OS X :: Broken Keyboard Keys - Diagonal Keys Stopped Working?
Feb 12, 2010
I'm using the thin aluminum USB external keyboard and suddenly my 8ik, diagonal of keys stopped working (now I'm using my laptop keyboard). Anyone know if this is typically a sign of a broken keyboard, or a user issue?
so i installed windows 7 on bootcamp, i noticed that the keyboard backlight keys to adjust the keyboard backlight arent working. then i switched over to the mac os, and it also stopped working there!
whenever i press the keys, the transparent box shows up but the bars do not move, it is currently off, and it also has that crossed out circle symbol.
Someone spilled something on my delete key and it was pretty sticky so I decided to take it out and clean it. After a few minutes of picking the key to get it out, it relinquished itself and I wiped it off. I then put it back on and now it simply doesn't work when I press it. Am I going to have to go to the professionals to fix it? I later did the same to my Volume Up key to see how I may have screwed up the delete key and it inevitably messed up as well. For a short time my trackpad wouldn't tap when I tapped it so I had to go into the system preferences and turn off the function of the trackpad ignoring accidental taps on the keyboard or something for it to work, so my delete key must currently be pushed down but not functioning correctly (I don't know). Then I somehow crewed up my keyboard shortcuts and now some functions work while others do nothing. On word I can use the shortcuts to save and underline, but can't use them to bold and undo. I use the latter more than the former and I don't have a clue as to why this has happened.
I have a mid-2007 Macbook Pro (A1226). I accidentally spilt soup on it, and now the "z, x, c" keys no longer work. The apple store said I need a keyboard replacement. However, do you think that if I take apart the keyboard and clean it with rubbing alcohol, it will fix it? Or if not rubbing alcohol, what kind of solution could I use?
I have a MBP with an apple wireless keyboard. The keyboard has brightness keys on it but they have recently stopped working. It is strange as the keys on the MBP still work but the ones on the bluetooth keyboard, placed exactly in the same spot (the wireless KB and the Macbook pro's KB are exactly the same), don't.
My volume keys on my MacBook have stopped working. All otherkeys work fine. Tried re-setting the PRAM and nothing. Made sure the voiceovers and such were disabled as well.
my work MacBook Pro and my own MacBook Air - The media keys have stopped working. Dumping the prefs and restarting haven't worked. The media keys work fine with Spotify though. My software versions are below:iTunes 11.2.2 (3)OSX 10.9.3
I spilled some water on my laptop this morning but it wasn't a lot and seemingly nothing happened. Then several hours later all of the sudden my delete key and arrow keys are not working. I can only assume this has something to do with the spill. My MacBook Pro is over 2 years old and I'm pretty sure the warranty is long expired. I definitely can't afford a new one or expensive repairs. Is there anyway to change the function of my keys? In other words can I change say one of my shifts or command keys into a new delete key ?
Is there any app that will allow me to remap keys from my pad to keyboard keys ? For an example if i'll press a button on my pad - the text editor will type in a letter ?
I can't backspace anymore. And just now, as I type this, I noticed if I press delete I -forward- delete, and I can still highlight text and delete it that way. How do I change the delete key to backspace? Also, my arrow keys used to move the cursor within text. now it just scrolls the page up and down.
All of a sudden my keyboard isn't working right. The caps lock doesn't work/the tab key isn't working and the escape key isn't working. Now this happened before and I fixed it and have no clue what i did. There is quite a few keys and tricks I don't know.
My cat slept on my MacBook last night and now the keyboard isn't working properly ... Some keys don't do anything at all and some keys do things they shouldn't... Any clues on how to fix this? I called the apple support line and we don't think it was anything to do with the settings in 'universal settings'. I'm not sure what else to do and this is one time I do wish I had a man in the house?! Or at least someone else who has half a clue! I rely haven't had many problems with my MacBook 'till now. I'm operating on Mac os x 10.6.8 Also, 2 cats free to good home. Or anyhome, it doesn't even need to be 'good'!
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Late 2008 macbook
One of the keys on my keyboard are not working. The letter "b" isn't working for me.(I had to copy+paste the letter.) Is there any solution? I restarted my computer and even followed to apple instructions in hopes that it would work. However, the key still doesn't work.
