ITunes For Mac :: How To Assign Path To Where Backup Folder Would Go By Default
Jun 29, 2014When I sync my iPhone the backup folder appears on the desktop. But how can I assign the path to where the backup folder would go by default?
View 2 RepliesWhen I sync my iPhone the backup folder appears on the desktop. But how can I assign the path to where the backup folder would go by default?
View 2 RepliesI have 100% of my songs for iTunes stored on a USB Hard Drive.
I dont let iTunes organise my library, nor copy to iTunes library when adding
The default iTunes Media Folder is located on this drive where about 70% of the songs are (songs that have been ripped from CD or downloaded.
My USB HD was plugged in correctly, but a song couldnt be I tried another and it found it straight away...odd
I then hit 'Get Info' on the bad songs, and the location that Itunes was looking in, was changed to a new Default iTunes Music Folder on my Macs drive
Very strange as I have never known iTunes to change the location of a file before within the library?
Ive come to the conclusion that it was only the files that were stored in the Default iTunes Media Folder that coudnt be found.
So I then checked in preferences, to see where the Default iTunes Music Folder was, and it was on my Macs Drive, instead of the USB drive (possibly due to starting iTunes up, without my HD plugged in)
Changed this back to location on my USB Hard Drive, and all of a sudden iTunes re-writes my library to show all the files in the correct position again! Ive never known it do this before on my PC, is it a new feature?
I recently moved all my music on my moms computer from the regular iTunes folder to another. Then when I tried to play the music, it couldn't find it. so I went into prefrences, and changed the target folder to the new one. But when I changed it, it still couldnt find the music. I went back into prefrences, and it was still at the old folder! Is there an apply button or something I have to push?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have a Western Digital MyBook Studio external hard drive on which i keep my music and media in general. My music alone takes up around 160gb so i needed an external drive.
I've changed the default iTunes Library folder to one in my external drive and have let iTunes organize everything inside it and it all works well... the thing is though that when i launch iTunes and the external HD is not detected (power failure for example, no power for the HD but my macbook pro works fine) it defaults to the folder it had set at first, the Music folder in my Home folder.
Is there any way i can stop it from doing that?
Recently I bought a WD UBB HD to store my music on. I've moved everything over and works great. However, I noticed one night after ripping some of my CDs that they were going back to the default iTunes folder. I'm suspecting that this may be happening if I open iTunes before the HD mounts. Is this true? Is there a way to prevent iTunes from doing this? Or a prompt alerting me that it can't find the USB device and if it should revert to the default. Also, how can I easily move the music over to my USB HD. Can I just do Consolidate Library and not worry about losing anything?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI tried to consolidate iTunes to the default media folder but when I click ok nothing happens. It worked once before but doesn't now. I have the latest iTunes...
iPod classic, Windows 7
I was wondering how to get into my private folder? where is that located, what is the path?
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I am sure there is a way but...don't know how. Freeware or native apple way preferred over having to buy a new program.
When I have an item listed in a Spotlight search that is in a folder I'm actually looking for, how do I figure out where the folder is located? I often remember a document or app and want to add something to the same folder, but can't find it-- Spotlight does not give the path that I can see.
Intel IMac, Mac OS X (10.4.6)
I have 3 macs and I tried to sync and backup my itunes library. it seems that the iMac in the rec room - (airport) has multiple paths for my itunes library. So, when I click on Home - Music - Itunes - itunes music - I have 70 folders of artists. Then I scroll down to a music folder which then i now have 79 folders. The I scroll down to another Music folder which has 33 folders. Is there any hope for my system?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), eMac with airport extreme
I've always hated how itunes doesn't let you order by file path. It's really an overt ommission intended to get people to abandon their folder structures and have itunes take control. Anyways I've held off since I've built up a good system which works for me and I hoped that maybe one day it would get patched into it. Well it didn't look like they'd ever put it in so I started looking around for alternatives and I found one which works.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I change a folder name, while iTunes is working it's okay, it keeps playing the file just fine, but when I close iTunes and re-open it, it forgets the file path and make me find the path manually, then appears to be all right, but why it forgets the path when I close it?
I mean, even if I change the folder name (path) of the song that is actually playing, nothing happens and keep playing all the songs just fine, but if I close forgets all changes...
On Mavericks, Current itunes. My iTunes library files, the folder, iTunes Library.itl , iTunes Music Library.xml and so on, are stored in the Music folder of my system on the main hard drive.
