OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Assign Specific Applications To Spaces

Mar 24, 2012

How do you assign specific applications to spaces in OS X Lion?

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Assign Expose And Spaces Hot Corners?

Jul 4, 2009

I was first going to post this on the Community boards since this is more a geek opinion thing and not a technical thing but I'm putting it here b/c I noticed the Mac OCD thing here, too. Okay, so every once in a while, I decide that some aspect of my interaction with the UI is inefficient and annoying. Usually, its a very minor issue and my attempts to be less inefficient end up becoming ridiculous time wasters. Like my latest attempt to retrain my brain for what I think is "efficient" hot corner assignments:

Upper Left: Show Desktop
Upper Right: All Windows
Lower Left: Dashboard
Lower Right: Spaces

Here's the way I figure it. Show Desktop is the one function that leaves the almost all elements of the UI intact, particularly the menu bar. For me, the most inadvertent activation of hot corner elements is the upper left, because that has the menu elements I reach for most often. With Show Desktop, this matters much less. Spaces and All Windows need to be in adjacent corners for quicker consecutive activation because I use them in combo to move stuff between spaces and applications. The distance between top and bottom is shorter than left and right so these go on the right side. Which leaves Dashboard on the lower left which is good because there's nothing in the lower right corner I reach for on a constant basis. Dashboard widgets are arranged so all of my drag and drop widgets are on the LL corner. Anyway, I've been driving myself nuts with this arrangement because I'm so used to my old assignments that I keep hitting the wrong corners. How long till I get used to it?

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Mac Pro :: Assign Unused RAM To Specific Application?

May 16, 2012

I have an older Mac Pro with 16 GBs of RAM and I'm trying to get Lightroom 3 to stop running ridicualously slow. I've checked the activity monitor and with just a browser & LR3 running I have just over 10 GBs of Free memory. LR3 is using 1.72 GBs. Back in the day you could allocate RAM to a program like photoshop so it wasn't such a dog. Is there anyway to do this in MAC OS X?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Assign To All Desktops For Multiple Applications

Jun 20, 2012

Trying to set up a second monitor, which I want to use as my "universal communication dashboard" across all of my spaces.In other words, I want to run a bunch of applications there which should appear regardless of which space I'm on. To do this I know that I just right click the application and select "Assign To: All Desktops" but for whatever reason only one of the applications follows me from screen to screen, even if I have all three selected.All three applications are set to start on login.This seems like a blatant bug in Lion and I would love advice on how to fix it, or how to nag Apple until it gets fixed.

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Possible To Assign An App To Several Desktops?

May 21, 2012

I'm referring to the desktops you can add in mission control. In the dock, when you click on an app and hold it (or right-click) you can go to options and then assign on which desktop this particular app should open. You can choose on all desktops (which will make the app follow you, no matter to which desktop you are switch), you can choose on the desktop you are now on and you can choose none.But how do you choose several desktops? Is that even possible? Because I don't think so.I am using the Logic arrange window and would like to have the Mixer on a different desktop.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Custom Key Assign Not Working?

May 22, 2012

on my keyboard, I have assigned F5 to show me the desktop and F6 to show the dashboard. Both F5 and F6 were set to zoom in & out before. F6 works fine, nothing interferring, but F5 doesn't work. When I press F5, nothing happens. 

I did this through System Preferences/Mission Control and then checked one again through System Preferences/Keyboard/Mission Control. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Can't Assign Macro In Excel

Mar 4, 2009

I spent at least 30 minutes struggling with my new computer because the path name of my macros had changed. Turns out, you must manually change every item in your Excel palettes that calls a macro. That's easy, you control click on the palette icon, select 'assign macro', and choose the macro.

But although that command was not greyed-out, when I selected it, nothing would happen. There was no error message.

I found no solutions on the internet, and in the course of the 30 minutes, tried various desperate things involving new taskbars, searching for mysterious excel.xlb files, VBA scripts to build taskbars. In the course of that, I broke a bunch of things on the palette. But I found the solution, and joined this group, just so I could tell the world.

You have to have some worksheet open.

Yes, that's it. It makes no sense, but that's it.

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Applications :: Assign Custom Quick Phrases To A Keyboard Shortcut?