I recently spilled a protein shake over my mb pro. It spilled on the right side, but I quickly cleaned it with a wet tissue and dried it up. The problem, now, is that the illuminated keyboard isn't working..only a few random keys are working and the rest aren't..
What should I do? I have a 1 year warranty left, but I'm not sure it'll be covered.
I am not sure what happened but it seems my two year old child might have spilled something on my macbook. The keyboard stopped working and when I pressed a key the letter "Z" got stuck. I purchased a used "topcase" from ebay, installed it and I am still experiencing the same phenomonon, although other letters can type normally. My gut instinct is that there is something else wrong ""deeper to the keyboard".
My keyboard stopped working so I went to the apple store to replace it with another one. Now I am back home and the keys at the very top are not working correctly (volumn F12 shows the dashboard, F11 takes the screen up and away, F8 pause button shows spaces, etc.). What should I do to correct this problem - I assume I probably need to download some type of softwear but what? I have a Mac OS X Version 10.5.8 desktop - 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), new keyboard problems
I have a macbook pro late 2011. Yesterday, I was using as usual my macbook the whole day. So I went to bed and shut the system down usually. Today I've started the OSX up and the number keys on the keyboard were not working anymore... The weird thing is that the whole keyboard is currently working except the keys from 1-9 (even the Zero key is working as usual) and I have to use the virtual keyboard to type them...
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), late 2011
I just bought a new Apple wireless keyboard. Unfortunately, I am posting this with speech recognition software because it will not actually work.
I was able to pair the keyboard with no problems, and I sent a short email just to try out the feel of the keys. But then I installed the software update. After restarting my computer, the alphanumeric keys on the keyboard will not work. The function keys, modifier keys, and the arrows work fine. It is literally just the numbers, letters, and punctuation keys that are not working.
i've been trying to get 64-bit Windows 7 on my iMac by adding drivers one by one. The only driver that's giving me trouble is the keyboard one. The F-Keys do not work like they are supposed to. They are just the Windows default meaning the brightness keys don't change brightness and the sound keys don't change the sound. I have tried both the Leopard BootCamp drivers as well as the Snow Leopard BootCamp drivers and neither have changed how the F-Keys behave. Is there another driver i'm missing that I have to install?
Also i'm using the Apple Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard for whatever that's worth.
I just purchased a new wired keyboard for imac and brightness and volume control keys not working . i have tried adjusting keyboard settings. I have software version 10.5.8. Do I need to upgrade software.
After the cat spilled a glass of water on my wireless keyboard I had to get a new one. I asked the folks at my local Apple store both over the phone and in person if the 10-key keyboard (non-wireless) they were going to sell me was compatible with Mac OS X version 10.5.8 (I think I'm Leopard) and they assured me it was. When I hit the volume keys, it initially used the assigned function of the F10, F11, and F12 keys (manipulated the windows and dashboard). I removed those key assignments through system preferences but now the volume keys do absolutely nothing. I tried looking for volume controls through the assignments but couldn't even find them to assign the F10, F11 and F12 keys to them.
Ok, My roomate just got an apple keyboard to use with his blackbook. Its the new bluetooth aluminum one, without the numberpad.When connected to his computer, it acts like a mouse.... The "i" key clicks, i think it was 'G' moves the cursor, and will no type at all. The 'F' keys work, volume up, down, play pause.... those work. It will even eject, but will not type.
The funny thing? It works fine with my aluminum macbook....Both are 10.5.6
My two-year-old daughter was messing with the keyboard on my iMac, and now the keys on the keyboard are not functioning as they were before. The delete key doesn't work, "a" types a symbol-topped "a" followed by the copyright symbol, etc...
I've restores the factory settings to the function keys in system preferences, but the problem persists.
We have a 2.4GHz intel Core 2 Duo MacBook.The track pad and "F" keys work but none of the other rows of keys work...any help figuring out how this can be fixed?
I have a Powerbook G4 that has a broken shift and enter key. The other shift and enter both work fine, so I haven't lost any functionality, but I'd like to fix it anyway. They are the only two keys that do not work. Would buying a new keyboard fix this problem? If not, what do I need to do?