MacBook Pro :: Unable To Write Anything On The Hardrive?
Jul 2, 2010
My problem seems to be having a PC and MAC exxternal hardrive that i have used in the transition from PC to Mac. I bought a 2Tb mybook essential to transfer all of my photographs to my new mac. I connected it to my pc to get the pictures, now that i have my mac i have tried to access the files. I can open and view them.But im unable to write anything on the hardrive. Even files ive opened up that were on the hardrive that i tried to save again.
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Feb 15, 2011
i had a External Harddrive.Currently i can Read//Write on it in Windows PC(Windows7)But when i use the same drive in Mac i can only read...but can't able to write. How to resolve this issue
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Mar 6, 2012
I removed a bootcamp windows 7 partion and unable to reallocated the hardrive space where windows was located. How do I recover unallocated space?
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a macbook pro running Leopard 10.5.8 I have several SD cards that when I put into my SD card reader slot on the macbook pro I cannot write, delete or format. I can only read the card. I tried Disk Utility, formatting and partitioning the SD card are greyed out. Same with right-clicking "get info" on the card, I have only read access to all cards. Also the lock is not turned on, on any of the cards.I had a work around where I was copying everything from the card onto my harddrive, then popping the SD card back into my camera and having the camera format the card to erase everything. That worked fine until now I want to install a small program "magic lantern" onto my card for my camera, which i cannot do because i can only "read" the cards. is there a terminal command I can try to format the card so that I can read/write?
MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.53 GHz), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 21, 2012
I want to be able to transfer tiles between my pc laptops and my mac mini using external hard drives ans or usb sticks
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Mar 28, 2009
I'm new to Mac and am trying to move a slew of files from my PC in preparation for a total switch. In this case, I had two folders with numerous subfolders that I wanted to make available on my iMac G5 (Leopard). I copied the folders to CDs, then transferred them to the Mac. But now I'm unable to write to those folders/subfolders. Apparently, my permission is restricted to "read only." When I go to Finder, then Get Info and try to change the permission, Mac will not recognize my administrator's password. The folders/subfolders were not password protected on the PC so I don't know what password Mac is looking for. I need full access to these files (R/W) on the Mac.
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Apr 20, 2010
I have Mac OS X 10.4.11. with an internal Pioneer DVR-106D CD/DVD burner. I "capture" opera performances on-line, edit them with CD Spin Doctor 2, send it to Toast where it is then burned to disc. I have been doing this for years with no problems. This past week I started receiving the following message "sense key=medium error. Sense code= OX73, OX03". I tried several different CDs and had three different brands which always did work but stopped working...Philips CD-R, TDK, Memorex Black CD-R. I had two Maxell CD-Rs and they worked. I purchased a cleaning disc hoping that cleaning the lens would correct the problem. Still none of the previously mentioned CD-Rs would work and I was unable to purchase additional Maxell discs locally. At Sam's Club I purchased Verbatim CD-R, placed one in the computer.....and it worked. For almost a week I've been able to burn CDs once more, until tonight. Again, I used the cleaner disc plus retried some of the other brands of CD with the same burn. When I tried burning a disc with iTunes, I received the following message "The attempt to burn a disc failed. The device failed to calibate the laser power level for this media."
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Aug 29, 2009
i'm trying to burn a Windows 7 ISO my brother got from some ACM subscription thing. Anyway, every time i try to burn it, it says "Unable to burn "(cd name)". (The burn failed because of a medium write error.)". Why is this happening? Is it the superdrive or the DVD-Rs? My computer is the Macbook pro with 2.4GHz intel core 2 duo cpu and with 2GB of 676MHz DDR2 SDRAM. The DVD-Rs i'm trying to use are Sony branded.
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Nov 12, 2009
When I start typing a word, it tries to finish it for me (for example, if I want to just write the word "commit" it tries to sort of finish it for me by adding on "commit-ment" unless I press the Space bar-its sorta annoying-how can I change that?
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Dec 10, 2009
I have a Toshiba 250GB external hard drive to back up pictures. I can write to it just fine. I also have a Fantom Drive 1TB external. I could write to it last week, but I turned it on this week and I can't write to it. I can still pull stuff off of it, but I can't write to it. What can be causing this? I have already installed MacFuse and NTFS-3G. It doesn't make sense to me that I can't write to it all of the sudden.
