OS X :: Way To Assign A Different Key As The Period?

Nov 27, 2009

My aunt spilled wine on her ibook G4 and the period key won't work and hasn't for ages Is there a way to assign a different key as the period? This copy and paste crap is really getting annoying She's running OS 10 3 9

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OS X :: Automatically Logs Out After Period Of Inactivity?

Aug 25, 2008

Lately I'm starting to notice that if I leave my Macbook just sitting there for awhile, when I return to it, it didn't go to sleep, but it rather logged me out, leaving me at the login screen. I then have to re log in and re-open everything I was working on.

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Numbers :: Formula To Budget On A Per Pay Period

May 3, 2010

I am creating a new budget sheet, and am trying to automate it as much as possible. I get paid bi-weekly, and I like to budget on a per pay period case rather than month to month. What this means is that on certain budgets I have one set of bills due, on another I'll have a different set of bills due.

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MacBook :: Screen Has Been Malfunctioning After A Period Of Use?

Feb 27, 2012

The screen turns red striped and you can still see the desktop in the background and it freezes up. I think it may be due to over heating because after forcing it to shut down it will restart after a short period. But if you try to restart it quickly it will beep at you. The laptop is about four years old but is used quite a bit. I try to keep it from being too beat up in transport but mostly it just sits on my desk. One thing that has changed is that I have been shutting it down every night before bed where I used to leave it running near constantly. The problems have only started after the new routine. 


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OS X :: Time Machine Preparing For An Extended Period?

Jan 28, 2009

I use Firewire 800, and my external has 80GB free on it. Both it and my iMac's drives are 320GB. What's with the extended period of preparation, going on 15 minutes now, maybe longer. Backup still didn't begin, this never used to happen me before. I only backed up 2 days ago?

Also, why when I click the Time Machine menubar item to open Time Machine prefs does the DVD (iLife '09) in my optical drive make a noise as if it's being accessed? It spins up a little too. Seems very odd, and it's not a coincidence, it happens exactly when I try to open Time Machine prefs from its menubar item. I could do it 5 times in succession and the optical drive would make the same accessing noise each time, on cue

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MacBook Air :: Battery Calibration - Recharge Period?

Oct 30, 2010

I got mine yesterday, and am calibrating the battery. When you run it down to sleep, and recharge, can you use it during the full recharge period?

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MacBook Pro :: SSD Degradation Over An Extended Period Of Time?

May 31, 2010

Hey everyone, so I keep seeing posts about how much SSDs degrade over the first week/two after using an SSD (one that comes WITH the MBP). However, how much do they degrade after...say....6 months-1 year (or even longer)? I know they are still new hardware, but I'm sure some people have an idea. Is it really THAT significant of a speed and performance decrease?

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MacBook Pro :: Prevent It From Shutting Down After A Period Of Time?

May 11, 2012

How do I prevent my Mac Book Pro from shutting down after a period of time?  I have set Preferences, Energy saver to "never" but still it shuts down while trying to download a large file.  The file is 4.14GB and at my slow connection speed may take 48hrs+.

Mac book pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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IMac Won't Start Unless Unplugged For Long Period

Jun 17, 2012

I discovered my iMac shut down and to start. I feared it had been fried in an electrical storm the day before, though the whole house is surge protected, and a printer on the same plug was unaffected. I tried unplugging briefly, still no luck. I tried hitting the start button ( on the iMac itself, not the keyboard) a few times over a couple of days with no luck, and unplugged it in prepartion to cart off to a repair shop, fearing the worst. A couple of days later, I plugged it in for one last try before taking it to the car and, bingo, it started! Everything was fine, everything in its place. 

A couple of weeks later, I once again notice the computer is turned off and will not restart. I uplug and replug - no luck. I unplug, let it sit, and try it again about 24 hours later.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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IMac :: Install The New Chips, The Mac Won't Start. Period. No Beeps, No Nothing?

Jul 2, 2008

I recently got an 20' 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Imac. It came with 1 gig of Ram. I purchased 2 2Gig SODIMM chips from New Egg. The ram specs matches what the little manual says. ddr2, pc2-5300 667MHz. When I install the new chips, the mac won't start. Period. No beeps, no nothing. I can sort of hear it try to start, then quits.

When I put back the original ram chip. Works again.When I have the original ram chip AND 1 of the new chips (for a total of 3 gigs of RAM) it works.Swapped one new chip with the other (as long as the original is in) Works.Original Chip is on the right side, New is on the left. Swapped places. Works.The mac will start ONLY if the original is in place. I should be able to start it with the nes ones in but it won't. I know both works because I swapped them.Anybody have any ideas on what's going on? Is there a setting somewhere I need to change or something?

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Mac Pro :: Computer Sleep When Inactive For A Certain Period Of Time Recommended

Apr 13, 2009

is it recommended to have my Mac Pro set to go to sleep when inactive for a certain period of time? right now I just have my monitor set to to turn off after 45 minutes of inactivity, the computer stays on all the time. What do you guys do? Any reason why I shouldn't?

