MacBook :: Aluminum - Twisted Body - Slanted Keys - Loose Keys - Battery Cover And Freeze Trackpad?
Nov 2, 2008
Twisted body, slanted keys, loose keys, battery cover, and freese trackpad. Lets see how many members in this forum is suffering from Apple's poor Quality Control in these new Macbooks!
It's sort of come to my attention there's a few of us who are having *experiences* with a loose cover/latch. I wouldn't call this an *issue* at all, (yet) or it could be a problem with us being too picky. Either way, I'd like to know.
I bought a new keyboard to get the Mac Pro keys matched up with my Mac Book Pro keyboard and much to my surprise my keyboard keys on the keyboard are coming loose. I'm told my warranty on this was one month? I guess I am buying some kind of logitech product to work on my mac pro?
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 10.6.8 with 64 bit Win7 in Parallel
I'm sure you've all experienced this (if not then you don't have a unibody macbook pro, lol). I've had about 8 unibodies both 15" and 13" and the light grease fro the keys occasionally gets transfered to the screen in the shape of keys, and I've seen many people talk about a little piece of fabric (looks just like the screen cloth) they place over the keyboard to prevent this from happening. Anyone have an eBay or another online link to something like this? I think keyboard covers are silly, so just looking for the fabric solution.
Can anyone explain to me how to remove keys on a powerbook 15 aluminum? i spilled a few drops of gatorade on the computer the other night and now the spacebar is sticky .. i think removing it and cleaning underneath will do the trick, but i'm terrified to break the keys by prying them off.. i've been searching the internet for about an hour and can't come up with anything
some keys on aluminum usb keyboard don't work.I cleaned the keys with a magic eraser, trying not to get any liquid into the keyboard.Now many keys don't work.
My macbook keys and trackpad unresponsive at login. This all happened when I used a automator online to patch leopard so i can enter dfu mode with my touch at first everything was fine until restart. I cant login at all unless I put in leopard CD and format it and I will but I need to backup my itunes etc.
I bought a early 2006 black MacBook off a family friend awhile back and it was practically brand new. Since I have been using it I noticed the keys and the trackpad on it are starting to get a weird feeling. The feeling is sort of like grease or something on the trackpad and keys. I wash my hands before using it, but I guess just from the oils on my hands have caused this. I have included pictures below trying to show what I am talking about. I have read around online on ways to clean it and everyone has suggested many different things and I've tried a few and nothing has worked. I used water and windex mixed with water and that cleaned it up a little bit, but didn't help much. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions so to a method that works for cleaning the trackpad and keys to remove whatever it is on there.
I recently received a bluetooth ultra-thin keyboard to use with my laptop while I have it hooked up to it's external monitor, the only trouble is that I can't seem to get the function keys to work properly. I've managed to go in and reset the dashboard control / brightness using the keyboard pane in the system settings, but I can't seem to set the volume / media control buttons. Any ideas how to get my keyboard working properly? If it matters at all, I'm running this on a 2.4 unibody MBP.
It looks like the surface of a few keys has been eaten away by acid, I can only imagine it has happened because my fingernails touch the keys through normal typing, but this is completely unavoidable unless I type like a one-fingered man. It mainly seems to happen on the A and S keys, this has happened on my white MacBook, Wireless Aluminium keyboard and Wired Aluminium keyboard, but as they are so expensive to replace I am not willing to buy a whole new keyboard for this. Also, one of my cmd keys has an odd stain on it, possibly from a crumb or droplet of orange juice which I'm sure I would have wiped off immediately, I wouldn't have expected plastic to stain so easily. Has anyone else found this with their Aluminium keyboard?Â
I suppose there's nothing much I can do to prevent it (I refuse to use a silicone cover), so my option appears to be just to replace those keys damaged through wear and tear however I can. Are the keys interchangeable between these three keyboards? (Wireless / Wired Aluminium, white 2008 MacBook Core2Duo) The main keys look the same apart from the bottom row on the Wired Aluminium keyboard which are a bit wider.
I've been using itunes for a while and it just messed my entire music library up! I've found something that is more Winamp style for me named "Cog". Now my problem is that I want to control it with the F7, F8, F9 keys which are the rewind, play and forward keys, but when pressing any of them it works both on itunes and cog player. How can I disable the Itunes link to it? I want it to control only Cog player.