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Feb 9, 2010
I would like to be able to have full read/write/format/repair ability for NTFS partitions, but every single solution out there explicitly says that it only works with the x32 version of Snow Leopard. This includes Paragon NTFS, NTFS-3g and the newest corporate version of NTFS-3g (which offers dramatically better file copy speed than the old free version).
Curiously, the final version of MacFUSE ever released (2.1.7b) the underlying driver that facilitates all of these NTFS filesystem plugins is 64bit and has an x64 kext that works just fine. Considering that the FUSE part of MacFUSE stands for Filesystem in User Space, shouldn't it be relatively easy to transition the userland part of the driver (the part that actually deciphers the filesystem) to x64?
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Sep 8, 2014
We are running OSX mavericks 10.9.4 which connects a network windows share on login.
I have see the share and navigate through its files fine however, if I try drag a file to the root of the share the green plus does not appear and I am unable to copy it. I am however, able to copy it to a sub folder within the same view.
Permissions are definitely correct and have the same permissions as the sub folders previously mentioned. If I go into a sub folder and back to the root, I am then able to copy the file as intended. It is based in an AD environment so these are all new users viewing the share from the MAC for the very first time.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Feb 15, 2011
When I connect my external hard disk (Maxtor) to my Mac Book Pro, I am not able to copy/transfer files to it, though I can copy from it to my Mac. How do I change the permissions from Read Only to Read and Write?
MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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May 11, 2010
How can I change the location of files created with the screen grab features of OS X Snow Leopard ? I tried to play with the "Keyboard" control panel, but I'm always getting an error when I try to capture a screen picture (something like : "can't write file to the specified location"). I really don't know what is that "specified location" and how to change it. Any idea ?
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Jan 7, 2011
I've purchased a 2TB external drive, I downloaded and installed macfuse and ntfs-3g AND tuxera ntfs and I formatted the drive to ntfs. Everything was working perfectly (reading and writing) until I unplugged the drive form my computer. So when I plugged the drive back in, it could only read and no longer can write information.
What is going on? I didn't even turn off my computer, the only thing I did was backup my computer with time machine (onto a separate drive not the NTFS one) and plug the new drive back in. I've reinstalled all 3 programs and restarted my computer but nothing seems to be working.
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Jul 24, 2008
I have my iMac and PC connected to each other through the ethernet. The iMac is set to read/write the shared network volumes on my PC. The Finder is used to set up the SMB connection. Everything works fine. Mac applications are able to read and write files to the PC.
However, after a day or so (during which the PC has been kept on, while the Mac has slept) problems occur. It seems as if it is possible to access the network volumes and even view the root directory. However, clicking on any directory will show a blank directory.
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Apr 7, 2009
I am a Mac convert now two years and was beginning to truly believe Macs are impervious to the hair pulling and teeth gnashing so often associated with PC's but...I have been repeatedly trying to write to my WorldBook NAS which has previously worked beautifully but everytime I try to write anything remotely large, I get the message,
"An unexpected error has occurred the file could not be written to the disk. Error Code 51"
My NAS is 2TB and attached to my D-Link wireless. I have used it exclusively for my iTunes library and it has worked very nicely.I experienced this the first time with one of three movies I am adding to my library. After a couple tries, I decided to let iTunes copy it to the folder in it's process of adding it to the library and it worked fine. The following day I repeated the process and now I get the message through iTunes as well.
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Apr 22, 2009
I recently had to create a new user, copy all apps and files to same, and then reinstall MS Office 2004 for Mac. I use a mini, 2gig Ram, and Leopard (10.5.6)OS. All my old office files have become "read only" and I cann ot modify and save w/o renaming. Is there a "blanket" way to change the Permissions to "read & write" for all my Office files? Idid not see a similar item in the FAQ's......
Also, when I open an Office application, I get the following message: "An unexpected error occurred while trying to load the Microsoft Framework library". How do I fix that?
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Sep 3, 2010
Transfer his files from his old over heated macbook 2006 to his new macbook pro
WE have a external hard drive case for the old macbook hard drive and I am looking for a "quick" way to transfer all the files to his new computer from this
Some of the files are gone and we are guessing that is the heat damage and want to get the rest off ASAP
We already have a new external hard drive to back up his files
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May 4, 2009
their was a way to remove the hardrive label when its on the desktop? I want to just have the hardrive with nothing on it so it looks a bit cleaner. I searched all over for the answer and couldnt find it anywhere.
