I want to assign the F5 and F6 keys on my Macbook to work as 'Page Up' and 'Page Down'. I'm not sure if it is possible to do this for all applications...If it's not, I would just want to use them in Firefox. I tried system preferences > keyboard and mouse > keyboard shortcuts...but had no luck..I don't know what menu command to enter when I create my own shortcut..I can't find page up or down in the menu for Firefox?
Had to reinstall 10.6.2 on IMac after erasing disk for an earlier problem with Adobe CS4 installation. The Adobe Tech Support could offer no help with all log files submitted and as a last resort suggested I erase the internal drive and reinstall system and applications. It worked. But: Two problems encountered so far are : Inability to assign F13 key "to look up dictionary" (default being command -control-D) and the F11 and F12 keys no longer control sound volume as they all did before the reinstallation. I am unable to assign the keys in the System Preferences as suggested by Apple.
I have a PowerPC G5, OSX 10.4.11 with a wired numeric keyboard. I enter a lot of numbers. How can I assign one of the function keys on the right side of the keyboard, above the number pad, F16, F17, F18, or F19 to be a "TAB" key so I can move around fields when entering numeric data?
Following on from my recent post regarding the new apple wired keyboard after very helpful feedback from people who responded to my post I decided to take the leap and purchase it! Good news is that I am really happy with it and am glad that I got it! Much nicer then old apple keyboard that I was using.
I also downloaded spark v. 2.1.1 which has enabled me to change the functions of Fkeys to enable to play, pause, etc... in itunes in accordance with the keyboard layout. However, there are two functions that I am having difficulty assigning which are the F1 and F2 keys which allow the decrease and increase of screen brightness. So that I can control my screen brightness using these keys.
Twisted body, slanted keys, loose keys, battery cover, and freese trackpad. Lets see how many members in this forum is suffering from Apple's poor Quality Control in these new Macbooks!
I would like to password protect a PDF. I have password protected a Numbers document, but cannot figure out how to do it with a PDF. The option to add a password is grayed out in the drop down menu.
How can I assign the square root function (button) in Apple's Calculator application to the F13 button?
Similarly, how to assign other buttons within applications to Function keys. (as opposed to assigning menu items to Function keys by using Keyboard application preferences)
so I just installed an extra 4gb of ram in my mac pro, I'm wondering how much should I assign photoshop to use while still being able to run Illustrator, and what ever else.
I've been using itunes for a while and it just messed my entire music library up! I've found something that is more Winamp style for me named "Cog". Now my problem is that I want to control it with the F7, F8, F9 keys which are the rewind, play and forward keys, but when pressing any of them it works both on itunes and cog player. How can I disable the Itunes link to it? I want it to control only Cog player.
I'm using the thin aluminum USB external keyboard and suddenly my 8ik, diagonal of keys stopped working (now I'm using my laptop keyboard). Anyone know if this is typically a sign of a broken keyboard, or a user issue?
My aunt spilled wine on her ibook G4 and the period key won't work and hasn't for ages Is there a way to assign a different key as the period? This copy and paste crap is really getting annoying She's running OS 10 3 9
I'm referring to the desktops you can add in mission control. In the dock, when you click on an app and hold it (or right-click) you can go to options and then assign on which desktop this particular app should open. You can choose on all desktops (which will make the app follow you, no matter to which desktop you are switch), you can choose on the desktop you are now on and you can choose none.But how do you choose several desktops? Is that even possible? Because I don't think so.I am using the Logic arrange window and would like to have the Mixer on a different desktop.
Is there any app that will allow me to remap keys from my pad to keyboard keys ? For an example if i'll press a button on my pad - the text editor will type in a letter ?
I spent at least 30 minutes struggling with my new computer because the path name of my macros had changed. Turns out, you must manually change every item in your Excel palettes that calls a macro. That's easy, you control click on the palette icon, select 'assign macro', and choose the macro.
But although that command was not greyed-out, when I selected it, nothing would happen. There was no error message.
I found no solutions on the internet, and in the course of the 30 minutes, tried various desperate things involving new taskbars, searching for mysterious excel.xlb files, VBA scripts to build taskbars. In the course of that, I broke a bunch of things on the palette. But I found the solution, and joined this group, just so I could tell the world.
I was first going to post this on the Community boards since this is more a geek opinion thing and not a technical thing but I'm putting it here b/c I noticed the Mac OCD thing here, too. Okay, so every once in a while, I decide that some aspect of my interaction with the UI is inefficient and annoying. Usually, its a very minor issue and my attempts to be less inefficient end up becoming ridiculous time wasters. Like my latest attempt to retrain my brain for what I think is "efficient" hot corner assignments:
Upper Left: Show Desktop Upper Right: All Windows Lower Left: Dashboard Lower Right: Spaces
Here's the way I figure it. Show Desktop is the one function that leaves the almost all elements of the UI intact, particularly the menu bar. For me, the most inadvertent activation of hot corner elements is the upper left, because that has the menu elements I reach for most often. With Show Desktop, this matters much less. Spaces and All Windows need to be in adjacent corners for quicker consecutive activation because I use them in combo to move stuff between spaces and applications. The distance between top and bottom is shorter than left and right so these go on the right side. Which leaves Dashboard on the lower left which is good because there's nothing in the lower right corner I reach for on a constant basis. Dashboard widgets are arranged so all of my drag and drop widgets are on the LL corner. Anyway, I've been driving myself nuts with this arrangement because I'm so used to my old assignments that I keep hitting the wrong corners. How long till I get used to it?