Mar 30, 2010

Back in the days I used a PC, I used to be able to assign custom quick phrases (like "Sincerely, Emily") as a keyboard shortcut. For instance I'd assign my phrase to F3 or something...and then voila!!! I could insert commonly typed phrases into my emails or word processing. SO NICE! And I miss that. Anyone seen this feature in Mac Mail?

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OS X V10.7 :: Configure Spaces In Lion?

Apr 3, 2012

OK, I've found most of what I need to configure Lion but I can't find the preference panel to change the 'all spaces' view to the old style (where you see all the spaces or desktops placed on the screen in equal sizes). The new default 'mission control' view isn't as useful to me. I also don't see where to assign apps to a specific space. Finally, how do you get at the 'spaces' option for a hot corner?

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Applications :: How Many Spaces - Set?

Apr 13, 2009

Spaces seems to be very handy to me, but how many space to you people have it set to? I have mine at 9 at the moment.

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Create Own IDisk Spaces?

Feb 3, 2012

Using Lion Server, can I create a space that would be like iDisk for my users to save and access documents and files remotely? Also to make that shared between users? Basically make my own cloud space.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Define Which Apps Are In Dock For Spaces

Apr 4, 2012

Is there a way to have certain apps only showing up on the dock in defined spaces? i.e. Calendar is only showing on the dock when you switch to space 2. So it does NOT show in the dock of space 1.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Applications Automatically Switching Spaces?

Apr 24, 2009

I use spaces on my Mac and occasionally I use MS Word in one space and Firefox in another. I will constantly switch between spaces because I'm doing research or something else in Firefox. After a few switches like that, when I switch back to the space Word is in and click on the Word window it sends the document window up to the Firefox space. It also occasionally switches the window back to it's correct space. It's very frustrating. Is there anyway to stop this automatic moving of applications? I've looked in System Preferences under spaces and I've done a quick google search but have returned nothing.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Application Switches Spaces When Opened From Finder

Feb 8, 2012

I am using Lion 10.7 , I assigned dreamweaver to desktop1 by choose Options > This Desktop when in desktop1. Then relaunch DW and it correctly opened in desktop 1. Now if i open a file using in finder (which is itself assigned to desktop3) on a file that is default to DW then Dreamweaver moves itself to Desktop3.

I thought the point was that we could assign different applications to different spaces and they would stay that way. Are we saying that if a file is opened from finder its default application will be moved and set up of spaces does not apply ?.

Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Applications :: Hide Desktop Icons In Certain Spaces?

Dec 31, 2010

Does an app exist that hides all desktop icons in certian spaces? For example, I use space two for all my non-work things and would be great to hide the messy desktop this space.

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Applications :: ITunes Spaces And ReLaunch Options?

Oct 11, 2009

For the past few months, I've been having a few problems with iTunes. This was happening way back in Ver. 8, and since upgrading to iTunes 9, the issue remains. I've also tried re-installing iTunes 9, but no luck.First off, iTunes invokes spaces randomly. Say I'm searching in Safari - Spaces will automatically switch to iTunes, and after switching back - it does it again and again, and then it stops, for about 20 minutes.

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Applications :: How To Find And Download Spaces Application

Feb 2, 2010

Was wondering how do I get the spaces application in to my doc, its currently up in the right hand corner,

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Applications :: Adding Widgets To Desktop Spaces?

Feb 11, 2010

I was wondering if anybody had a solution to this problem which involves placing a widget onto a particular Space on the desktop, I have tried opening the widgets folder when Spaces is activated to add it to a particular space but it does not recognize it. I would have thought that a solution to this would be available, but having searched the internet for any 3rd party app or solution I have found it very difficult to get any answers. I just want something that that allows me to work on different Spaces without having a widget appear all the time, except in an allocated space on my desktop.....

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Applications :: CS5 And Spaces Settings In Snow Leopard?

Jun 14, 2010

Has anyone got CS5 to respect Spaces settings in Snow Leopard? Even if I use System Prefs to assign it to a single Space, when I cmd-tab to Dreamweaver it simply moves itself into the current Space.

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Applications :: Microsoft Office Switching Spaces Arbitrarily?

May 9, 2008

I hate to beat an old drum but has anyone found out how to prevent Mac Office 2008 from jumping between spaces in leopard.

I will be using it on one space and switch to the next space then another space and bam it has moved for seemingly no reason. Now I have to go to the zoomed back view of all my spaces and drag the app back to where it was.

