another device with a fast SD reader yet.
Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 23, 2012
"You don't have write access for your iTunes Media folder or a folder within it. Change permission (via Finder) and then choose Store > Check for available Downloads"
How do i fix this??
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May 21, 2012
I already repaired the rights on the disk. Mac does not drive down, obviously after certain programs have been started. One of those programs is itunes. I have to use the power switch button for switching it off. Mac can be driven down normally immediately after start-up.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 15, 2011
i had a External Harddrive.Currently i can Read//Write on it in Windows PC(Windows7)But when i use the same drive in Mac i can only read...but can't able to write. How to resolve this issue
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Mar 10, 2012
I have installed Parallels to run an embroidery software (Floriani) on my MacBook Air. Both Parallels and the Floriani are running fine and I can see my windows formatted external hard drive when in Floriani and can bring in files from it. But when I try to save a redesigned embroidery file to the external hard drive it tells me I can not because I do not have administrative rights. I have tried to also tried to copy embroidery files downloaded from the internet to my Macbook and get the same message. Since I am the administrator (and only user) of this laptop, how can I get access to the hard drive. I tried following the all the suggestions in the Help Center for setting permission but even though I can set the drive as a "shared" file I cannot see the "lock'" icon referred to and in the "Sharing and Permissions" it still says I can only read.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 28, 2014
I had two accounts on my laptop, both were admins. I updated to Yosemite, had issues with compatibility to other Apple software, restored the laptop and both accounts lost their admin rights.
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Mar 4, 2009
I know how to add a Mac to Active directory and have Network user be able to log in. However, How do I set it to where AD groups that have admin rights, have admin rights to the macs?
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May 28, 2010
I was trying to change a file entry in the system files. After making the changes I clicked on "save" and was then told that I do not have the permission to write to this file. I checked the "get info" to this file and saw I can only read this file. I am however the administrator so why can I not make changes?
This is what I was trying to do:
Getting rid of Tynt in OSX
Mac OS/X
In Finder, from the Go menu, choose "Go to folder."
In the "Go to the folder" dialog, type "/etc/".
From the /etc/ folder window, open the "hosts" file in a text editor.
Add the following to the hosts file in its own line, using the site that applies to you:
Save and quit.
At this point I was told that my changes could not be saved as I have no rights.
In System Accounts I am set as the administrator. I am on automatic Login. I was asked for my password in order to save my settings in the text editor which I entered but was then again told that I do not have the permission. The "get info" on the host file shows me as read only. How can I change this?
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Feb 28, 2012
I have just done a fresh install of Lion. I have set up my account to an administrator but I can still not access the su in Terminal so that I can install software. Is there an easy resolution to my problem. Below is a capture of my id details from within terminal.
uid=501(Thomo) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel),402(,403( p.2),401(,12(everyone),33(_appstore),61(localacco unts),79(_appserverusr),80(admin),81(_appserveradm),98(_lpadmin),100(_lpoperator ),204(_developer)
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Apr 30, 2010
1st time use of the forum, so forgive me if I posted incorrectly.
I'm running MacBook 10.6.3.
I'm trying to change the permissions and password to a user that uses the notebook. When I try to change the permission to "enable admin" it gives me the pink swirl. Only way I can escape is by rebooting.
2ndly, the option to "change password' is not there.
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Nov 22, 2010
I am not the admin of the computer, but the admin gave me admin rights for a temporary time being, so when I went to login to my user it asked the question if i wanted to make some change or whatever, well appaerantly I clicked the wrong choice and i had the "Remember this choice" box clicked. So is there anyway to go back to change this?I have tried restarting and completely shutting down the comp, and taking admin rights off and putting them back on.
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Dec 25, 2009
Having a bit more time, i stuffed up my iTunes library and can't fix it and would really appreciate any kind of advice.
A few things reg my mac and myself before I come to the core of the problem:
I have a macbook air, no 'extras' inside (normal 1.6GHz) and it's running at home with an airport and an external HDD of a few gig to store my data and backups. OS is Mac OS X 10.6.2 (10C540).
I am not a mac specialist and just started using mac roughly over a year ago and never got the real 'cores' but bit by bit I get there (I thought ).