I was just wondering if there is an application of OS X that allows non-multi-touch Macbooks to make your own gesture on your trackpad and assign them to a command of your choice. Ex. I want every time I make a circle on my trackpad for Expose to come up. I know that Multiclutch exists for Multi-touch Macs but is there an app for this on older Macs?
I have an older Mac Pro with 16 GBs of RAM and I'm trying to get Lightroom 3 to stop running ridicualously slow. I've checked the activity monitor and with just a browser & LR3 running I have just over 10 GBs of Free memory. LR3 is using 1.72 GBs. Back in the day you could allocate RAM to a program like photoshop so it wasn't such a dog. Is there anyway to do this in MAC OS X?
on my keyboard, I have assigned F5 to show me the desktop and F6 to show the dashboard. Both F5 and F6 were set to zoom in & out before. F6 works fine, nothing interferring, but F5 doesn't work. When I press F5, nothing happens.
I did this through System Preferences/Mission Control and then checked one again through System Preferences/Keyboard/Mission Control.
I'm trying to do some math/biology study notes for school in pages, but I can't seem to figure out how to assign keyboard shortcuts to symbols. I could easily do it MS Office 08, where I would assign such keystrokes as Alt + Right for the "⇒" symbol but in pages it's not that simple. Right now, I essentially have to goto edit/special characters and insert each symbol in manually when I need it (Which is obviously time consuming for no reason)
I love being in an all Apple environment, and typically works great and is intuitive. I do not miss Netgear or Linksys web setup pages and menus, but sometimes, like right now, I feel like either I'm missing something, or I need more control.
I'm using a (single radio) gigE Airport Extreme and I want to find the IP of a IP camera I'm trying to use (Trendnet TV-IP110). I realized that I can't see a list of the devices and their IPs (or even MAC Addresses) and also that I don't know how to assign static IPs (we presently have 4 laptops that are opened and closed all the time and they swap IPs pretty freely).
I've read here on MR some that static IPs are set for Macs in system preferences -> network but how do I do that for less intelligent devices? I guess I can set the IPs for all the household Macs one by one and then go through guessing to try to ping the camera.
Most of the time the camera's internet light blinks, but it went solid once, then blinked again some time later. I'm guessing it got it's own IP and went solid, then someone started using their laptop again and it lost it, but I'm not certain.
I want to know how I can assign a password to a couple of folders that I don't anyone opening. I saw this done in a movie but since its a movie I don't know if its possible...it was done on an Macbook
Trying to set up a second monitor, which I want to use as my "universal communication dashboard" across all of my spaces.In other words, I want to run a bunch of applications there which should appear regardless of which space I'm on. To do this I know that I just right click the application and select "Assign To: All Desktops" but for whatever reason only one of the applications follows me from screen to screen, even if I have all three selected.All three applications are set to start on login.This seems like a blatant bug in Lion and I would love advice on how to fix it, or how to nag Apple until it gets fixed.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Trying to set up calendar in Mavericks 10.9.3. The defaults are Blue = Home, Green = Work, Purple = Holidays and Grey = Birthdays.. until you uncheck some and they disappear.
all up and adding them ourselves.But when adding my own groups, I'd like them in different colors to make them stand out. However, they're all showing up as grey. I can't seem to find anywhere where I can set up my own colors. I wish Apple weren't getting so controlling. I know many of you want everything to synch up but........not everyone uses the calendar for work or even wants to sync it with anything else.
The Calendar app used to be simple and easy and you could set it up however you wanted. Doesn't appear so now and very group the same grey color, isn't very useful! I'd get rid of "Home" too but it's the only thing that isn't grey besides Holidays-- since I eliminated "Work". I don't know what "Home" is. Since "Holiday" is purple, I want "Medical Appts." in Red. I want other things in other colors.
How to Assign Display profile to all users? I have tried using the admin login but it fails? I was trying to calibrate my Mac display and try to apply it for all user level, but when I try to login using a different user it switches back to the default profile. How do I resolve it?
Ok, I know how to set up contacts and create groups. I also know how to add contacts to group(s). Now is it possible to assign groups to a contact instead? Like Google (Gmail) does, you pull up the contact and tick-off the groups that you want this contact to be in.
Before you ask "but why would you wanna do that." Well, quite simple, I organize my contacts by regions (countries) and many of my contacts are seemingly on the move and all over the maps. With the iCloud, I'd have to create/edit (or in my current situation, import) contacts first and then move into groups by dragging one by one (yes, i know shift-click.)
I just realized that I have never seen an option to organize mail in the Mail app on my Macbook. Is there a way to do this that I am not seeing or is this another feature that Apple has to implement? It seems strange to add the tag feature to documents on your mac but not to integrate that with your email.