MacBook Air :: Stuck On Black Screen With Movable Cursor But No Able To Shut Down Or Restart
Dec 2, 2014
I accidentally connected my wife's MacBook Air to my docking station at work today. Nothing seemed to happen so I undocked it and the computer displayed a black screen and I could see and move the cursor using the trackpad. I then tried shutting down by holding the power button for 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 min, etc. Nothing worked and it's stuck on the black screen so I can't use Yosemite's menu to shut down or restart. When I leave the computer idle for around a minute, the cursor disappears but it will reappear after pressing keys on the keyboard.
In just about any program, if I leave program running, close lid, come back in about 30 minutes, my screen will be black. I can see cursor, but when I move mouse it will "erase" some of the black screen. I've seen similar forum postings, but in those the screen is locking up -- mine does not do that. I've taken in to Genius Bar, they've run diagnostics and found no problems.
I then have to restart, but in doing so it will bring up the Guest login screen, with a completely different wallpaper than my default.
Also, there, at times, is a "hissing" sound that no one can diagnose. At first we thought it was caused by a game in which there is the sound of a waterfall, but I'm now hearing it even when the game is not being played. Super drive has been checked and no problem found.
I get a black screen with a cursor when i start up. I have tried the cmb pr fix and that gets me here, but des not solve it and the first letter of my login, enter followed by my password and enter does not work either.
I just purchased a brand new macbook air this past week. I noticed within the first day of using that if my machine went into sleep mode, and I hit a key to take it out of sleep mode, it would go to a black screen with my cursor for about 30 seconds.
It does not do it every time but enough that it is annoying. I am coming from a mid 2011 mac air that did not have any issues. (only replaced for all day battery)
Do you think this a hardware or software issue? If i swap this mac out do you think I will just encounter the same thing?
I have read numerous posts regarding waking from sleep issues but they all seem to be affecting MacBooks purchased between 2012 and 2013.
When choosing to shut down my MacBook Pro it closes everything and then gets stuck on the white screen. Unless I press continuously the on button it just stays there...
My laptop screen randomly going black during the use of computer, but the cursor is active and it moves with the track-pad. I bought this macbook pro 15"Inch laptop just 3 weeks ago. Is there any alternative for this issue?
My mid 2013 MBP, 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 with 16Gb 1600 Mhz DDR with a 500 GB SSD running Mavericks 10.9.3 has, since upgrade to Mavericks, developed a tick. It will occasionally and erratically (some days nothing, sometimes once a day, sometimes twice or more) go black with cursor arrow visible and responsive. (Responsive=it's visible and moves as expected in response to trackpad) The screen comes back after 30-40 seconds or so, but not in response to any keypress or mouse movement that I can detect a pattern for. It just sits there, while I hit escape, spacebar, shift, cmd-option-esc, cmd-option-tab, mouse around, whatever, then comes back. System is fine, don't even get the beach ball. So it's a minor annoyance, except when I'm presenting to a roomful of people who are waiting for my machine to wake up, and that 30 seconds can be FOREVER. Which has happened twice now. When I'm connected to an external screen via thunderbolt that screen is black as well.
tried the fix of resetting SMC as well as Safe Mode boot to complete any unfinished OS updates. But the symptom is different, and those fixes haven't worked. I've never had a bad reboot, this condition just seems to pop up without apparent rhyme or reason. It's so infrequent and unpredictable that I despair how long it will take me to run bare and cycle through restoring background apps.
I've noticed that when my rMBP (late 2013, Mavericks) turns off the display automatically while on battery (as configured via Energy Saver) and I try to wake it immediately, I get a black screen with the cursor, rather than my password/unlock screen. It remains a black screen, with the cursor moveable, for 5-10 seconds or so, and then the password/unlock screen will appear as usual.
This does not happen if:I don't try to wake the display/computer immediately after automatic display sleep (e.g., I wait 5-10 seconds and it's fine)I turn off the display using a hot corner and immediately wake the displayI put the computer to sleep by closing the lid and immediately wake it by opening the lidI select Sleep from the System/Apple menu and immediately wake it by pressing a key or clicking on the trackpad
Why automatic display sleep is causing this temporary black screen? I currently get around it by setting the time for automatic display sleep while on battery to 10 minutes instead of the default 3 minutes to minimize the chances of needing to immediately wake the screen. I'd like to keep it at 3 minutes if possible to maximize energy savings, but the temporary black screen is really annoying if I didn't really want display sleep and consequently have to wake immediately.