And just btw I am not an english native speaker so I may phrase things 'funny' from time to time
I have my music, videos etc on my ext HDD and a copy of music on my mac as I like to have it with me 'on the road'.
As I was the only user it was just in my 'Music' folder
My bf just moved in and is wrapped by the mac anyway and had a user for a while. With his new iphone I *wanted* to copy the music to Users/Shared so we both can have it in our iTunes
This proofed to be not that easy as I couldn't give him access rights even though the music was in this 'shared' folder. With the 'information' of each folder I tried to give him access rights (rea & write) but even by doing so for some folders and their sub-folders, I still can't import these files into his library.
So there are my first (hopefully quite basic questions)
How can I give him access to all these music folders so he can load them into his iTunes? As I would like to prevent to click each folder and sub-folder - is there a way to speed this up?
Standing for this problems and having messed up my music a bit as the links of my itunes weren't updated to the new music location, I somehow (stupid stupid stupid) tried to make it work without making any backups of my library files and without having any in-dept knowledge about iTunes and how it actually works/ stores its information etc.
To cut a long story short: my whole iTunes it totally 'empty' : no movies, music, even iphone apps are there anymore and even when I connect my iphone nothing happens. I have no backup what-so-ever and unfortunately can't give you the steps I went to mess it up that way because I just panicked along the way and didn't trace my steps or stopped at the right moment to look up some handy and useful manuals/ guides. Would love to explain an interesting and maybe challenging error for you guys but that's the boring truth.
I was wondering if it makes sense if I de-intall iTunes now completely and then re-install it and import the music/ movies into both users iTunes and make a clean set up. As it is Christmas time I have a bit of time and this wouldn't bother me too much. So the question is here: would you recommend this / agree? Are there any tipps you would give me/ things to do to make this work?
And this of course still leave me with my access rights problems as all the music folders are under "shared" and my bf's account somehow doesn't have access to it. I have still a backup of that data on my ext HDD so I could delete it on my notebook and re-copy it to somewhere if I know where/ how to make it work.
Hope this is not too messy for you all to read through! I would really appreciate if I would get some hints/ tipps/ advice from you.
Oh something I forgot: before I wrote here I searched this forum and some others as well the apple standard help and tried to 're-create' my library but as deleted my rubbish bin within my mess-up-process I think I deleted the original files.
I think part of the whole problem is the missing back up and of course my half-knowledge of mac/ iTunes.
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Apr 20, 2010
when changing the network location from eg 'Automatic' to some location defined by myself, the system requires the admin-password.
is that correct? and if so, is there a way to allow a normal user to change locations without admin-rights?
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Nov 30, 2014
I'm running Mavericks on a MacBook Pro. Right now I operate everything under the admin user profile. It has been suggested that I should not be operating all of my daily work using the admin account, I should be using a standard user account, and the admin should remain for admin purposes only. Is it possible to switch the admin rights to a different user account, and then I keep the account I've been working in, have all software and preferences loaded in and make it a standard account? Or can I duplicate my admin account and use the duplicated user account for working in, and the original as the admin? Trying to keep from having to reload all software, passwords, copy work, etc. Since I don't understand this fully, not sure how to accomplish this.
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Aug 29, 2014
How can I share a note on icloud with another person and allow that person to edit it?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Jun 15, 2012
I have taken over the management of some Mac Servers where the user and group rights are in a bit of a mess. I wonder what is the best way of getting an overview of the rights. I could use a ls -lR command, but that yields information rather hard to relate to. I would like some kind of graphical tool, a tree-structure or something.
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Sep 10, 2014
I know that my Mac is technically a multi-user system, but it offends me mightily to have to give administrative rights to programs from Microsoft, Adobe, Oracle, etc when they should clearly be able to function in a single-user install available only to my userid.
I can see where firewall software and maybe stuff like vmware needs it but there doesn't seem to be a compelling reason for letting nearly every software company on the planet have super user access to my filesystem. Once I give them such rights its trivial for them to set up a set-uid permission as root on some little executable tucked away in their install.