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Applications :: Adium And Spaces - Disappearing Chat Windows

May 14, 2008

I use Adium for two reasons:
1. My work clients are scattered across AIM, Yahoo, and MSN, so it's nice to have one application that can communicate with all of them.
2. I like being able to customize the look and feel of the interface

That being said, lately I've become very frustrated because I can't seem to get Adium to play nicely with Leopard's Spaces. I have Adium set (both in Spaces and in Adium) to be visible on all spaces. Yet if a chat is opened, for instance, in Space 3 and mid-chat I decide to switch to Space 4, the chat window doesn't come along for the ride. Likewise, if during a lull in the chat, I switch between several different spaces and lose track of where the chat window was last seen, I can't locate it by hitting F8 and showing all spaces. The chat window doesn't appear on any of them. The only way I can find the chat window is by methodically going to each space until I discover the truant.

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Applications :: Pages In Full Screen Mode And Spaces

May 18, 2009

I use "Pages" and would like to keep it in Space 2 in fullscreen modus. However, whenever I change spaces, the fullscreen disappears and my Pages window even automatically is brought back to Space 1. Anyone else able to keep a Pages document in full screen modus in one of his/her Spaces?

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Applications :: Possible To Make Adium Buddy List Appear In All Spaces?

Oct 6, 2009

I surf and work in spaces 1 and 3, and all my communication goes on in space 2. I'd love to have my little buddy list always in the bottom right corner regardless what space I'm using so I can see who's online.

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MacBook Pro :: View / Use Applications And Spaces On HDMI - DVI Cable

Dec 27, 2009

how to view/use applications and Spaces on my HDTV. I have gotten as far as being able to see my desktop on the TV, but none of the other applications that I have opened.

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Applications :: Using Microsoft Word - Adding Line Spaces

Jan 23, 2010

This is doing my head in.. I'm using Office 2008 Word, and I want to add a list under some text. But I don't want there to be a line space!

Is this something really simple that I'm missing? I've been playing around for 20 minutes trying to work out how to stop Word adding that damn line space..

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MacBook Pro :: Applications Not Showing In Spaces On Snow Leopard

Mar 22, 2012

I have looked in the forums and haven't found anything specific to my issue. I can't tap F8 because it starts  music in my iTunes, so I set it up with right click on my mouse (yep using a mouse). When the spaces applications show up on my screen in squares,  only Firefox shows up,and the others show up as blue squares with nothing in them. How do I get them to show up? I have the applications assigned to different spaces, not the same one. I have spaces enabled as well.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), ITouch 16gb/Aiport Express

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Copy A Few Numbered Items From A Pdf, It Pastes Them In Word Processors Without Spaces?

Apr 19, 2012

I have been having an issue where when I copy a few numbered items from a pdf, it pastes them in word processors without spaces. They are questions on a pdf, and I have been able to copy quite well from this pdf before, but all of a sudden this issue came up. I originally thought it was an issue with Byword, the markdown word processor I am using for one of the first times on my mac. But then I tried pasting into both word and pages and still the same issue.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Downloading To Specific Folders?

Mar 20, 2012

Is there a way to direct downloads to a specific file instead of the "downloads" folder?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Routing Applications Through Specific Connections

Apr 8, 2010

'lo i use a iMac mid '09 @ work we have access to multiple connections Ethernet and Airport. Sadly the Ethernet is fire-walled and doesn't allow specific connections through; lucky though the airport is not.
The thing that is most frustrating is our system critical app HAS to run through the Ethernet to function under the fire-walled connection; but being on mac it's a friggin task to switch between the two because you have to go into network and set the service order each time to flip between them. I really need away that i can assign a specific application to use a specific connection (airport) that is active and connected while keeping the service order the same as to not mess with the system critical App that has to run through the enet. Is there any process or outside app that i could use to force other apps to use the airport connection while still leaving the Crit app using the enet?

I've been able to set the service order over to airport launch the app i want to use it and then switch back over to enet for the crit app but it seemed to work fine but that's a lot of Jank to pull each time i want to use an outside app. also i didn't really do it for any length of time so i don't know if that process would even hold up over time or flip back over to the opposite connection when it needed a fresh link

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OS X :: How Can I Run Specific Applications On 32 Bit Mode

Dec 22, 2009

How can i run specific applications on 32 bit mode?

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