I have a last gen. white macbook. I was watching a youtube video today and firefox shut down. When it restarted it shutdown again. I decided to restart my computer. When it was restarting, a message popped up saying I needed to restart by holding down the power button. After pushing the power button the screen went black. I then pushed the power button again and my computer made this horrible beeping noise until I pressed the power button again. In doing this process more than once the mac start up "chord Bing" happened over and over until I pressed the power button. I got the comp turned off and let it sit for an hour or so. It started up fine. I downloaded google chrome and when trying to change some settings the "restart your comp by holding down the power button" message came up. When restarting the crazy beep came back. Now everything seems fine but while typing the comp made the noise like it wants to eject a cd.
I have a MacBook C2D 2GHz, 4gigs of ram from mid 2007. It has snow leo v. 10.6.4.
I cant remember when the problem appeared but maybe 6 months ago.
Every time the mac is rebootet or shutdown the screen goes black the sleep light stays on but I can hear the chime and cd drive make shot start up sound.
My mac wont on (goes to black screen) after a gray bar that usually shows after restart has been loaded. What should I do?I already tried the safe mode and it's not working ...
my Boot Camp install of XP—I successfully partitioned the disk in my new Mac Pro to install XP, but my problem occurs when re-booting to install XP itself. When the machine rebooted the first time to install, it stopped at a black screen with a blinking white cursor, old-school DOS style. Second time when I rebooted and held down Option, it spit out the Windows CD. When I put it back in and it appeared and I tried to select it, it spun up, looked like it was going to work, and then spit it out again, whereupon I got a DOS prompt asking me to put in a bootable volume and press any key. When I inserted the CD, it spun up, but pressing keys on the keyboard did nothing. I tried rebooting again. This time holding option yielded both the Mac HD and the Windows CD (no spitting out!). Taking this as a good sign, I selected the CD and waited. Same black screen with blinking white cursor as last time, no other response, no prompts, never progesses to an installer, pressing keys didn't help.
Has anyone else run into this problem? This is a brand new Mac Pro with the Radeon in it, I have a USB keyboard and mouse hooked up, and it has the latest firmware update.
EDIT: Seems the CD was bad. Slipstreamed SP2 into my original CD and went. Now I just need to get those ATI drivers.
My imac has a black screen with cursor after i allowed maverick updates. I tried holding shift key during start up and at first it looked like it was going to work, then it turned black again. What do i do??
My 2009 MBP would have problems shutting down or restarting. On a shutdown, it would appear to off, black screen and no lights, but if you tried pressing the power button nothing happened. I had to hold the power button to turn it completely, then press it again to startup.Restarts had the same behaviour, it would get to a black screen and I would have to hold the power button and then press it again to startup.I ended up taking this MBP back for another problem, and they replaced it with a 2011 MBP (since I had recurring logic board that failed a few times).Anyway, I swapped the SSD from my old mac into the new one, and I have the exact same behaviour!!Seems to be some corrupt settings or something. So I booted from a Mac installation disc, wiped my hard drive and reinstalled the OS, then I restored from Time Machine, and unticked the option to restore settings.I want to also add, that my backlit keyboard isn't working either.I tried resetting the SMC, but the power light on my charger didn't cycle orange/green, so I'm not sure if it worked. I tried multiple time, following Apple instructions.I also reset the PRAM, which did work.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch, Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 16GB RAM, OCZ Vertex 3 Max IOPS 240
I just having problem with starting my Macboook. First, at start screen (gray background with the apple logo) appears pink/red horizontal lines over all the screen. Then, when i'm using my computer, screen goes black for no reason and i need to force restart to turn on the Mac.I can't believe this is happening to a "HIGH QUALITY" expensive computer. This seems happening to 2011 Macbook Pros...
I got my IMac 3 years ago just recently started running slower in the past couple months, nothing too bad though. However just yesterday it became unbearable to use. 10 min to start up, once it was on took forever to open up any files etc. So I did some research online and I decided my best option was to reinstall the OS with my startup disk. I did that and erased all my harddrive (nothing important on it.) After doing that it ran great like brand new. Today I turn it on, it continues to work great for a few hours then it freezes in me. I held down the power button to restart. Turned back on and it was stuck on the white apple startup screen. After 15 min I decided to power it off and let it rest a while. After resting it still won't start up.