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OS X :: Update/Installed Updates But Permanently Disappears After A Period Of Time?

Sep 3, 2009

When I install an update via Software Update, the installation appears in System Preferences/Software Update/Installed Updates, but then permanently disappears after a period of time. Same issue in Software Update.log.Is this normal?

MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz w/OS 10.5.8

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Mac Pro :: Mac Pro (early 2008) Won't Turn On When Turned Off For A Long Period Of Time?

Aug 5, 2008

I have been having problems with my Mac Pro for the last few days. When I am not encoding or downloading anything for the night, I usually turn it off. Recently though, if I turn it off, and then turn it on the next evening (around 16 hours later) then it will not turn on right away, and by that I mean that the fans turn on, I see the little white light turn on, but I don't hear the startup chime, the lights don't turn on on my logitech keyboard, and my screen stays black, the monitor itself not detecting any signal.

It may take up to 20 minutes of pressing the power button and turning it on and off until I hear the startup chime and see the apple on screen, but then it usually resets itself once and then it loads up to mac os. Once the Mac Pro has been turned on once though, I can turn it on and off without any problems it seems.

I just don't understand why this would be happening. One thing I thought was that we had an electrical outage a few days ago but all my other computers were fine and I am using a special bar to connect my stuff to make sure that when there is an electrical outage, no damage is done to my computers. The weird part is that the problems started appearing on the next day so I was wondering if that could have affected my computer and how.

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Applications :: Installed A Demo Of IWork And Life But After The Trial Period Uninstalled It?

Oct 19, 2010

I previously installed a demo of iWork and life but after the trial period uninstalled it. Well I've now bought the licensed copies of each. Upon install and trying to launch iWork or iLife I'm getting prompted for my serial number, and of course the discs do not require a number.Do i have to call Apple or is this a common, easy fix?

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Mac Pro :: How Much Ram Should Assign PS CS3

Feb 18, 2009

so I just installed an extra 4gb of ram in my mac pro, I'm wondering how much should I assign photoshop to use while still being able to run Illustrator, and what ever else.

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MacBook :: How To Assign F5 And F6 Keys

Feb 27, 2008

I want to assign the F5 and F6 keys on my Macbook to work as 'Page Up' and 'Page Down'. I'm not sure if it is possible to do this for all applications...If it's not, I would just want to use them in Firefox. I tried system preferences > keyboard and mouse > keyboard shortcuts...but had no luck..I don't know what menu command to enter when I create my own shortcut..I can't find page up or down in the menu for Firefox?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Possible To Assign An App To Several Desktops?

May 21, 2012

I'm referring to the desktops you can add in mission control. In the dock, when you click on an app and hold it (or right-click) you can go to options and then assign on which desktop this particular app should open. You can choose on all desktops (which will make the app follow you, no matter to which desktop you are switch), you can choose on the desktop you are now on and you can choose none.But how do you choose several desktops? Is that even possible? Because I don't think so.I am using the Logic arrange window and would like to have the Mixer on a different desktop.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Inability To Assign F Keys For Keystrokes

Jan 7, 2010

Had to reinstall 10.6.2 on IMac after erasing disk for an earlier problem with Adobe CS4 installation. The Adobe Tech Support could offer no help with all log files submitted and as a last resort suggested I erase the internal drive and reinstall system and applications. It worked. But: Two problems encountered so far are : Inability to assign F13 key "to look up dictionary" (default being command -control-D) and the F11 and F12 keys no longer control sound volume as they all did before the reinstallation. I am unable to assign the keys in the System Preferences as suggested by Apple.

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Applications :: Can't Assign Macro In Excel

Mar 4, 2009

I spent at least 30 minutes struggling with my new computer because the path name of my macros had changed. Turns out, you must manually change every item in your Excel palettes that calls a macro. That's easy, you control click on the palette icon, select 'assign macro', and choose the macro.

But although that command was not greyed-out, when I selected it, nothing would happen. There was no error message.

I found no solutions on the internet, and in the course of the 30 minutes, tried various desperate things involving new taskbars, searching for mysterious excel.xlb files, VBA scripts to build taskbars. In the course of that, I broke a bunch of things on the palette. But I found the solution, and joined this group, just so I could tell the world.

You have to have some worksheet open.

Yes, that's it. It makes no sense, but that's it.

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OS X :: Assign Expose And Spaces Hot Corners?