I'm using the thin aluminum USB external keyboard and suddenly my 8ik, diagonal of keys stopped working (now I'm using my laptop keyboard). Anyone know if this is typically a sign of a broken keyboard, or a user issue?
Is there any app that will allow me to remap keys from my pad to keyboard keys ? For an example if i'll press a button on my pad - the text editor will type in a letter ?
picked up a unibody last Saturday night, and opened the battery cover tonight. The latch was opened with little resistance, but now won't close. The latch edge sits about 1/8" up, and I can't find anything which would seem to prevent it from closing.
Anyone else had a troublesome battery latch, and how did you resolve it?
We have a 2.4GHz intel Core 2 Duo MacBook.The track pad and "F" keys work but none of the other rows of keys work...any help figuring out how this can be fixed?
Is the trackpad supposed to be completely leveled with the rest of the body? The reason I ask is because I have noticed that on some MBPs the trackpad is "pushed" down into the body a little. It is not much but it is definitely visible, there is an indentation. Is this normal or is it a manufacturing defect?
My Macbook pro's trackpad isn't parallel to the body of the laptop. that is, one end of the trackpad (left) is higher than the other (right). This creates the interesting effect of being able to slide ones finger off of the left side of the trackpad and onto the area below the keyboard with almost no resistence. while on the right side you feel a ledge if you try the same motion.
Are your aluminum MBP cover's flexible? By cover, I mean the lid of the laptop. Mine is flexible where the apple logo is. Even if I press down gently around that area. Is this a fault in my MBP or is this normal in everyone else's ?
My macbook's magnet has died, or so it seems. It barely holds the top case and bottom case together, and does not "snap" shut until they are less than 7 mm apart. if i turn it upright the two side pop about 5mm apart and do not close until at less than about a 60 degree angle to the desk. Is there a way to remagnetize them, does this warrant a trip to the apple store, or do i just deal with it? The computer is 14/12 months old, manufacturing/purchase.
Getting a new MacBookPro with high res anti-glare screen.I type with two fingers, and often look at the keyboard. Â
For eye comfort, and to prevent retinal after-images, I'd like all the aluminum dull black. I found tape and fabric to cover up most of the top case and the bezel, but the keyboard is a challenge. KBCovers does not produce a keyboard cover which will be black at the bases of the keys and clear over the keys, which would allow the backlit keyboard to transmit.  So first choice is a keyboard cover which has black everywhere there's aluminum, and has clear for the keys.  Second choice is an all clear keybooard cover and I'll adhere black to the aluminum around the keys (and top case).Â
Anyone aware of such keyboard covers ?Â
Anyone aware of such top case covers ?Â
(ColorWare voids a three year AppleCare, so ColorWare is not an option)Â
Never understood Apple's engineering design of making a screen anti-glare and anti-reflective, while making the remainder of the computer glaring and reflective and contrasting. Ye olde black MacBook is such an eye-pleasing and comfortable design.
I just ordered my first mac a few days ago online, and seeing that almost everyone takes advantage of the suposed 10h battery of the 13', I wonder if it gets slower when you are using the battery.
my current notebook (compal FL90) is considerably (much) slower when it is not powered to the grid especially if I'm running photoshop for casual editing.
I've been considering of getting as my next laptop a macbook air. Now they have flash storage and what I was wondering is the following: Is there a possibility that if the battery is completely used and there is no power, you will loose the information on your computer
Ive updated safari to 8.01 this morning, and now when using safari, after a few minutes the multi gesture functions on my trackpad stop working. I can scroll down pages, flick across windows etc. even the accuracy of the cursor is limited (in editing this i tried to highlight some text to delete, but i had move about 10characters the left to get the ones i wanted).Â
Using a 2014 Mac Book Pro Retina with Yosemite and wireless trackpad
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I am the owner of an Aluminum Macbook from '08, and I haven't had any issues with my Macbook until recently. I've found that recently, my trackpad has become less and less responsive to clicking and dragging, and it actually got to a point where it would not respond at all (had to hook up a wired mouse). The actual movement of the cursor and multi-finger gestures work perfectly fine though. Has anyone else had this issue? I just wanted to get a general idea before I call up Applecare. Nothing has been spilt on Macbook.
I just got a new Macbook Pro and f5 and f6 are used for the keyboard backlight. I don't need f6 but I'd like f5 to refresh the browsers. In preferences I can switch the f keys to be the default, but I just want this for f5. Does someone know how to do this?