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Jun 28, 2009
So I've finally saved up for a Macbook, I'll probably get the 13" 2.26 model then upgrade the hardrive and ram myself.
1. Could you recommend a good hardrive and ram please, I'm in the UK. Would this be any good?
2. Bit of a vague question but, can you play any games on it? I mainly play on the ps3, but I do enjoy games such as Football manager and Empire: Total War would these run on it? If its been disscussed elsewhere links would be good
3. I'll need to put a copy of XP on to it unfortunatly and I think bootcamp is best for playing games, but if I bought parallels does this use the same partion as bootcamp or would I have to create a 3rd partition?
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Mar 12, 2009
I have both a Black Macbook (3-4 or so years old) and a new aluminum Macbook. I just upgraded the Aluminum macbook's harddrive to 500GB and thought I'd upgrade the older black macbook's original 60GB drive with this spare 250GB drive.
Problem is, the connectors appear very different. The old 60GB drive has a male type power port and is missing the plastic border around the SATA port.It was my understanding that SATA3 drives were backword compatible with SATA1.5. Is this not the case? Did Apple use some sort of proprietary connector in the older macbooks? Do I need some sort of adapter?
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Feb 21, 2009
I have a Macpro laptop 15" running Tiger 10.4.1
I have a complete backup of my laptop on an external hardrive that I made 6 months ago, the problem is that I can't see my hardrive at all on my laptop. How do I get my good backup onto my laptop?
I also tried using the install disks that came with the laptop, but still can't see my hardrive on my laptop. Using the disk utility all it does is sits and spins saying (gathering disk information) let it run for about an hour or so but I'm thinking it's not doing anything.
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Apr 8, 2010
I installed a 550GB WD harddrive for my G5(1.6Ghz). I looked up info on computer and it showed drive was connected, but I could not see it on desktop, and I cannot install Tiger. Also, I had system look for network(forgot specific), now all I see when I boot up is a globe. How can I get out of this?
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May 9, 2010
i have a old sata harddrive from my PC..i bought a nice casing for it and was planning to use it as a external hardrive for my macbook pro. But it didnt recognized after some searches i found out i needed to partion it to MAC journaled. And my macbook pro finally recognized it but my PC wont!
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Sep 7, 2010
My computer's memory is complety full. Im trying to select al these photos (10,000) and drag them to my luck! ans then as a test I try to drag just luck! Any advice out there?
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Nov 18, 2007
A friend of mine recently gave me an old G3 but the hdd made clicking noises. I need to replace that obviously, but im totally clueless as to what to put in. I just want something that i can plug in and go.
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Jan 19, 2008
Can't seem to find the GUID formatting option in Disk Utility......?
Can somebody enlighten me?
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May 10, 2009
I was recently using my computer the other day which is a mac mini. I left it on and came back to use it and when I just clicked the mouse the screen froze. I tried using Ctrl-Alt-Esc but nothing worked so I just turned off the computer. I rebooted it again and I hear a clicking noise and the computer wont load, just a blank white screen. Repeated the same thing multiple times and still the same. Unfortunatley for me I didn't make a backup of the hard drive. I brought the computer into the apple store to get it fixed.
I wanted to know if there is any way to salvage(data recovery) any of the files from the hardrive or someway to recover them. I looked at how much it costs to do a data recovery and the price seems way to expensive.
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Jan 8, 2011
I have a WD 2 TB My Book Home Edition external hard drive, I have had it for about a year... it worked fine I had a little over 1 TB of data on the hard drive and after coming home from vacation when I reconnected my hard drive it would not mount. The message was "Hard disk not recognized by this computer" so I properly disconnected the hard drive and replugged it in and reconnected to iMac and still same thing. I have tried everything in the book it feels like and nothing is working, and of course I did not have all the info backup with time machine (I REGRET and beat myself up for not) so I need to recover the data and I am not sure what to do. I did run Data Rescue 3 and it said that there was nothing on the hard drive to recover. Of course I am panicking and I have been told to send it off for Data recovery but that is going to cost up to 2,000 and I just want to make sure that this is my last resort or is it hopeless and should I just seek counseling for all the lost pictures of my kiddos...LOL I did try opening the case and inserting hard drive directly in a hard drive docking station
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