Recently my Mac Pro has been going to a black screen when idle for a while and I need to power off using the power button and restart. It's not set to ever go to sleep but if I use the sleep function under the Apple, it functions as it should, waking when I touch a key (although I don't let it sit for a while before I wake it). When it is in the black screen mode, it still is performing Time Machine backups.
So my 13" MBP arrived today and unfortunately my first mac experience isn't a pleasant one. The computer wont start. I am hoping I am doing something wrong but I have gone through the step by step troubleshooting and my computer just sits there with a blank black screen. It shows that the charge is full and when I click the power button the little white light glows in front, however, no sound nor no startup happens on the screen.
Power just went out and now our iMac ('11) wont restart. When I power on, the start up sound plays and then a white screen with the apple and an spinning circle underneath. After 10 mins, I shut it down and tried again.
Everytime I turn it on I get a black box asking to shut down or restart the mac. I have managed to get it to turn on to powersave and managed to update the software. Thought it might help but just made it worse - it won't boot up at all now past an apple symbol with a little swirly thingy underneath (I apologise now for my lack of intelligence when it comes to computers/knowledge/names of things!) The first time I managed to boot the computer up it came up with the grey screen and a little folder flashing between a face and a question mark which I assume meant it couldn't find anything but that appears to have gone away now. I bought this computer new from Apple about 2 - 3 years ago and no disks were provided with it.
I was playing Diablo II and my screen froze, and the same half second blip of sound kept playing over and over. I couldn't even force quit, so I held down the power button until it turned off.
Now, it won't turn on. When I press the power button, there is no chime. Oddly there are an inordinate number of fan wooshes. Like, I hear a woosh from the right, which is normal, but then I hear a woosh from the left, then another in the middle! I am being bombarded with wooshes!I've tried holding alt, or holding shift, or holding alt+s while starting up. No dice, although I do get fewer fan blasts, which is normal.
My father owns one of the original G5s, so its power pc not intel. Today while browsing an excel spreadsheet he says part of the screen turned black, then the monitor shut off, then the monitor came back on but not video. Mean while the fans started spinning out of control. Now when he tries to turn it on, he gets power, but all that happens is the fans spinning faster and faster and faster until he turns it off. No video or anything. Just speeding fans. He fears the CPUs died since they control the fans. Any suggestions? He also says the fans were spinning unusually fast these last few days.
New iMac is stuck on grey apple screen after startup. It is a 3.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i5 running OS 10.9.4. The problem occurred after a migration from my older 2009 iMac which is running Snow Leopard 10.6.6. When the restart occurred from Migration Assistant, the new computer will not boot up to the login screen. Disk utility did not solve problem.
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I tried to install Windows 7 via Bootcamp a couple weeks back, but shortly after it failed, I deleted the Bootcamp partition in Bootcamp Assistant. However, whenever I want to boot my computer, it tries to go into the Windows Installation, but it gets stuck on the flashing underscore on the top left of the black screen. Henceforth, whenever I want to boot into OSX, I have to hold down both ALT keys. is there any way of fixing this so the iMac boots STRAIGHT into OSX (like normally)
Does anyone else consistently experience a black screen and 'nothing' when they request a restart from XP side of a boocamped machine, but not the OSX side?
Finder is refusing to let me shut down my macbook.
I have tried multiple ways to try and get my mac book pro to shut down, but every time finder pops up and tells me that "there are operations still running, quit them and then try again" something along those lines. I've tried to end processes in the activity moniter, I've done the command + option + escape and the window pops up and shows there is nothing running. I've also tried to hold down the power button for 7 seconds and it still says I am unable to shut down my computer because there are processes still running.
I really don't want my computer battery fried by having it on all day, every day.
I am no longer able to drag and drop. I can't drag a file from one folder to another or to the trashcan. I can't pick things up and move them in any application, such as Photoshop or Illustrator. When I attempt to drag something, I click, the cursor picks it up, and then I can't drop it anywhere. Everywhere I move the mouse, the object or icon goes. Nothing I do will make it drop. I have to command+option+esc to open up Force Quit. Once I force quit the application I initiated the drag in, the problem goes away. The problem is not associated with the trackpad. It persists even when using my old USB mouse and with my mighty mouse. I have all one-touch settings turned off. See attached screen caps of my trackpad, mouse, and universal access settings.