Jul 4, 2009

I was first going to post this on the Community boards since this is more a geek opinion thing and not a technical thing but I'm putting it here b/c I noticed the Mac OCD thing here, too. Okay, so every once in a while, I decide that some aspect of my interaction with the UI is inefficient and annoying. Usually, its a very minor issue and my attempts to be less inefficient end up becoming ridiculous time wasters. Like my latest attempt to retrain my brain for what I think is "efficient" hot corner assignments:

Upper Left: Show Desktop
Upper Right: All Windows
Lower Left: Dashboard
Lower Right: Spaces

Here's the way I figure it. Show Desktop is the one function that leaves the almost all elements of the UI intact, particularly the menu bar. For me, the most inadvertent activation of hot corner elements is the upper left, because that has the menu elements I reach for most often. With Show Desktop, this matters much less. Spaces and All Windows need to be in adjacent corners for quicker consecutive activation because I use them in combo to move stuff between spaces and applications. The distance between top and bottom is shorter than left and right so these go on the right side. Which leaves Dashboard on the lower left which is good because there's nothing in the lower right corner I reach for on a constant basis. Dashboard widgets are arranged so all of my drag and drop widgets are on the LL corner. Anyway, I've been driving myself nuts with this arrangement because I'm so used to my old assignments that I keep hitting the wrong corners. How long till I get used to it?

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OS X :: Make Own Gestures To Assign To Commands

Oct 24, 2009

I was just wondering if there is an application of OS X that allows non-multi-touch Macbooks to make your own gesture on your trackpad and assign them to a command of your choice. Ex. I want every time I make a circle on my trackpad for Expose to come up. I know that Multiclutch exists for Multi-touch Macs but is there an app for this on older Macs?

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MacBook Air :: Assign A Password To A PDF Document?

Feb 13, 2012

I would like to password protect a PDF. I have password protected a Numbers document, but cannot figure out how to do it with a PDF. The option to add a password is grayed out in the drop down menu.

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Mac Pro :: Assign Unused RAM To Specific Application?

May 16, 2012

I have an older Mac Pro with 16 GBs of RAM and I'm trying to get Lightroom 3 to stop running ridicualously slow. I've checked the activity monitor and with just a browser & LR3 running I have just over 10 GBs of Free memory. LR3 is using 1.72 GBs. Back in the day you could allocate RAM to a program like photoshop so it wasn't such a dog. Is there anyway to do this in MAC OS X?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Custom Key Assign Not Working?

May 22, 2012

on my keyboard, I have assigned F5 to show me the desktop and F6 to show the dashboard. Both F5 and F6 were set to zoom in & out before. F6 works fine, nothing interferring, but F5 doesn't work. When I press F5, nothing happens. 

I did this through System Preferences/Mission Control and then checked one again through System Preferences/Keyboard/Mission Control. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ICloud :: Any Way To Assign Two Apple IDs To One Account?

Jun 30, 2012

Is it possible to assign two Apple IDs to one iCloud account? I don't want to have separate ones for my wife and I.

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OS X :: Assign Keyboard Shortcuts To Symbols In Pages 09

Jan 2, 2010

I'm trying to do some math/biology study notes for school in pages, but I can't seem to figure out how to assign keyboard shortcuts to symbols. I could easily do it MS Office 08, where I would assign such keystrokes as Alt + Right for the "⇒" symbol but in pages it's not that simple. Right now, I essentially have to goto edit/special characters and insert each symbol in manually when I need it (Which is obviously time consuming for no reason)

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Hardware :: How To Assign A Static IP From Airport Utility?

Feb 23, 2010

I love being in an all Apple environment, and typically works great and is intuitive. I do not miss Netgear or Linksys web setup pages and menus, but sometimes, like right now, I feel like either I'm missing something, or I need more control.

I'm using a (single radio) gigE Airport Extreme and I want to find the IP of a IP camera I'm trying to use (Trendnet TV-IP110). I realized that I can't see a list of the devices and their IPs (or even MAC Addresses) and also that I don't know how to assign static IPs (we presently have 4 laptops that are opened and closed all the time and they swap IPs pretty freely).

I've read here on MR some that static IPs are set for Macs in system preferences -> network but how do I do that for less intelligent devices? I guess I can set the IPs for all the household Macs one by one and then go through guessing to try to ping the camera.

Most of the time the camera's internet light blinks, but it went solid once, then blinked again some time later. I'm guessing it got it's own IP and went solid, then someone started using their laptop again and it lost it, but I'm not certain.

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IMac :: How Can Assign A Password To A Couple Of Folders?

Mar 11, 2010

I want to know how I can assign a password to a couple of folders that I don't anyone opening. I saw this done in a movie but since its a movie I don't know if its possible...it was done on an Macbook

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Software :: Assign Function Keys On The Keyboard?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a PowerPC G5, OSX 10.4.11 with a wired numeric keyboard. I enter a lot of numbers. How can I assign one of the function keys on the right side of the keyboard, above the number pad, F16, F17, F18, or F19 to be a "TAB" key so I can move around fields when entering numeric data?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Assign Specific Applications To Spaces

Mar 24, 2012

How do you assign specific applications to spaces in OS X Lion?

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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