All of the actual MP3s etc are on a separate drive, "Beagle Music". (I have iTunes set to not import and to leave my files the way I have them organized)
I've moved those to a new External, "Beagle Media".
I would like to point iTunes to the new drive, and would GREATLY PREFER not to have to rebuild the library files from scratch.
I TRIED editing the file path in iTunes Music Library.xml, thinking that would fix the .ITL file, but that is actually the reverse of how it works, so the XML reverted when I restarted iTunes.
iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
Because of hard disk space issues I've moved all my iTunes libraries (I'm using Libra for making several libraries and selecting them) over to a bigger external hard drive. However, iTunes still thinks my music is on the "old" drive. I could of course just give the "new" drive the same name as the "old" one, but I'd rather not. So is there a way I can modify an iTunes library with a new file path? The library structure and everything is the same. It's just on a differently named hard drive now.
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iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Running OS X 10.8.5
Trying to backup to Passport Time machine. Has worked fine until a few days ago.
I'm trying to back up my new iMac to an older time capsule. But it just won't do it. The error reads: "Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup folder".
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am not running Leopard yet (I cannot run it till I either get a processor upgrade or a new Mac). I have Default Folder. Before I upgrade to Default Folder 4.06 I was wondering if Default Folder is actually needed with Leopard?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSuddenly, all my applications in the applications folder have disappeared! I was suspicious when, trying to open up various apps on my dock, they wouldn't open and I got a question mark over the icons. It is showing '0' applications. I tried copying my applications from my external hard drive. It looks like it is copying over and when the copying is finished, poof, it disappears and applications folder shows '0'. I am on Mac OS 10.3.9, iMac (lamp-shade style), processor is 800 MHz G4, and memory is 768 MB. This is pretty critical, I can't do anything with no applications! (Would this be some strange virus?)
View 5 Replies View Relatedlet's see if I can explain this. I want to change me default movie folder from the the default position in my user folder onto my newly bought hard disk. Is there any way of doing this?
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View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to default the downloads to the desktop and not the download folder. I tried looking in the FAQ but did not see it, thanks.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can easily change the icon of my HD, or any other application using CandyBar or LiteIcon but these prgrams do not allow me to change standard folders and that's mainly what I want to change.
CandyBar & LiteIcon even allow me to change the "applications" folder, "Documents" and "Downloads", etc... but I havent had any luck with the cliche standard blue folders.
I'd like to change the folder where Photo Booth saves all it's images. Is there any way to do this? Perhaps a Terminal command?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my home folder I have copied a folder from my external hard drive, this folder I can navigate to no problem
so in that folder I have created another folder called 2010 in that folder is another called Germany 2010, I would like to save a Excel Doc in there, but when I press save as on the Document it does not give me the option to save to this folder and I cannot navigate to it, So how can I save as in a folder of my choice.
Tried a search but not be lucky so hoping someone out there has solved this one before.....
Been trying to change some of the default icons Apple provide with third party .icns files by opening the folder info window in finder by using the 'get info' command, then clicking the icon in the top left hand corner (so it is has the tiny blue halo) and then edit-paste in the new icon. Sometimes it works (have changed some successfully) but now when I try, instead of the pasted icon displaying the icon image, I get the generic or default icon image for an icns icon displayed, see the screen grab attachment for what I mean
Can anyone advise me as to whats not working correctly?
I would like to know whether it is possible to change the smart folders preferences in what to search by default. What I mean is in the "window" spotlight, when you search on it, by default is searches on "This mac" and on "Content", my question is whether this is changeable. I hope you understand what I was talking about, if not please ask.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHave a 2nd internal hard drive on my Mac Pro work station and os 10.5.2 on it. I did a restart to start up on this hd and found the Home Folder in users titled "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP". How can I rename it back to what it was originally so I can do the updates on it ? Had this prob. a year or so ago and can't remember how I corrected it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just installed a new 128 SSD into my MacBook Pro instead of SuperDrive and kept also the old HDD inside. I made a clean install of Lion on the SSD which created a new Pictures folder on the SSD, but I want to have it linked to the old HDD. Is there any way how to change destination of these default folders? (I have tried to create symbolic link and put it instead of the Pictures folder, but Lion does not let me delete the Pictures folder...)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro 2010
I'd like to set up the Default Folder, the one you get when you open a new folder with Finder's New Folder (Shift-Cmd-N), so the SideBar and, especially the ToolBar don't show up since I prefer the old fashioned behavior for folder windows. I can get No SideBar to stick but no matter what I do I can't get No ToolBar to stick.
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion, Quad-Core i7 processor, 16GB RAM