Any way to force software to just install in your own userspace? Is there some type of jail/chroot I could set up to protect my system from these programs?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 8 Gig RAM
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Mar 2, 2012
I simply can't take any of my pictures off of my SD card. I've tried using the USB cable that came with the camera itself, as well as a USB card reader. iPhoto, and the laptop itself does not recognize the card, or that there is any device mounted at all. I've also tried checking "External Disks" in Finder Preferences, didn't seem to work.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Black Nuts
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Oct 31, 2010
If you have a 13" 2010 MacBook Air with the SD card slot, and you are looking for a card to expand the capacity of your MacBook Air, what is the max capacity card currently available that you can use in this slot. I hear that they have new cards with capacities of up to 2TB, but are these cards compatible with the SD card slot on the MacBook Air? (SDXC 2TB cards)
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Jul 26, 2010
I have a 2010 13" MBP, and have just realised that I'm unable to read my Micro SD card when I pop it into a SD card adaptor and attempt to read via the inbuilt SD card slot. It works fine on my XP netbook though.
Has anyone encountered this problem? Is it normal? Is there any way around it?
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Mar 19, 2012
somehow my sister can't write files to her desktop. what should i check to make this feature available again?
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Jul 2, 2010
My problem seems to be having a PC and MAC exxternal hardrive that i have used in the transition from PC to Mac. I bought a 2Tb mybook essential to transfer all of my photographs to my new mac. I connected it to my pc to get the pictures, now that i have my mac i have tried to access the files. I can open and view them.But im unable to write anything on the hardrive. Even files ive opened up that were on the hardrive that i tried to save again.
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Apr 11, 2012
What printer is compatible with MacBook Air? HP laserjet P1100, whiich I just bought, isn't.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 16, 2012
I need to write in Arabian: How can I set word for mac to write from right to left?
Word for Mac
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Dec 9, 2014
My computer began to get some strange errors - It is my MacBook Pro Retina 15" Mid-2012.My keyboard can't write the letters "B" and the danish letter "Å", it the same for both small and capital letter (B/b and Å/å).
But even though my keyboard won't write the two letters, it will still register the key is beefing push.when I sits and write this, it will change the text to bold - like turning the bold format on/off each time I push the B key. The same happens when I just push the left command key, so I can turn the bold text format on/off with my left command key. The right command key can't turn the bold format on/off, either only or with the "right cmd+b" - which for this forum should be the original short cut.
Both of my command keys denies to accept some shortcut like "cmd+t" in Safari to make a new tab. But the "cmd+n" works fine. I have no problem with writing the letter "t" or the "n" in the url address line. What I have tried so far without any result:- Resetting of the system management controller (SMC)
- Updated to Yosemite so I now have OS X 10.10.1
- Of course tried to restart.
- Seen my language hasn't been changed from Danish.
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 21, 2014
I have a mid 2010 MacBook Pro. It's running almost daily since 2010 and now weird things happen after some uptime when I try to do stuff in Finder:
"The operation can’t be completed. An unexpected error occurred (error code -50)." and if I try to sudo:
$ sudo ls
> sudo: Can't mkdir /var/db/sudo/username: File exists
> ... ls output ...
Furthermore, I cannot do anything write-related anymore, no deletion of files in the Finder, no opening of webpages. Eventually, I have to force shut it down by holding the power button.
I already wiped the HDD and reinstalled Mavericks from USB -- only to have this exact problem one day after setting everything up again. I even bought a new HDD, which worked quite well for a couple of days, only to result in the same error again.
Additional info:
OS X 10.9.3
2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 (upgraded from 2 GB three years ago)
250 GB HDD / now 1 TB HDD
No dual boot / Bootcamp
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Sep 14, 2010
I'm trying to install software on my MacBook. When I select my hard drive applications folder for installation, I get this message: Error! You do not have write permissions to the chosen installation destination. Please choose a different location for installation.
I am on the admin account, so I don't know why it's giving me this. In my weak understanding of computers, I thought perhaps I could repair disk permissions. After running that, I ended up with a gazillion errors, mostly related to my wireless printer, but the following, as well:
ACL found but not expected on "Applications/Utilities".
ACL found but not expected on "Applications".
ACL found but not expected on "Library".
I don't know if that relates or not. How can I give myself permission to install programs in my hard drive applications folder? Where else should I install this program (and does it matter)? If you know iTunes, would you also take a look at this thread of mine, which didn't get much traffic?
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Apr 5, 2012
How to write math formula with Pages ?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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